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不同除草剂对稻田杂草群落演替的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为了明确除草剂对稻田杂草群落演替的影响,2001~2004年,连续4年施用7种稻田除草剂控制移栽稻田杂草,每年调查稻田杂草的种类、密度和鲜重,分析稻田杂草种群的变化.结果表明:连续使用同一除草剂对稻田杂草群落演替影响显著,靶标杂草的优势度值与药剂使用年限存在显著的线性或非线性关系:Y=a+bx或Y=ax^2+bx+c;非靶标杂草优势度值与药剂使用年限呈极显著正相关线性关系.不同药剂处理的杂草群落有一定的差异,连续使用二元复配除草剂,杂草群落的均匀度和多样性指数分别为0.40~0.43和1.57~1.84,明显低于单剂处理和对照区,田间主要杂草是陌上菜、水苋、千金子和水莎草,其杂草的鲜重显著低于其它处理.  相似文献   

采用九点取样法对位于浙江和广东两省的48个稻田监测点的杂草发生种类和除草剂使用情况进行调查。结果表明,浙江省水稻田杂草共34种,分属16科,相对多度在10%以上的有稗草、鸭舌草、千金子、陌上菜等12种杂草;广东省稻田杂草主要有稗草、千金子、水蓼等7种杂草,其中相对多度超过30%的有稗草、千金子、香附子和鸭舌草,共4种杂草。水稻不同种植方式和栽培方式条件下,稻田的杂草发生种类存在较大的差异。两省的稻田除草剂应用一般在1~3次。稗草、千金子等杂草对氰氟草酯、二氯喹啉酸除草剂存在一定的抗性风险。  相似文献   

采用五点取样法对位于广东省北部、中部和南部的部分地区稻田杂草发生种类进行调查,结果表明,广东省稻田主要杂革有48种,分别隶属于15个科。相对优势度计算结果表明,莲子草、鸭跖草、稗草、泥花草、空心莲子草、节节菜等杂草为广东省稻田优势杂草。其中广东北部稻田杂草群落结构以鸭跖草+稗草+莲子草为主;广东中部地区稻田杂草群落结构以节节菜+莲子草+稗草为主;广东南部地区稻田杂草群落结构以莲子草+鸭跖草+泥花草为主。总体来看,广东省稻田杂草发生频度较低,这可能与长期施用除草剂有关。  相似文献   

江苏省稻田杂草群落演替趋势及防除对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
江苏省稻田杂草有69种,分属27科,重要恶性杂草有稗,扁秆蔗草,矮慈姑,眼子菜。水莎草,鲤肠等10多种,由这些杂草组成不同的主要杂草组合8个,由于化学除草的普及和连年使用单一除草剂,以及轮,耕作制度,栽培方式变革等原因,造成阔叶杂草上或,特别是多年生恶性杂草上升、稗草发生波动的群落演替趋势。稻田杂草的防除对策应在掌握杂草群落组合分布的基础上,以应用一次性高效,广谱复配方除草剂为主体,结合一定的农世  相似文献   

广东省稻田杂草控制效果及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭亮  李奇  姬静华  林芳源  胡飞 《植物保护》2017,43(4):158-166
为了解常规管理条件下对广东稻田杂草的控制效果及其影响因素,于2015年对粤东、粤西、粤北地区及珠江三角洲的早、晚季稻田杂草进行了调查分析。结果表明:在常规控制措施下稻田中综合草害指数与水稻产量呈负相关,推荐剂量的除草剂不能有效控制稻田杂草的危害,特别是在早季需要辅以人工措施对稻田杂草进行管理。稻田杂草对除草剂产生了不同程度的抗药性。化学除草剂成本低,水稻种植者目前仍可以通过更换除草剂品种和加大剂量对杂草进行控制。化感抑草品种的推广需要在品质和产量上进一步满足生产的需要。在杂草耐药性增加、环境和政策要求减少化学除草剂投入的双重压力下,选育具有化感抑草效果的水稻品种,结合农艺措施,应该成为今后稻田控草的发展方向之一。  相似文献   

陈国奇  陆永良 《植物保护》2021,47(4):166-173
当前我国水稻田登记的除草剂活性成分组合共204种, 包括55种单剂和149种复配剂?在总结各种稻田除草剂应用技术要素的基础上, 提出稻田除草剂选用中具有普遍性的6个关键问题, 包括:水稻栽培方式?稻田除草剂施用时期?施用方法?稻田主要禾本科杂草种类?稻田非禾本科主要杂草类型?田间杂草生育期; 基于各种除草剂品种对应上述6个问题上的应用特点, 开发了“稻田除草剂选用参考系统”, 该手机软件共1.8 MB, 可以在安卓手机上安装使用?该软件可以根据用户在上述6个问题上的选项组合, 直接获得适用除草剂品种清单; 也可以根据用户输入除草剂名称所含字词, 检索相关的除草剂品种清单?此外, 软件中列出了每种除草剂的使用技术要点?  相似文献   

