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水稻生殖生长期早衰严重影响水稻产量与品质。本研究利用甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变粳稻品种花晴稻(Hwacheongbyeo,野生型),获得了水稻生殖生长期叶片早衰突变体,命名为es-h (early senescenceHwacheongbyeo)。表型鉴定结果表明,该突变体从抽穗后开始叶片出现锈斑,随着灌浆进程急剧枯萎,到抽穗第五周整株枯死。农艺性状分析结果表明,与野生型相比,es-h突变体的抽穗期、穗长、穗颈度和有效分蘖数均无显著变化,而株高、每穗粒数、结实率及千粒重则显著降低。光合生理指标测定结果表明,es-h突变体抽穗后,其剑叶的SPAD值、叶绿素含量、Fv/Fm值及可溶性蛋白含量均急剧下降。遗传分析结果发现,es-h突变体的早衰性状受隐性单基因控制。通过基因定位将目标基因定位于第1号染色体长臂的44.2 kb物理区段上。本研究为Es-h基因的克隆及功能解析、早衰分子机制研究提供了依据。  相似文献   

一个新的水稻黄绿叶突变体的遗传分析与基因定位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过化学诱变获得一份稳定遗传的水稻黄绿叶突变体D83。该突变体苗期植株呈黄绿色,分蘖期开始逐渐转为淡绿色。与野生型相比,突变体苗期叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素含量分别下降45.03%、53.93%和39.56%,成熟期每穗着粒数减少9.45%,千粒重下降10.76%。对D83与正常绿色品种杂交F1、F2代的遗传分析表明,D83的突变性状由一对隐性核基因控制。以D83/浙福802 F2代作定位群体,应用分子标记将D83所携带的突变基因定位于水稻第2染色体短臂的SSR标记RM110附近,InDel标记Ch2-27和Ch2-32之间,该基因与这2个InDel标记的遗传距离分别为1.2 cM和2.3 cM。认为D83所携带的突变基因是一个新的水稻黄绿叶突变基因,暂命名为chl13(t)。  相似文献   

水稻白条叶突变体(st10)的遗传分析与基因定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水稻甲基磺酸乙醇(Ethylmethane Sulphonate,EMS)诱变突变体库中,发现了一个以粳稻品种日本晴(Nipponbare)为背景的白条叶突变体,该突变体叶片在2-3叶期出现纵向白条的突变性状,此后随着植株的生长逐渐弱化,至抽穗期叶片颜色基本恢复正常,只有叶脉仍呈白色.白条性状受温度影响,高温时性状明...  相似文献   

叶片作为植物光合作用的主要器官, 其面积的大小影响着光能利用率和最终产量。为了研究水稻叶片形态建成的分子机制, 利用 60Co-γ射线诱变粳稻品种春江06, 在M2代中得到1份窄叶突变体, 命名为narrow leaf20 (nal20)。该突变体叶片变窄、株高降低、分蘖增多、茎节间缩短、抽穗期提前。本研究重点调查了3片功能叶的形态, 发现突变体叶片宽度减少了50%, 叶片长度变化较小。细胞学观察表明, 叶片变窄主要是由于表皮细胞数目的减少, 而细胞大小变化不大。遗传分析表明, 该突变体表型受1对隐性基因控制。利用具有多态性的InDel分子标记及nal20与Dular配制的F2定位群体, 将该基因定位于第7染色体着丝粒区1.9 Mb范围内。二代测序结果表明, 在该范围内有455 kb的大片段缺失。本研究结果为窄叶基因NAL20的克隆和功能分析奠定了良好基础, 也为水稻株型改良提供了基因资源和育种材料。  相似文献   

水稻的茎秆强度影响植株的抗倒伏能力。本研究通过60Coγ射线辐射籼稻‘9311’,获得了一个茎秆壁增厚的突变体st1,并对突变体进行了表型鉴定和基因定位分析。结果表明,与野生型‘9311’相比,突变体st1重心高显著降低,基部第四、五节间缩短退化,株高显著变矮。突变体基部第二节间和基部第三节间厚度分别为1.63和1.75 mm,显著高于野生型,倒伏指数显著降低。茎秆解剖结构表明,st1的基部第二节间的大维管束数目、节间表皮和基本组织厚度显著高于野生型。主要农艺性状分析表明,突变体结实率降低,粒宽显著增加,千粒重、垩白粒率和垩白度显著增大。遗传分析表明,突变体st1的突变性状受1对隐性基因控制。利用Mutmap测序定位st1基因。结果表明,st1基因位于第2染色体。本研究为水稻茎秆壁增厚基因的克隆和功能分析提供科学依据,也为水稻抗倒伏研究提供了良好的种质资源。  相似文献   

