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采用气相色谱-质谱联用技术,测定了良好农业规范(GAP)条件下3种常用拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂高效氯氟氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯及溴氰菊酯在山东、四川、云南、辽宁和江西5地烟叶中的消解动态及最终残留。样品经乙腈提取,SPE-PSA柱净化,气-质联用、选择离子监测模式(GC-MS/SIM)下测定,外标法定量。结果表明:在0.01 ~1 mg/kg添加水平下,3种农药在鲜烟叶和干烟叶中的平均回收率分别在82.9% ~ 110.9%和85.2%~108.3%之间,相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为1.7% ~4.4%和2.3% ~5.7%;3种农药在鲜烟叶和干烟叶中的定量限(LOQ)均为0.01mg/kg;方法的准确度和精密度均符合农药残留检测要求。烘烤过程中残留农药消解明显,高效氯氟氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯和溴氰菊酯的消解率分别高达78%、89%和91%。高效氯氟氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯和溴氰菊酯乳油分别按有效成分450~675 g/hm2、600~900 g/hm2及450~675 g/hm2于烟叶采 烤初期喷雾施药2次,距末次施药后14d,干烟叶中3种农药的残留量分别为0.022~ 0.50、0.14~0.82和0.046~0.21 mg/kg,均低于国际烟草合作研究中心(CORESTA)提出的指导性农药残留限量标准(GRL)值(0.5、1和1mg/kg),因此建议其安全间隔期可定为14d。  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out on bulk sorghum stored for 26 weeks in concrete silos in South Queensland. No natural infestation occurred. Laboratory bioassays of treated grain, in which malathion-resistant strains of insects were added to grain samples, indicated that all the treatments were generally effective. Deltamethrin (2mg kg−1)+piperonyl butoxide (8mg kg−1), fenitrothion (12mg kg−1)+fenvalerate (1 mg kg−1)+piperonyl butoxide (8mg kg−1), and fenitrothion (12mg kg−1)+phenothrin (2mg kg−1)+piperonyl butoxide (8mg kg−1) controlled typical malathion-resistant strains of Sitophilus oryzae (L.), Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and Ephestia cautella (Walker). Pirimiphos-methyl (6mg kg−1)+permethrin (1mg kg−1)+piperonyl butoxide (8mg kg−1) allowed some survival of adults and progeny production by S. oryzae after 12 weeks, and by one strain of R. dominica throughout. Chemical assays established that the residues and rates of breakdown of these grain protectants on sorghum conformed to the general pattern on other cereal grains. Residues at the conclusion of the experiment were below the individual Maximum Residue Limits recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.  相似文献   

This review of studies on 20 pyrethroids with nine different acid moieties and ten different alcohol moieties reveals a diversity of functional groups undergoing metabolism in mammals, insects, other organisms, and microsomal esterase and oxidase systems. Seventy-nine metabolites are identified from the cis-isomer of permethrin and transpermethrin but fewer from other pyrethroids examined in less detail. The sites and rates of metabolic attack on each pyrethroid depend on the organism or system. Metabolism of pyrethoids by esterase and oxidase action usually limits their toxicity to mammals more than to insects, thereby conferring useful selective toxicity properties.  相似文献   

The structure-activity relationships of two congeneric series of pyrethroid insecticides, the methylbenzyl (1RS)-cis,trans-chrysanthemates tested against Musca domestica (houseflies) and Phaedon cochleariae (mustard beetles), and the (E)-4-aryl-3-chlorobut-2-enyl chrysanthemates and their corresponding 2,2,3,3-tetramethylcyclo-propanecarboxylates tested against M. domestica only, have been examined using multiple regression analyses and substituent constants. With M. domestica, different optimum partition values (π) were indicated for knockdown and toxicity; with P. cochleariae, an optimum π value for toxicity, similar to that for M. domestica, was obtained 24 h after application, but at later times the more lipophilic compounds were more effective. For the methylbenzyl chrysanthemates, a steric constraint associated with 3,5-dimethyl substitution reduced toxicity approximately five-fold. The influence on toxicity of geometrical isomerism and electronic effects are briefly discussed. Differences between the required polarities for knockdown and toxicity are attributed to variations in the binding affinities of pyrethroid molecules at the sites of action.  相似文献   