磺酰脲类除草剂在世界各地受到广泛应用,但其作用位点单一,杂草对其易产生抗药性.在贵州,磺酰脲类除草剂苄嘧磺隆、吡嘧磺隆应用至少有20年以上历史,为明确贵州稻田杂草眼子菜对磺酰脲类除草剂苄嘧磺隆、吡嘧磺隆的抗药性,指导农户合理用药,课题组采集贵州不同地区稻田杂草眼子菜鳞茎,采用《农药室内生物测定试验准则》的方法进行测定.试验结果表明:苄嘧磺隆、吡嘧磺隆对贵州稻田杂草眼子菜的防效较好,其鲜重防效在81%以上;所采样田块中眼子菜对苄嘧磺隆的IR值在1.00~7.53之间,对吡嘧磺隆的IR值在1.00~10.67之间.表明贵州稻田杂草眼子菜对磺酰脲类除草剂抗性水平不高,但部分田块已开始出现抗药性生态型眼子菜,且眼子菜对苄嘧磺隆、吡嘧磺隆两种药剂间存在着交互抗药性.  相似文献   

魏福香 《杂草科学》1991,(3):37-40,45
日本水稻种植面积为205万公顷,以机械插秧为主。直播稻处于试验和推广阶段。水稻种植人口约占全国人口的15%。日本水稻田杂草有43科191种,恶性杂草30余种。以化学除草为主,占世界稻田使用除草剂金额的65%。1960年日本农药总销额236亿日元,1989年3617亿日元,29年增长15.3倍。其中除草剂1960年占农药8.1%,1989年占农药32.4%(表1)。1989年稻田用农药1506亿日元,其中除草剂648亿日元,占43%,使用面积449万公  相似文献   

农得时(DPX—F5384)为杜邦公司开发的一种磺酰脲类除草剂,它的特点是除草活性高,选择性强,对环境安全,对稻田中的大多数一年生和多年生阔叶杂草和莎草科杂草具有特效,对稗草等有相当的抑制作用,它与其它防除禾本科杂草的除草剂混配,能够一次性控制稻田杂草,可应用于移栽稻田和直播稻田。是防除稻田杂草的好品种,有广阔的应用开发前景。但是应该指出,正是由于农得时可推广的地区广,各地的杂草情况、生态条件以及耕作  相似文献   

水稻是我县主要作物之一,常年种植面积32万亩以上.杂草的危害是影响其产量的主要因素之一.根据调查我县稻田发生危害的主要杂草有稗草、眼子菜和三棱草等.为选高效安全的稻田除草剂,指导农业生产,特进行本试验.  相似文献   

Rice–duck farming is one of the traditional, but current and gradually popularized, ecological farming techniques for paddy rice production in China. In comparison to rice monoculture farming, we investigated a weed community and weed infestation in a transplanted rice–duck farming system and examined the effects of duck activities on the weeds. Three treatments were imposed in the experiment: a rice–duck coculture with duck grazing and disturbance effects, a rice–duck coculture with duck disturbance effects only, and a control (rice monoculture, no duck effects). Rice seedlings were nursed and transplanted in this experiment. The total number of weed species was significantly lower in the treatment with both duck grazing and disturbance and in the treatment with duck disturbance only than in the monoculture rice treatment (control). The Shannon‐Wiener Biodiversity Index of the weed species decreased but the Pielou Evenness Index increased in both treatments with ducks compared to the monoculture control. Sorensen's coefficient of similarity of the weed communities was low between the treatments with ducks and the monoculture control, implying that the weed communities diverged. The total density and biomass of the weed community in both the treatments with ducks were significantly lower compared to the monoculture control. However, compared to the rice monoculture control, the weed biomass was reduced by 98% in the treatment with duck grazing and disturbance and by 84% in the treatment with duck disturbance only, implying that only 14% of the weeds were controlled by duck grazing and that 84% of the weed biomass was inhibited by duck activities in the rice field with ducks. The rice grain yield increased in the treatments with ducks compared to the control. The results suggested that duck activities, like grazing weeds and disturbance of the soil and water, had a significant effect on the weed community structure and that weeds could be well controlled without herbicide application under a rice–duck farming system.  相似文献   

