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The Introduced Fish Problem and the Aquarium Fish Industry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Of the 46 species of foreign fishes known to be established as reproducing populations in open waters of the contiguous United States, approximately 65% are known or presumed to have originated from the aquarium fish trade. Many escaped or were released from aquarium fish culture facilities and some were introduced by aquarists. More than 50 additional, non-established fishes, mostly aquarium species, have been collected in the wild. These introductions, with established populations, have not been restricted to the so-called Sun Belt states, but have occurred throughout the U.S.
Because many introductions have resulted in serious negative impcts to native fishes, and most have the potential to do so, it is imperative that the aquarium fish industry and trade take measures to curtail such releases. The means of accomplishing this goal are relatively inexpensive. Industry must assist in public education to reduce introductions by aquarists.  相似文献   

介绍了着色剂(类胡萝卜素)的分类、着色机理以及在国内观赏鱼饲养中的应用情况.  相似文献   

Cyanide-free Net-caught Fish for the Marine Aquarium Trade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The International Marinelife Alliance (IMA) has been training collectors in the Philippines and Indonesia to use barrier-nets rather than sodium cyanide to capture marine-aquarium fish. Despite the training, collectors have been slow to switch to using nets because they can earn more using cyanide. A new Philippine export company has agreed to pay the collectors more for net-caught fish and to adhere to standards being set by the USA-based Marine Aquarium Council. The IMA is monitoring the collectors and conducting cyanide testing to certify that the fish are net-caught and totally cyanide-free. Clearance certificates now accompany shipments of these marine-aquarium fish being shipped to wholesalers and retailers associated with the American Marine Dealers Association (AMDA) situated in the USA and Canada. AMDA members are being surveyed to assess whether the net-caught fish are more cost competitive compared to cyanide-caught fish for the marine ornamental fish trade because of reduced mortality through the chain from reef to retailer.  相似文献   

新加坡观赏鱼的出口及其包装   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
热带观赏鱼养殖在新加坡颇为盛行,现已成为该国养殖业的一大特色。上世纪50年代,观赏鱼养殖在新加坡还只是一种副业,经过近半个世纪的发展,形成了欣欣向荣的产业。  相似文献   

A market survey and review of government statistics were carried out to establish imports and exports of marine ornamental fishes into and out of Hong Kong, and to examine the local trade in terms of volume, value and species composition. Official government import figures for marine aquarium fishes were available from 1984 to 1991 and from 1997 and 1998. When compared with net imports, export and re-export volumes over the 15-year period were small, indicating that most imports entered the local market, or were exported unrecorded. The market survey of marine aquarium shops in Hong Kong was carried out between August 1996 and January 1997. From this survey, an annual estimate of 957,563 coral reef fish was calculated for the local trade, valued at HK$57,453,780, with a mean retail price of HK$60 per fish. These figures account for an estimated 2–3% of the global value and volume of marine aquarium fish trade, according to 1992 figures and, compared with government figures, indicate that official declarations of imports are underreported by at least 2–3 fold. A total of 342 marine aquarium fish species, from 49 families, were recorded with about 60% belonging to the families Labridae, Chaetodontidae, Pomacanthidae and Pomacentridae. It was estimated that a large proportion of the trade was in juvenile fishes and almost all fish were less than 10cm in standard length. It was common to see fishes in poor condition, species hard to maintain in captivity, or those listed for conservation concern, on sale. There are no regulations for local traders of live marine fishes other than those relating to either protected species or animal welfare. Licensing of traders in marine fishes could be introduced under existing Hong Kong legislation if fishes were to be re-classified as animals. This is strongly recommended as a step towards regulating and managing the trade in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Fish Behaviour     

文章对水族箱的设置、海水观赏鱼品种的选择、水质指标的控制、饵料投喂及病害防治等进行了分析与探讨,为家用型水族箱饲养海水观赏鱼提供技术支持.  相似文献   

水族馆与养鱼工厂的高效净水微生物及其净水机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
水族馆与养鱼工厂,育苗工厂等现代化养鱼已成为养鱼已成为当前投资热点,而其成败关键是水的封闭循环利用技术,本文选介绍鱼对不体污染的严重性,再介绍各高效净水微生物及其净水机理,希望这种高新技术在业内有序开发。  相似文献   

