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通过模拟试验,研究启动磷肥施用在土壤中不同位置对滴灌玉米苗期生长、根系形态发育以及根系与土壤磷养分空间分布的影响,为明确启动磷肥最佳施肥位置及其对滴灌玉米苗期生长的影响提供理论依据。利用根箱设置启动磷肥:(1)模拟滴灌施肥(T1);(2)种子侧方5 cm、下方5 cm穴施(T2);(3)种子侧方5 cm、下方12 cm穴施(T3);(4)不施启动磷肥(CK)4个处理,根据大田启动磷肥施用量(P2O5 30 kg/hm2)设置启动磷肥用量为P2O5 0.2 g/kg土。分析各处理对玉米苗期生长、根系构型、根系与土壤磷养分分布状况的影响以及评价根系与土壤磷养分空间匹配度。结果表明:在玉米出苗后14,21天,施用启动磷肥显著增加了玉米总根长、总表面积、一级侧根和二级侧根数量,总体表现为T2最高,T1和T3次之,CK最低,但玉米初生根根条数和主胚根根长在各施肥处理间无显著差异。出苗后21天,土壤速效磷T1主要分布于垂直0—9 cm、水平0—18 cm范围内,T2主要分布于垂直3—12 cm、水平0—11 cm范围内,T3分布于垂直11—20 cm、水平0—11 cm范围内,根系分布T1主要集中于0—9 cm的土层中,T2主要集中于垂直5—15 cm、水平0—12 cm土层中,T3主要集中于垂直12—18 cm、水平0—9 cm土层中。各施肥处理中根系与土壤磷养分分布的空间匹配程度表现为T2>T3>T1。玉米出苗后7天,各处理间玉米干重和磷养分积累无显著差异,出苗后14,21天,启动磷肥处理玉米干重和磷养分积累显著高于CK,其中T2玉米干重和磷养分积累量最大,且显著高于T1和T3,但T1和T3之间无显著差异。启动磷肥穴施于种子侧下方5 cm处对玉米生长表现最佳,主要原因是养分分布位置与根系分布空间最匹配,有利于根系吸收磷素,同时促进了施肥区玉米侧根增生,扩大根系与土壤的接触面积,并增加了玉米的磷吸收量以及生物量。采用滴灌施用启动肥也能起到促进根系生长的作用,但是根系分布较浅。  相似文献   

根据本实验室前期的水培实验,利用盆栽培养,研究了外加土壤Cd处理浓度为12 mg kg-1时花生植株的生理毒害反应及其品种间差异。以两个不同的花生品种花育22和花育20为实验材料进行对比研究,分别测定三个不同时期花生叶片叶绿素含量和细胞膜透性、根系和叶片丙二醛含量、抗氧化酶体系活力及花生产量。结果表明:在外加土壤Cd处理浓度为12mg kg-1时,叶片叶绿素含量和抗氧化酶体系活力随着处理时间的增加而降低,Cd处理组相对于对照组都有所下降,且花育20下降幅度要远大于花育22,尤其在成熟期,镉处理组中花育20的SOD、POD和CAT活力显著低于对照组;而细胞膜透性和丙二醛含量则是随着处理时间的增加而增加,且Cd处理组相对于对照组都有所增加,花育20增加幅度要大于花育22。产量测定结果显示,花育22下降13.14%,花育20下降26.98%。结合各指标的变化情况分析可知,花生对Cd污染存在着较大的品种间差异;其中过氧化物岐化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)和叶绿素三个指标变化幅度较大,为初步筛选选育抗Cd花生品种的参考指标和花生Cd污染的诊断指标提供依据。  相似文献   

水、氮供应和土壤空间所引起的根系生理特性变化   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:24  
在限制根系生长的胁迫条件下.,研究了补充和不补充供应水、氮对玉米根系生理特性及养分吸收的影响。结果表明.,正常生长条件下.,水、氮供应促进了根系生长.,增加了根系吸收总面积、活跃吸收面积和TTC还原量.,促进了根系对养分的吸收.,从而提高了产量.;限制根系生长.,水分的作用与正常条件下相同.,氮素的作用则受控于土壤水分。补充灌水增强了氮肥作用.,供氮促进了根系生长.,改善了根系生理特性.,减少了限制根系生长所引起的不良影响.;不补充灌水限制了氮肥作用的发挥.,供氮导致了根系生物量和生理特性下降.,加重了限制根系生长的不良影响。  相似文献   

