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2005年以来,以鲜切花为主的云南花卉产业取得了长足的发展,2009年云南花卉产业发展更是进入了新时代。  相似文献   

本刊讯 近年来,为满足消费者对新优花卉产品日益增长的需求,进一步丰富云南花卉品种,优化和高速花卉产品结构,整体推进云南花卉产业全面发展,诸多云南企业紧抓消费者对新优花卉产品需求逐渐增加的机遇,致力云南山茶等地方特色花卉研发和生产。  相似文献   

广东花卉产业联盟是由广东省境内从事花卉生产、销售、科研、物流、电商、传媒等活动的企业、高校和科研机构自愿联合组成的公益性社会组织,联盟成员涵盖花卉全产业链。联盟以共同的发展需求为基础,以重大产业技术创新形成广东花卉产业核心竞争力为目标,以具有法律约束力的契约为保障,以企业为主体,以多样化、多层次的开放合作与研发创新相结合,优势互补、利益共享、风险共担,实现企业、高校和科研机构在战略层面的有效结合,共同致力于突破花卉产业技术创新和产业发展的技术和市场瓶颈,提升我省花卉产业整体水平。  相似文献   

本刊讯 规范化、专业化生产和加工玫瑰切花的民营企业——云南丽都花卉产业发展有限公司,经过七八年的发展,摸索出了一套“创品牌、兴产业、富百姓”的新型模式,即“丽都模式”,极大地促进了云南花卉产业的规范化发展。  相似文献   

近年来,晋宁县花卉产业发展较快,种植面积呈逐年扩大趋势,花卉产业已成为种植业中的主要产业之一,并向区域化、商品化、产业化的方向发展。但还存在花卉生产区基础设施落后、品种结构不尽合理、花卉种植产业化程度不高等问题。因此,应当以市场为导向,通过调整与优化花卉产品结构,以发展鲜切花为重点,以科技进步和机制创新为动力,在本地现有花卉产业的基础上,整合、利用科技、市场、信息等优势资源,提高花卉产业的整体经济效益,促进产业升级发展。  相似文献   

正1月3日,山东省花卉产业形势分析会在青州召开,与会代表围绕全省花卉产业发展情况、花卉生产消费形势、产品结构调整等方面进行了深入分析。山东省林业厅副厅长吴庆刚出席会议并讲话。吴庆刚表示,要坚定发展花卉产业的信心,客观看待花卉产业的财富效应,摆正心态,提高心理适应性;要适应市场变化,不断调整产品结构,从单一品种向品种多样化转变;要不断加快技术创新,强化企业经营管理;要强化产业合作,创新营销模式,拓展全国市场,提  相似文献   

云南省花卉设施栽培的现状及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在阐述云南花卉产业在国内处仍于领先地位、产业区域布局趋于合理、花卉企业及花农合作经济组织发展良好优势的基础上,分析了云南花卉设施栽培规模迅速发展、栽培管理技术得到提高的现状;指出了云南花卉生产仍存在设施水平低、科技含量有待提高、因盲目投资建设而导致设施利用率低、缺乏先进的生产技术和管理手段、缺乏专用栽培品种及规范化技术体系等问题;并针对这些问题提出了相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

云南省召开花卉工作会议 本刊讯7月25日,云南省花卉工作会议在大理龙山国际会议中心隆重召开,省内州、市政府领导,花卉主管部门负责人,花卉主产县、区政府领导,省级各有关单位及部分花卉企业参加了此次会议。当天上午,云南省人民政府副省长孔垂柱及参会人员参观考察以云南山茶、国兰等为代表的大理州花卉产业,下午听取花卉企业代表汇报发言,并作了《应对危机调结构提质增效促转型——努力推动全省花卉产业再上新台阶》的重要讲话。  相似文献   

