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Risk factors for high sow mortality in French swine herds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Episodes of high sow mortality rates affect profitability of swine farms. However, relevant control actions are difficult to implement. The objective of this study was to identify the risk factors for high levels of sow mortality rate (HM) in French swine herds. A case-control study was carried out in 102 swine herds located in Brittany (western France). Level of sow mortality of a herd was quantified by the annual mortality rate using sow-days as denominator. Fifty-five (53.9%) herds which experienced a sow mortality rate over 5% were classified as HM herds. Logistic regression was used to assess associations of managerial practices and disease prevalence with the odds of HM. High prevalence of urinary tract infections, metritis or lameness were significantly associated with a HM herd status (P < 0.10, OR ranging from 3.4 to 5.2). Multiplying herds were herds at higher risk for sow mortality than commercial farrow-to-finish herds. Providing three meals per day instead of two to dry sows decreased the odds of HM. Feeding plans where the maximum daily amount of feed provided to lactating sows was lower than 8 kg and was reached before 15 d in lactation were related to lower odds of HM (P < 0.10). Average age at weaning of 28 d or more and/or small average litter size at birth (12 piglets or less) were associated with higher odds of experiencing HM.  相似文献   

Crating sows in farrowing systems greatly restricts their normal behaviour (e.g. movement, nest-building, leaving the nest site for defecation), which is usually justified by the assumption that piglet mortality is higher with loose-housed sows. Based on experiments showing that this is not the case, farrowing crates were banned in Switzerland in 1997, with a 10-year transitional period. Since then, many farms have introduced loose farrowing systems, enabling an analysis of risk factors for piglet mortality in crateless farrowing systems based on a large sample size. Data from a Swiss sow recording scheme (UFA2000) were analysed using generalised linear mixed-effects models with an underlying Poisson distribution. Average total piglet mortality for the years 2002 and 2003 on 99 farms (N = 12457 litters) with loose farrowing systems amounted to 1.36 liveborn piglets per litter. The number of crushed piglets was 0.64 piglets per litter, whereas the number of piglets that died for other reasons was 0.72 piglets per litter.Herd size, pen size, possibility of confinement of the sow, presence of piglet protection bars and year of data collection did not significantly influence total piglet losses, losses due to crushing and losses due to reasons other than crushing. With greater litter size at birth, significantly more losses occurred due to all reasons (total, crushed, others). Total piglet mortality and losses for reasons other than crushing were significantly higher in older sows. Losses were therefore mainly attributable to sow-related characteristics rather than to the design of the farrowing pen.  相似文献   

A cohort study was carried out on 112 breeding pig farms in England to investigate the impact of type of farrowing accommodation on preweaning mortality in piglets. Four types of farrowing accommodation were studied; farrowing crates, indoor loose pens, crate/loose systems (where the sow was restrained in a crate during birth and the first days of lactation before being moved to a loose pen) and outdoor farrowing in arcs in paddocks. Four estimates of preweaning mortality were collected: an oral estimate from the farmer before the visit, an estimate from the 6-month rolling average from computer records, records from 20 litters observed when the farm was visited and prospective records collected from 20 farrowings after the visit. These four estimates were significantly correlated. The prospective records also included a farmer reported date and cause of death. From the prospective data there were 25,031 piglets from 2143 litters from 112 farms, 6.5% of piglets were stillborn while live born preweaning mortality was 12%. Mixed effect discrete time survival, binomial and competing risk, models were used to investigate the association between preweaning mortality and farrowing accommodation, controlling for sow parity, litter size and number of piglets stillborn and fostered. There was a reduced risk of stillbirths in outdoor farrowing systems compared with crated systems. Farmers reported that crushing of healthy piglets was the most frequent cause of death accounting for 55% of live born preweaning mortality. There was no significant difference in mortality in live born piglets by farrowing system. There was a significantly higher risk of farmer reported crushing of healthy live born piglets in outdoor arcs compared with piglets reared with sows in farrowing crates and a significantly reduced risk of death from causes other than crushing in piglets reared outdoors or in crate/loose systems compared with piglets reared in crated systems. We conclude that, in the farms in this study, farrowing crates reduced the risk of preweaning live born mortality attributable to crushing but piglets in this system were at increased risk of death from other causes. Consequently crates had no significant effect on overall preweaning mortality percentage. In all four commercial production systems; outdoor, farrowing crates, crate/loose farrowing systems and indoor loose housed systems, there were similar levels of mortality.  相似文献   

