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A device for the irrigation of soil columns An irrigation device was designed for maintaining a constant water flow in soil columns over a long period of time. The apparatus consists of three construction elements: A balance for the dosage of the water, a sprinkler to distribute the water on the soil surface and an electronic time control to adjust different time steps. The wide range of possible rain intensities is shown. The mean variation of the water pulses and their distribution over the surface are discussed. The apparatus exhibits good results in long duration experiments.  相似文献   

Simulation of anion transport in undisturbed soil cores under steady-state flow conditions Miscible displacement experiments with undisturbed soil columns were carried out in the laboratory. Objective of the experiments was to collect information about the transport of Cl? and NO3? through field soils. The experiments were carried out with a forest soil and an agricultural soil. The flow velocity of the chloride and the nitrate solution was either 1 cm/day or 0,3 cm/day. Of each soil there were 5 replicates. The effluent of each of the columns was analyzed and the collected data were used for model calculations. It was found that the breakthrough curves of Cl? and NO3? were similar in shape. For the well-aggregated forest soil the apparent diffusion coefficient was much larger than for the agricultural soil. For both soils practically all of the chloride could be recovered in the effluent, but for nitrate considerable losses within the soil column were noted. It was also found that the chloride breakthrough could be described with a simple convection-dispersion equation. However a reduction of the total pore space, accounting for anion exclusion, was needed. Furthermore it was observed that for nitrate an additional sink term in the convection-dispersion equation was needed to account for the observed nitrate losses. It appears that the transport of nitrate and chloride through the soils that were studied can be described mathematically, provided the anion exclusion space and the rate of nitrate losses are known. The nature of the anion exclusion and the nitrate transformation needs further study.  相似文献   

Simultaneous determination of nitrogen transformation rates in soil columns using 15-N: N-Model of a Terra fusca-Rendzina soil Rates of ammonification, nitrification, immobilization, and denitrification were determined in undisturbed columns of a Terra fusca Rendzina soil. A steady input of 15-N labelled ammoniumsulfate with the irrigation water created a steady state of the turnover processes in the soil resulting in a constant output of 15-N-nitrate. In this state the rate constants (8°C) were K1 = 0.64 for the netto-N-nitrification, K2 = 0.11 for the netto-N-denitrification, and K3 = 0.25 for the netto-N-immobilization. 64% of the nitrate was leached, 25% immobilized in organic matter, and 11% denitrified. Relating these rate constants to the turnover of the soil nitrogen one can calculate the mean annual rates for the different processes of a forest soil, using the mean annual temperature. For the Göttinger Wald situation (T = 6.9°C) the following rates were calculated; Ammonification = 183 kg N·ha?1·a?1, immobilization = 44 kg N·ha?1·a?1, netto N-denitrification = 19 kg N·ha?1·a?1, and netto-N-mineralization = 120 kg N·ha?1·a?1.  相似文献   

Effects of a temperature increase in a field experiment on the nitrogen release from soil cores with different humus forms Global warming could have far-reaching consequences for the properties of soils. From the available knowledge it is postulated that an increase in temperature (all other climatic conditions unchanged) will decrease the nitrogen contents until a new equilibrium is reached. To test this hypothesis we established in the ‘Tegernsee Alps’ a field experiment. In spruce-dominated montane forests 60 undisturbed soil cores (= monoliths) were carefully digged out at 1250 and 1320 m asl and reestablished at 3 elevations (1250 m and 1010 m and at 740 m asl) corresponding to a warming of around 1 and 2°C. At each slope position we investigated a Dystric Cambisol with raw humus (RH) and another one with moder (MO). Each of these 6 trial-variants therefore was represented by 10 monoliths. From August 1992 to December 1995 seepage water was sampled by suction cups every 2 or 4 weeks and analyzed for the concentrations of important bioelements including aluminum, pH and electrical conductivity. After translocation to warmer climates additional nitrogen was released from both soil forms mainly as nitrate. The cambisol with the more active humus form moder reacted stronger than the one with raw humus (additional output > 40 vs. 34 kg ha?1 a?1; +2°C). In both soil forms the N release was accelerated in summer, in RH by 55 to 92 and in MO by 37 to 86 ppm. The Cambisol with moder showed higher nitrate leaching also in winter and thus was superior with regard to the total annual N output. In all cases Al was the most important associated cation to NO3? with 75% (RH) and 54% (MO) of the cation equivalent sum respectively. The experiment thus confirms a substantial increase of nitrification even by a temperature increase of only 1 and 2°C, which in permeable, well aerated soils should lead to increased nitrate leaching under conditions where no vegetation is interfering.  相似文献   