不同磷营养油菜品种根系形态及生理特性差异研究   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:37  
研究不同磷营养油菜对磷素的反应及其根系形态特征、生理特性等方面的差异,结果表明:磷高效油菜需磷量较小,而在缺磷时吸磷量较大;缺磷时两种油菜品种根冠比增加,且磷高效品种增加幅度大于磷低效品种;缺磷时,磷高效品种具有较长的根系,较大的根体积、根表面积与根活跃吸收表面积,而加磷时,两品种差异不大。油菜缺磷时,磷高效品种磷外渗率小于磷低效品种,加磷时两品种磷外渗率差异不大。缺磷时磷高效品种对磷的亲和力大于磷低效品种,加磷时磷高效品种中磷进入根系的最大净流量小于磷低效品种。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验方法研究夏玉米根系脱氢酶活性、植株氮磷钾养分吸收、干物质积累和产量对不同施肥方式的响应,以期为夏玉米合理施肥提供理论依据。结果表明:与农民习惯施肥(T6)比,推荐施肥量分2层施用的T4效果最佳,其成熟期干物质积累量增加30.4%,氮、磷、钾养分吸收量分别提高30.6%、28.5%、26.4%,增产34.3%;推荐施肥量分3层施用的T5效果次之,其成熟期干物质积累量增加13.1%,25~35 cm根系脱氢酶活性显著提升40.3%,氮、钾养分吸收量分别提高5.7%、7.7%,增产16.0%。推荐施肥量分层施用配施有机肥能满足玉米后期养分需求,促进根系下扎,有效促进各土层根系脱氢酶活性,提高干物质与氮、磷、钾养分积累量,增产效果显著;综合以推荐施肥量分2层施用(推荐施肥量一半氮肥施在5~15 cm,另一半氮肥和全部磷钾肥、生物有机肥施在15~25 cm)的处理较为合适。  相似文献   

磷肥处理对烤烟生长生理及根系构型的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
贾志红  易建华  符建国  苏以荣 《土壤》2011,43(3):388-391
采用根箱栽培,研究了高 P、低P对烤烟生长生理及根系构型的影响,结果发现,烟株生长指标(株高、茎围、叶重、根重)、生理指标(烟叶净光合速率、硝酸还原酶活性、烟株根系活力)、根际土壤微生物数量(细菌、真菌、放线菌)均为高P处理大于低P处理。高P和低P处理烟株根系构型具有各自鲜明的发根特征和侧重点,高P处理根系构型优势在烟株发育后期的第三轮根以及一级侧根,而低P处理根系构型主要优势在第一轮根、第二轮根及总不定根。低P处理烟株不定根的生成量超过高P处理。  相似文献   

为探讨品种与氮肥形态对花生叶片活性铁含量和SPAD值及荚果产量的影响,选择远杂9102和驻花1号两个品种为主处理,以全部施用铵态氮肥、铵态氮肥与硝态氮肥各半、全部硝态氮肥为副处理的裂区设计进行田间试验。结果表明,远杂9102和驻花1号均以铵态氮肥与硝态氮肥各半处理的产量最高,但远杂9102的产量显著高于驻花1号,提高8.2%。在花针期、结荚期随着铵态氮肥比例的增加,远杂9102叶片活性铁含量均呈降低趋势,而驻花1号叶片活性铁含量在花针期和结荚期均呈增加趋势;新叶SPAD值均呈增加趋势。综合分析,以远杂9102品种和铵态氮肥与硝态氮肥各半组合的花生产量最高。  相似文献   

种植密度和施氮水平对花生根系生长及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过大田试验研究不同种植密度和施氮水平对花生根和产量的影响。结果表明:氮肥施用量对根形态有明显影响,根长、根体积和根表面积都与氮水平正相关,同时施氮也促进了根干物质的积累;种植密度增加有利于根在水平方向的生长,但抑制了根干物质的积累。种植密度和施氮水平对花生产量有显著影响,二者交互作用下,种植密度为13.5万穴hm-2、施氮量为105 kg hm-2处理的花生群体产量最高。  相似文献   

