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棉花核雄性不育“两系法”制种初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄慧明  杜毓晰 《种子》1994,(5):71-72
棉花核雄性不育“两系法”制种技术,在江苏省首家由东台市种子公司于1989年从四川省棉花所引进,通过3年的试制种实践,逐步探索和积累了一些符合沿海棉区棉花生态、栽培特性的大面积制种技术,为沿海棉区杂种棉的开发利用迈出了第一步。1杂种棉制种区的选择“两系法”制种较人工去雄法制种在用工、栽培。“产量等方面有较大的差异,虽然用工省、制种产量高”,但毕竟仍是一种用工集中、操作烦琐、延续时间长的密集型劳动,制种区的选择应考虑土地、劳动力资源及经济发展状况,群众植棉水平和积极性以及行政领导的组织工作等众多因素。我市…  相似文献   

棉花核雄性不育“两系法”制种技术江苏省东台市种子公司黄慧明,张敬之,任颐,曹书付棉花核雄性不育“两系法”制种技术,1989年由东台市种子公司从四川省棉花所引进到江苏,通过3年的试制种实践,积累了一些符合沿海棉区棉花生态、栽培特性的制种技术,为沿海棉区...  相似文献   

陈海龙 《种子科技》2003,21(6):364-364
玉米杂交种能否增产或增产幅度大小,不单取决于品种本身,还与亲本自交系的纯度及制种质量密切相关。利用雄性不育系生产玉米杂交种,是提高杂交种纯度,减少用工,降低成本的有效手段。特别是在麦收与玉米去雄争劳力的西北等地区,可缓解劳力紧缺的状况。因劳力紧缺和气候等因素人工去雄往往不及时、不彻底,造成大量自交株,影响杂交种的质量。而利用雄性不育系制种可以完全克服上述缺点,保证获得优质的杂交种。我场多年实践证明,利用雄性不育系制种省时、省工、增产,制种产量和大田产量较其正常可育类型增产3%~5%。在利用玉米雄性不育系制种中,…  相似文献   

棉花的核雄性不育及其在杂交制种中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张天真 《种子》1989,(1):1-5

目前,我国生产上常用的棉花杂交制种有一般杂交制种和不育系杂交制种两种.由于一般杂交制种技术需人工扒花去雄,费时费工,制种成本高,现在生产上常采用不育系杂交制种.其技术措施如下:  相似文献   

以回交转育得到8个苜蓿雄性不育株(系)和3个优良苜蓿品种为亲本,分别在开放授粉和人工控制下进行杂交制种试验.结果表明:切叶蜂辅助授粉方式可以有效提高苜蓿雄性不育株(系)的制种产量.综合2种授粉方式下的制种产量,其中2号不育株(系)单株种子产量最高(3.16g/株);通过苜蓿雄性不育株(系)种子产量的相关分析和回归分析,明确了每株生殖枝数对不育株(系)单株种子产量作用影响最大,其次是结实率.  相似文献   

棉花晋A细胞质雄性不育系酶活性的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
黄晋玲  杨鹏  李炳林 《棉花学报》2004,16(4):229-232
酶活性的变化与育性有着密切的关系。对与线粒体有关的过氧化物酶、超氧化物歧化酶、细胞色素氧化酶和琥珀酸脱氢酶进行了酶活性分析。结果表明:在花粉发育的各个时期晋A不育系的酶活性比其保持系明显要低。这表明了不育系与其保持系之间体内代谢强度的差异,也说明酶活性的变化与雄性不育现象有着直接的关系。  相似文献   

Wnafstu棉花雄性不育系种质材料,是西北农林科技大学发现和培育的珍贵棉花种质资源,在棉花杂种优势利用研究中具有非常重要的应用价值。自2001年以来,本项目对该材料进行了一系列研究,特别是在恢复系和目标恢复系选育方面的研究,从理论到实践都取得了重要进展,为棉花胞质雄性不育三系棉花杂交新品种的选育和解决棉花三系杂交种大规模制种的技术问题提供了重要的科学依据和种质资源,对相关研究有重要参考价值。本文综述了该育种材料2001年以来的研究进展,对Wnafstu棉花雄性不育系种质资源的应用前景做了客观的分析与讨论。  相似文献   

综述了双隐性核雄性不育系在基础理论、品系改良、品种选育等方面的研究进展,并对双隐性核不育系的利用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