Extraction of a copper contaminated soil material by the percolation of an amino acid containing residue hydrolysate. 2. Time course of amino acid elution and input/output balance of amino acids During 16 days an amino acid containing blood meal hydrolysate (amino acid concentration: 188 mMol·L?1) was percolated through a column packed soil material (soil content per column: 4.1 kg dry weight, four parallels). The copper contaminated material (soil type: Typic Udifluvent, soil texture: sandy loam, loamy sand) was sampled from an area formerly used for cultivation of hop (Humulus lupus). Besides the investigation of the copper liberation the experiments aimed to determine the elution dynamic and input/output balance of amino acids (time span for amino acids balance 14 days). In total 11.7 L of hydrolysate, containing 2.2 Mol of amino acids, were introduced into each column. The mean amino acid output with the column effluent was 1.13 Mol. This corresponds to an elution degree of 51.2%, related to the sum of applicated amino acids, and to a mean substance specific elution degree of 48.4% reflecting the elution of 15 compounds. The substance specific elution ranged from 9.6% (serine) to 75.5% (valine). The highest concentrations of serine and threonine were determined in the effluents after two days, whereas the histidine concentration was highest at the last sampling. The differences in the percolation properties of the amino acids are discussed in terms of important retention and elimination processes (biodegradation, ad-/desorption, intercalation).  相似文献   

An apparatus for homogeneous micro-grinding of spectrochemical and other samples 1. For spectrochemical analysis of solid substances, mixtures which must fulfil definite criteria are required. The degree of the needed purity, completeness and homogeneity is described. 2. To obtain homogeneous material, the substance must be finely ground within a short time. The grinding problem was solved by developing an apparatus which includes a modefied mortar and pestle. Special points of construction which guarantee the specifications of grinding are given for both operation and efficiency. 3. The construction of the apparatus which is now manufactured is elucidated. The method of the applied test of qualifications is outlined.  相似文献   

An optimized method for the determination of protease activity in acid forest soils A method for the determination of protease activity was tested for its applicability to acid forest soils (O-horizon and mineral soil). The influences of the following parameters on the protease activity and its determination were investigated: incubation time, substrate concentration. pH-value of the incubation solution, buffer solution, sample matrix and storage of soil samples. In consequence of the results an optimized method is proposed. The application of this modified method to two forest sites with contrasting N-transformation indicates, that also in acid forest soils the determination of protease activity allows significant differentiations.  相似文献   

A method for determination of mass attenuation coefficients in diffractometric phase analysis A method for the direct determination of mass attenuation coefficients was tested. The attenuation of intensity of an X-ray beam diffracted from a crystalline sample support by covering the sample holder with the substance under investigation is used for the calculation. The effect of diffraction angle θ on the length of beam path in the sample was taken into account. The data obtained for kaolinite, quartz, boehmite, magnesite and calcite closely correspond with the results of methods using either more specialised equipment or direct calculation from the chemical composition. Several aspects concerning the application of the method for quantitative phase analysis are discussed. The suitability of the method for phase analysis of clays usually exhibiting low mass attenuation is emphasized.  相似文献   

A method to determine oxygen partial pressure and oxygen diffusion in single soil aggregates as a function of soil moisture tension Anaerobic zones occur even in unsaturated soils of silty or clayey texture, that are aerated sufficiently in their macropore system. These zones can be related to the inner parts of soil aggregates. To describe the oxygen balances in soils it is necessary to measure not only in soil profiles but as well in single soil aggregates within a range of soil matrix potentials. Therefore oxygen partial pressure in single soil aggregates of different texture was measured continuously as a function of soil matrix potential. For that purpose we developed an oxygen sensitive microelectrode with a tip diameter of 0.5 mm, that is sturdy enough to measure even in sandy soils. One microtensiometer (diameter of the tip < 0.5 mm) and one oxygen microelectrode were placed in water saturated soil aggregates. Soil water potential and oxygen partial pressure were measured continuously during soil drying. The results show an aeration of primarily anoxic soil aggregates at different soil matrix potentials due to different texture and structure. The clayey polyhedral aggregates of the Vertisol were aerated at significantly lower soil matrix potentials than the loamy prisms of the Fluvisol. These show higher values of oxygen partial pressure even at soil water potentials less than 150 hPa. In the aggregates of the Vertisol, that have a fine texture, values of rel. aparent diffusion Ds/Do were in the range of 1 · 10?3 at soil water potentials < ?  相似文献   

Material balances of agricultural soil - A method for early recognition of soil alterations For agricultural soils of a lowland region in Switzerland the input and output of the elements nitrogen, phosphorus, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead were measured over two years. In spite of the fact that the emission standards are met there is a slow and steady increase of the P, Cu, Zn and Pb concentrations found in the plough layer. In accordance with the principle of prevention the metabolism of the soil should be controlled on a large scale in such a way that this concentration increase can be substantially reduced within decades. With the available analytical methods the observed concentration increases in the soil are clearly detectable only after decades. Regional annual material balancing of the relevant anthropogenic processes (farming, private households, industry and trade), however, allows early detection of small changes in concentration. Consequently, a soil protection strategy which obeys the principle of early prevention should be completed by regional material balances.  相似文献   

