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试验以湘潭县杨嘉桥镇原种场轻度污染农田为对象,早稻以‘中嘉早17号’和‘湘早籼24号’为供试品种,晚稻以‘H优518’和‘岳优27’为供试品种,采用“VIP+n”综合降镉技术,开展“VIP+n”修复技术模式区域化研究与示范工作,旨在探究不同“VIP+n”降镉技术组合模式在轻度镉污染区域的适应性,围绕轻度镉污染区域的生态、经济、种植习惯因地制宜地构建最佳“VIP+n”县域本土化技术模式。结果表明:早稻米镉含量低于晚稻;不同“VIP+n”降镉技术组合模式在轻度镉污染区域适应性良好且降镉率至少在40%以上,都能够降低稻米镉含量并使其远低于国家标准0.2 mg/kg。结论 从生态效益、经济效益和稻米降镉效果来看,“当地水稻品种+撒施石灰”修复技术组合是降低轻度重金属污染农田稻米镉含量的最佳推广模式。  相似文献   

柏光晓  黄贵民 《种子》1999,(1):66-67
贵州是国内玉米地方品种较丰富的地区之一,经过长期的进化演化和人工选择,形成了丰富的种质资源,广泛分布于全省各地不同的自然生态区域。实践证明地方种质对当地生产条件良好的适应性。加强地方种质研究与充分利用外来种质相结合,因地制宜地选育多种类型的杂交种并合理配套推广,是在贵州复杂生态环境下提高大面积中低土玉米单产的有效途径。利用优良种质在贵州玉米育种中,起到了重要作用。如木6、交门、关花、独紫等及其改良系,在全省推广面积较大的杂交种如黔单4号、兴玉l号、交三单交、黔原单3号等均含有地方种质血缘。1搜集、保…  相似文献   

贵州糯玉米育种现状、种质创新及发展方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对贵州育成糯玉米品种性状及选系、种质等分析,提出今后贵州糯玉米的育种方向和目标性状要求,并提出糯玉米育种种质创新的思路:加大收集、发掘地方品种资源,并加强利用;产量、株型、抗性等性状可用普通玉米自交系回交转育;逐步开展糯玉米二环系的选育;采用轮回选择改良选育糯玉米自交系;采用理化诱变及基因工程技术与传统选育方法相结合改良创新糯玉米种质。  相似文献   

为筛选玉米抗旱品种及探究抗旱机制。本研究以目前主推的6个玉米品种为试验材料,在拔节期进行水分中度胁迫试验,分析干旱胁迫下6个玉米品种的丙二醛含量、叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白含量、脯氨酸含量、超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化物酶活性。发现6个玉米品种在干旱胁迫下表现出了不同的生理响应机制,6个玉米品种叶片的丙二醛含量、叶绿素含量均不同幅度的显著下降,脯氨酸含量、可溶性蛋白含量、超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化物酶活性均不同程度的显著升高。干旱胁迫下,尤其‘郑单988’和‘郑单6386’的MDA含量升高幅度较低,叶绿素含量下降幅度较小,抗氧化酶活性升高幅度较大,可溶性蛋白和脯氨酸含量较高;相反‘郑单958’相对于‘郑单6386’和‘郑单988’,生理生化层面表现出较弱的抗旱性。结果表明拔节期‘郑单988’和‘郑单6386’的抗旱性较‘郑单958’强。本研究结果对揭示玉米耐旱机理有一定的重要意义,并可以为玉米耐旱种质筛选、改良和分子育种提供有效的指导和参考。  相似文献   

本研究旨在为科学布局高标准农田建设项目提供技术支持。从分析建设适宜性和空间稳定性入手,提出了基于耦合协调度模型和冷热点分析的项目区遴选方法,并在吉林省舒兰市进行实证研究。结果表明:舒兰市高标准农田建设潜力较大,高适宜区和中适宜区合占耕地总面积的74.91%,主要分布在北部乡镇;空间稳定性与建设适宜性的空间分布大致相同,整体呈现“北部高于南部”的特征;高标准农田建设呈现明显的“北部易于南部”特征,其中优良协调类占耕地总面积的52.92%,主要分布在平安镇、金马镇、七里乡、开原镇、水曲柳镇和天德乡等,该类耕地自然禀赋较好、基础设施完备,并且与城镇、交通干线有一定距离,建设占用的可能性较小,高标准农田建设难度最小;高标准农田建设适宜性和空间稳定性耦合协调度的热点区主要分布在法特镇、莲花乡、天德乡、平安镇、七里乡等北部乡镇,是高标准农田项目的优先选择区域。结合研究区实际,确定舒兰市“十三五”期间高标准农田建设区总面积10828.89 hm 2。  相似文献   

