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水稻光温敏核不育机理设想及光温敏核不育系选育策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为更深入了解水稻光温敏核不育的遗传机理,综述了我国水稻光温敏核不育机理研究取得的成就及存在问题,提出了水稻光温敏核不育机理新设想,即水稻光温敏不育系中不存在光敏不育基因和温敏不育基因,其育性转换是主效不育基因与发育感光基因或(和)发育感温基因相互作用的结果;正常水稻品种中存在的不育基因位点(微效不育基因)可影响光温敏核不育系的不育起点温度,微效不育基因聚合越多,则不育系不育起点温度越低;微效不育基因完全纯合,则不育起点温度不会漂变。基于不育机理新设想,提出了光温敏核不育系选育的策略,即不同生态区、不同生态类型的光温敏核不育系选育的光温指标不一样,增压选择是选育低不育起点温度核不育系的技术核心,全面提高综合性状水平和配合力是选育实用光温敏核不育系技术的关键。  相似文献   

The photoperiod sensitive genic male sterile (PSGMS) rice Nongken 58S, was discovered as a spontaneous mutant in Hubei Province by Mr. Shi Ming-song in 1973 [1]. It showed the characteristics of photoperiod fertility conversion (PFC), i.e. being sterile under long-day treatment but fertile under short-day treatment, and became the typical material for studying the molecular mechanism of genic male sterile induced by photoperiod, and also for studying the photoperiod-regulating expression …  相似文献   

对水稻“光敏”、“温敏”雄性不育的一些看法和建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
继农垦58S之后,或通过杂交转育,或新发现自然突变而陆续出现了多个粳型和籼型光敏雄性不育系.由于1989年夏季长江流域光照敏感期的异常低温使某些光敏不育系的育性部分恢复,促使国内组织力量对一些光敏雄性不育系,特别是籼型不育系进行了再检验.依据一些人工控制环境条件下的试验结果认为安农S-1、W6154S、  相似文献   

Changxuan 3S, a thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) rice line with eui gene, is derived from the TGMS rice line Pei'ai 64S by irradiation with 350 Gy of ^60Co γ-ray. To elucidate the uppermost internode elongation of the TGMS line with eui gene, Changxuan 3S and its parent Pei'ai 64S were used to study the effects of temperature on panicle exsertion. At 24℃, the uppermost internode of Changxuan 3S elongated the fastest from the 4^th day before flowering to 0 day (flowering), being 2.1-fold as that of Pei'ai 64S, whereas it elongated slowly during the 12^th day to the 4^th day before flowering and the 1^st to the 3^rd day after flowering. The uppermost internode of Changxuan 3S exserted from the flag leaf sheath at 22℃, 24℃ and 26℃, and the length of elongated uppermost internode increased with the decreasing temperatures. At 28℃, though the panicles of Changxuan 3S were still enclosed in the leaf sheath, the degree of panicle enclosure was significantly lower compared with Pei'ai 64S. Cytological studies on Changxuan 3S showed that the uppermost internode elongation was attributed to the increase of cell number and cell elongation, and the latter was more significant. Moreover, the numbers of outermost and innermost parenchyma cells and the cell length of the uppermost internode reduced with the increasing temperatures.  相似文献   

【目的】制种安全是影响两系杂交稻持续健康发展的关键问题。本研究旨在探索解决两系杂交水稻的制种安全隐患途径。【方法】以16个(光)温敏核不育系与4个反温敏核不育系配组并对F1育性进行观察,选择矮紫S(温敏核不育系)和矮雁s(反温敏核不育系)为构建永久核不育系的供源亲本。通过回交将矮紫S和矮雁s的育性基因导入到桥梁亲本天丰B中,分别育成天丰B的近等基因系天丰S和天丰s。【结果】天丰S和天丰s杂交获得的天丰Ss即为永久核不育系。对天丰Ss的育性、可恢性等特性的研究表明,天丰Ss在自然长日高温和短日低温下均表现不育;天丰Ss及其3个亲本与5个恢复系杂交的F1组合结实率无明显差异。【结论】永久核不育系的创制有望从根本上解决两系杂交水稻的制种安全问题。  相似文献   

