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A rapid, sensitive and specific high-pressure liquid chromatographic method was developed to analyse residues of binapacryl, bupirimate and diflubenzuron on mature foliage and fruit at intervals after application of the compounds to Worcester and Cox apple trees. The three compounds were applied as commercial formulations in trials to compare integrated pest management with routine farm spray-programmes. The identities of the residues were confirmed by a combination of thin-layer chromatography, ultraviolet spectrometry and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Only diflubenzuron persisted on foliage until leaf-fall. None of the applied compounds was detectable on harvested fruit, the minimum quantifiable residue levels being 1, 5 and 2.5 μg kg?1 fresh weight for binapacryl, bupirimate and diflubenzuron, respectively.  相似文献   

The insecticide chlorpyrifos (O,O-diethyl O-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl phosphorothioate) was applied to sweet corn (Zea mays L.) by chemigation, injecting either an emulsifiable formulation or technical chlorpyrifos dissolved in soybean oil into 0·25 cm or 1·27 cm sprinkler-applied irrigation water. Half of the plots treated with chlorpyrifos in 0·25 cm water were immediately irrigated further with 1·27 cm water without chlorpyrifos. Half the plots treated with chlorpyrifos in 1·27 cm water were irrigated with another 1·27 cm water without chlorpyrifos 10 days later. Neither the volume of water used to apply the insecticide nor subsequent irrigation affected chlorpyrifos residues on the corn foliage or in the soil. Chemigation of the soybean oil solution resulted in three times more chlorpyrifos on the foliage than chemigation of the emulsion formulation, apparently because of greater adhesion of the oil droplets to the foliar surface. Chlorpyrifos residues in foliage declined with an initial half-life of one day. Chlorpyrifos on or near the soil surface declined with an initial half-life of approximately four days.  相似文献   

The mildew fungicide triforine is incompatible with calcium chloride used to reduce the incidence of bitter pit in apples. Two commercial non-ionic surfactants delayed sedimentation in spray mixtures containing both triforine and calcium chloride. The biological efficiency of triforine, alone or with calcium chloride plus surfactant, was tested in an orchard trial which included binapacryl, alone or with calcium chloride, as ‘standard’ treatment. Triforine (weekly or fortnightly) controlled mildew on Cox's Orange Pippin and Golden Delicious better than binapacryl, and the addition of calcium chloride did not affect adversely the control by either fungicide. The added calcium chloride had little effect on the deposition and persistence of the fungicides. The inclusion of calcium chloride in spray programmes slightly improved the yields (both cultivars) and russet grade (Cox only) associated with each fungicide. Calcium chloride sprays, whether mixed or alternated, increased the calcium levels in postharvest fruit for both varieties, and decreased the incidence of bitter pit for Cox after storage for 5½ months. No adverse effect was associated with the inclusion of the surfactants in tank mixtures containing either fungicide.  相似文献   

The residual toxicity of lambda-cyhalothrin on leaves from a treated apple orchard to a mite predator,Amblyseius fallacis (Garman), in the laboratory, declined to one-third of its original level within 3 weeks. The absence ofA. fallacis on apple trees during the pink bud stage coupled with the results of this study pave the way for the development of integrated pest management strategies where key pre-bloom pests, such as the tarnished plant bug,Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), may be controlled with lambda-cyhalothrin with little if any toxic effects to the predator later in the season. Two years of field testing indicated that 10 g a.i./ha of lambda-cyhalothrin applied at pink was very effective against the tarnished plant bug.  相似文献   

Trials in 1975 and 1976 showed that deposit levels of the fungicide binapacryl, on the leaves of bush trees of Cox's Orange Pippin (Cox) after mist blower spraying, varied inversely with tree spread. Deposit levels were measured on young mildew-susceptible leaves from a well-sprayed zone around the periphery of the tree canopy at a height of 1.5 m. Low deposit levels in large, dense trees were associated with poor mildew control. Leaves from the smallest trees had deposit levels considerably greater than those found for larger trees (in another nearby orchard) which had adequate mildew control. Fungicide deposit levels on leaves from up to five different zones of trees of three different sizes (the largest trees were of the variety Bramley's Seedling) were measured in 1977. The smallest trees had significantly higher deposit levels than the larger trees in the lower centre and lower outside zones of the trees, whereas both orchards of Cox had the same (commercially acceptable) level of mildew infection at the end of the season. Leaves from zones less accessible to spray had lowerdeposit levels than those nearer the sprayer.  相似文献   

Tebufenozide, an insect growth regulator that acts as an ecdysone agonist, was applied at recommended label rate to apple trees in August 1997 and May 1998. Foliar residues were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography from samples collected 2, 24, 48 and 96 h post-spray, and at weekly intervals thereafter for 9 weeks in 1997 and 11 weeks in 1998. Foliage sampled at the same times was used in bioassays to determine residual toxicity to first-instar obliquebanded leafrollers, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris). Residue decay followed first-order kinetics in both years, with residual half-life of 36.3 days in 1997 and 7.2 days in 1998. Estimates of the time needed to reduce bioactivity to 50% in bioassays were 18.7 days in 1997 and 36.3 days in 1998. The accuracy of equations describing decay of tebufenozide residues and bioactivity over time was not improved by using degree-day accumulations as the independent variable.  相似文献   

