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LI Qian Nadil Shah ZHOU Yuan-Wei HOU Zhao-Ke GONG Jian-Fang LIU Jue SHANG Zheng-Wei ZHANG Lei ZHAN Zong-Xiang CHANG Hai-Bin FU Ting-Dong PIAO Zhong-Yun ZHANG Chun-Yu 《作物学报》1962,47(2):210-223
The rapeseed clubroot disease incidence in China is about 0.67 million hectare, accounting for 10% of the canola production area, which become a serious threat for the safety of Brassica napus industry. Based on this, we used CR Shinki, a Chinese cabbage material containing CRb clubroot disease resistance locus, as the donor parent, and Pol.CMS restorer line Bing409, the parent of Brassica napus national approved varieties Huayouza 62, as the recipient parent, and the CRb resistance locus was introduced into Bing409 by breeding programs such as crossing, backcrossing, self-cross with the foreground and genetic background selection. In the BC3F2 generation, a new restorer line Bing409R with a genetic background close to Bing409 containing CRb resistance locus was obtained, and Huayouza 62R, the first rapeseed hybrid resistant to clubroot disease in China was successfully developed. The results were as follows: CRb disease resistance locus appeared as a dominant single-gene inheritance in B. napus background, and the genetic improvement of resistance to clubroot disease did not at the expense of yield and quality losses for new restorer line Bing409R and its hybrid Huayouza 62R. Bing409R and Huayouza 62R were showed immune-resistance to physiological races of Plasmodiophora brassicae in Sichuan, Hubei, and Anhui provinces in China. This study will provide valuable resources for the breeding of rapeseed in China, and supplemented important support to overcome the threat of rapeseed clubroot disease. 相似文献
甘蓝型黄籽双低杂交油菜新品种油研九号恢复系5862R的选育 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
以优良的甘蓝型油菜黑籽双低品系6003和黄籽双低高油分品系408作为基础材料,采用杂交有种程序,经过5年8代(含杂交当代)的连续定向选择,育成了黄籽频率达91.6%-96.2%。含油量46.7%-49.3%,芥酸0.68%-0.14%。硫甙24.6-39.14μmol/g,丰产性与中双4号相当的甘蓝型黄籽双低新品系5862R,并被用作恢复系组配成功一个甘蓝型黄籽双低杂交油菜新品种油研九号,于1998年通过贵州省审定,至2001年秋在长江流域各省已累计示范推广面积达4万公顷左右。 相似文献
1996年春,以R08(从中国油料作物研究所引进的甘蓝型油菜黑籽双低常规品系89008中系选的优系)为母本和甘蓝型油菜黑籽双低品种6218(从上海市大面积油菜生产区引进的沪油15中的1个选系)为父本进行杂交,在此基础上经过7年8代的连续定向选择,于2002年育成了甘蓝型油菜双低常规优质品系(隐性核不育恢复系)6215R。其芥酸含量均在1%以下,硫甙23.6~28.6μmol/g,含油量42.6%~43.7%,种子蛋白质21.6%~23.8%。以该品系作恢复系组配的优质杂交油菜新组合油YL050已通过贵州省2005~2007年区试和生产试验,于2007年12月通过贵州省农作物品种审定委员会审定,正式定名为油研50。 相似文献
为了准确高效的筛选抗根肿病材料,提高甘蓝型油菜根肿病抗性育种效率。通过对甘蓝型油菜抗病亲本的Crr1基因与感病亲本中相应的同源基因LOC103834349进行测序,寻找SNP位点,针对第1 486-1 487上的非同义突变位点,开发了一套精准检测抗感根肿病基因型的竞争性等位基因特异性PCR(Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR,KASP)标记。利用该KASP标记对来自42个F_2群体的771个单株进行分型检测,其中315个单株含有纯合感病基因型GG,322个单株含有纯合抗病基因型AA,134个单株含有杂合等位基因型GA。其中对编号为2033的F_2群体中125株材料的KASP分型情况进行χ~2检测,其中纯合抗病基因型AA 30株,纯合感病基因型GG 33株,杂合基因型GA 62株,经χ~2检测,抗病材料与感病材料符合3∶1理论值,抗病纯合基因型、抗病杂合基因型与感病纯合基因型的比值符合1∶2∶1理论值,说明该抗病位点为显性单基因抗病位点。结合田间表型检测鉴定,AA分型和杂合的GA分型单株田间检测均为抗病表型,GG分型均为感病表型,KASP分型结果与田间鉴定结果一致。比对结果说明该KASP标记对根肿病抗、感植株进行正确分型,表明基于Crr1基因和LOC103834349的SNP位点开发的KASP标记可以准确高效的应用于油菜抗根肿病材料的分子标记辅助选择育种。 相似文献
