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Reasons for performing study: There is no consensus on objective outcome measures that can be used to determine if a medical or surgical treatment affects race performance. Objective: To determine the association between 2 commonly used outcome measures (total starts and total earnings) and age, sex, gait and race surface. Methods: A cross‐sectional study was performed using the race performance data for all Thoroughbred horses age 2, 3, 4 and 5 years racing in the United States, and Standardbred horses of the same ages racing in the United States and Canada during the year 2006. Median earnings and starts were determined for each combination of age, sex and track surface (for Thoroughbred) or gait (for Standardbred). The effect these variables had on starts on race earnings ($) was determined using linear regression. Results: Race records for 68,649 Thoroughbreds and 25,830 Standardbreds were obtained. All independent variables (age, breed, sex, gait, track surface and total number of starts) had a significant impact on total earnings (P<0.0001). Conclusions: The data show considerable variation across age groups and track surfaces for Thoroughbreds and across age groups for Standardbreds. They also show that the decision to use earnings or starts as outcome measures could have a marked effect on reported success for a particular treatment. Potential relevance: Both earning and start data should be reported in studies evaluating outcome following surgery or other intervention. Considerations of age, breed, sex, track surface and gait should be included in the design of these studies.  相似文献   

This report describes a case of chronic haematoma formation secondary to repeated hindlimb interference injuries in a 4‐year‐old Standardbred trotter racehorse. Physical examination, radiography and ultrasonographic investigations identified a firm, encapsulated soft tissue mass on the medial aspect of the left mid‐metatarsal region. After surgical removal, histopathological examination confirmed a chronic haematoma. The horse responded well to surgical management of the condition. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of surgical intervention to resolve the common problem of repetitive interference injuries in Standardbred racehorses.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Developmental orthopaedic diseases (DOD) such as osteochondrosis (OC)/osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD), palmar/plantar osteochondral fragments (POF), ununited palmar/plantar eminences (UPE) and dorsoproximal first phalanx fragments are well recognised in the horse. Aetiopathogeneses are controversial and molecular genetic screening of DNA has recently been employed for their elucidation. Precise phenotypic definition and knowledge of breed‐specific prevalence and interrelations are essential for the interpretation of following genomic studies in Standardbred trotters. Objectives: To assess the prevalence, trend of development and interrelation of DOD in tarsocrural, metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints in Standardbred trotters. Methods: The tarsocrural and MCP/MTP joints of 464 Norwegian Standardbred yearlings were radiographed and the prevalence and interrelation of osteochondral lesions calculated. Results: Osteochondral lesions were diagnosed in 50.7% of the horses. The prevalence of tarsocrural OC/OCD at the distal intermediate ridge of the tibia (DIT) and the lateral trochlear ridge of the talus (LTT) was 19.3%. The prevalence of OC/OCD in MCP joints was 3.6%, whereas those of POF and UPE in MCP/MTP joints were 23.1 and 3.9%, respectively. Interrelation was evident for 1) most equivalent lesions in joint homologues, 2) OCD DIT and OCD LTT and 3) POF and UPE. Lesions in hock and fetlock joints were generally not significantly associated. Conclusions: The prevalence of tarsocrural OC/OCD in Norwegian Standardbreds is apparently increasing, whereas that of other articular DOD appears stable. Association analyses verify bilateralism for most equivalent lesions and suggest aetiological resemblance also between other lesions. The absence of a significant association between tarsocrural OCD and POF implies that the lesions must be considered statistically different disorders. Potential relevance: The prevalence results emphasise that DOD should be considered in Standardbred breeding regimens (e.g. by sire selection subsequent to progeny testing). Also, improved phenotypic definitions will help elucidate the true causal genes in following genomic studies.  相似文献   