The actions of pyrethroid insecticides were tested on isolated giant axons of the cockroach Periplaneta americana, using oil-gap, single-fibre recording techniques. Current-clamp and voltage-clamp experiments were used to determine the actions of pyrethroids on axonal membrane potentials and ionic currents. Treatment with deltamethrin at micromolar concentrations caused gradual depolarisation of the axon accompanied by a reduction in amplitude of the action potential. This depolarisation was enhanced by an increase in stimulation frequency. Other synthetic pyrethroids: 3,4,5,6-tetrahydrophthalimidomethyl (1RS)-cis-3-[(RS)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropyl]-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate, biopermethrin and its (1S)-enantiomer, (1R)-tetramethrin, S-bioallethrin, bioresmethrin and its (1S)-enantiomer, cismethrin, and 5-benzyl-3-furylmethyl (E)-(1R)-cis-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-oxothiolan-3-ylidenemethyl)cyclopropanecarboxylate (RU-15525, ‘Kadethrin’) were investigated. The (1S)-enantiomers were inactive, but all the other pyrethroids tested, apart from deltamethrin, induced prolonged negative (depolarising) after-potentials. All the treatments with the active pyrethroids resulted in the appearance of a voltage and time-dependent ‘maintained’ sodium conductance. The duration of this ‘slow’ conductance varied considerably depending on the pyrethroid under test. Clearly, the effectiveness of pyrethroids on whole insects is not determined only by the degree to which they directly modify the properties of sodium channels. Nevertheless, voltage-clamp experiments on isolated axons readily permit direct comparison of the actions of different pyrethroids on the sodium channels of insect neurones.  相似文献   

随着拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂在卫生和农业害虫防治中的广泛应用,昆虫对此类杀虫剂产生抗性的报道越来越多。目前已明确昆虫对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的抗性机制包括表皮穿透率下降、靶标抗性以及代谢抗性,其中代谢抗性机制较为普遍,而且其与昆虫对多种杀虫剂的交互抗性关系密切。目前,随着基因组、转录组以及蛋白质组学等新技术的发展及应用,昆虫对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的代谢抗性机制研究也取得了很多新进展。昆虫体内细胞色素P450酶(P450s)、羧酸酯酶(CarE)及谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GSTs)等重要解毒酶系的改变均与昆虫对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的代谢抗性有关,其中这3类解毒酶的活性及相关基因表达量的变化是昆虫对此类杀虫剂产生代谢抗性的主要原因。明确昆虫对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的代谢抗性机制,对合理使用此类杀虫剂及延缓抗药性的产生均具有重要意义。本文在总结拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂代谢路径及相关生物酶研究概况的基础上,综述了近年来有关昆虫对此类杀虫剂代谢抗性机制研究的主要进展。  相似文献   