Reef fish, corals, and other marine invertebrate species associated with coral reefs need to be managed in a sustainable manner to halt destructive fishing in the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries. As part of the Coastal Communities Empowerment Project, the International Marinelife Alliance (IMA) plans to implement Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries (TURFs) to help manage municipal waters; while creating alternative livelihoods for small-scale fishermen and their families. Changes to the Local Government Code allow Philippine municipal councils to regulate fishing and mariculture in waters within 15km from shore. The councils can lease TURFs to local fisherfolk and prevent their use by those outside the community. The IMA plans to help create several types of TURFs. These include TURFs used by aquarium-fish collectors, for rearing giant clams, and for farming live rock and coral fragments. The TURFs are part of a larger strategy to conserve marine biodiversity, protect and restore marine habitats, and promote sustainable use of marine resources by local people. Fish and invertebrates harvested from the TURFs will be used in programs to restore marine habitats and to generate income from exports that supply the aquarium trade.  相似文献   

The parasitic fish nematode Camallanus cotti has been reported from a number of freshwater fish species around the world. Its wide geographical distribution seems mainly to be the result of anthropogenic dissemination due to extensive ornamental fish trade. In most reports it is assumed that C. cotti's life cycle involves cyclopoid copepods as intermediate host and various freshwater fishes as final host. However, the species' relatively frequent and persistent occurrence in aquaria worldwide strongly indicates flexibility in its life cycle, i.e. the ability to infect the final host directly. The present study has shown that under aquaria conditions, without any presence of copepods, C. cotti is able to infect various phylogenetically distant fish species directly for at least three generations. It was further shown that the infective free-living first-stage larvae may survive for more than three weeks in the host-external environment and that their host-attracting behaviour is not precluding direct transmission to the final fish host. Any treatment for C. cotti under aquaculture or aquarium conditions should be directed towards both individual infected fish hosts as well as the free-living larvae on the substrate. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Following the construction of a large-scale public aquarium, we were presented with an opportunity to investigate how wild caught Caribbean reef fish respond to their first encounter with a novel environment. Within the constraints of this opportunity, we designed a behavioural study to determine the reef fishes' response to a new habitat in relation to their locomotory mode. Nine species of fish representing three locomotory modes: carangiform, sub-carangiform and labriform/sub-carangiform were observed over a four-week period following their first introduction to the aquarium. Fish activity levels and spatial distribution were quantified in relation to time since their first encounter with the novel environment. The most important result was that, regardless of locomotory mode or ecology, all of the species extensively explored the novel environment rather than settle on the first habitat that they encountered. This is a particularly interesting result for territorial species. More specifically, however, there were significant differences between species in activity through time. Carangiform activity level was lowest in the initial phases of an encounter with the novel environment subsequently rising to a stable level. The other species had variable activity throughout the study, but all of them exhibited a phase of low activity at some stage during the study. In terms of the fishes' use of the 2.5 million litres of water, six species utilised the whole of the aquarium based on a predefined zoning scheme. Although the initial activity level was low, carangiform swimmers used at least 90% of the zones in the early phases of an encounter with the novel environment and subsequently used all of the zones. Sub-carangiform species also used 100% of the zones by the end of the study. Three of the four labriform/sub-carangiform swimmers used a maximum of 90% of the zones. There was no significant difference between species in their use of the zones. However, each individual zone was subject to differential use by the fish. Owing to the extensive scale of the aquarium, we discuss the applicability of the behavioural results obtained to the natural environment in the context of the ecology of the species of fish studied. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Of the 22 fish species presently inhabiting the waters of the state of Morelos, México, more than half (64%) have been introduced, mainly for fisheries and ornamental aquaculture purposes. Even though there are other significant problems such as pollution, eutrophication and drought, we found that fish introductions have caused the worst ecological impacts. These problems stem from a general lack of knowledge regarding the characteristics, importance and appropriate use and management of aquatic resources. Conservational actions are proposed.  相似文献   

Inconclusive results on the effect of farming on fatty acid composition of fish prevent the application of this possible variable in studies related to human health and environmental policies. The current meta-analysis used results from 39 studies to produce compelling quantitative results on differences in fatty acid components related to human health between farmed and wild fish. With seawater fish, mean effect sizes (Hedges' d) for differences in contents of EPA + DHA, total n-3 fatty acids, and the n-3:n-6 ratio were virtually zero. However, farmed freshwater fish showed a lower total n-3 fatty acid content than their wild counterparts.  相似文献   