2月22日,昆明至迪拜每周三班的直航班机首飞,一个包括花卉企业代表在内的商务考察团,搭乘首航班机,从昆明飞赴迪拜进行商务考察,为今后开拓中东市场做铺垫。自2008年1月云南省花卉产业办公室组织花卉考察团考察迪拜等中东市场后,云花在中东市场的份额不断增加,但由于受运距、运价、运时等物流因素的制约,云花未能实现批量出口中东。昆明成为继北京、上海、广州之后的第四个开通迪拜国际航线的内地城市,这无疑是给云花拓展中东市场带来了无限机遇,云南部分花企正借机加大力度开拓中东市场。  相似文献   

今年5月,云南红河哈尼族彝族自治州人民政府委托云南省花卉产业办公室编制《红河州花卉产业发展规划》。近日,云南省花产办和红河州生物创新办组织省内花卉专家对红河州7县花卉产业进行了实地考察和调研,“规划”编制工作正式启动。  相似文献   

Orchids are commercially important plants with flowers that are unique and very specialized in shape and color. The flowers consist mostly of sepals, lateral petals, lip (labellum) and column, and are zygomorphic and resupinate. Whereas most orchid species have petaloid tepals in the first and second whorls, Habenaria radiata has a flower with greenish sepals and white lateral petals and lip. ‘Hishou’, one of the cultivars of H. radiata, is a floral homeotic mutant and has a petaloid median sepal and lip-like lateral sepals in the first whorl. Additionally, this cultivar often has non-resupinate flowers whereas wild-type H. radiata flowers are resupinate. In the present study, we investigated the genetic inheritance of these characters in the ‘Hishou’ cultivar by crossing it with wild-type plants. Some intraspecific hybrids, which were confirmed by PCR-RFLP analysis, had flowers with a petaloid median sepal and lip-like lateral sepals in the first whorl, indicating that these were dominant characters. Since the remainder of the intraspecific hybrids had wild-type flowers, these characters must be heterozygous in ‘Hishou’ plants. Although ‘Hishou’ plants had non-resupinate flowers, intraspecific hybrid flowers were resupinate, even though they had the petaloid median sepal and lip-like lateral sepals. This result indicates that non-resupination must be a recessive character. Since sepal-petalization and triple lip characters of ‘Hishou’ inherited dominantly, these characters can be utilized for the breeding of Habenaria species by intra- and interspecific crosses.  相似文献   

陈银  刘艳 《北方园艺》2007,(11):97-101
通过对济南市花卉市场类型及竞争格局、2007年年宵期间花卉产品结构、花卉消费情况、济南市花卉业存在的主要问题及对策几方面进行调查分析,发现2007年宵期间济南花卉市场总体形势走高,济南花卉市场已成为华东地区较大的花卉集散地并进一步扩大.但同时也存在一些问题;如品种老化、专业化水平低;由此提出一些分析和建议,以期使人们对济南花卉市场有深层次的了解.  相似文献   

针对乌鲁木齐市主要道路绿化现状,就植物种类、季相搭配、植物配置模式进行调查研究.结果表明:乌鲁木齐市道路绿地主要有绿化植物92种,其中乔木类49种、灌木类21种、花卉类22种,还有部分草本及藤本植物.调查发现,道路绿化以乔木为主,但美化树种不多,出现频度最高的10种乔木,没有1种既观花又观叶的种类;季相搭配做到了四季变化,但春、冬季景观薄弱;植物配置垂直结构共3种类型,其中具3~4层结构的占50%.提出:今后应增加季相、色相变化感强的观花或观果乔木树种,调整乔、灌树种比例,适当增加花灌木与宿根花卉的种类与数量,此外,不同道路植物种类的选择和配置首先应与道路的性质和功能紧密结合.  相似文献   

云南醉鱼草属(Buddleja L.) 观赏植物资源的调查研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
 在对云南分布的醉鱼草属观赏资源系统调查和资料整理的基础上, 研究了该属植物在云南的地理分布规律及25 种(包括变种) 醉鱼草的观赏性状, 包括花、叶、香气等观赏特征及其开花期, 指出开发利用面对的问题和应采取的措施。  相似文献   

