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土壤容重对土壤物理性状和小麦生长的影响   总被引:45,自引:3,他引:45  
以黑土和白浆土为试材 ,进行筒栽试验 .结果表明 ,适宜小麦生长的容重范围分别为 1 .1 5~1 .3 0 g/cm3和 0 .9~ 1 .0 5g/cm3.  相似文献   

Soil hydraulic properties as related to soil structure   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Bulk density and soil strength are two major soil physical factors affecting root growth of pea seedlings. This study was conducted to determine the influence of soil texture, organic carbon content and water content on critical bulk density and strength. Soil from the plough layer (PL) and beneath the sub-soil (SUB) was used. By soil packing and adjusting the water content between 30% and 100% of field water capacity (FWC) a wide range of bulk density (1.3–1.7 Mg m−3) and strength (0.24–6.66 MPa) were obtained. Pea (Pisum sativum L.) was grown in the packed cores of 100 cm3 for 72 h at 20°C. Regression models were developed to explain root growth in terms of bulk density, soil strength, silt and clay (<60 μm) content, organic carbon, and water content. The regression curve of root growth as a function of soil strength showed that 40% of maximum root length can be regarded as an indicator of very poor root growth. By substituting this value into the root growth equations we calculated a critical bulk density and strength in terms of fraction<60 μm, organic carbon percentage and water content. The values of critical bulk density in both layers and of critical soil strength in the sub-soil increased with a decreasing content of fraction<60 μm. Irrespective of fraction<60 μm content, the critical bulk density and strength decreased as soil water content decreased. Critical soil strength was more sensitive than critical bulk density to changes in fraction<60 μm content and water content. This study provides data and a method for predicting critical bulk density and soil strength in relation to other soil properties for pea seedling root growth.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method to measure the soil strength parameters at soil surface in order to explain the processes of soil erosion and sealing formation. To simulate the interlocks between aggregates or particles within top 2 mm of the soil, a piece of sandpaper (30 particles cm−2) was stuck on the bottom face of a plastic box of diameter of 6.8 cm with stiffening glue and used as shear media. The soil strength for the soils from sandy loam to clayey loam was measured with penetrometer and the new shear device at soil surface at different bulk density and soil water content. The normal stresses of 2, 5, 8, 10 and 20 hPa were applied for the new shear device. The results indicated that significant effect of bulk density on soil strength was detected in most cases though the difference in bulk density was small, ranging from 0.01 to 0.09 g cm−3. It was also indicated that the measurement with the new shear device at soil surface was reproducible. The changes in soil shear strength parameters due to changes in bulk density and soil moisture were explainable with the Mohr–Coulomb’s failure equation and the principles of the effective stress for the unsaturated soils. The implications of the method were later discussed.  相似文献   


Weight variability of volumetric soil test samples taken with the standard 4.25 cm3 Urbana Laboratories’ soil scoop was studied as a factor influencing soil test accuracy. Also examined was effect of degree of sample pulverization on volume—weight, differences among technicians, and volume‐weight differences between dry and moist samples.

The results revealed that volumetric sampling of Maine soils can lead to major errors, particularly when quick tests are used to quantify lime requirement, extractable H, exchangeable cations, CEC, and percent base saturation. Good predictions of these properties from quick soil test results, however, are possible when samples are weighed. In the Maine Laboratory poor quantitative results from volumetric samples originated from wide variations in volume‐weight among soils. This variability was traced to degree of aggregation, which in turn was traceable to differences in texture and organic matter among samples. Technician differences were not an important source of volume‐weight variability. Volume‐weights were much lower with moist than with dried soil, but volume‐weight variability among soils was less when sampled moist.  相似文献   


Results from a commercially available portable soil test laboratory were compared to standard soil test procedures used by a public soil testing laboratory. Standard soil tests examined were water extracted NO3‐N, pH, Acid‐P, NaHCO3‐P, and ammonium acetate extracted K. Approximately 35 to 55 different soils were used to compare methods for each soil test. Linear regression equations between the portable laboratory soil test values and those from the standard procedures were developed. The r2 values for NO3‐N, pH, Acid‐P, NaHCO3‐P, and K were 0.970, 0.891, 0.734, 0.742, and 0.887, respectively. The coefficient of variability values for NO3‐N, pH, Acid‐P, NaHCO3‐P, and K were 10, 1, 13, 15, and 6%, respectively for the portable laboratory, and 9, 2, 8, 9, and 5%, respectively for the public soil testing laboratory. Multiple regression was used to relate soil properties to soil test results. The R2 values for NO3‐N, pH, Acid‐P, NaHCO3‐P, and K were 0.970, 0.911, 0.860, 0.940, and 0.936, respectively.  相似文献   