棉花细胞质雄性不育的研究及改良   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
本文就棉花“三系”杂种棉育种中细胞质雄性不育的研究现状作了较为详细的专题综述。介绍了棉花细胞质雄性不育种质及利用,不育性的遗传方式,及不育系细胞质对杂种后代的遗传效应,不育花药的细胞学和生理生化代谢特征等。评述了棉花细胞质雄性不育研究中所面临的问题及相应的对策。  相似文献   

水稻小粒不育系新组合卓两优141混播制种优势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的杂交水稻制种方式落后、效益低、成本高的问题,制约了杂交稻推广应用。利用小粒型不育系可实现杂交水稻混播、混收、机械分离等全程机械化制种,降低杂交稻制种成本,提高制种效率。本研究以小粒型不育系卓201S、大粒恢复系R141和新组合卓两优141为材料,对其适合机械化制种的农艺性状、异交特性、混播制种及大面积制种实践进行了研究。结果表明,与C815S相比,卓201S株高较矮,穗长较长且直立,包颈粒率、穗萌率、黑粉病、开颖率均低于C815S,对"九二〇"较敏感,且较难落粒,具有较好的农艺性状。而R141株高较高,花粉数量大,花期长,且对环境温度较钝感,两者均具有良好的异交特性。卓201S谷粒厚1.71mm,千粒重14.00g,R141谷粒厚2.23 mm,千粒重28.20 g,两者籽粒大小差异显著,通过特定的狭长形筛孔筛子,实现了杂种F1与父本种子的高效分离,杂交种子含父本率为0,杂种损失率为2.31%,种子纯度在生产上达标,可实现机械化制种;与传统制种模式相比,混播制种可使父本基本苗减少85%,母本容量增加20%,制种产量增加21.37%,制种综合效益增加31.4%。父母本较好的农艺性状...  相似文献   

The efficacy of a synthetic detergent (Surf Excel) as a potential chemical hybridizing agent in Brassica juncea was studied. Foliar sprays with various concentrations of the detergent caused reductions in plant height, number of branches and leaves per plant, size of leaves, anther size, pollen per flower, ovules per flower, pollen fertility, fruits per plant, fruit size, seeds per fruit, total yield per plant and 100 seed weight as compared with those of untreated plants. The style in the floral buds of plants sprayed with different concentrations of Surf Excel elongated and so the receptive stigma protruded from the buds which facilitated cross‐pollination by honey bees. The plants sprayed once with 2% Surf Excel exhibited an elongated style with a raised receptive stigma and 100% pollen sterility without causing a significant reduction in total yield.  相似文献   

Summary Effects on yield and quality associated with the glabrous leaf, frego bract, okra leaf and nectariless genes (singly and combined) were studied under two insecticide spray regimes (heavy and light) in field experiments repeated over three seasons. Under the heavy spray regime there were few consistent differences between mutant genotypes and the normal except for low yields associated with the glabrous leaf, nectariless, frego bract genotype and the okra leaf genotype. Under the light spray regime, genotypes containing the okra leaf gene and/or the nectariless genes were associated with higher yields than the normal and genotypes containing glabrous leaf and/or frego bract genes were associated with lower yields. Positive epistatic interactions occurred in a number of instances including the okra leaf gene in the glabrous hair, normal bract background under heavy spraying, and with all backgrounds under light spraying, and for glabrous leaf in both the okra normal and okra frego backgrounds under heavy spraying. Nectariless also interacted positively with the normal leaf, normal hair, normal bract background under light spraying. Pronounced negative epistatic interactions only occurred in the light spray regime, and included glabrous leaf in all backgrounds, and frego bract in all backgrounds except the normal leaf, normal hair. The mutant genes had only minor effects on lint quality. The implications of the results for breeding and pest management are diseussed.  相似文献   

通过3年的研究表明,棉花双隐性核不育系利用蜜蜂传粉技术制种,在密度2000株/667m2,父本∶母本为1∶4~1∶6,每667m2放置1~1.5桶意蜂时,种子产量可达50kg/hm2; 与人工授粉相比,昆虫传粉在铃重和每铃种子数上显著较低,而铃重与每铃种子数有很高的正相关,每铃种子数实际又是由杂交花粉量决定,所以提高昆虫传粉的杂交花粉量,从而增加每铃种子数是提高其制种产量的关键;蜜蜂传粉虽然每个工种子产量较高,但在生产实际中应用尚存在困难.在不育系少量保纯繁殖时,或者在成片的棉花制种生产中,蜜蜂传粉制种或者以蜜蜂传粉辅助人工授粉制种是非常可行的方式.  相似文献   