为了明确经济发达地区广东省农地边际化现象及其主要影响因素。本研究采用“单位成本纯收益指标”、“农地利用集约度指标”和“农作物播种面积指标”三大主要指标,对广东省2000—2015年农地边际化特征进行提取。选择影响农地边际化特征的19个因子,利用地理探测器方法对农地边际化现象的核心影响因素进行挖掘。结果表明:2000—2015年广东省共发生3次比较明显的农地边际化现象,分别在2001—2002年、2005—2006年、2010—2013年,且第3次边际化持续时间最长,情况最严重。社会经济发展水平与结构指标和农户家庭资源要素结构变化指标对农地边际化的影响程度较大,其中第三产业产值比重、农村农户固定资产投资、粮食总播种面积对农地边际化现象有较强的解释力,q值分别为0.8067、0.8055、0.7916。任何两因子相互交互作用都能增强对农地边际化现象的解释力。  相似文献   

浅谈美国玉米种质在中国玉米育种中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
玉米品种的换代更新离不开种质的创新,外来种质是我国玉米育种的重要基础材料来源。本文简要分析了自20世纪70年代以来我国引进的美国优良种质在我国玉米育种和生产上取得的成就、种质特点及改良的途径。  相似文献   

浅淡美国玉米种质在中国玉米育种中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
玉米品种的换代更新离不开种质的创新,外来种质是我国玉米育种的重要基础材料来源.本文简要分析了自20世纪70年代以来我国引进的美国优良种质在我国玉米育种和生产上取得的成就、种质特点及改良的途径.  相似文献   

我国玉米地方种质资源在育种中的应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
近20年来,我国生产上大面积应用的玉米杂交种的亲本自交系,主要集中在唐四平头、旅大红骨、lan-caster和ReidYellowDent等四大种质类群上,玉米育种的种质基础狭窄和遗传脆弱性已成为人们十分担心的问题,为了开发新的种质资源,扩大玉米遗传育种的种质基础,自20世纪80年代以来,我国育种家对热带、亚热带及美国等外来种质产生了浓厚兴趣,通过引进、改良驯化和导入利用等大量研究,取得了一定成效。然而我国十分丰富的地方种质资源,其优良种质虽然在玉米育种史上发挥过重要作用,但目前利用较少。充分开发地方种质资源、进行种质扩增和杂交种选…  相似文献   

本研究展示了美国玉米种质在中国近期玉米品种更新换代中的作用,以及形成的中外种质结合的杂种优势利用模式,从侧面回顾了中国玉米育种在利用以美国为代表的外来种质资源过程中的经历和困惑,从实践的角度提出探讨和辨析外来种质血缘的必要性和紧迫性,讨论了在籽粒机收为育种目标的主题下,土×土、土×洋、洋×洋和土/洋×土/洋杂交模式的优点和局限,探讨了亚群(亚系)间杂种优势模式在实现早熟坚杆耐密型品种选育中的可能性。  相似文献   

Deploying maize varieties with fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda [J.E. Smith]; FAW) resistance, desirable product profiles (PPs) and climate resilience is fundamental for food and economic security in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This study reviewed and identified challenges and opportunities for effective and accelerated breeding of demand-led maize hybrids with FAW resistance and adaptation to the diverse agro-ecologies of SSA. Lessons were drawn on improving breeding efficiency through adequate genetic variation delivered via prebreeding programmes, speed breeding and a reduced breeding stage plan. Appropriate PPs aligned with demand-led breeding approaches were highlighted as foundations for variety design and commercialization. Challenges to accelerated FAW resistance breeding in maize included inadequate funds and modern tools; poor adaptation of some exotic donor parental lines; lack of information on FAW resistance among local varieties; lack of integration of molecular markers associated with FAW resistance and agronomic traits into selection plans; and limited infrastructure for FAW rearing and germplasm screening. Integration of modern breeding tools and scientific innovations were recommended for accelerated development and release of FAW resistant and market-preferred maize varieties.  相似文献   