The evaluation of soil susceptibility to runoff and water erosion in the field is often expensive or time-consuming. Several authors have reported that susceptibility is linked to aggregate stability, whose determination is far easier. However, this susceptibility has generally been deduced from rainfall simulation experiments on sieved soil samples, whose behaviour is not always representative of field-scale phenomena. Our aim was to extend the validity of relationships between soil aggregation and erosion through comparisons of topsoil aggregate stability and field-assessed susceptibility to runoff and erosion.Susceptibility to runoff and erosion was determined at several levels: first, on a southern French Regosol, through measurements of runoff and soil loss from 1-m2 microplots under simulated rainfall; second, from 100- to 800-m2 runoff plots on a Nitosol in Benin, a Ferralsol in Cameroon and a Regosol in Mexico (with additional data on Syria from the literature); and finally, soil susceptibility to erosion was determined through semi-quantitative assessment of the frequency of erosion features on vineyard hillsides in southern France. Aggregate stability was determined by immersion in water and wet-sieving of 2-mm sieved, air-dried 0- to 10-cm soil samples, which actually tests aggregate resistance to slaking.Under simulated rainfall, runoff depth and soil loss after 30 min were negatively correlated with topsoil content in stable macroaggregates (>0.2 mm). On runoff plots, 3-year runoff rate and soil loss were negatively correlated with topsoil aggregate stability, especially stable macroaggregate content; these correlations were improved when slope gradient and climate aggressiveness were considered in addition to aggregate stability. On vineyard hillsides, the frequency index of erosion features was negatively correlated with topsoil content in stable macroaggregates, especially in the absence of conservation practices.These results confirm that aggregate stability is a relevant indicator of soil susceptibility to runoff and erosion, especially in Mediterranean and tropical areas where intense rainfall is frequent. They also confirm that simple laboratory determination can provide data closely correlated with those resulting from field investigations.  相似文献   

The effect of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on the composition of nitrogen fixing bacterial assemblages in soil was studied by comparing planted and unplanted soil. The community composition was studied by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) of the nitrogenase reductase gene (nifH). Principal component analysis (PCA) of T-RFLP profiles showed the separation of profiles from planted and unplanted soil. Terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) corresponding to rhizobial bacteria were identified preferentially in planted soil; however most nifH T-RFs in soil could not be assigned to T-RFs simulated from a database of known diazotrophs. To specifically study rhizobial bacteria in the soil and nodules, PCR products from the alpha subunit of the nitrogenase enzyme (nifD) were analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). DGGE results showed the specific stimulation of the rhizobial microsymbionts in planted soil.  相似文献   


Calcareous soils often need supplemental manganese (Mn) to support optimum plant growth, but some reports show that the apparent recovery of applied Mn is very low in such soils, i.e., nearly all of the applied Mn is retained in the soil. This experiment was conducted to find the relationship between the retained Mn and selected properties of calcareous soils. Eleven surface (0–20 cm) soil samples with pH ranging from 7.7 to 8.1 and calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) ranging from 20 to 50% were used in the Mn adsorption study. Two‐gram subsamples of each soil were equilibrated with 20 mL of 0.01M CaCl2 solutions initially containing 10 to 200 mg Mn L‐1. The Mn that disappeared from solution (after 6 h shaking at 25°C) was considered as adsorbed (retained) Mn. The adsorption data showed a highly significant fit to Freundlich and also to the two‐surface Langmuir adsorption isotherms. The coefficients of both isotherms showed significant positive correlations with cation exchange capacity (CEC), organic matter (OM), and CCE of the soils indicating that OM and calcium carbonate are the sites of Mn retention in calcareous soils. Comparison of the adsorption data of this experiment with those of plant Mn uptake of the same soils (published earlier) shows that as the Langmuir second surface adsorption maxima (maximum retention capacity) of the soils increase the plant Mn concentration and uptake decrease.  相似文献   

A generally accepted method for predicting the bioavailability and transfer of cadmium (Cd) from soil to plants has not yet been established. In this study, the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) and conventional extraction methods for metal fractions were used to investigate how effective these methods were at predicting Cd bioavailability to ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and to assess whether these holistic variables were independent of the soil property variables. The influences of soil properties on the predictive capabilities of the different methods were evaluated using multivariate statistics. The Cd concentrations in the shoots and roots of ryegrass correlated more closely with the effective Cd concentration measured by DGT (CE), compared with those with soil total Cd, pore water Cd, and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (Na2EDTA)- and acetic acid (HOAc)-extractable Cd. When soil properties were included in a stepwise multiple linear regression, Cd transfer to L. perenne was negatively influenced by pH and positively influenced by organic matter (OM). The multivariate statistics showed that the adjusted correlation coefficients for the plots involving soil total Cd, pore water Cd, and Na2EDTA- and HOAc-extractable Cd had been significantly improved after considering the influences of soil properties, which suggested that these methods were pH and OM dependent. For CE, the relationship was pH independent or only dependent in strongly acidic soils. These results suggested that the main soil factors affecting bioavailability had the lowest impact on the DGT technique. Therefore, the DGT technique provided significant advantages over conventional methods when assessing Cd bioavailability.  相似文献   