根系是植物对养分最敏感的部位,直接与养分接触,参与养分的吸收过程,在养分胁迫(缺乏或毒害)下最先引起反应。植物在低氮、低磷、低钾和元素中毒胁迫下,其形态和生理上都发生一定的变化。综述了养分缺乏和元素毒害胁迫下植物根系形态的变化、生理反应、分子生物学基础及其与养分吸收效率和对元素毒害的抗性的关系。  相似文献   

不同磷肥用量对绿芦笋产量及营养品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年3~7月在西辽河平原的内蒙古民族大学实验农场,以4年生芦笋阿波罗(Asparagus officinalis L.cv.Apollo)为试材,研究了不同磷肥用量对绿芦笋产量及营养品质的影响。结果表明,施磷量在0~90 kg hm-2的范围内,绿芦笋产量随施磷量的增加呈先升高后略有降低的变化趋势,单支重和支数均有不同程度的增加。随着磷肥用量的增加,叶绿素a、叶绿素b的含量增加,而类胡萝卜素的含量变化不大;采笋后期叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素含量均明显地高于采笋前期和中期。可溶性糖、粗蛋白和可溶性蛋白含量总体上随着施磷量的增加而增加;矿质元素含量在一定施磷水平下较高,高量施磷和不施磷处理含量均较低。在试验条件下,施磷量在72 kghm-2下,具有较高的产量和较好的营养品质。  相似文献   


Foliar application of phosphorus (P) may be a supplementary treatment to sustain adequate P-status of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). However, the prediction of the potential benefits of foliar P supply is difficult, since several factors, such as weather conditions and plant P-status influence the effects. We determined the impact of soil moisture and soil P-supply on the responsiveness to foliar P-application under controlled environmental conditions. Plant dry matter yields, P-accumulation and phosphorus use efficiency (PUE) with or without foliar application were determined at five soil P-levels in combination with two soil moisture levels. The results suggest that water status is of importance for the responsiveness to foliar P-application and may be related to diffusion of P through the leaf cells, which require a good water status. The PUE was significantly improved with irrigation while adding P to the soil decreased the PUE.  相似文献   

The balance between leaf senescence, induced by phosphorus deficiency, and grain growth was examined in wheat plants grown in sand with high (control) and low phosphorus (low‐P) nutrition. Foliar applications of P were made prior to anthesis and at early and mid grain development. Low‐P plants were also given an additional dose of P via the roots at mid grain development.

Foliar applications of P had no effect on leaf function (net CO2 exchange rate), or grain development in control plants. However, P applied to the flag leaf of low‐P plants delayed senescence and thus increased leaf area duration, but this did not result in a significant increase in grain yield per ear. Phosphorus applied to the ear surface (the glumes) of low‐P plants increased the concentration of P in the grain, but did not increase the number of cells per grain, or the grain yield per ear. The late application of P via the roots also delayed senescence in low‐P plants, but did not cause an increase in yield.

These experiments indicate that grain growth in low‐P plants is not limited by the level of supply of photosynthate, or the availability of P during the actual period of grain development. Phosphorus translocated to the grain late in plant development is used inefficiently in plants that are adequately supplied with phosphorus and in plants suffering from P deficiency.  相似文献   

In a simple randomised field trial conducted during 1985–86/ 1986–87, the effect of basal nitrogen (45 and 60 kg N/ha) and basal phosphorus (15 and 20 kg P/ha) applications together with the soaking of seeds in 0.025% aqueous pyridoxine hydrochloride solution for 4h and foliar applications of 15 kg N/ha and 5 kg P/ha in two installments at 70 and 90 days after sowing (DAS) was studied on the performance of mustard (Brassica juncea L.). Recommended basal applications of 90 kg N/ha and 30 kg P/ha (BN90P30) was used as the control. The parameters studied included leaf area index (LAI) at 60, 80, and 100 DAS, net assimilation rate at 60–80 and 80–100 day intervals, and pods/plant, seeds/pod, seed yield, oil content, and oil yield at harvest. In general, the pyridoxine treatment proved superior over water soaking. The higher basal fertilizer dose was effective and foliar application of N and P gave higher values as compared to the water foliar application alone. The combination of pyridoxine + BN60P20+ FN15FP5 significantly enhanced the performance of the crop and enhanced seed yield and oil yield by 15.8 and 13.5%, respectively, over the check BN90P30 treatment.  相似文献   