2010年4月以来,全国各地先后出现高死亡率吮乳仔猪腹泻,以冬春寒冷季节多发、持续时间长、高死亡率为特征,日龄越小死亡率越高,用药物及生物制剂均无法有效控制,给养殖业带来巨大的经济损失。按照流行性腹泻病毒感染、霉菌毒素及中毒等采取相应的防治措施,效果均不明显。按中兽医整体观念、辨证论治,将两方面病因有机结合起来,分析该疾病的病理机制,采用中药复方进行临床验证,取得较好的防治效果,为该病的预防和治疗提供了新的思路与方法。  相似文献   

A prospective longitudinal study was carried out on 39 outdoor breeding pig farms in England in 2003 and 2004 to investigate the risks associated with mortality in liveborn preweaning piglets. Researchers visited each farm and completed a questionnaire with the farmer and made observations of the paddocks, huts and pigs. The farmer recorded the number of piglets born alive and stillborn, fostered on and off and the number of piglets that died before weaning for 20 litters born after the visit. Data were analysed from a cohort of 9424 liveborn piglets from 855 litters. Overall 1274 liveborn piglets (13.5%) died before weaning. A mixed effect binomial model was used to investigate the associations between preweaning mortality and farm and litter level factors, controlling for litter size and number of piglets stillborn and fostered. Increased risk of mortality was associated with fostering piglets over 24 h of age, organic certification or membership of an assurance scheme with higher welfare standards, farmer's perception that there was a problem with pest birds, use of medication to treat coccidiosis and presence of lame sows on the farm. Reduced mortality was associated with insulated farrowing huts and door flaps, women working on the farm and the farmer reporting a problem with foxes.  相似文献   

The integrated commercial poultry system is a highly connected network in which routine activities keep farms within a geographic area in constant contact. Consequently, biosecurity practices designed to minimize the transmission of infectious diseases between and within farms are an important component of modern flock health programs. A survey of Georgia poultry growers was conducted in order to assess the level of adoption of standard biosecurity measures by farm personnel and visitors. The results showed that compliance with recommended biosecurity practices did not significantly vary by company, farm size, or number of farms owned by the same grower. However, biosecurity was higher in the northern part of the state, where the density of farms is higher, and where there was an ongoing outbreak of infectious laryngotracheitis at the time of the study. The survey found that growers place more emphasis on biosecurity measures targeting farm visitors than those targeting farm personnel. Most growers reported that all visitors to the farm were required to wear shoe covers, although visitors were not typically required to park outside the farm entrance or to wash tires on their vehicles. No visitor type was reportedly excluded from poultry houses during grow out on all farms. The results highlight the need to evaluate the comparative efficacy of specific biosecurity measures in order to set priorities and attain feasible rates of implementation of targeted biosecurity practices.  相似文献   