Price volatility has an important impact on seafood markets and the aquaculture industry. This article investigates price volatility regimes along three dimensions; technology, species and product form. We identify regimes using the Iterated Cumulative Sum of Squares (ICSS), which allow us to compare the volatility found in aquaculture products, as well as comparing against fish-meal and soybeans. The results help identify the level of price risk found within the aquaculture industry across species and products. In addition, we differentiate between technologies comparing wild-caught fish with aquaculture products. The results also help us consider the relative riskiness of aquaculture compared to other industries. The results indicate that in aggregate, price volatility for aquacultured products is substantially lower than for wild. However, this varies substantially between species.  相似文献   

台湾是祖国的宝岛 ,北回归线穿越该岛中部 ,气候温和湿润 ,水产资源丰富 ,适合于水族经济的发展。近 2 0年来 ,台湾的观赏水族业发展较快 ,世界各地的名贵观赏鱼纷纷运到台湾 ,台湾的商家组织货源向欧美出口 ,年贸易额约 60 0 0~ 70 0 0万美元。台湾与香港、新加坡三地 ,以其便捷的交通 ,精美的产品和良好的服务已成为东南亚地区观赏水族的集散地。水族业在台湾的形成和发展 ,源于大众生活水平的提高以及国人对养鱼怡情养性的兴趣和爱好。如 ,龙鱼象征好运、吉祥、富贵 ;血鹦鹉大红大紫喻示大发利市 ;七彩神仙鱼娇贵艳丽 ,变幻无穷 ,耐人寻…  相似文献   

Concentrations of major seawater ions were monitored in six aquarium tanks at the New Jersey State Aquarium over a three-year period. The ratios of these ions to chlorinity were compared to those in freshly prepared artificial seawater. The largest aquarium tank (Ocean Tank) exhibits statistically significant (p<0.01) relative enrichment of potassium, calcium and strontium, and relative depletion of magnesium and sulphate. The likely source of excess potassium is from potassium iodide added to prevent goiter in sharks. Based on the excess potassium, a total amount of 650 μmol/kg iodide added over the years was calculated for the Ocean Tank. The excess calcium observed in several tanks correlates with the presence of concrete or arbonaceous shells in these tanks. In Ocean Tank, a calcium leaching rate of 6.7 kg/month was calculated. Continuous formation of white carbonaceous precipitates serves as a sink for magnesium in Ocean Tank, and a magnesium removal rate of 5.1 kg/month was calculated. These and other results show that concentrations of major ions in artificial seawater aquaria are affected by leaching, precipitation and addition of food supplements, and these factors should be taken into account when preparing artificial seawater for aquarium tanks with long water residence time. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

金鱼是观赏鱼中饲养比较普遍的鱼类 ,其品种繁多、五彩缤纷、游动时婆娑多姿 ,令人心旷神怡。水族箱养金鱼给无数家庭带来了乐趣 ,近几年来 ,通过实验 ,生态水族箱适合家庭养鱼 ,值得提倡。一、生态水族箱的设备以 1 2 0 cm× 60 cm× 80 cm规格的玻璃鱼缸为例 ,配备 1 2 0 cm× 60 cm维纶材料的矩形网片一块 (网线 34/6× 3,即 34支棉纱 ,6根单纱为一股 ,以 3股捻合而成 ) ,目大 1~ 1 .5 cm。采用网箱制作法将网片编制到与之相同大小的矩形网架上。在缸底设置 5~ 6块直径 5~ 7cm的鹅卵石(等高最好 ) ,支撑整个框架。配备一增氧机 ,用市…  相似文献   

观赏鱼的消费特点与营销模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
平瑛 《水产科学》2004,23(10):40-41
随着人民物质生活的丰富和生活质量的提高,生活方式由温饱型转向休闲型,人们更加追求精神生活的充裕。当今世界各国正在兴起一股观赏鱼热,观赏鱼休闲饲养正迅速发展。观赏鱼作为一种水养宠物,在一定的水体环境中自由游动,表现出一种动态的美,给环境增加生机和活力,是忙碌的  相似文献   

利用水库野杂鱼网箱养鳜的技术经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鳜鱼(Siniperca chuatsi)俗称桂鱼、季花鱼,是淡水名贵鱼类.它终生以活鱼、活虾等动物性饵料为食,其肉质细嫩、肌间刺少、味道鲜美.  相似文献   

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