不同水氮耦合对水稻根系形态生理、产量与氮素利用的影响   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:20  
为了探讨不同水氮耦合处理对水稻根系形态生理、产量及氮肥利用率的影响,以徐稻3号为材料,进行防雨棚池栽试验,设置浅水层灌溉、轻度水分胁迫(-20 k Pa)和重度水分胁迫(-40 k Pa)3种灌溉方式及不施氮肥,中氮(normal nitrogen,MN,240 kg/hm2)和高氮(high nitrogen,HN,360 kg/hm2)3种氮水平,研究不同水氮耦合对根系形态、根系吸收面积、根系氧化力、根系氮代谢酶活性的影响。结果表明:灌溉方式与施氮量存在明显的互作效应,轻度水分胁迫增加了主要生育期根长、根质量、根质量密度、根系氧化力、总吸收面积、活跃吸收面积及根系氮代谢酶活性,降低穗分化后水稻根冠比,且与MN耦合后产量及氮肥农学利用率最高,为该试验最佳的水氮耦合运筹模式;重度水分胁迫则降低根长、根质量、根系活力及氮代谢酶活性,增加主要生育期根冠比。相关分析表明:幼穗分化始期至成熟期根冠比与水稻籽粒产量呈负相关关系,而其他根系形态、根系氧化力及氮代谢酶活性均与产量呈显著(P0.05)或极显著(P0.01)的正相关;根系质量、根质量密度及根冠比与氮肥农学利用率呈负相关,而穗分化至成熟期根系活跃吸收面积及穗分化至抽穗期根系氧化力均与氮肥农学利用率呈显著(P0.05)或极显著(P0.01)的正相关。表明通过适宜的水氮耦合调控,创造良好的根系形态、提高根系活力和氮代谢酶活性,将更有利于提高产量及氮肥利用效率。该研究对认识水氮耦合下根系形态生理差异、指导水稻高产高效栽培实践提供理论依据。  相似文献   


The response of okra plants (Hibiscus esculentus) to root‐and foliar‐applied B at 0, 2 and 4 ppm was investigated in solution culture. Root‐B application higher than 2 ppm resulted in severe root burn and toxicity in the plants, whereas foliar‐B application up to 4 ppm produced adequate plant growth. Chlorophyll and carotene content of the leaves, flower number, stem diameter, plant height and dry matter production were drastically reduced at high root‐applied B when compared to the foliar treatments. Significant negative correlation between root‐applied B and plant height, stem diameter, leaf and flower number was established. Except for a significant negative correlation with leaf number, all other growth components were positively correlated with foliar application of B. At 2 ppm B, leaf‐B, ‐P, ‐K and ‐Ca were higher at the root‐B than at the foliar‐B treatments. Foliar application of B was superior to root‐application as was observed in the healthy growth of the okra plant.  相似文献   

The influence of foliar application of 1% urea and four rates of urea (100, 200, 300 and 400 g tree?1) as soil application (deep fertilizer placement) were studied on leaf nutrients concentrations, yield and fruit quality of ‘Malas e Torsh e Saveh’ pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) during 2010 and 2011 growing seasons. Trees that received 300 and 400 g urea as soil application showed positive significant response on fruit yield, average fruit weight, aril weight percent of fruit, 100 arils weight, fruit diameter and TSS. Foliar application of urea had also significant effects on average fruit weight, aril weight percent of fruit and 100 arils weight. Nitrogen concentration increased linearly in leaves with the increase in rate of urea-applied. According to results, deep soil application of urea under the conditions of this study was more effective on pomegranate fruit yield and quality characters than foliar application of urea.  相似文献   