水稻实用光温敏核不育系培矮64S不育性稳定化研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
 在人工气候室的人控光温条件下,通过1997~1999年3年22.0~23.0℃的低温处理,对水稻实用光温敏核不育系培矮64S进行了育性稳定化研究。结果表明:1)在人工气候室的低温条件下,采用“株系(再)鉴定、(再)筛选单株”的方法,对稳定高世代光温敏核不育系培矮64S的不育性是可行的,并筛选出套袋自交结实率和花粉不育度两级水平均已稳定的3个株系9862、103-1和103-2,而且其不育起点温度已降至22.5℃,比原始株系降低了近1℃。2)现有高世代光温敏核不育系培矮64S仍然存在育性的不稳定性,表现在受低温影响后其后代不同株系间花粉不育度和套袋自交结实率存在明显差异,说明对现有高世代光温敏核不育系的育性提纯很有必要。  相似文献   

光敏核不育水稻OsRacD启动子的分离及其育性相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以水稻OsRacD的cDNA序列为探针筛选光敏核不育水稻农垦58S基因组文库,获得了一个包含2 kb的OsRacD启动区和396 bp编码区序列的阳性克隆。与反向PCR克隆的水稻农垦58N该基因的启动区比较,证实该基因的启动区在农垦58S和农垦58N的同源性达到99.8%,且在预测的调控元件上不存在碱基差异。说明农垦58S和农垦58N在长日照条件下表现出的育性差别,并非两者在OsRacD调控序列结构上的差别所致,而与基因表达的发育调控有关。  相似文献   

以温敏核不育水稻培矮64S为材料,采用10~15 cm水层灌溉处理和无水层对照,对植株温度及其与植株冠层小气候和灌溉水因子的关系作了分析。水稻植株温度与150 cm大气温度在数值和相位上均存在一定差异。8:00~20:00植株温度均明显低于大气温度,21:00~次日7:00植株温度与大气温度基本相同;日最高植株温度出现在13:00,比最高大气温度提前1 h,但日最低植株温度和最低大气温度均出现在6:00;植株温度的平均日较差比气温小。在同一高度上相比,晴天6:00~13:00植株温度比空气温度高,而且提前1 h升温,18:00~次日6:00则两者逐渐趋同或植株温度稍低;而在阴天,植株温度则全天一直高于空气温度,最高温度出现的时间也相同。植株温度白天的变化主要受太阳辐射的影响,天空状况(云量或日照时数)和风速都通过对辐射强度的调节和热量的交换而产生作用。植株温度夜间的变化主要受灌溉水的影响。在本试验条件下,日平均气温(Ta)29.6℃是灌溉水提高或降低植株温度的临界温度值,当Ta>29.6℃时,灌溉水具有降低植株温度的作用,反之,灌溉水具有提高植株温度的作用。植株温度与水 气温差符合二次曲线关系。植株冠层在白天吸收或反射太阳辐射,夜间则阻挡热量散失,对调节植株温度具有明显的缓冲效应。通过相关分析和回归拟合,建立了两个可供实用的水稻植株温度的环境模型。  相似文献   

湖南新选育的水稻光温敏核不育材料的育性研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
陈良碧  周广洽 《杂交水稻》1994,(5):23-26,30
对湖南省近期内新选育的水稻光温敏核不育材料的育性进行了比较研究。在恒温24℃条件下,有7个材料的花粉可染率和结实率均为零;4个材料有极少量可染花粉,结实率为零。在模拟1989年盛夏低温条件下,有6个材料的花粉可染率和结实率均为零;有6个材料有极少量可染花粉,结实率为零。  相似文献   

水稻温敏核不育系多环境多次选择育种技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以水稻温敏核不育系孟S为材料,利用海拔100,700和1 000 m 3个不同的海拔高度设立不同温度梯度的3个环境,在自然条件下种植大群体,通过对比育性检测,筛选不育起点温度比原群体更低的单株.结果表明,经过3次选择,盂S不育起点温度由24℃降到了23℃.  相似文献   