1996年春,以R08(从中国油料作物研究所引进的甘蓝型油菜黑籽双低常规品系89008中系选的优系)为母本和甘蓝型油菜黑籽双低品种6218(从上海市大面积油菜生产区引进的沪油15中的1个选系)为父本进行杂交,在此基础上经过7年8代的连续定向选择,于2002年育成了甘蓝型油菜双低常规优质品系(隐性核不育恢复系)6215R.其芥酸含量均在1%以下,硫甙23.6~28.6μmol/g,含油量42.6%~43.7%,种子蛋白质21.6%~23.8%.以该品系作恢复系组配的优质杂交油菜新组合油YL050已通过贵州省2005~2007年区试和生产试验,于2007年12月通过贵州省农作物品种审定委员会审定,正式定名为油研50. 相似文献
油菜是继玉米、稻、麦、大豆之后的第五大作物,而杂交育种是国内外油菜育种的主要方向。高油两系甘蓝型油菜杂交新品种贡油6240是四川省自贡市农业科学研究院选用雄性不育两用系BZ545AB中的不育系BZ545A作母本、雄性不育恢复系7(50)R作父本配制的杂交油菜组合(BZ545A/7(50)R)。2018-2020年度在四川科乐组油菜联合试验中,2年度平均产量为183.72kg/667m2,较对照德油6号增产7.76%。籽粒含油量48.06%、芥酸0.0853%、硫甙36.25μmol/g(饼)。于2022年通过农业农村部非主要农作物品种登记,登记编号:GPD油菜(2022)510023。通过品比试验、区域试验以及品质检测结果来看,贡油6240具有稳产、高油、双低的特点,是一个适宜在四川平坝及丘陵地区冬油菜区种植的高油优质甘蓝型杂交油菜新品种,具有较高的推广应用价值。 相似文献
Mitsuyo Kawasaki Takayoshi Ohara Masahiko Ishida Yoshihito Takahata Katsunori Hatakeyama 《Breeding Science》2021,71(5):528
Clubroot is an important disease infectible to cruciferous plants and a major threat to rapeseed production in Japan. However, no clubroot resistant rapeseed cultivars have been released. We surveyed pathotype variation of six isolates collected from rapeseed fields and found they were classified as pathotype groups 2 and 4 using Japanese F1 Chinese cabbage cultivars. We produced the resynthesized clubroot resistant Brassica napus harboring two resistant loci, Crr1 and Crr2, by interspecific crossing and developed resistant rapeseed lines for southern and northern regions by marker-assisted selection and backcrossing. We improved the DNA marker for erucic acid content to remove linkage drag between Crr1 and high erucic acid content and successfully selected lines with clubroot resistance and zero erucic acid for northern regions. A novel line, ‘Tohoku No. 106’, suitable for southern regions showed stable resistance against all six isolates and high performance in infested fields. We conclude that Crr1 and Crr2 are important genes for CR rapeseed breeding and marker-assisted selection is effective in improving clubroot resistance. 相似文献
All rapeseed lines with Polima male sterility (MS) that are applied in hybrid cultivars have the problem that their sterility varies with temperature. To overcome this problem, two double-MS lines with genie (GMS) as well as cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) genes were synthesized through seven generations of breeding, based on a systematic study of changes in fertility of the genie and cytoplasmic male sterility lines. The fertility of the new sterility lines was determined by observation of the floral organs and by pollen staining. The results showed that, in the double-MS lines, half the plants maintained the features of the Polima CMS line, while the other half behaved like the GMS line. The GMS genes were correctly expressed in the Pol cytoplasm, but there was little interaction between the GMS and CMS genetic systems. 相似文献