Summary Axillary bud proliferation of Zinnia elegans Jacq. was accomplished from vegetative bud explants of greenhouse-grown plants. Photoperiod extension via metalarc lamps in the greenhouse stock plant environment significantly increased both the quantity and quality of explants. Shoot cultures initiated from axillary buds of identified male sterile plants proliferated best on a medium with 1M BAP. Microshoots exhibited 80% rooting on media without growth regulators, and 100% acclimatization of rooted plantlets was accomplished in a lighted, high humidity chamber. In vitro- produced male sterile plants were more compact, more heavily branched, and demonstrated earlier flowering than seed-propagated plants. These male steriles were cross pollinated to male fertile lines to verify their ability to serve as a uniform female parent.  相似文献   

以典型籼稻和粳稻作对照,对湖南应用较广的几个两用核不育系进行叶绿体DNA的ORF100、ORF29-TrnCGCA片段长度以及rps16基因内含子和TrnTUGU-TrnLUAA转录间区2个片段序列进行比较研究。结果表明,株1S、陆18S、株77S、H628S、88S、白天鹭S、G0543S、G03S、1103S和W6154S的叶绿体DNA的ORF100、ORF29-TrnCGCA两片段的大小均与典型的籼稻一致,其他材料则与典型粳稻相同;叶绿体DNA碱基多态性较丰富的2个区域rps16基因内含子和TrnT UGU -TrnL UAA间区的测序后发现4个籼粳稻特异位点,这4个位点对两用不育系叶绿体籼粳属性的判断与ORF100、ORF29-TrnCGCA片段的结果一致。根据育出组合的数量和质量,带有粳型血缘细胞质的两用核不育系如准S、810S、、中心S、C185S和培矮64S等显现了一定的优势。研究结果说明,通过籼粳稻杂交选育具粳稻血缘的籼型不育系是提高杂交水稻产量的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

Summary Five near-isonuclear polycytoplasmic versions of 81A1 and two of Pb 402A3 male sterile lines of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides), along with their corresponding maintainer lines (81B and Pb 402B) were studied for 14 agronomic and two disease traits, and for isozymes of peroxidase in anthers and leaves for assessing cytoplasmic differences. Significant differences among isonuclear polycytoplasmic lines of both 81A1 and Pb 402A3, having the same genome and variable cytoplasms, were observed for several agronomic traits. Banding pattern of peroxidase isozymes revealed clear cut differences among cytoplasms. The results provide evidence for the influence of cytoplasmic factors on the phenotypic expression of nuclear genes.  相似文献   

P. Roumet  I. Magnier 《Euphytica》1993,70(1-2):61-67
The aptitude of leafcutter bees to pollinate male sterile soybean plants (ms2 gene) in caged plots was evaluated in four experiments from both quantitative and qualitative points of view. The m.s. plant seed set was satisfactory: on average, it represented 60% of the male fertile isogenic seed set (with a range between 44 and 69%). The lower yield of m.s. plants was linked with a smaller number of fertile reproductive nodes. The efficient pollen flow was observed over the flowering period with both morphological and electrophoretic markers. Insect behaviour was not influenced by flower colour. Differences between flowering duration of pollen donors appear to be the major factor inducing unbalanced populations. The interest of this technique as a tool for dynamic management of the genetic variation in populations or for hybrid seed production is discussed.  相似文献   

A “two-line system” using photoperiod-sensitive cytoplasmic male sterility (PCMS) caused by Aegilops crassa cytoplasm under long-day photoperiods (≧15 h) has been proposed as a means of producing hybrid varieties in common wheat (Triticum aestivum). The PCMS line is maintained by self-pollination under short-day conditions, and hybrid seeds can be produced through outcrossing of the PCMS line with a pollinator line under long-day conditions. Our previous studies revealed that PCMS lines showing complete male sterility under long-day conditions are necessary for practical hybrid wheat breeding, especially to obtain high hybrid purity in F1 seeds. Furthermore, practical PCMS lines should have high seed fertility under short-day conditions, which is associated with female fertility. Wheat cv. Norin 26 with Ae. crassa cytoplasm exhibits high seed fertility under short-day conditions, and cv. Fujimikomugi with Ae. crassa cytoplasm shows high male sterility under long-day conditions. Here we developed practical PCMS lines derived from the F1 generation of Norin 26 and Fujimikomugi (with Ae. crassa cytoplasm) that were then backcrossed to elite wheat lines.  相似文献   

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