Mixed fecal samples of 264 litters from five piglet production farms (155-238 sows/farm) were investigated three times during the suckling period for the occurrence of Isospora suis over the period of 1 year. On all five farms Isopora suis was found to be a common endoparasite with infection rates being highest in litters of 3-4 weeks of age. By the end of the third investigation period the cumulative infection rate was 53.8% of the litters ranging from 20.0% to 81.5% for the single farms. During the suckling period the infection rate increased from 18.6% to 32.6% and then to 37.7%. Diarrhea was present in 66.3% of the sampled litters with the highest rates at the end of the suckling period. 63.4% of the litters which showed diarrhea and 34.8% of those without diarrhea excreted I. suis within the study period. Diarrhea was recorded for 78.2% of the I. suis-positive litters and for 52.5% of the Isospora-negative litters. In summer and fall the occurrence of I. suis was higher (66.3% and 61.0%, respectively) than in spring and winter (47.7% and 37.9%, respectively). In litters with diarrhea and pathogenic E. coli I. suis often occurred simultaneously. Above-average hygiene measures and mainly perforated pen floors seemed to lower the risk of isosporosis. With the exception of Strongyloides ransomi other parasites were not found in the fecal samples of suckling piglets. Two specialized piglet rearing farms, a conventional large-scale rearing unit and a farm managed according to the segregated early weaning (SEW) system were examined three times during the 6-7 week rearing period. In both units I. suis was common, but was not correlated with diarrhea. In the SEW unit the infection rates decreased from 37.5% to 20.2% and to 4.1%, while the infection rate in the conventional unit slightly increased from the first (17.2%) to the second (21.9%) investigation and stayed at this level at the third sampling.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the accuracy of sow culling classifications reported by lay personnel on commercial swine farms. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. ANIMALS: A convenience sample of 923 sows from 8 conventional, farrow-to-wean farms that followed standard operating procedures. PROCEDURES: Sows were examined at slaughter, and lesions were recorded. Individual production records were reviewed to determine the farm-reported reason for culling the sows, and criteria were developed to assess the accuracy of recorded culling classifications. RESULTS: For 209 of the 923 (23%) sows, the farm-reported culling classification was judged to be inaccurate. The culling code was considered to be inaccurate for 62 of 322 (19%) sows reportedly culled because of old age, 48 of 172 (28%) sows reportedly culled because of failure to conceive, 31 of 90 (34%) sows reportedly culled because of poor body condition, and 23 of 73 (32%) sows reportedly culled because of poor farrowing productivity. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that for commercial swine farms, farm-reported culling code classifications were frequently inaccurate. This degree of inaccuracy may cause severe limitations for studies that rely on farm-reported assessments of clinical conditions.  相似文献   

We studied the associations of the weaning litter weight (WLWt) and number of pigs weaned (PW) with measurements of postweaning reproductive performance and examined the repeatability of WLWt, PW and average pig weight at weaning (PIGWt) on commercial swine farms. This study spanned 6 years and was conducted using 57,611 weaning records from 11,574 sows born in 1999 on 92 farms. Variance components analysis was used to determine the repeatability of measurements of lactational performance. Mixed-effects models were used to analyze the associations of measurements of lactational performance with farrowing rate and weaning-to-first-mating interval. The values for repeatability of WLWt, PIGWt and PW were 0.31, 0.34 and 0.17, respectively. No differences in weaning-to-first-mating intervals were found among the five PW groups (< or = 6, 7 to 8, 9 to 10, 11 and 12 to 14 pigs) or among the three WLWt groups (< or = 48.0, 48.0 to 69.0 and > or = 69.0 kg). Sows with 12 to 14 PW had farrowing rates similar to those with 9 to 11 PW. Sows with a WLWt > or = 69.0 kg had the highest farrowing rate (P<0.01). However, sows with 11 PW had an approximately 100 to 200 g lighter PIGWt than those with 4 to 10 PW (P<0.01). This study suggests that increased WLWt and PW do not impair postweaning reproductive performance, but instead decrease PIGWt.  相似文献   

Data from 67 pig farms with a variety of farrowing systems were used to identify factors associated with preweaning mortality in British pig herds. The median mortality reported by the farmers was 10.7 per cent (interquartile range 8.5 to 14 per cent). There was a significantly higher mortality when the pigs were weaned when they were older. A multivariable Poisson model was developed into which the types of farrowing system on each farm and the age at weaning were forced. Factors associated with a lower preweaning mortality rate were insulating the farrowing building, providing extra heat at farrowing, giving the piglets iron injections, dipping their navels, using fan ventilation and using artificial lighting systems. Factors associated with a higher mortality rate were a later weaning age, the use of infra-red lamps rather than other forms of supplementary heat, and the use of a creep without any bedding.  相似文献   