为了选育适宜中国种植的抗除草剂油菜品种,提高油菜田间化学锄草效率,降低油菜生产成本。以浓度为0.5%的EMS溶液对‘陕9B’进行诱变处理,创制具有抗除草剂特性的种质资源。经过大量筛选,获得了具有抗除草剂特性的油菜品系‘陕9BK’,利用其做轮回亲本,选育出具有抗除草剂特性的油菜细胞质雄性不育系‘陕9AK’;利用‘陕9AK’做母本配制杂交组合,其中组合‘陕9AK×R3’、‘陕9AK×R6’和‘陕9AK×R1’长势强,整齐一致,产量高,增产潜力大,抗病抗倒,苗期对除草剂的抗性强,适宜田间化学锄草。选育的‘陕9AK’细胞质雄性不育系有利于抗除草剂杂交组合的配制,在杂交种制种中可简化油菜制种程序,降低制种成本,提高农户种植效益。 相似文献
甘蓝型油菜NEA胞质不育双低恢复系选育研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
NEA是笔者所在课题组在远缘杂交的辐射诱变后代中发现的一类甘蓝型油菜胞质不育新材料,叶色深绿,营养体旺,不育性稳定彻底,群体不育株率和单株不育度均达100%,完全不同于核不育、Polcms和陕2A。恢复源的寻找是NEA育种利用的关键。利用丰富的油菜地方种质资源、创新资源及引进资源,采取辐射诱变和广泛测交方式,发现了能恢复NEA育性的基础材料,进一步的遗传研究表明,恢复NEA育性的是细胞核内一对显性基因。利用含恢复基因的基础材料,进行广泛转育,正反杂交、连续回交、复合杂交、聚敛杂交、测交、连续自交、配合力测定、单株品质测试,选育出一系列稳定纯合的NEA胞质双低恢复系,如NR67、NR722、NR403、NR1917、NR9482。 相似文献
Five restorers of ‘polima’ cytoplasmic male sterility (pol CMS) cannot restore the fertility in dominant genie male sterility (DGMS). A dominant male sterility gene from both, a DGMS line Rs l046AB and DGMS hybrid ‘Zhongza No. 3’, was successfully introduced into Polima cytoplasm. A random-mating population of pol CMS restorers was established by using many double-low pol CMS restorers as pollinators to cross continuously to the DGMS plants which had Polima cytoplasm. 相似文献
The efficiency of a novel gametocide amidosulfuron, 1-(4, 6-dimethoxypyrimidin- 2-yl) -3-mesyl (methyl) sulfamoylurea, was evaluated on rapeseed ( Brassica napus L.). Double application of 0.09–0.12 g/ha amidosulfuron at the uni-nucleate stage of longest buds and 12 days later, made 97.4–100% plants male-sterile in seventeen out of 20 cultivars tested. The shrunken anthers could not release pollen or produced only dysfunctional pollen grains that could not be stained by aceto carmine. The treatment also caused 10–30% reduction on seed setting in comparison to the controls. The purity of hybrid seed from crosses of 'C161 × Huaye' and 'Zhongshuang No.2 × Huaye' based on amidosulfuron was 99.8% and 100.0%, respectively. The results suggested that amidosulfuron is an efficient gametocide for B. napus . 相似文献
油菜抗根肿病资源创新与利用的研究进展与展望 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根肿病是原生动物界根肿菌门根肿菌属芸薹根肿菌( Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor.)侵染引起, 并专性危害十字花科作物的一种传染性强的土传病害。近些年来, 加拿大和我国油菜的安全生产均受到根肿病的严重威胁。本文简要介绍了根肿菌的生物学特性、分类及主要防治途径, 重点总结了在根肿病抗性资源发掘、抗病基因遗传定位和克隆以及抗病育种等方面的进展, 分析了目前我国油菜根肿病综合防控过程中存在的主要问题, 并探讨与展望了相应的对策, 旨在为油菜抗根肿病遗传育种的高效顺利开展提供技术支持, 进而保障油菜产业的可持续发展。 相似文献