48%毒死蜱乳油苗木消毒处理防治苹果绵蚜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有效的灭虫处理技术是防止苹果绵蚜进一步扩散危害的重要手段。本试验用48%毒死蜱处理带虫苹果枝条和幼苗以及冷藏处理带虫苹果果实,结果表明:接穗和幼苗分别经48%毒死蜱乳油1 500倍液浸泡处理10 s和30 s,48 h后可完全杀灭其上苹果绵蚜,且安全可靠;而带虫果经低温(3℃)冷藏处理40 d后仍不能完全杀灭果实内的苹果绵蚜。  相似文献   

Neonectria galligena can cause European canker of apple as well as fruit rot. Healthy unwounded fruits on potted trees of cvs Cox, Bramley and Gala were inoculated with conidia of N. galligena to investigate the effects of wetness duration and fruit maturity on rot development. Overall, the incidence of fruit rot was influenced more by fruit maturity at the time of inoculation than by duration of wetness (6–48 h). Young fruit were most susceptible to infection, with 50% of fruit infected when inoculated up to 4 weeks after full bloom. The susceptibility decreased initially until c. 2 months after full bloom and then increased gradually until harvest. Almost all preharvest symptoms (eye rot) developed only on the fruit inoculated up to 4 weeks after full bloom. All other rots were observed after six‐month postharvest storage under controlled atmospheric conditions. However, the relative proportion of preharvest eye rots and postharvest storage rots varied greatly among three years. The effect of wetness duration was only significant for fruit inoculated in their early stages of development but not for those inoculated near harvest. Regression models were developed to describe the observed effects of fruit maturity and wetness on the incidence of total nectria rots.  相似文献   

Feeding the last instar larvae of Nephantis serinopa, the coconut black-headed caterpillar, on coconut leaves that had been dipped in diflubenzuron suspensions (0.2-4.0 g litre?1) and dried, inhibited the moulting process and caused morphogenetic deformities of their pupae. The inhibition of moulting ranged from 27.5 to 75% The maximum effect was produced by suspensions of 4.0 g litre?1 when only 5% of the larvae survived to become adults against 97.5% of untreated larvae.  相似文献   

苹果黑点病症状及病原菌鉴定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近年在甘肃省天水、陇南苹果产区发现苹果果实黑点病 ,经对其病原菌形态、培养性状和致病性等方面的测定表明 ,其主要致病菌为苹果柱盘孢霉 (Cylindrosporium pomi Brooks) ,其次为苹果茎点菌 (Phomapomi Pass)。该病在苹果不同品种果实上造成的症状不同 ,将其归纳为 5种症状类型。该病在我国尚属首次发现  相似文献   

Although the fungus Zygophiala wisconsinensis is a prominent component of the sooty blotch and flyspeck (SBFS) disease complex of apple, few studies have characterized in situ morphological adaptations of this or other SBFS species that accompany colonization of the epicuticular wax layer of fruit. Scanning electron microscope was used to monitor stages in the formation of sclerotium-like bodies on the wax surface, as well as ramifications from these structures to form secondary sclerotium-like bodies. At a mature stage in the formation of sclerotium-like bodies, the matrix of hyphae, conidiophores, and conidia between these bodies collapsed, resulting in formation of the independent clusters of typical colonies of species in the flyspeck mycelial type. Formation of conidiophores and secondary conidia in situ were also described for the first time for any flyspeck species. Observation of conidiophores on naturally and artificially inoculated apple peels with light microscope raises the possibility that formation of secondary conidia may be an important means of spatial dispersion of Z. wisconsinensis in apple orchards and the conidia might function in secondary spread.  相似文献   

果桑白果病的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 近年来本地少数乡村集中种植大面积只收桑椹的果用型桑树(简称果桑),以鲜销或制果酱、酿酒、饮料等进一步深加工的原料取得了很好的经济效益。  相似文献   

为了明确引起渭北富士苹果果形偏斜的原因,于2009~2010年在西北农林科技大学白水苹果试验站,以16~17年生的乔化富士苹果为主要试材,从授粉受精和果实类型两方面对其果形进行研究。结果表明:除粉红女士授粉外,秦冠、嘎拉、新红星3个品种授粉都均降低富士苹果的果形偏斜指数,改善果形;柱头数对富士果实形状有明显影响,人为去除3~4个柱头会明显减少果实种子数,导致果实发育畸形。种子数和种子在心室中的分布决定了果实的形状,端正果每个心室几乎均有种子分布,偏斜果至少有1个心室种子败育,畸形果至少有2个心室中的种子败育。比较长、中、短果枝果形,长果枝果实的果形指数明显大于中、短果枝,而果形偏斜指数小于中、短果枝,但差异不显著。下垂果多为果形高桩的端正果,畸形果少,果形偏斜指数明显小于侧生果。  相似文献   