株高是影响水稻产量的一个重要性状。本研究从水稻稻瘟病普感品种丽江新团黑谷(LTH)经甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变群体中分离出一个遗传稳定的小粒矮化突变体LTH-m3。该突变体是赤霉素(GA)和油菜素内酯(BR)相关突变体,它对外源GA(GA3)不敏感,对外源BR(eBL)的敏感性较野生型显著降低。遗传分析、基因克隆和转基因互补实验确认,该突变体是一个新的d1基因等位突变体,其D1基因在第6个外显子与内含子接合处发生单碱基突变(G2522 →A2522),导致第6外显子被选择性剪切及Gα蛋白翻译提前终止,从而造成LTH-m3小粒矮化突变表型。进一步的研究表明,该突变体D1基因突变引起SD1和SLR1等基因表达的显著改变,因而影响植株细胞内GA和BR反馈调节功能和信号传递。突变体LTH-m3弥补了LTH植株过高、茎秆软和极易倒伏等缺陷,可作为LTH的改良系在今后水稻稻瘟病研究中加以利用,其功能突变基因的鉴定为深入研究水稻Gα蛋白的功能及激素信号途径提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

叶色突变体是研究光合作用及叶绿素合成与降解途径的理想材料,有助于了解高等植物叶绿体发育和光合作用的调控机制。利用甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)处理西农1B,获得一个短根白化突变体sra1 (short radicle and albino 1),从出芽至第三叶期叶片始终为白色,胚根较同时期野生型明显变短。对相同位置的叶片观察发现,西农1B叶肉细胞叶绿体含量丰富且膜系统发育完整,而sra1叶肉细胞液泡化严重,叶绿体数目明显减少或没有,基粒类囊体垛叠松散且稀少。生理生化分析发现sra1叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素含量接近于零,净光合速率为负值。遗传分析表明该短根白化表型由单个隐性核基因控制,最终将SRA1定位于水稻第3染色体长臂InDel标记Z-20和Z-42间,物理距离约657 kb,是一个未报道的新基因。  相似文献   

水稻叶色突变体及其基因定位和克隆的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶色突变是水稻中较常见的一种突变类型,在水稻功能基因组研究、植物光合作用的生理生化机制研究和遗传育种应用等方面具有无可替代的价值。本文综述了近年来有关水稻叶色突变的类型及来源、遗传机理、应用前景等,着重介绍水稻叶色突变相关基因的定位与克隆研究进展。  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) related to the grain iron and zinc contents of brown rice were mapped by using a doubled haploid population derived from an intra-japonica cross between 'Hwaseonchal' and 'Goami 2'. QTL–QTL, background–QTL, and background–background interactions and candidate genes that affect grain iron and zinc contents were preliminarily identified. Twenty-one iron- and zinc-related QTL were found. The major-effect QTL qFe7 and qZn7 provided the highest contribution to phenotypic variance for grain iron and zinc contents. The colocation of zinc- and iron-related QTL on chromosomes 1, 4, 7 and 11 may account for the strong correlation between iron and zinc contents. A region on chromosome 7 and epistatic interaction between loci on chromosomes 2 and 10 affected iron content. qZn7 and qZn11.3 exerted additive effects on zinc content. Eleven iron- and zinc-related candidate genes colocated with qFe7, qZn7 and the region on chromosome 7 with an additive effect on iron content. The major-effect QTL identified here may be useful for breeding biofortified rice.  相似文献   

The regeneration of haploid plantlets is considered as a bottleneck in rice anther culture. In this study, an antimitotic chromosome doubling method, simple and efficient, of androgenic haploid plantlets resulted in an efficient doubled haploid obtainment. Through chromosome doubling capacity comparison of the three antimitotic compounds (colchicine, trifluralin and oryzalin), colchicine at 500 and 625 mg/L without supplementing with DMSO was found to be the best antimitotic treatment, with a chromosome doubling capacity of 40%. Furthermore, the in vitro growth of plantlets was followed to analyse the effects of antimitotic compounds. Colchicine treatments were more toxic than dinitroanilines, and colchicine DMSO-supplemented treatments had significant lower values on shoot growth. On the other hand, dinitroaniline compounds impeded root growth, provoked helical growth of shoot and caused the apparition of white nodules in the base of the plantlet due to sprouting abortion. In this study, a protocol for doubled haploid plant recovery was established taking advantage from androgenic haploid plantlets in order to increase the number of doubled haploid plantlets produced after an anther culture protocol.  相似文献   

利用重离子辐照武运粳7号(Wuyunjing 7,wyj7)获得一个脆秆突变体bc17(brittle culm 17),该突变体脆性特征仅在茎秆中表现,叶片正常,并且茎秆脆性在抽穗后开始表现,随着成熟度的增加脆性特征逐渐显著。农艺性状分析表明,该突变体生长发育受到影响,株高显著低于野生型,分蘖数减少以及结实率降低。茎秆和叶片生化成分测定显示,与野生型相比,bc17茎秆和叶片的纤维素含量分别降低22.70%和18.67%,半纤维素含量分别升高45.76%和31.36%。bc17茎秆的抗折力、拉伸力均显著低于野生型,表明茎秆的机械强度发生改变。组织解剖学观察发现,bc17茎秆的厚壁细胞孔隙变大,结构疏松,细胞数目减少。遗传分析表明,bc17的脆秆特征受单隐性核基因控制。利用图位克隆技术将bc17基因精细定位于水稻第7号染色体162 kb区域中,生物信息学分析表明可能是一个新的水稻脆秆基因,为揭示水稻细胞壁合成分子机制的研究提供重要的材料支撑。  相似文献   