系谱分析能够简便有效地阐明育成品种的整体遗传基础,掌握育成品种的遗传基础可揭示品种演变特点,总结亲本选配的经验,并指导育种。本研究对保山市农业科学研究所2000年以后育成的21个大麦系列品种的育种途径及其品种系谱进行分析,结果表明,杂交育种是保山市农业科学研究所大麦育种的主要方法,76.2%的品种是通过杂交育种育成的,23.8%的品种是经过系统选择育种而成。所育成的21个大麦系列品种来源于20个细胞核祖先亲本和10个细胞质祖先亲本。来源于墨西哥的亲本细胞核遗传贡献值最大,为62.35%,表明保大麦系列品种祖先亲本主要来源于墨西哥。来源于墨西哥的亲本‘YS500’、‘V008’、‘8640’、‘Peaosanhos-174’累计细胞核贡献值最大、衍生品种最多,为核心祖先亲本。  相似文献   

M. J. Carena 《Euphytica》2013,191(2):165-171
Maize (Zea mays L.) breeding programs integrating pre-breeding with cultivar development are needed. The objectives of the North Dakota corn breeding program are to adapt exotic and unique germplasm, maximize the genetic improvement of adapted germplasm, and develop unique short-season products for breeding and commercial use. This applied program has significant support from state maize grower organizations, farmers, food and fuel processors, and industry. As a result 25 inbred lines and 17 improved populations, carrying unique alleles not present in the B73 line and the Nested Association Mapping population (NAM) genomes, were released in the past 10 years and six hybrids were identified for commercial purposes. These included the first releases from our NDSU EarlyGEM program to increase the genetic diversity of U.S. northern hybrids and break environmental margins. These are not registered nationally due to exclusive agreements with industry. The strategic location of this research program allows the exploitation of challenging environmental conditions making evolution toward desirable goals faster, discarding unstable and weak maize varieties effectively. There are still several challenges to be addressed though. Retailer companies offer fewer products with more events making maize more vulnerable due to similar genetics. The confidential nature of the maize business limits breeding rights to develop better industry products, which currently reduces the breeding efficiency to identify the most outstanding hybrids for farmers across regions. Maize research, development, and production in marginal regions can be uniquely positioned to lead breeding research for climate changes and the development of the next generation of genetically broad-based elite products. Improvements in intellectual property and re-thinking of breeding rights access are encouraged.  相似文献   

黑龙江省水稻种质资源农艺性状鉴定与筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据《水稻种质资源描述规范和数据标准》调查标准,对黑龙江省水稻地方品种123份、国外引进品种68份和黑龙江省选育品种82份进行农艺性状精准鉴定,对273份不同类型水稻农艺性状指标进行等级分类,筛选综合性状优异材料为地方品种共7份、国外品种13份、选育品种13份,其将对黑龙江省水稻育种事业发展起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

Vitamin A deficiency is widely prevailing in children and women of developing countries. Deficiency of vitamin A causes night blindness, growth retardation, xerophthalmia and increases the susceptibility against epidemic diseases. Among different interventions of overcoming malnutrition, biofortification is the most acceptable and preferred intervention among researchers, growers and consumers. Maize is grown and consumed in those regions where vitamin A deficiency is most prevalent; thus, targeting this crop for provitamin A biofortification is the most appropriate solution. Different breeding strategies including diversity analysis, introduction and stability analysis of exotic germplasm, hybridization, heterosis breeding, mutagenesis and marker‐assisted selection are practised for exploring maize germplasm and development of provitamin A‐enriched cultivars. Genome‐wide association selection and development of transgenic maize genotypes are also being practised, whereas RNA interference and genome editing tools could also be used as potential strategies for provitamin A biofortification of maize genotypes. The use of these breeding strategies for provitamin A biofortification of maize is comprehensively reviewed to provide a working outline for maize breeders.  相似文献   