长沙市烈士公园花境植物调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花境是模拟各种野生花卉自然交错生长的状态,经过艺术提炼,巧妙灵活地运用各种露地宿根花卉、球根花卉、1年生或2年生草本花卉及花灌木等园林植物,设计成宽窄不一的曲线式、直线式或自然式花带。作者通过对烈士公园的调查,了解到园内花境植物的种类、应用形式,并拍摄实地照片,发现一些问题,并提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

云南秋海棠属植物资源调查研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
 通过对云南秋海棠属植物资源的野外调查采集和引种栽培研究, 归纳概述云南秋海棠属植物的地理分布、形态特征、观赏性状及其栽培特性, 为种质资源保存和有性杂交育种, 以及进一步合理开发利用资源提供依据。  相似文献   

论述了姜科花卉的应用现状,包括常用的姜科花卉种(品种)、常见的应用形式、姜科花卉的繁殖、栽培管理和常见病虫害等,并列举了57种有较好开发前景的野生姜科花卉。提出了进一步开发利用姜科野生花卉资源时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

Pollinator-friendly plants are often a necessary component of the management of urban ecosystem that aim to reduce the impact of the artificial urban matrix on natural pollinator populations. Nectarivorous bats are neglected components of the urban pollinator community and there is a paucity of assessments on pollinator-friendly plants that may provide urban bats with reliable, year-long resources. Crescentia cujete is a bat-pollinated Bignoniaceae with very distinctive chiropterophilous features that is often used as an ornamental species in tropical urban areas worldwide. Its flowers are large and produce copious amounts of nectar, which accumulates in the flower’s storage-shaped flowers. Thus, the species is a potential bat-friendly urban plant. We assessed the species’ year-round flower emission and nightly nectar production dynamics in a green area in northeastern Brazil, and described the behavior of its floral visitors. C. cujete showed a steady, year-round flowering pattern, with no significant seasonality. Its flowers secreted copious amounts of diluted nectar and were visited exclusively by the Pallas long-tongued bat Glossophaga soricina throughout the night at high visiting frequencies, delivering successive visits to individual flowers spaced by short intervals. Our results suggest overexploitation of floral resources from C. cujete by urban bats. Moreover, its continuous flowering and copious nectar production may become a reliable resource in an artificial environment generally lacking bat-pollinated plants, thus mitigating the effects of food shortage for urban nectar bats.  相似文献   

Prunella vulgaris (Lamiaceae), commonly known as selfheal, is a perennial herb with a long history of use in traditional medicine. Recent studies have found that P. vulgaris possesses anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties, and it is likely that this will lead to increased commercial demand for this species. To date, research publications on P. vulgaris cultivation and genetics are scarce. Using accessions originally collected from different geographical regions, we investigated the breeding system of this species by observing variation in floral morphology, time of pollen release, and selfed-seed set in bagged flowers and isolated plants. Two types of floral morphology, one with exerted styles, extending past open corollas when viewed from above, and the other with shorter, inserted styles, were found among 30 accessions. Two accessions originally collected from Asia uniformly displayed exerted styles, and 27 accessions had inserted styles. One accession from Oregon displayed variation in this trait among individual plants. Microscopic observation of seven accessions, including ones with both exerted and inserted styles, revealed that they all release pollen to some degree before the flowers open. Using bagged flowers, we found that selfed-seed set varied widely among eight accessions, ranging from 6% to 94%. However, bagging may underestimate seed set for some accessions. The two accessions with the lowest rates when using bagged flowers increased in seed set by 350% and 158%, respectively, when we evaluated single, unbagged plants in isolation cages. The accession with 6% selfed-seed set when bagged also had exerted styles. These findings suggest that mating systems in P. vulgaris may be in the process of evolutionary change and that understanding breeding-system variation should be useful in developing efficient seed-regeneration protocols and breeding and selection strategies for this species.  相似文献   

通过对巴尔鲁克山的野生观赏植物资源进行调查研究,采用野外调查、标本采集和文献查阅统计分析,按生活型把观赏植物分为常绿和落叶观赏乔木、常绿和落叶观赏灌木、观赏藤本、宿根花卉、球根花卉、观赏草本和盆景花卉七大类,并对巴尔鲁克山野生观赏植物资源开发利用提出建议。  相似文献   

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