Florida has the largest population of feral swine in the U.S.A. Feral swine have recreational and economic importance to hunters, trappers, taxidermists, and also to dealers who sell feral swine to hunting clubs. Hunters spent over 522 00 man-days hunting feral swine during the 1980–1981 hunting year. They killed nearly 103 000 hogs which they valued at over $58 each, for a total value of nearly $6 million. Trappers caught 25 000 head valued at about $ 700 000, and landowners collected about $1.2 million in hunting lease fees. Taxidermists received about $389 000 in gross income from mounting feral swine. Sales of feral swine to hunting clubs amounted to about $81 000.

Sales of feral swine through commercial livestock auctions were limited to 1620 head valued at only $16 800 in 1980. Thus, feral swine are important to Florida from a recreational standpoint, but not from the perspective of commercial agriculture.

If African swine fever were to enter Florida, there are many socio-economic factors associated with feral swine that must be carefully evaluated for eradication to be successful.  相似文献   

This study compared the reproductive and growth performances of pigs before and after depopulation andrestocking after a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in Japan. Data for the time period before and afterdepopulation and restocking were obtained from three farrow-to-finish farms. As a result of depopulation andrestocking, hygiene levels were improved, and common infectious diseases, such as porcine reproductive andrespiratory syndrome and Aujeszky’s disease, remained undetected on the farms. Compared with beforedepopulation, reproductive and growth performances improved after depopulation; the number of total pigs bornwas higher, the postweaning mortality rate was lower, and the age at slaughter was lower(P<0.05). In summary, depopulation and restocking improved the reproductive and growthperformances of pigs.  相似文献   

为了解福建某地区生猪养殖环节目前的生物安全水平,提升动物疫病防控工作的针对性、科学性,于2020年3~4月采用问卷调查和现场调查相结合的方式,对该地区现有的51个养殖场(户)进行调查。结果显示:该地区现有养殖场均具备基本生物安全硬件设施,制度执行基本到位,但存在部分场址位置、场区布局不合理,人员与车辆管理不到位,从业人员水平良莠不齐等问题。建议持续推进规范化养殖场建设,提升从业人员疫病防控水平,加大监督检查力度,全面提高该地区养殖场的生物安全水平。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine genetic parameters of individual and sow records on litter size and weights at 21 and 35 days in Mukota pigs. Data gathered from 1961 pigs at the University of Zimbabwe between January 1998 and August 2003, were analysed. Individual pig traits analysed were the weight at 21 days of age (THRWT), weight at weaning (WWT) and average daily gain from birth to weaning (ADGWW). Sow performance traits considered were the litter weight after 21 days (LTHRWT), litter weight at weaning (LWWT), number of pigs weaned (NW) and mothering ability (MA). An animal model was used to estimate genetic parameters using the average information restricted maximum likelihood procedure. Individual pig records were analysed using models with or without litter effects and maternal genetic effects. Incorporating the maternal genetic variance component drastically reduced the standard errors of the heritability estimates. The heritabilities for LTHRWT, LWWT and MA were 0.18, 0.15 and 0.05, respectively. The LWWT and NW were positively correlated. There were no genetic relationships between MA and LTHRWT and LWWT. No antagonisms should be expected when selecting for MA and increasing litter weights in Mukota pigs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the factors affecting piglet mortality (square root of mortality, SQRM) and average weaning weight (AWW) in commercial farms in central China. Information on sow diets, management and climate from 2478 weaning batches completed in 16 pig farms was collected from 2009 to 2013. Multi‐level mixed models, which included batch level (level 1) and farm level (level 2), were used to analyze the factors associated with SQRM and AWW. The mean values of SQRM and AWW were 2.52% (SD = 0.96) and 7.31 (SD = 0.77), respectively. Lactation sow diets supplemented with oregano essential oils (OEOs) decreased the SQRM (< 0.05) and increased the AWW of piglets (< 0.01). The SQRM was lower in period 2 (June to September, hot) than in period 1 (February to May, warm) and period 3 (October to January, cold; < 0.05 and 0.001, respectively). The AWW was lower in periods 2 and 3 than in period 1 (< 0.01). In conclusion, supplying OEOs to lactation diets can increase the weaning weight and reduce the mortality of piglets. The sources of variations in SQRM and AWW are of greater concern in the warm season than in the hot season.  相似文献   