Reason for performing study: Examination of the equine upper airway during racing has not previously been documented. Objective: To describe the feasibility and appearance of the upper airways by overground respiratory endoscopic examination during racing conditions. Methods: Overground videoendoscopic examinations were performed on 46 Standardbred racehorses during qualifying races. Examined horses' speeds were recorded throughout the race with a portable GPS device. Results: The procedure did not interfere with performance as there were no significant differences in race times between races in which horses were examined with the endoscope in place and prior unexamined races. Airway obstructions during or after the race were documented in 21 horses. Most previously reported causes of upper airway obstruction were observed; surprisingly bilateral ventro‐medial arytenoid displacement (VMAD; n = 5) was seen during exercise as frequently as dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP). Although DDSP (n = 10) was the most common diagnosis made, many displacements (n = 5) occurred after the race. Horses that demonstrated DDSP after the race had slower speeds than unaffected horses during the race. Conclusions: Racing endoscopy permits the diagnosis of upper airway obstructions without affecting performance. The occurrence of DDSP immediately after exercise may be clinically relevant. During racing VMAD may be an important anomaly. Potential relevance: Racing endoscopy could be used to correlate the sensitivity of diagnostic endoscopy during race‐training or treadmill examination. The pathogenesis and significance of VMAD deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

Exercise testing can be useful to evaluate poor performance, as a preventative medicine tool, and in the assessment of training progression. A comprehensive exercise testing protocol that simultaneously evaluates common causes of poor performance has not been described in reining horses. The objective of this study was to describe the results of a standardised exercise testing protocol in reining horses. Seventeen reining horses that were part of a western performance intercollegiate team and had met the trainer's expectations during the athletic season were evaluated using a comprehensive standardised exercise test. Systems assessed included musculoskeletal system, upper respiratory tract, lower respiratory tract and cardiovascular system. These systems were assessed by means of historical questionnaires, general physical examinations, subjective lameness examinations, gait analysis using digital body mounted inertial sensors, resting and dynamic upper airway endoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cytology, echocardiograms, resting and exercising electrocardiography, and laboratory tests (packed cell volume, lactate, creatine kinase and serum amyloid A). Subclinical abnormalities were detected frequently. The musculoskeletal system was the most commonly affected system, but cardiovascular and upper and lower airway abnormalities were also detected in some horses. These results suggest that exercise tests may be useful to detect subclinical abnormalities in horses used for reining. Further evaluation of both normally and poorly performing horses is necessary to determine if exercise testing can improve the health, performance and welfare of horses used for reining.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to obtain echocardiographic measurements and establish reference ranges for 14 parameters in Standardbred racehorses in training.BackgroundSeveral studies have been published about cardiac measurements in Thoroughbreds, Standardbreds, National Hunt horses, Warmbloods and ponies; however, not all parameters have been published for the Standardbred trotter in training.Animals, materials and methodsThirty normal Standardbred racehorses in training were assessed by two-dimensional echocardiography (2-D) and M-mode echocardiography using standardized imaging planes. Mean values, standard deviations, 95% confidence interval for the means and 95% confidence interval for the cardiac parameters measured in the population were calculated. Furthermore, a general linear model was constructed using sex, age and body weight (bwt) of the horses as independent variables and the echocardiographic measurements as dependent variables. Multivariate linear regression analysis was performed with the level of significance at p < 0.05 for all the null hypotheses.ResultsReference ranges were established for 14 echocardiographic parameters in Standardbred racehorses. Weak linear relationships between echocardiographic measurements and body weight were observed for LVIDd, LVIDs, LVFWs, and AOD. Linear regressions on these parameters were used to calculate the 95% confidence intervals for the predicted values.ConclusionsThe data collected in this study provide reference values for the evaluation of Standardbred racehorses in training. Body weight has a negligible affect on most echocardiographic parameters in this homogeneous population, but did mildly influence the results of left ventricular and aortic measurements.  相似文献   