Maize is a commodity crop providing millions of people with food, feed, industrial raw material and economic opportunities. However, maize yields in Africa are relatively stagnant and low, at a mean of 1.7 t ha−1 compared with the global average of 6 t ha−1. The yield gap can be narrowed with accelerated and precision breeding strategies that are required to develop and deploy high-yielding and climate-resilient maize varieties. Genomic and phenotypic selections are complementary methods that offer opportunities for the speedy choice of contrasting parents and derived progenies for hybrid breeding and commercialization. Genomic selection (GS) will shorten the crop breeding cycle by identifying and tracking desirable genotypes and aid the timeous commercialization of market-preferred varieties. The technology, however, has not yet been fully embraced by most public and private breeding programmes, notably in Africa. This review aims to present the importance, current status, challenges and opportunities of GS to accelerate genetic gains for economic traits to speed up the breeding of high-yielding maize varieties. The first section summarizes genomic selection and the contemporary phenotypic selection and phenotyping platforms as a foundation for GS and trait integration in maize. This is followed by highlights on the reported genetic gains and progress through phenotypic selection and GS for grain yield and yield components. Training population development, genetic design and statistical models used in GS in maize breeding are discussed. Lastly, the review summarizes the challenges of GS, including prediction accuracy, and integrates GS with speed breeding, doubled haploid breeding and genome editing technologies to increase breeding efficiency and accelerate cultivar release. The paper will guide breeders in selection and trait introgression using GS to develop cultivars preferred by the marketplace.  相似文献   

Adaptation of tropical maize germplasm to temperate environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of few crops that can offer significant genetic gains with the utilization of genetic diversity. Genetically broad-based germplasm has the potential to contribute useful and unique alleles to U.S. Corn Belt breeding programs not present in current U.S. genome sequences (e.g. B73, NAM, etc.). Our objectives were to determine if unique tropical genetic materials have been effectively adapted to temperate environments and how their agronomic performance was relative to adapted populations. An important long-term objective of the Iowa and North Dakota maize breeding programs has been, in addition to the typical elite by elite line pedigree selection cultivar development process, to adapt exotic and unique germplasm, maximize their genetic improvement, and develop unique products for breeding and commercial uses. Stratified mass selection methodology for earliness has been utilized for the adaptation of tropical and temperate populations to Iowa and North Dakota environments. This method has allowed screening of up to 25,000 genotypes per population cycle at a rate of one cycle per year. In addition, the estimated cost per year our programs had for the adaptation of each population was less than $2,000 which could successfully be applied in any breeding program across the globe. This cost has been less than 1 % of the total cost for finding minor genes on the same trait. Our results showed the successful adaptation of exotic populations was independent from genetic background. We can speculate there are a few major genes responsible for most of flowering date expression. We encourage the use of technology to target traits according to their genetic complexity. Stratified mass selection at the phenotypic level has been successful. Each of the populations with either 25 of 100 % tropical germplasm are available for anyone who may desire to expand the germplasm base of their breeding programs with tropical germplasm adapted to temperate mid- and short-season U.S. Corn Belt environments.  相似文献   

从南非引入24份玉米种质资源进行初步试种,结果表明:南非22号比对照农大108增产44.4%,子粒赖氨酸含量比对照略高;南非9号比对照增产37.5%,但子粒赖氨酸含量比对照低5.6%;南非3号增产11.2%。南非2号与5号的子粒赖氨酸含量分别比对照高10.3%与8.6%,达极显著水平,其他12个品种子粒赖氨酸含量也均超过了对照。通过南、北方4个生长季节的试种、产比与选育,已获得各类优株穗选资源共计300个穗,丰富了当地种质资源。  相似文献   

Breeding of excellent rice varieties is essential for modern rice production. Typical breeding procedures to introduce and maintain valuable agricultural traits require at least 8 generations from crossing to stabilization, always taking more than 4–5 years of work. This long and tedious process is the rate-limiting step in the development of new varieties, and therefore fast culturing methods are in urgent need. Taking advantage of early flowering characteristics of light-sensitive rice under short-day conditions, we have developed a practical protocol to accelerate the breeding cycle of rice, which we have termed the “1 + 2”, “2 + 2”, “1 + 3”, and “0 + 5” methods according to the different rice varieties and different breeding purposes. We have also incorporated several techniques, including glume cutting, seed desiccation at 50°C in a drier seed dormancy breakage with low concentration of HNO3, and direct seeding. Using the above strategy, we have shortened the life cycle of light-sensitive rice varieties to about 70 days, making it possible for several rice cultivars to proliferate 4–5 generations in a single calendar year. This protocol greatly accelerates the process of new variety breeding, and can be used in rice research for shortening the process of genetic analysis and the construction of mapping populations.  相似文献   

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