Data of 127,800 Iberian piglets were used to study genetic parameters of mortality at birth at the piglet level. These records proceed from three data sets: 4,987 litter of 2,156 sows of a dam line, 2,768 litter of 817 sows of a complete diallel cross between four Iberian strains and 7,153 litter of 2,113 sows of the Torbiscal composite line. Perinatal mortality was considered as a binary trait, and Bayesian threshold animal models were fitted to separately analyse the three data sets. The posterior means of direct heritability were 0.010, 0.004 and 0.003, and those of maternal heritability were 0.034, 0.011 and 0.014 for dam line, diallel cross and Torbiscal line, respectively. Important effects of litter size and parity order were inferred in the three data sets, of within‐breed cross‐breeding parameters in the diallel cross and of sex and sow handling in the Torbiscal line Therefore, the inclusion of perinatal mortality in the objective of selection is questionable in this breed and strategies for reducing piglet mortality successful in other breeds should be considered.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to investigate management routines and environmental factors influencing postnatal piglet mortality in commercial herds with individually loose-housed sows. Last year production records from 39 herds were used. We gathered information on specific routines as well as environmental factors by visiting every farm once. Herds practising moderate roughage feeding during pregnancy tended to have lower piglet mortality (p=0.06). Use of farrowing rails along all the sides of the pen resulted in lower piglet mortality than when no rails were present (p<0.01). Herds that hardly used any litter in the sow area at the time of farrowing had significantly higher piglet mortality than herds that used a moderate or large amount (p<0.05). Helping the piglets to obtain colostrum immediately after birth also reduced mortality (p<0.05), whereas other routines such as shutting the piglets inside the creep area while feeding the sow did not have any significant effect.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of management, environmental and temporal factors of farms and batches on mortality and feed consumed per market hog. Information of management, environmental and temporal factors from 158 all-in all-out finishing batches completed in 27 integrated fattening farms in Galicia (Spain) were collected from 1999 to 2002. Multilevel random effects models were used to determine the factors associated with the mortality and the average amount of feed provided per marketed hog. The level 1 unit was the finishing batch (batch level). At the level 2 the fattening farm where the batch of pigs was developed was introduced as random effects.A bad level of care provided by the farmer to the pigs increased the risk of mortality (P = 0.03). The mortality of the fattening batch was associated with the supplier sow farm (P < 0.01). The level of mortality of the batches of piglets entered the fattening farms both between January and April and October and December was higher than for batches incorporated from May to August (P < 0.01). The year when the piglets entered the farm was significantly associated with mortality (P < 0.01). The introduction of such variables in the multilevel model for mortality reduced the total unexplained variation by 41.06%. The proportion of the variation of the mortality attributable to the fattening farms was small (3.65%). The variability of mortality was higher when the placement of piglets was from September to December (P = 0.01).Higher consumption of feed was recorded when the feed was provided in a non-pellet form (P < 0.01). The introduction of piglets between September and December was associated with a higher consumption of feed (P < 0.01). The average final weight of the hogs was positively associated with the feed consumed per hog of the fattening batch (P < 0.01). The amount of feed provided per hog was statistically different among the years and these effects were modified by the level of mortality recorded in the batch and by the average weight of the marketed hogs. After introducing all the fixed effects in the multilevel model for feed provided per hog the unexplained variation at the farm and batch level was reduced by 47.72% and 85.35%, respectively. A considerable amount of variation of feed provided per hog resided at the fattening farm (32.50%). When the piglets were placed on September–December the variability of feed consumed was higher than in the other two periods of the year (P = 0.02). In conclusion, our study shows that specific factors of the batches are the main contributors to explain mortality. On the other hand, by improving permanent farm characteristics a substantial profit is expected in the long run as a result of lower feed costs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the effect of piglet birth weight on future BW, growth, backfat, and longissimus muscle area of pigs in a commercial U.S. production system. Pigs (n = 5727) at a commercial farm were individually weighed and identified within 24 h of birth. Weights were collected prior to weaning (n = 4108), after finisher placement (n = 3439), and 7 (n = 1622) and 16 (n = 1586) weeks into finishing; hot carcass weight was also collected (n = 1693). Average daily gain during lactation, nursery, finishing, and overall (birth to 16 weeks into finishing) was calculated. During BW collection 16 weeks into finishing, real-time ultrasound backfat thickness and longissimus muscle area were measured. Sex × birth weight (linear and quadratic) interactions were observed for BW at weaning and finisher placement and daily gain during pre-weaning and nursery. Linear birth weight × cross foster interactions were observed for weaning weight and pre-weaning gain. Linear and quadratic effects of birth weight on BW at weaning, finisher placement, 7 and 16 weeks into finishing, and hot carcass weight and average daily gain during pre-weaning, nursery, finishing, and total were observed. For all measures of BW and average daily gain, as birth weight increased subsequent BW and average daily gain increased at a decreasing rate; however, for the sex × birth weight (linear and quadratic) interactions, heavier birth weight barrows were lighter and grew slower than gilts of comparable birth weight. Worth noting, the birth weight × sex interactions described very few pigs in the extreme portion of the birth weight distribution. For birth weight × cross foster interactions, non-cross fostered pigs were increasingly heavier and faster growing as birth weight increased compared to cross fostered pigs. Heavier birth weight pigs tended to have increased backfat depth (P = 0.07). Linear and quadratic effects of birth weight on longissimus muscle area were observed; as birth weight increased muscling increased at a decreasing rate. Regardless of interactions or period of production, increased birth weight resulted in heavier future BW, faster daily gain along with larger longissimus muscle area prior to harvest. In all instances the magnitude of the negative effect of birth weight increased as birth weight decreased.  相似文献   