The third metacarpal bone (McIII) is a common site of long bone fractures in racehorses. However, articular fractures of the dorsomedial aspect of McIII are a rare location of such injuries. This report describes the successful standing surgical repair of an articular fracture of the dorso-medial proximal McIII in a 4-year-old Standardbred racing mare using lag screw fixation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe the outcome after arthroscopic electrosurgical excision of axial osteochondral (OC) fragments of the proximal plantar aspect of the 1st phalanx (P1) in horses. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. POPULATION: Twenty-three Standardbred racehorses. METHODS: Medical records of Standardbred racehorses that had arthroscopic dissection of axial OC fragments of the proximal plantar aspect of P1 with electrocautery probes were reviewed. Horses were positioned in dorsal recumbency; a 1.5% glycine solution was used to maintain joint distension. The arthroscope portal was in the proximal plantar joint pouch and OC fragments were approached using either an ipsilateral or a contralateral triangulation technique. Dissection of the fibrous attachments was performed using loop and hook electrocautery probes. Follow-up was obtained by telephone questionnaire of owners or trainers and examination of race summary records. RESULTS: Thirty-three axial OC fragments were removed from 28 metatarsophalangeal joints (left, 14; right, 14). No major operative or postoperative complications occurred. Seven of 8 (79%) of horses that raced before surgery raced after surgery. Thirty-six percent (n=4) of horses that had not raced before surgery raced after surgery. CONCLUSION: Intra-articular electrosurgery is a safe, easy alternative to conventional excision of axial OC fragments of the proximal plantar aspect of P1. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Arthroscopic excision using electrocautery probes is a valid alternate method for removal of axial OC fragments of the proximal plantar aspect of P1. In addition, the dorsal recumbency position facilitates removal of several fragments and multiple joint surgery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether recombinant equine growth hormone (rEGH) would alter the in vitro biomechanical properties of the forelimb superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) in exercising young Standardbred horses. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized complete block design. ANIMALS: Twelve Standardbred yearlings. METHODS: Horses were trained for 12 weeks on a high-speed treadmill (10% positive incline). rEGH was administered intramuscularly (IM) daily (10 microg/kg during week 4; 20 microg/kg for weeks 5-9) to 6 horses (treated group), whereas 6 horses (control group) were administered an equivalent daily volume of sterile water IM. At 12 weeks, horses were euthanatized and left forelimb SDFTs were collected and stored (-70 degrees C). A section from the mid-region of the SDFT was held in cryoclamps with a 4 cm interspace distance and distracted at 10 mm/s until failure. The variables evaluated were maximal load at yield and failure, ultimate and yield tensile stress and strain, tendon stiffness, and mode of failure. Data were analyzed using unpaired, two-tailed, Student's t-test. Statistical significance was set at P < or =.05. RESULTS: Yield and ultimate tensile stress were significantly lower in the rEGH-treated horses compared with controls. There was a trend toward increased maximal displacement, increased ultimate tensile strain, and decreased tendon stiffness in rEGH-treated horses compared with controls. Tensile stress and cross-sectional area, and tensile stress and stiffness were significantly correlated at yield and failure points. CONCLUSIONS: rEGH, administered at the manufacturer's recommended dose rates to maturing Standardbred horses in training, does not significantly augment the in vitro biomechanical properties of the forelimb SDFT. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Administration of rEGH to young horses in training is unlikely to enhance the physiologic adaptation of the SDFT to exercise stress.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to report recovery time, retirement rate, racing performance, and presence of compensation pattern after musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs) in Standardbred racehorses (STBRs). This is a retrospective single open-cohort study, enrolling 356 STBRs in training in a single racetrack. Musculoskeletal injury was defined as any training-related injury after which the horse did not train for at least 15 days. The first and second MSIs encountered during the horse’s racing career were considered. Medical records, training logbooks, and racing data were reviewed to determine recovery time, retirement rate, racing performance, and compensation pattern after MSIs. Kaplan–Meier estimators considered the return to activity as primary endpoint. The hazard ratio (HR) for return to activity was determined using Cox proportional hazard models, after classifying horses based on the injury type. A total of 543 MSIs were considered. The 33.6% (95% confidence limits [CL]: 29.5, 37.8) of STBRs suffering from MSI had to be retired as consequence of that. The median recovery time after MSI was 119 days (95% CL: 47, 179). Horses with traumatic osteoarthritis had a greater likelihood of returning to athletic activity compared with horses with stress fractures (HR = 4.8, 95% CL: 3.5, 6.7) and tendon/ligament strains (HR = 4.1, 95% CL: 3.1, 5.4). Increased racing speed was recorded after injuries. The second MSI was more often localized to the contralateral limb compared with the first injury (odds ratio (OR) 6.35, 95% CL: 4.29, 8.51), diagonal (OR 4.59, 95% CL: 3.05, 6.27) and to the same limb (OR 3.17, 95% CL: 2.03, 4.47) than to the ipsilateral limb.  相似文献   

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