Preseizure and seizure EEG patterns elicited by the pyrethroid insecticides, deltamethrin and cis-permethrin, were compared in immobilized Sprague-Dawley rats. Deltamethrin (1–3 mg/kg, iv) produced a preseizure EEG pattern of high-amplitude, slow, 2- to 5-Hz synchronized cortical waves or spike-wave complexes. cis-Permethrin (20–40 mg/kg, iv) elicited an immediate EEG change characterized by 6- to 12-Hz high-amplitude waves with intermingled high-voltage spikes. DDT (50–70 mg/kg, iv) produced a sustained EEG activation similar to that seen after cis-permethrin, but of higher frequency. All three insecticides produced generalized EEG seizure activity, but this was more prominently associated with poisoning due to deltamethrin. cis-Permethrin and DDT gave rise to EEG seizures only at lethal doses. Electrodes stereotaxically positioned in ventral hippocampus, caudate, putamen, thalamus, septum, red nucleus, and cerebellum detected no preferential activation of any of these subcortical sites in either preconvulsive or convulsive phases of poisoning. These results indicate that both deltamethrin and cis-permethrin can have marked effects on mammalian EEG activity. This does not support the hypothesis of differing sites of action, i.e., peripheral vs. central, for the two types of compound. The more pronounced seizure-inducing action of deltamethrin may instead reflect a greater efficacy of cyanopyrethroids at target sites within the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The relationship between incoordination, knockdown and mortality was investigated by following the course of poisoning in Schistocerca gregaria of two synthetic pyrethroids, bioresmethrin and bioallethrin. Kinetics describing theonset of these responses as a function of dose are interpreted in terms of the dynamics of penetration and detoxication. The possibility of the same site of action for knockdown and kill is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A wide range of crops including top fruit, cereals, brassicas, root vegetables and cotton from field trials in several countries in 1965, 1966, 1967 and 1968 have been analysed for residues of tetrachlorvinphos (Gardona, trans-homer of dimethyl 1-(2′,4′,5′-trichlorophenyl)-2-chlorovinyl phosphate) foliar insecticide, its isomer and its potential breakdown products. The residues under field conditions were mainly of tetrachlorvinphos, its isomer and 1-(2′,4′,5′-trichlorophenyl)ethan-1-ol in free and sugar-conjugated forms. Tetrachlorvinphos was not unduly persistent on the crops and its initial half-life varied from 2 days on cabbage, to 7 days on potato foliage and to 12 days on pears (after the last of five applications). From one week after the final application onwards the highest residues of tetrachlorvinphos observed were on olives (1 ppm after 18 days after a single application of 0·1 % active material), maize leaf (2·8 ppm at 9·5 weeks after the last of two applications at 3 kg/ha), and cabbage (1·9 ppm at 12 days after the last of three applications at 0·5 kg/ha). The maximum residues of the alcohol in the free form were 3·2 ppm on maize leaf at 8 weeks from the second application at 1·5 kg/ha and in the conjugated form were 1·0 ppm on cauliflowers at 6 days after the last of four applications at 0·5 kg/ha.  相似文献   

A summary is given of the results of three sets of electrophysiological experiments on the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana). The effects of DDT and S-bioallethrin [bioallethrin (S)-cyclopentenyl isomer] on single giant axons were studied using the voltage-clamp technique. Whereas both molecules induced long tails of inward (sodium ion) current, the voltage and time-dependency of these tails differed. With DDT, the tail was proportional to the activation of the peak current and decreased with the duration of the pulse, suggesting that the molecules were bound to open sodium channels and delayed their closing. With S-bioallethrin, the voltage dependency of the tail was different from that of the peak current, and the tail current increased exponentially with the duration of the depolarisation, suggesting that the pyrethroid insecticide modified resting (or silent) sodium channels into slowly activating channels. Modified action potentials, mimicking those produced by the two molecules, were computed on the basis of these results. Deltamethrin, one of the most potent pyrethroid insecticides, was applied topically on a leg mechanoreceptor and was found to have little effect on the local ‘receptor potential’ but to inhibit action potential production. The effects of topical applications of deltamethrin on the dorsal part of the abdomen, on nervous activity in the abdominal connectives, were studied under different experimental conditions. The results suggest that the insecticide molecules diffused rapidly through the cuticle, were concentrated in the haemolymph, and eventually reached the central nervous system, where they inhibited nerve activity.  相似文献   

