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REASON FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Studies on the prevalence and predisposing factors of bite and kick injuries in horses have not been reported in a population-based data sample. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the prevalence of bite and kick injuries in horses and associated risk factors in a representative sample of horses in Switzerland. METHODS: A questionnaire on the incidence of disease and injury, which included the frequency of bite and kick injuries and their association with breed, housing, use and feeding regime, was sent to 2559 horse owners randomly selected throughout Switzerland. RESULTS: The data of 2912 horses with 897 disorders diagnosed by a veterinarian were analysed. There were 231 injuries, 50 (21.6%) caused by a bite or kick from another horse; this number corresponded to 5.6% of all diseases and injuries and concerned only 1.7% of all the horses evaluated. Warmblood, Thoroughbred and Arabian horses had a 4.3 times higher risk of bite or kick injuries than horses of other breeds. Eighteen per cent of injuries were associated with a change in housing management and occurred regardless of whether horses were kept in groups permanently or sporadically. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: A stable group hierarchy and a housing system that provides adequate space and is adapted to horse-specific behaviour are important factors in prevention and kick and bite injuries.  相似文献   

A 233 kg, 4‐year‐old Welsh pony stallion presented with a unilateral coxofemoral luxation and a history of previous upward fixation of the patella. This condition was surgically managed by femoral head ostectomy using a craniodorsal approach to the luxated coxofemoral joint, without greater trochanteric osteotomy. Immediate improvement in weightbearing was observed after surgery and primary intention healing was recorded. Long‐term outcome, 4 years after surgery, was assessed by radiographic, ultrasonographic and lameness examination. The pony was in good body condition and the initial weight of this patient was restored. Despite fetlock hyperlaxity of the contralateral hindlimb, amyotrophy and mechanical lameness of the affected hindlimb, the pony showed evident comfort without apparent signs of pain and was able to trot and gallop. Bone callus was observed at imaging examination.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether bone biomarkers (osteocalcin, PICP, ICTP and CTX‐I) could be used to identify 2‐ and 3‐year‐olds at increased risk of fracture in the subsequent flat racing season. It was concluded that these bone biomarkers cannot be used to identify 2‐ and 3‐year‐olds that sustain a fracture. Whether bone biomarkers have better predictive value in older horses or when measured serially in the same animal remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Ocular angiosarcomas are an infrequent aetiology of exophthalmus in the horse. In the case presented here, a pony was referred with a history of supraorbital swelling, exophthalmus and conjunctivitis of the right eye. Radiographic and ultrasonographic examinations were used for diagnosis; however, the exact definition of the retrobulbar changes could only be made by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI shows anatomic and physiological detail in both the osseous and soft tissue structures. Only 3 sequences were used in this case: a transverse T2‐weighted and a dorsal high resolution, T1‐weighted gradient echo with multiplanar reconstruction capability pre‐ and post contrast application. This case report suggests that MRI should be used more frequently in the diagnosis of head tumours in horses.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Crib‐biting is an equine stereotypy that may result in diseases such as colic. Certain breeds and management factors have been associated. Objectives: To determine: breed prevalence of crib‐biting in US horses; the likelihood that one horse learns to crib‐bite from another; and owner perceptions of causal factors. Methods: An initial postal survey queried the number and breed of crib‐biting horses and if a horse began after being exposed to a horse with this habit. In a follow‐up survey, a volunteer subset of owners was asked the number of affected and nonaffected horses of each breed and the extent of conspecific contact. The likelihood of crib‐biting given breed and extent of contact was quantified using odds ratio (OR) and significance of the association was assessed using the Chi‐squared test. Results: Overall prevalence was 4.4%. Thoroughbreds were the breed most affected (13.3%). Approximately half of owners believed environmental factors predominantly cause the condition (54.4%) and crib‐biting is learned by observation (48.8%). However, only 1.0% of horses became affected after being exposed to a crib‐biter. The majority (86%) of horses was turned out in the same pasture with other horses and extent of contact with conspecifics was not statistically related to risk. Conclusion: This is the first study to report breed prevalence for crib‐biting in US horses. Thoroughbreds were the breed more likely to be affected. More owners believed either environmental conditions were a predominant cause or a combination of genetic and environmental factors contributes to the behaviour. Only a small number of horses reportedly began to crib‐bite after being exposed to an affected individual, but approximately half of owners considered it to be a learned behaviour; most owners did not isolate affected horses. Potential relevance: Genetic predisposition, not just intensive management conditions and surroundings, may be a factor in the high crib‐biting prevalence in some breeds, and warrants further investigation. Little evidence exists to suggest horses learn the behaviour from other horses, and isolation may cause unnecessary stress.  相似文献   