A brim culm mutant bc17 (brittle culm 17) was obtained by irradiating wyj7 (Wuyunjing 7) with heavy ions. The brittle traits of the mutant were only found in the stalks and not in the leaves. The brittleness of the culm began to appear after heading stage, while it became more obvious as rice grew from heading stage to maturity stage. The growth and development of the mutant were affected, the plant height of the mutant was significantly lower than that in the wild type, and tiller number and seed setting rate were also lower than in the wild type. Compared with wild type, the cellulose content in bc17 culms and leaves decreased by 22.7% and 18.67%, while the hemicellulose content increased by 45.76% and 31.36%, respectively. The breaking resistance and tensile force of bc17 were significantly lower than those of wild type, indicating that the mechanical strength of the culm changed. The thick-walled cells of bc17 culms had larger pores, looser structures, and fewer cells. The fragile characteristics of bc17 were controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene. The bc17 gene was located in the 162 kb region of chromosome 7 by map-based cloning. Bioinformatics analysis indicated that it might be a novel gene related to rice brittle culm. These findings provided an important material support for the research on the molecular mechanism of cell wall synthesis in rice.  相似文献   

阐明水稻籽粒大小相关基因的遗传和分子机制对水稻产量形成具有重要意义。利用甲基磺酸乙酯(ethyl methanesulfonate, EMS)诱变粳稻品种宁粳3号筛选获得圆粒突变体round seed (rs)。遗传分析表明,突变体rs圆粒表型由单隐性核基因控制。颖壳扫描电镜观察发现,rs籽粒变圆主要是细胞数目改变导致的。在突变体rs中,细胞周期相关基因的表达较野生型显著升高。将RS定位在第3染色体短臂标记RM3413与N3-5之间,物理距离约589 kb。RS突变影响BR信号途径,改变了粒型相关基因的表达。本研究有助于阐明水稻籽粒发育的分子机制。  相似文献   

Three thermosensitive genetic male sterility (TGMS) genes – tms2, tgms and tms5 – were pyramided using linked microsatellite markers. Three TGMS donors, Norin PL 12 (tms2), SA2 (tgms) and DQ200047-21 (tms5) were utilized in generating crosses from which two-gene and three-gene pyramids possessing the RM11 allele of Norin PL 12, RM257 allele of SA2 and RM174 allele of DQ200047-21 were selected. All selected progenies were male-sterile at sterility-inducing conditions. In addition, rice SF21 was identified as a candidate tms5 gene because of its complete linkage with RM174. The 4,200-bp region was amplified from the TGMS line M105S and the two ends were sequenced. In silico analysis of partial nucleotide sequences showed that the region is similar to the SF21 pollen-specific gene of Arabidopsis and Helianthus. The M105S tms5 sequence was also compared to the SF21 sequence from the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project (IRGSP) database.  相似文献   

Induced parthenogenesis as a possible method of haploidization in sunflower (H. annuus L.) was tested in previous investigations (Todorova et al., 1994) and conditions for reproducible regeneration of gynogenic doubled haploids were established by the present work. Forty eight treatments were studied, involving four pollen donors and four recipient hybrids. Pollen was irradiated with doses of 300 Gy, 600 Gy and 900 Gy. In total, 2279 embryos were cultivated in vitro of which 1107 plants were obtained and 582 of them produced seeds after selfing. The ploidy level of the regenerants was evaluated at the two – three leaf stage and 296 of the plantlets obtained were haploids. Some of them underwent spontaneous diploidization, the others were treated with colchicine solution for chromosome doubling. The diploid plantlets were checked for their gynogenic origin by genetical and biochemical methods. The effectiveness of the method expressed as the number of agronomically useful DH lines to the number obtained that were fertile and resistant to downy mildew, branched and unbranched plants was 8,6% on average. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

J. Keller 《Euphytica》1990,47(3):241-247
Summary Induction of haploid plants is of great importance for breeding purposes because of the possibility to obtain from haploids homozygous material by artificial chromosome doubling in relatively short times. The present study reports the first evidence of successfull haploid induction in onion. Isolated ovules, ovaries, or whole flower buds of different Allium species were cultured on BDS agar medium. Testa browning in the ovules and an extensive growth of the latter were observed. In cultures of ovaries and flower buds, development of callus and subsequent regeneration of plantlets from the region of the nectaries were observed. In leek, sometimes supernumerary flower organs like ovules were formed in this callus. In onion (Allium cepa L.), plantlets developed from the ovules in all culture methods. Chromosome numbers of these plantlets were counted in root tip squash preparations. They were found to be haploid. Haploid plants were significantly smaller than diploid ones. They were transferred to soil and developed until bulb formation. Because of their importance for breeding, haploid plants obtained by gynogenesis are further stored in vitro.  相似文献   

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