单粒精播对夏直播花生生育生理特性和产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探明单粒精播对夏直播花生的个体发育和群体结构以及产量的影响,以‘花育22号’花生为试验材料,研究了麦茬夏直播花生单粒精播(SS)和双粒穴播(DS)在相同密度条件下的植株发育动态、叶片生理特性和产量及其构成因素的差异。结果表明:夏直播花生单粒精播在生育前期的主茎高和侧枝长均高于双粒穴播,而在生育后期则低于双粒穴播,但差异不显著。单粒精播在各个生育期的主茎节数、主茎绿叶数、分枝数和叶面积指数均高于双粒穴播,尤其是分枝数差异显著。夏直播花生单粒精播在饱果期和成熟期的叶片SOD、POD、CAT活性和叶绿素含量以及净光合速率均高于双粒穴播,而其MDA含量低于双粒穴播,其中在成熟期除了CAT活性差异不显著外,其余指标均显著差异。夏直播花生单粒精播的单株饱果数增多,单株果重增加,荚果产量显著高于双粒穴播。夏直播花生荚果产量与单株果重和叶片净光合速率极显著正相关,与经济系数、主茎绿叶数、叶面积指数和叶绿素含量呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

Potassium phosphate (KH2PO4) is applied commonly in dilute foliar sprays to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in China. Yield responses to foliar P sources have also been reported for several crop species in other countries. Experiments were conducted to determine efficacy of four P sources and four rates of KH2PO4 as foliar treatments on wheat under field conditions and KH2PO4 under two controlled temperature regimes. Grain yields were increased most by KH2PO4 followed by β‐glycerophosphate and tripolyphosphate; only phytic acid was ineffective. All rates of 1 to 4 kg ha‐1 KH2PO4 increased grain yields. Foliar KH2PO4 applications increased grain weight early under low controlled temperatures, but did not affect final grain weight under either temperature regime. Beneficial effects of foliar P treatments were associated with increased plant P content, which may have increased cell sugar content and protected membranes. Although preliminary results are favorable, additional research is needed to determine optimum methods and conditions for treating wheat with foliar P sources.  相似文献   

Moringa leaf extracts (MLE) from two varieties of Moringa oleifera Lam. were applied to leaves of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in two glasshouse experiments. MLE was extracted from the leaves of using three different solvents (hexane, butanol; ethyl-acetate). The extracts were applied as foliar sprays at different growth stages of wheat (T. aestivum L.) grown on two soil types with either adequate or low phosphorus (P) nutrient additions at Albany, Western Australia. Sprays were applied at the 4–5 leaf (tillering) and the 7-leaf (Boot) stage either as a single spray or a combination of sprays at tillering and boot stage. The application of MLE either at tillering or boot stage increased the dry weight of shoots (biomass) and grain yield of wheat. A foliar spray of MLE applied at tillering increased biomass at the boot stage by ~37% and grain yield increased by ~34% compared to nil MLE spray. A single spray of MLE increased grain yield by ~30% when applied at boot stage. A single application at tillering gave a better yield response than a single spray at the 7-leaf or boot or than a double spray applied at tillering and boot stage. A 50% dilution of the extractant concentration gave the same grain yield response as the original concentration applied at tillering stage. The hexane extracts gave the significantly higher grain yield responses. Plant tissue and grain analysis showed no significant difference in protein and nutrient concentration of wheat grain from plants sprayed with and without MLE. A MLE spray at boot also increased grain yield by 44% on the red sandy-loam soil where P application was at sub-optimum levels, ~80% of P requirement for maximum yield. The partial factor productivity (PFP) index indicated that the P and potassium (K) use improved where MLE was applied as a foliar spray. For example, the PFP of P and K for grain yield increased by about 30%, where MLE was sprayed to foliage. The results of this study indicate that MLE extracted can potentially be a viable option to increase wheat grain yield and fertilizer efficiency use, particularly P and K, in Mediterranean wheat production system.  相似文献   


Soil fertility depletion coupled with improper fertilization is one of the major constraints limiting linseed production in Ethiopia. Experiment was conducted in 2014/2015 on Nitisol in southeastern Ethiopian highlands to study the effect of phosphorus (P) fertilizer rate on yield, yield components, and oil content of linseed. It comprised of six levels of P fertilizer (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25?kg?P?ha?1) arranged in randomized complete block design with three replications. Results revealed that P fertilization brought significant effect on biomass yield, harvest index, plant height, number of capsules per plant, and kernel size. However, it didn’t significantly increase seed yield and oil content on linseed. Considering its influence on increasing biomass yield and improving yield components, application of 5?kg?P?ha?1 has been recommended for replenishing the extracted P, maintaining soil fertility and improving linseed production on Nitisols of southeastern Ethiopian highlands and other similar agro-ecologies.  相似文献   

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