Aggregate stability affects soil strength and, therefore, the soil's ability to transmit liquids and gases, which are important functions for crop production and ecosystem health. Because aggregate stability is an indicator of vital soil functions, it can be used to assess soil quality. For soil quality assessments, there is a need for a quantitative field method for measuring aggregate stability that is simple to perform, low cost, and available for routine assessments by land managers. A method is presented that follows the commonly used or standard single-sieve wet-sieving method for aggregate stability. A combination of manual sieving and drying apparatus is constructed from a trunk-style tackle box. Sieves are constructed from a 60-mesh screen and PVC reducing adapters. The method requires manual sieving, 30 cycles per minute (0.5 cycles/s) for 3 min. Percent water aggregate stabilities from the proposed manual sieving technique were not significantly different from aggregate stabilities obtained from the mechanical wet sieving technique. The proposed low cost method was able to distinguish differences in aggregate stability caused by differences in soil type and land use. This low cost method provides a tool that can be used in conjunction with other measurements to assess relative differences in soil quality.  相似文献   

trans-Epsilon-viniferin, the dimer of resveratrol, extracted from Vitis vinifera, has been evaluated for its antioxidant capacity. Its properties have been compared to those of resveratrol and synthetic stilbenic derivatives (4-hydroxystilbene, 4,4'-dihydroxystilbene, 3,5-dihydroxystilbene, and trimethylresveratrol), in regard to their liposolubility using two media with different polarity. The bleaching of beta-carotene by lipoperoxyl (LOO.) radicals in an oil/water (O/W) emulsion and the scavenging of superoxide anions (O(-)(2) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) using 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide as a spin trap were followed using UV-visible and electron paramagnetic resonance, respectively. Epsilon-viniferin exhibits the best antioxidant capacity in the DMSO/O(-)(2) polar system (IC(50) = 0.14 mM) while 4,4'-dihydroxystilbene presents the highest antioxidant capacity in the O/W/LOO. system (inhibition of beta-carotene bleaching, 82%). Partition coefficients and kinetics of partition between 1-octanol and water were measured to discuss the antioxidant efficiency of the compounds in relation with their chemical structure.  相似文献   

Moisture content and bulk density largely characterize physical and mechanical soil status and behaviour. A nondestructive determination of these soil properties is essential. Time domain reflectometry (TDR), although widely accepted for determination of volumetric water content, θ, has its limitations, and recently a frequency domain (FD) sensor has been developed and tested. An equation relating relative permittivity, ?′, to gravimetric water content, w, and bulk density, p, was established for three soil types (sand, sandy loam and clay). If ?′ and w are known, our model can be used to calculate bulk density and associated volumetric water content, θ, keeping in mind that θ= pw. Utilization is found in long-term monitoring of moisture fluctuations or short-term detection of traffic-induced soil compaction.  相似文献   

Nycodenz density centrifugation (NDC) is an isolation method that allows extraction of both culturable and unculturable bacterial cells from soil, to be used in further downstream analysis; however, to date there has been a lack of information concerning the efficiency of this method. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the overall efficiency of NDC extractions from soil and to identify sampling bias, if any.Bacterial cells were extracted from three soil plots from the Danish CRUCIAL field trial using an already established NDC protocol. To evaluate all aspects of the NDC procedure, DNA was extracted directly from soil, from NDC-extracted cells, and from the soil pellets left after NDC. Bacterial diversity was assessed by PCR amplification of the V4-V6 regions of the 16S rRNA from the extracted DNA followed by sample-tagged amplicon-pyrosequencing using the 454 Genome Sequencer FLX system. Sequences were processed and analyzed using the Ribosomal Database Project’s (RDP) Pyrosequencing Pipeline tools.In this study, we show that extraction of bacteria from soil using NDC can result in significant biases in the form of either over- or underrepresentation of specific bacterial phyla commonly found in soil. Furthermore, rarefaction analysis, analysis of similarity, multidimensional scaling plots and analysis of variance showed that the diversity in the NDC-extracted sample was reduced significantly compared to both the original soil sample and the remaining NDC-pellet. To further study the soil diversity a mathematical model was employed to estimate how many sequences would be required in order to find 95% of all operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in the soil. The model estimated that the soil contains approximately 29,400 OTUs and that just 351,500 sequences are needed to cover 95% of the bacterial biodiversity, the equivalent of one full standard GS FLX run.  相似文献   