水稻隐性核雄性不育基因研究进展及育种应用探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻隐性核雄性不育材料在杂交育种和水稻生产上都具有十分重要的意义。但是,由于缺乏有效的保持和繁殖技术体系,该类不育材料一直未能在生产上获得充分利用。而现代分子与生物技术的快速发展为这些隐性核雄性不育基因的有效利用提供了机会。综述了目前已克隆的水稻隐性核雄性不育基因的研究进展,并总结了玉米、番茄和拟南芥等材料中存在的隐性核雄性不育基因。我们期望利用这些基因信息和新的生物技术手段(例如定点突变技术),创制更多的水稻不育基因,同时利用新的基因工程手段——种子生产技术(SPT)体系,并结合传统的育种方法,有效地解决水稻隐性核雄性不育系的保持和繁殖难题,开创新的杂交育种途径,拓宽水稻杂种优势的利用空间。  相似文献   

Plant temperature (Tp) and its relations to the microclimate of rice colony and irrigation water were studied using a thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) rice line, Pei'ai 64S. Significant differences in the daily change of temperature were detected between Tp and air temperature at the height of 150 cm (TA). From 8:00 to 20:00, Tp was lower than TA, but they were similar during 21:00 to next 7:00. The maximum Tp occurred one hour earlier than the maximum TA, though they both reached the minimum at 6:00. Tp fluctuated less than TA. At the same height, during 6:00-13:00, Tp was higher than air temperature (Ta), and Tp reached the maximum one hour earlier than Ta. During the rest time on sunny day, Tp was close to or even a little lower than Ta. On overcast day, Tp was higher than Ta in the whole day, and both maximized at the same time. In addition, Tp was regulated by solar radiation, cloudage and wind speed in daytime, and by irrigation water at night. The present study indicated that a TA of 29.6℃ was the critical point, at which Tp was increased or decreased by irrigation water.Tp and the difference between water and air temperatures showed a conic relation. Tp fluctuation was also regulated by the absorption or reflection of solar radiation by leaves during daytime and release of heat energy during nighttime. By analysis on correlation and regression simulation, two models of Tp were established.  相似文献   

温光弱感型光敏核不育水稻3088s选育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3088s是一个粳籼交偏粳型的光敏核不育系,其开花习性表现为籼粳中间型。其光敏不育性的光照 范围较宽,育性转换的临界光长为13:00~13:30,比晚粳型光敏不育系晚半小时以上。3088s光敏不育性的温 度范围亦较宽,长日不育的低限温度较低,为24.5~25℃,比同类两用不育系低1.5~3.5℃;短日可育的上限温 度较高,为30~32℃。在遗传分类上3088s为温光弱感型光敏核不育系,光温互补作用较强,因而具有稳定的不 育期和稳定的可育期。  相似文献   

The discovery of thermo-sensitive genic male sterility(TGMS) has led to development of a simple and highly efficient two-line breeding system. In this study, genetic analysis was conducted using three F_2 populations derived from crosses between IR68301 S, an indica TGMS rice line, and IR14632(tropical japonica), Supanburi 91062(indica) and IR67966-188-2-2-1(tropical japonica), respectively.Approximately 1:3 ratio between sterile and normal pollen of F_2 plants from the three populations revealed that TGMS is controlled by a single recessive gene. Bulked segregant analysis using simple sequence repeat(SSR) and insertion-deletion(InDel) markers were used to identify markers linked to the tms gene. The linkage analysis based on the three populations indicated that the tms locus was located on chromosome 2 covering the same area. Using IR68301S × IR14632 F_2 population, the results showed that the tms locus was located between SSR marker RM12676 and InDel marker 2gAP0050058. The genetic distance from the tms gene to these two flanking markers were 1.10 and 0.82 cM, respectively.InDel marker 2gAP004045 located between these two markers showed complete co-segregation with the TGMS phenotype. In addition, InDel marker vf0206114052 showed 2.94 cM linked to the tms gene using F_2 populations of IR68301S × Supanburi 91062. These markers are useful tool for developing new TGMS lines by marker-assisted selection. There were ten genes located between the two flanking markers RM12676 and 2gAP0050058. Using quantitative real-time PCR for expression analysis, 7 of the 10 genes showed expression in panicles, and response to temperatures. These genes could be the candidate gene controlling TGMS in IR68301S.  相似文献   