Effects of fungicides on long-term cropping and fruit quality of apple   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The effects on cropping of 24 applications, over a 3-year period, of each of five fungicidal programmes to control powdery mildew ( Podosphaera leucotricha ) were examined on the apple cultivar Cox's Orange Pippin. Trees receiving programmes based on ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors (EBIs)-fenarimol, a triadimefon/bitertanol mixture and an experimental compound coded PP 347-each applied at 2-week intervals during the growing season had significantly ( c . 40%) less yield than those receiving the standard programme of binapacryl (not an EBI), applied weekly. Yield with a fourth EBI programme-based on penconazole-was also less than with binapacryl, but not significantly so. Both binapacryl and penconazole were used mixed with captan.
The lower yields were due to fewer apples harvested rather than to lower individual fruit weight. Possible reasons underlying these effects are discussed: the anti-gibberellin action of EBI compounds may be involved.  相似文献   

椰子织蛾是为害棕榈科植物的重要食叶害虫之一,2013年8月在我国海南首次发现。本文报道了该害虫各发育阶段的外部形态、COⅠ/cox1测序和比对的分子鉴定结果、寄主及为害情况。序列比对显示,目标样本430bp的cox1序列与NCBI中已提交的Opisina arenosella的线粒体COⅠ条形码序列覆盖率为100%,一致性达99.8%,表明分子遗传数据支持形态鉴定结果。调查发现,椰子织蛾寄主主要为椰子、王棕和林刺葵,已在海南9个市县发生,局部地区为害严重。椰子织蛾已在海南定殖、扩散,并形成经济和景观危害,其入侵将对我国南方热带、亚热带地区棕榈科植物的安全生产和生态环境构成重大威胁,需提高警惕,加强检疫,防止其扩散蔓延,并开展防治研究。  相似文献   

膏体迷向剂对苹果园梨小、桃小食心虫的防效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年在宁夏苹果园进行了复合膏体迷向剂对梨小、桃小食心虫防效的进一步试验,试验设3个处理(涂抹高度3.5m、3.5m/4.5m交叉涂抹、交叉涂抹空白区域)、1个对照,2种膏剂附着方式(树干附着、膏剂填装塑料瓶悬挂)。通过监测全年诱蛾量、调查果实膨大期与成熟期蛀果率分析防控效果。结果显示,复合式膏体迷向剂可有效防止梨小食心虫对果实的为害,涂抹高度3.5m时,梨小食心虫诱蛾量下降76.68%;交叉涂抹时,下降70.8%;交叉涂抹空白区域下降36.8%。3个处理成熟期蛀果率分别下降84.88%、91.39%、24.19%。由于试验区桃小食心虫种群密度小,试验无法确定该迷向剂对桃小食心虫的防治效果。  相似文献   

During European canker monitoring in an apple experimental orchard, 14 mummified fruit (two and three trees with 10 and four positive records in 2018 and 2019, respectively) showed perithecia. Perithecium production on apple fruit, confirmation of pathogenicity of Neonectria ditissima isolated from mummified fruit, and ascospore release from fruit tissues has rarely been reported, and their role in the epidemiology of European canker has been largely overlooked. Thus, the objectives of our study were to (a) prove the presence of both conidia and ascospores of N. ditissima in mummified fruit in an experimental field, confirming pathogenesis in different apple cultivars, and (b) monitor production of the two types of inoculum in infected apple fruit over time. Canker incidence in this orchard was 47% of trees with symptoms in 2018 and 48% in 2019. Molecular and morphological tests confirmed that the fungus detected in the mummified apple fruit was N. ditissima. Apple fruit with sporodochia and perithecia washed immediately after collection from the orchard showed conidia but no ascospores of N. ditissima. However, after 4 days’ incubation, perithecia on mummified fruit showed many ascospore cirri. Koch's postulates were fulfilled on apple plants and mature fruit. Fruit inoculated with N. ditissima released spores for over a year under Brazilian field conditions. The release of both spore types peaked in May (Brazilian leaf fall) and October (spring); release of conidia also peaked in February (early harvest). These results support our hypothesis that fruit can serve as primary inoculum for European canker in Brazilian apple orchards.  相似文献   

复合式膏体迷向剂对梨小、桃小食心虫的防控效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2012年在宁夏苹果园试验研究了复合式膏体迷向剂对梨小、桃小食心虫防控效果。试验设3个处理(涂抹高度2 m与3.5 m以及常规药剂防治),1次重复,通过监测全年诱蛾量、调查果实膨大期与成熟期蛀果率来分析防控效果。结果显示,复合式膏体迷向剂有效控制了梨小食心虫的危害,涂抹高度3.5 m时,梨小食心虫诱蛾数下降94.8%,涂抹高度2 m时,下降84.6%,两处理区成熟期蛀果率分别下降86.5%和63.9%。由于试验区桃小食心虫种群密度较小,本次试验尚无法确定该迷向剂对桃小食心虫的防治效果。  相似文献   

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