Aggregate breakdown due to rainfall action causes crusting and interrill erosion. Erodibility is seemingly determined by the capacity of surface aggregates to resist the effects of rainfall. In this paper, we evaluated the relevance of an aggregate stability measurement, which comprises three treatments, in order to characterize aggregate breakdown dynamics. Two cultivated soils were studied: a clay loam slightly sensitive to erosion and a more susceptible silt loam. We compared the size distributions of microaggregates produced by the three aggregate stability treatments with the results from a rainfall simulation. The behaviour of four initial aggregate size classes (< 3 mm, 3–5 mm, 5–10 mm and 10–20 mm) was also compared to study the influence of the initial aggregate size on the nature of resulting aggregates. The mean weight diameter was from 200 to 1400 µm for the silt loam and from 600 to 7000 µm for the clay loam. The two experiments – aggregate stability measurements and aggregate breakdown dynamics under rainfall – yielded similar results. Qualitative analysis showed that for both soils the sizes of fragments produced by breakdown with the aggregate stability tests and under rainfall were similar and seemed to be qualitatively independent of the size of initial aggregates. We first schematized the structural organization of aggregates in cultivated horizons with a simple hierarchical model at two levels: (i) < 250 µm microaggregates and (ii) > 250 µm macroaggregates made by the binding together of microaggregates. We then developed a model of aggregate breakdown dynamics under rainfall which gives, for various rainfall durations, the size distributions of resulting fragments on the basis of aggregate stability measurements. We obtained a correlation coefficient, r, of 0.87 for the silt loam and of 0.91 for the clay loam, showing that the experimental and predicted mass percentages were linearly related for each size fraction.  相似文献   



The interaction of mercury with organic matter was studied on three soils with distinct physical-chemical compositions (Fluvisol, Luvisol, and Chernozem) and three vermicomposts based on various bio-waste materials (digestate, kitchen waste with woodchips, and garden bio-waste).

Materials and methods

Laboratory batch experiments, in which organic matter composition was modeled by adding graded doses of vermicompost to individual soils, were carried out. The composition of organic matter in these vermicomposts was assessed via fractionation of humic acids, fulvic acids, hydrophilic compounds, and possible hydrophobic neutral organic matter. Furthermore, the samples were artificially contaminated with inorganic and organic mercury. Prepared samples were stored under constant temperature of 25 °C. The incubation experiments lasted for 56 days, in which the samples were taken ten times. During the experiments, the changes in mercury mobile phase amount were observed, and the influence of the source of contamination was evaluated.

Results and discussion

The amount of mobile mercury increased and then decreased during the time. In most of the soils and vermicompost combinations, the content of mercury bound to the soil was stable after 21 days. The effects of the mercury source on the exchangeable portion of Hg in the soils were most obvious in samples without added vermicompost. Nevertheless, differences between mobile inorganic and organic forms of Hg were lower in the case of Fluvisol compared to other soils. Moreover, in this soil, the content of available mercury was higher than from others.


In general, the smallest differences between mobile inorganic and organic forms of Hg were observed in the case of soil with the highest content of organic matter. Also higher doses of vermicomposts decreased the amount of mercury mobile phase available. Additionally, the largest positive influence of vermicompost dose on Hg mobility was measured in soils combined with vermicompost with the highest portion of humic acids.

Large quantities of mussel shells(66 000-94 000 t year 1),an alkaline material that can be used as a soil amendment,are generated as waste in Galicia,NW Spain.A field trial was carried out by planting different pasture species in a Haplic Umbrisol using a randomized block design with four blocks and six treatments(not amended control or soil amended with lime,finely ground shell,coarsely ground shell,finely ground calcined shell or coarsely ground calcined shell) to compare the effects of lime and mussel shells additions on a soil with a low cation exchange capacity and high Al saturation.The trial was established in March 2007,and samples of plants and soil were collected when plots were harvested in summer 2008(separating the bulk and rhizosphere soil).The soils were analyzed for pH,total C,total N,available P,exchangeable cations,effective cation exchange capacity and available micronutrients.Dry matter yield was measured in all plots and plants were analyzed for nutrients.Application of mussel shells and the commercial lime resulted in an increase in pH and exchangeable Ca and a decrease in exchangeable Al and Al saturation.The stability of pH over time was high.These effects were most noticeable in the rhizosphere.The amendment also had a positive effect on dry matter yield and concentration of Ca in the plant.  相似文献   

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