This article documents the impact of site conditions and farming practices on the occurrence of rare and endangered weeds on arable land in the Czech Republic. A survey was conducted between 2006 and 2008 in winter cereals, spring cereals and wide‐row crops. The relationship between the occurrence of plants and explanatory factors was analysed using a multivariate analysis to calculate species frequencies in different types of farming, crops and altitudes. In total, 290 relevés were recorded, with a total number of 172 weed species. Nineteen weeds, classified as rare and endangered species according to the national Czech list, were identified in 106 relevés. The highest effect on the occurrence of rare and endangered weed species was observed for altitude. Almost half of the recorded endangered and rare species belonged to the thermophilous weed vegetation typical for cereals on basic soils. A higher occurrence of endangered species has been confirmed for organic farming, where the sum of frequencies was 4.5 times higher than in conventional farming. Field size was not included in our analyses, but could be a factor affecting weed assemblages. The highest frequency of rare species was recorded in spring cereals, followed by winter cereals and wide‐row crops. Higher numbers were identified within fields with higher weed coverage. Lower farming intensity and diversified farming systems at higher altitudes provided better conditions for the occurrence of rare species than intensively farmed lowlands.  相似文献   

8~11月在福建省沙县稻田调查,发现稻弄蝶卵寄生蜂4种,其中以拟澳洲赤眼蜂、稻螟赤眼蜂和稻苞虫黑卵蜂为主。同期在稻田内挂卵调查,寄生率为5.3~14.7%,平均10.4%,10~11月初田边杂草上卵寄生率为10~39.3%,平均28.6%。11月中下旬采的卵中发现有越冬的寄生蜂,翌年3月陆续羽化。弄蝶幼虫期有7种原寄生天敌和3种重寄生天敌;前者以稻苞虫凹眼姬蜂、银颜筒寄蝇和弄蝶绒茧蜂为主,寄主多在3~5龄时被杀死。8~9月田间幼虫寄生率为30.3~75.7%,平均为48.2%,对稻弄蝶虫口有一定的控制作用。  相似文献   

不同保护性耕作下冬小麦田杂草滋生情况调查研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用随机调查的方法,对不同保护性耕作处理下冬小麦田间杂草的种类和数量进行调查研究,发现不同的耕作处理对杂草种类和数量的消长有很大的影响.传统耕作、免耕、秸秆深松覆盖、高留茬深松覆盖四种处理,以免耕条件下杂草的种类和数量最多,秸秆深松覆盖、高留茬深松覆盖是控制冬小麦田间杂革滋生的一种有效措施.不同保护性耕作处理使冬小麦田间杂草种类与各杂草相对丰度均发生变化,各处理间Shannon多样性指教(H')和Mamclef物种丰富度指数(D)均存在差异,其原因可能是由于不同保护性耕作处理造成各处理间生态环境、土壤养分和土壤水分的不同,各种杂草的生长因而受其不同影响所致.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring fallow weeds are an alternative strategy for reducing nitrogen (N) loss from annual cropping systems by scavenging inorganic N from the soil. Soil tillage is a major factor affecting the growth of weed populations. This study was carried out to determine the effect of a no‐tillage (NT) system on the N scavenging capacity of fallow weeds in a double‐season rice cropping system. A fixed field experiment was carried out at the Experimental Farm of Hunan Agricultural University, Hunan Province, China, from 2008 to 2011. The results indicated that NT had 80% greater aboveground biomass of fallow weeds than conventional tillage (CT). There was no significant difference in N concentration in fallow weeds between NT and CT. N uptake by fallow weeds was 82% higher under NT than under CT. The stem density of fallow weeds was 50% higher under NT than under CT. The difference in the single‐stem biomass of fallow weeds was not significant between NT and CT. These results suggest that the N scavenging capacity of fallow weeds in the double‐rice cropping system can be increased by increasing the stem density and aboveground biomass through the adoption of NT farming. Our study identifies a potential new ecosystem service provided by NT farming.  相似文献   

In 1991, a farming-system comparison was established on Burgrain Farm (Alberswil) to investigate the long-term sustainability of farming systems in Switzerland. In this study, the impacts of the three farming systems [organic (ORG), and integrated (IF) with an extensive (IF ext ) and an intensive (IF int ) variant] on weed dynamics and diversity in six fields planted with winter wheat, maize, summer/winter barley, potatoes/oilseed rape and temporary grassland are examined. Altogether, 51 plant species were recorded from 1999 to 2006 in the maize and winter wheat crop. Total weed ground cover prior to harvest was seven times higher for wheat and 15 times higher for maize in ORG than in IF int , but grain yields were not negatively affected. Weed diversity was higher for ORG than for IF. In the temporary grassland, Taraxacum officinale and Rumex obtusifolius increased with time and dominated the weed community in the maize which followed. Chenopodium and Polygonum species dominated in the wheat, especially in ORG. We conclude from this study that an optimal combination of direct and indirect means for controlling weeds would allow organic farming at this site, provided that problematic weeds (e.g. Elytrigia repens ) can be kept at the low level observed at the end of 2006.  相似文献   