A 3‐week‐old Pony of the Americas foal presented with a history of respiratory distress presumed to result from Actinobacillus equuli pleuropneumonia and septic arthritis. Failure of transfer of passive colostral immunity was suspected, but not confirmed, based on a history of the foal being separated from its dam shortly after parturition. Transient improvement was noted following thoracocentesis and removal of approximately 600 ml of pleural fluid but progressive clinical signs of congestive heart failure developed. Fibrinous pericarditis with evidence of cardiac tamponade was subsequently diagnosed via thoracic ultrasonography. Early clinical signs of cardiogenic shock were identified and fibrinopurulent exudate removed through a catheter placed with ultrasound guidance into the pericardium. The foal experienced cardiorespiratory arrest during the procedure and died despite resuscitative efforts. Post mortem examination identified extensive hypertrophy of the pericardium, septic arthritis, mild pleural effusion and focal bronchopneumonia. This report details the clinical evaluation, haematology, treatment and post mortem pathology of a foal with Actinobacillus equuli associated fibrinous pericarditis, as well as a brief review of cardiac tamponade.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Traumatic injuries are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the horse and consequently pose a serious threat to horses' wellbeing. To date, there have been no published studies assessing the frequency of injuries in the general horse population of the UK. Objectives: To obtain information regarding husbandry management strategies and injury prevalence in horses aged ≤15 years, with the aim of identifying predisposing risk factors for injury. Methods: A postal questionnaire was distributed to a randomly selected sample of horse owners across north‐west England, Midlands and north Wales. Factors associated with injury were assessed using univariable and multivariable logistic regression analysis performed with the binary outcome variable defined as whether or not the horse had sustained an injury within the previous 12 months. Results: A usable questionnaire response rate of 68% (652/953) was achieved. Forty percent of horses had sustained a traumatic injury within the past year, of which 62% occurred in the field and 13% during ridden exercise. Factors identified as being associated with an increased risk of traumatic injury included the following: breed other than cob or pony (P = 0.001), shorter duration of ownership (P = 0.002), being turned out with an increasing number of horses (P = 0.001), being used for competitive (P = 0.001) or Parelli (P = 0.006) purposes. Stabling at all times during the spring (P = 0.005), the use of wood fencing in paddocks (P = 0.05) and being prone to becoming distressed if left alone in a field (P = 0.04) were also found to be associated with an increased risk of injury. Stabling at all times during winter was associated with a decreased risk of injury (P = 0.006). Conclusions and potential relevance: Risk factors for sustaining injuries have been identified in association with management practices. This information may be used to educate owners regarding management of their horse(s) in order to prevent injury.  相似文献   

Abdominal pain (colic) in the horse is one of the most acute problems facing equine practitioners. Several causes and risk factors are associated with colic. The current study evaluated the incidence and associated risk factors of colic during a 1-year evaluation in horse farms of Kerman, Iran. The study investigated age, sex, breed, anthelmintic control program, and nutritional status of 128 horses of four breeds on six farms that took part in the study. The mean incidence density rate of colic in the horse population was 8.6% (11/128) in a year. Crossbred horses had more chance of developing colic (P < .05). Horses between the ages of 2 and 10 years also had more risk of developing colic (P < .05). There was no significant difference between sexes (P < .05), and nutritional factors were the most associated risk factors in the cases under study.  相似文献   

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