Five agricultural crops were treated with OO-diethyl O-(3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl) phosphorothioate (chlorpyrifos) granular or emulsifiable concentrate formulations at dosages from 0.5 to 6.0 kg (a.i.)/ha and at different periods before harvest. Chlorpyrifos residues were determined by gas chromatography after extraction and sweep co-distillation clean-up. Low residue levels were found. The average values in lettuce were 0.046 and 0.070 part/million, in sugar beet leaves 0.037 to 0.128 part/million and roots <0.005 to 0.038 part/million; no chlorpyrifos was detected in carrots, potatoes and cured tobacco leaves at the limit of the method (0.005 part/million).  相似文献   

Cotton yield results are presented for trials in Senegal, the Ivory Coast, Chad and Morocco in which the pyrethroids permethrin, biopermethrin, 3-phenoxybenzyl (1R,cis)-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2, 2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate (NRDC 167) and (S)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1R,1 S)-cis,trans-3-(2,2-dibromovinyl-2, 2-dimethylcy-clopropanecarboxylate (NRDC 156) were compared with the compounds currently used for insect control. NRDC 156 gave marked yield increases at rates as low as 12.5 g.a.i./ha, the other pyrethroids needing higher rates to give comparable results. Control of mites, Hemitarsonemus lata and Tetranychus urticae was not satisfactory, however.  相似文献   

Awasthi  M. D. 《Phytoparasitica》1986,14(3):231-233
Phytoparasitica - The effect of foliar urea treatments on the persistence of synthetic pyrethroid residues on tomato was studied. Fenvalerate was found to persist more and deltamethrin less than...  相似文献   

When administered by a variety of routes decamethrin (NRDC 161) produced a clearly defined sequence of symptoms in the rat. These involved, progressively, chewing, salivation, pawing, choreoathetosis, tonic seizures, and death. Although animals showing tonic seizures almost invariably died, the choreoathetotic symptoms were largely reversible. Animals maintained adequate blood-gas values and arterial pressure until choreoathetosis was well advanced. Electroencephalograph records showed generalized spike and wave discharges during choreoathetosis and auditory or somatosensory-evoked spike discharges prior to choreoathetosis. Symptoms were partially antagonized by atropine. It is suggested that decamethrin-induced choreoathetosis may provide a useful model for the study of related human disorders.  相似文献   

Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, were collected from commercial onion fields in 2001, 2002 and 2003 to assess resistance to lambda-cyhalothrin, deltamethrin and diazinon. In 2001, six of eight adult populations were resistant to lambda-cyhalothrin, with resistance ratios (RR) ranging from 2 to 13.1 and four of these were also resistant to deltamethrin, with RR ranging from 19.3 to 120. Three of four adult populations were resistant to diazinon with RR ranging from 2.5 to 165.8. In 2002, four of seven nymphal populations and three of six adult populations were resistant to deltamethrin, with RR ranging from 4.3 to 72.5 and 9.4 to 839.2, respectively. Only one of six nymphal populations and one of five adult populations were resistant to diazinon, with RR of 5.6 and 2.3, respectively. In 2003 diagnostic dose bioassays, 15 of 16 onion thrips populations were resistant to lambda-cyhalothrin and all were resistant to deltamethrin. Eight of the 16 were resistant to diazinon. These results indicate that insecticide resistance is widespread in onion thrips in commercial onion fields in Ontario.  相似文献   

E. EGGER 《EPPO Bulletin》1991,21(3):385-392
This summary presents the real possibilities for the use of agrometeorology in achieving IPM in horticultural crops and vineyards, and also the problems. Some examples of the practical application of forecasting models for fungal and insect pests are used to document the usefulness of this recently improved approach to modern phytotherapy, which aims to increase the effectiveness of treatments while simultaneously reducing their number. In this way one can obtain a reduced impact of chemical pollution on man and the environment. However, the practical requirements of IPM programmes must be emphasized and these set the standard for the type, quantity and quality of the meteorological data input. The contribution of biotic factors is compared with that of abiotic ones. Finally, the present needs of agrometorology in IPM are focused, with an outline of its future perspectives.  相似文献   

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