A series of field experiments was conducted during 1999 and 2000 to study the effect of six Cambodian rice lines that had been selected for their allelopathic potential on the growth of three weed species (barnyardgrass, small umbrella sedge, and water primrose). The results from 2 years' study demonstrate that powerful weed‐establishment and growth‐suppressive mechanisms were present in all of the rice lines tested. This mechanism was equally active on all three weed species studied. Across all the rice lines and across all the weed species, weed establishment was reduced by 71%, the final plant height was reduced by 49%, and the dry biomass was reduced by 80%. A tentative comparison between the effects of the Cambodian rice lines and those of previously characterized allelopathic and non‐allelopathic rice lines revealed that approximately three‐quarters of the weed growth suppression in the Cambodian lines could be attributed to resource competition and one‐quarter could be attributed to allelopathy, although this analysis did not take into account morphological differences between the two types of rice. Such weed growth‐suppressing activity could be particularly useful in subsistence farming systems where the use of selective herbicides is prohibitive or when organic rice production is the objective. The use of rice lines that suppress the growth of weeds is likely to be a potent supplement to present weed management practises and will reduce production costs and the potential for environmental pollution, as well as alleviate some of the social constraints that are associated with labor‐intensive manual weeding.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of rice production in Japan, lowland areas have been managed for rice production with the purpose of better rice growth, as well as lesser weed infestation. Rice is cropped every year in lowland fields by repeated cultivation of a single crop, with high yields and without soil sickness usually being observed in upland fields. This is probably because the irrigation water supplies various nutrients for healthy rice growth and the drainage washes out and removes harmful factors. However, until recently, the wet or flooded conditions of lowland fields in the Asian monsoon region never have allowed humans to cultivate useful summer crops, except rice or some aquatic plants. Therefore, the management of lowland areas in the Asian monsoon region has been significantly different from European field management, where crop rotation has been the traditional standard practice. Paddy weeds are aquatic plants or hygrophytes that have adapted to lowland fields. Traditionally, tillage and puddling were practiced seasonally in lowland fields on a regular schedule every year. Rice cultivation technology was developed and supported by regional irrigation systems that created stable environments for typical paddy weeds to complete their life cycle. After the introduction of chemical weed control, rice fields became very severe habitats for these paddy weeds, where they could not grow and reproduce without strategies for survival under herbicide exposure. Even so, many of the traditional paddy weeds survived because of their accumulated or uneradicated seed banks, although several aquatic plants were listed as endangered or threatened species. The important weed species changed, sometimes rapidly and sometimes slowly, depending both on their reproductive system and their biological response towards field management and weed control systems. Very recently, the level of perennial weeds, herbicide‐resistant weeds, and weedy rice has increased in paddy fields that are highly dependent on herbicide use. In addition, several hygrophyte species have invaded paddy fields. In order to address these issues, the improvement and application of integrated weed management methods are expected to be critical.  相似文献   

目前南方大部分稻田采用连作耕作制度,并且滥用农药现象严重,这对农田生态环境造成极其不利的影响。为探讨稻田轮作对减轻稻田病、虫、草害的生态作用,本试验以长期水稻连作为对照,根据14年田间定位试验,详细研究了稻田轮作对水稻病、虫、草害的影响。结果表明,稻田轮作在一定程度上能减轻稻田水稻的病虫草害。稻田轮作处理的早稻纹枯病发病率平均比连作处理低10%,病情指数低0.4%;晚稻纹枯病的病株率平均比连作处理低17.7%,病情指数低13.3%。轮作处理的早晚稻稻曲病的病株率和病情指数也都低于连作处理。轮作处理所受虫害比连作处理要轻,轮作稻纵卷叶螟造成的白叶率和二化螟造成的白叶率明显低于连作。轮作处理的杂草生长情况比连作处理弱。  相似文献   

在我国冬季南繁育制种作物中,水稻所占面积最大,但是由于不同地域杂草群落组成的差异,继续沿用原产地的除草剂品种和技术后,除草效果并不理想甚至会造成水稻药害。为了解决此类问题,连续3年对南繁区水稻田冬季杂草发生情况进行调查,明确现用地的杂草种类与发生规律,分别按照杂草群落中禾本科、阔叶杂草和莎草科主要危害的种类指导科学合理地选择除草剂种类,避免盲目用药,从而实现减药又高效的除草目标。  相似文献   

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