Over a 6-month period, the mean mortality risk (based on 393 operations participating in the United States National Animal Health Monitoring System 1995 National Swine Study, and representing operations with ≥ 300 market hogs in 16 states), was 2.3 ± 0.2% in the grower/finisher production phase (where figures after the ± represent the standard error of the estimate). Mortality ≥ 4% was experienced by 13.5 2.9% of grower/finisher operations, while 63.6 ± 5.3% had ≤ 2% mortality. To identify factors associated with ≥ 4% mortality, stepwise logistic regression [Statistical Analysis Systems, (1989). SAS/STAT® User's Guide, Version 6, 4th edn, Vol. 2. SAS Institute, Cary, NC, 794 pp.]was performed twice: once using operations with all mortality rates, and again excluding operations with between 2% and 4% mortality. Final models were run with SUDAAN [Shah, B.V., Barnwell, B.G., Bieler, G.S., (1996). SUDAAN User's Manual, Version 6.40, 2nd edn. Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, 492 pp.] to take the sample design into account. In addition, SAS and SUDAAN logistic regression models were developed to analyze factors associated with > 2.3% mortality among grower/finisher pigs. Mean weaning age ≤ 28 days entered all models as being associated with increased mortality in the grower/finisher unit. Not obtaining all grower/finisher pigs from farrowing units belonging to the operation was associated with ≥ 4% mortality among grower/finisher swine. Not typically giving grower/finisher pigs antibiotics or other agents as disease-preventives or growth-promotants in the feed or water, and ranking producer organizations as very or extremely important sources of antibiotic information were associated with ≤ 2.3% mortality in the grower/finisher phase.  相似文献   

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