Site effects of small-scale yield variation in the Tertiary hills north of Munich (Germany) and conclusions for site specific farming The effect of numerous soil factors on small-scale yield variation of winter wheat and spring barley were examined: soil structure and soil texture, soil nitrate content and soil water at different times, PCAL-, KCAL-, Nt- and Ct-content, pH, soil microbiology characteristics, relief, root growth and important plant diseases. The varying annual influence of soil parameters on crop yield was interrelated with climatic factors. In soils with low sand content soil productivity was largely influenced by soil structure. This effect was less pronounced on soils with medium sand content. On sandy soils, however, yield was reduced by available water capacity. Yield potential was also lowered by frequent cereal growing associated with take-all root desease of winter wheat. High yield variation from year to year confirmed that a site-specific crop management should consider annual variability of yield in addition to soil conditions and yield measurement. Site-specific N fertilization should be adapted to the actual progress of plant growth.  相似文献   

Patterned ground and properties of permafrost soils of the Northsiberian Lena Delta The land surface of the Lena Delta is covered by polygon structures with scattered pingos and dunes. There exist so-called aerated, swampy and open polygons (open water surface) with Gelic Gleysols and Gelic Histosols (gelundic phase). The soils show only minor signs of cryoturbation and weathering. They contain high amounts of silt and slightly decomposed organic matter down to soil depths far beyond the permafrost table during summer. The soil surface is rising due to accumulation of organic matter and periodic flooding. This leads to a continuous rise of the permafrost table and subsequently to a permafrost freeze storage of plant material. The soils are therefore effective carbon sinks. On top of an investigated pingo a Gleyi-gelic Cambisol developed due to windexposed position, good drainage and higher soil temperatures connnected with a deeper permafrost table. This soil did not show any signs of cryoturbation. It has a relatively low content of organic matter due to a higher mineralization. As a consequence of frost effected sorting and wind erosion the soil material near to the surface is rich in sand and has a reduced silt content.  相似文献   

A comparison and an evaluation of drain spacing equations for layered soils Drain spacings, calculated with different steady-state tile drainage formulas for layered soils, were compared. The formulas under consideration were those of Ernst, van Beers and of Toksöz and Kirkham. It was found that, for certain ranges of the drainage parameters, the drain spacings compare well. For other conditions, differences of over 100 percent did occur. Especially, results obtained with the Ernst equation may deviate considerably from those of the other authors. However, also drain spacings calculated with the van Beers equation do occasionally differ from those of Toksöz and Kirkham. For practical use the equation of Toksöz and Kirkham is recommended.  相似文献   

A mixing-cell model for estimating nitrate seepage losses from agricultural soils in winter A mixing-cell model is developed with which the leaching of nitrate from agricultural soils in temperate regions during winter can be estimated. The model assumes steady-state flow conditions and takes nitrogen mineralization in the upper soil as well as nitrate deposition from the atmosphere into consideration. Model results are compared with results from a convective-dispersive solute flow model. They show that for common field soil dispersivities mixing-cell model results compare well with those obtained from convective-dispersive theory. With the mixingcell model nitrate leaching calculations were carried out for a variety of soil and climatic conditions. They show that the combined effect of N-mineralization and N-deposition may influence the amount of leached nitrate in winter considerably, especially in regions with light soils and high seepage rates. It is shown that the model can be used to derive late fall site-specific upper limits for soil mineral nitrogen for groundwater protection purposes. Such upper limits should reflect the crop-specific rate of N-mineralization that can be expected during winter.  相似文献   

Periodical and aperiodical changes of properties of young marshland soils seawards the dike The changes of properties of young marshland soils searwards the dike were investigated (1.) throughout the year, (2.) after storm tides, long drought periods and intensive rainfalls, and (3.) in the course of the low-high tide cycle. - In each case the relative cation distribution of the saturation extract remained constant. The relative distribution of the mobile cations remained also constant within the low-high tide cycle, white it shows fluctuations with a deviation of up to 16 % from the mean Na-content within the oneyear investigation and up to 28 % after extreme climatic or storm tide conditions. The annual salt fluctuations were determined to be at least 60–80 %. The deviations from the mean salt content were at least 100 % after storm tides and long drought periods (extreme deviation of 370 % within the first 1–3 cm soil) and partly also after heavy rain. The redox conditions remained constant within the low-high tide cycle, whereas they differed to a small extent following extreme climatic or storm tide conditions. With values of 0.4–0.9 the soils showed a small spectrum of different Ca/Mg ratios. Moreover, the determined annual fluctuation of the Ca/Mg ratios showed that the Ca/Mg ratio is not a suitable classification criterion.  相似文献   

Characterization of the nutritional system of carrot tissue cultures: Photosynthesis, carbon and nitrogen nutrition, uptake of mineral nutrients During a culture period of 28 days qualitative and quantitative changes in the nutritional system of carrot tissue cultures can be observed. Investigations on sugar uptake, CO2 fixation, and uptake of amino acids and nitrate indicate a succession of 3 periods, i.e. a heterotrophic period at the beginning of the culture period (up to 10 days), a mixotrophic period (till about the 20th day) followed by an autotrophic period. The transition into the autotrophic period could be only observed in treatments supplemented with kinetin. Uptake of potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium was closely correlated to cell division activity of the explants as induced by m-inositol, IAA and kinetin.  相似文献   

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