The major male sterile genes in a new photo/thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (PTGMS) line B06S of rice were analyzed by the manipulation of mixture distribution theory. The results indicated that a pair of major male sterile nuclear genes with large effects were responsible for controlling the male sterility of B06S.  相似文献   

 水稻光温敏雄性核不育系广占63S的不育基因来源于光敏核不育系农垦58S,其育性转换表现为温敏型,是迄今两系杂交水稻中应用最广泛的籼型光温敏核不育系之一。对广占63S/旱1587组合的F2分离群体进行不育基因的遗传分析,结果表明广占63S的不育性受1对隐性不育基因控制。利用SSR和InDel分子标记技术,结合BSA法,以广占63S与旱1587组合的F2分离群体为材料,将不育基因(暂命名为PTGMS2-1)定位于第2染色体标记S2-4与S2-27之间物理距离390 kb的区间内,与两标记间的遗传距离分别为0.5和1.1 cM,与标记S2-24共分离。  相似文献   

Rice line 1892S is an elite thermo-sensitive genic male sterile(TGMS)line for two-line hybrid rice production.However,1892S is susceptible to rice blast,bacterial blight and submergence.Here we reported the introduction of blast resistance(R)gene Pi9,bacterial blight R gene Xa21 and submergence tolerance gene Sub1A into 1892S genetic background through backcrossing and marker-assisted selection.The improved TGMS line 31892S and its hybrids conferred disease resistance to rice blast and bacterial blight,and showed submergence tolerance for over 14 d without significant loss of viability.The sterility-fertility conversion of 31892S was similar to that of 1892S.31892S and its derived hybrid rice had similar agronomic traits and grain quality with 1892S and the control hybrid rice,respectively.The newly developed 31892S provided an improved TGMS line for two-line hybrid rice production with disease resistance to rice blast and bacterial blight,and submergence tolerance with no yield penalty or change in grain quality.  相似文献   

For the two-line hybrid rice system, pol en sterility is regulated by recessive gene that responds to temperature. The recessive gene controlling thermo-sensitive genetic male sterility (TGMS) is expressed when the plants are grown in conditions with higher or lower critical temperatures. To transfer tgms gene(s) control ing TGMS to Thai rice cultivars by backcross breeding method, a male sterile line was used as a donor parent while Thai rice cultivars ChaiNat 1, PathumThani 1, and SuphanBuri 1 were used as recurrent parents. The BC2F2 lines were developed from backcrossing and selfing. Moreover, the simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were developed for identifying tgms gene and the linked marker was used for assisting selection in backcrossing. The identification lines were confirmed by pol en observation. The results showed the success of introgression of the tgms gene into Thai rice cultivars. These lines will be tested for combining ability and used as female parent in hybrid rice production in Thailand.  相似文献   

The major male sterile genes in a new photo/thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (PTGMS) line B06S of rice were analyzed by the manipulation of mixture distribution theory. The results indicated that a pair of major male sterile nuclear genes with large effects were responsible for controlling the male sterility of B06S.  相似文献   

三个光温敏核不育系的不育性遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用6442S、8011S、1290S和5个父本配制12个组合,运用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型对P1、P2、F1、F2结实率性状进行世代联合分析,结果表明:12个组合的最适模型不相同,但都集中在B、D、E三模型,不育主基因在所有组合中都存在,只是主基因表达的对数及主基因和多基因的遗传效应有所差异。以1290S为母本的两个组合中,1290S/1990的遗传效应偏重于加性效应和显性效应,1290S/新露B偏重于上位性效应遗传,它们的遗传率均达94%以上;以6442S为母本的组合中,加性效应和显性效应比重都较高,但它们的基因遗传率变化幅度较大,达73.32%~99.17%,其中组合6442S/新露B和6442S/R402、6442S/1990存在多基因遗传,多基因遗传率最小为0.83%,最高达35.52%;以8011S为母本的组合中, 8011S/测64 7和8011S/1990的上位性遗传效应较强,其余以加性效应和显性效应遗传为主,有两个组合呈多基因遗传,为组合8011S/R402和8011S/1990,多基因遗传率分别为1.03%和5.94%,基因遗传率最高达99.06%之多,最小只有6757%(组合8011S/新露B)。  相似文献   

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