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为加强野生动物及其生境的科学保护,2013年10月上、中旬,作者对湖南罗坪狩猎场野生动物资源进行了实地调查。根据实地调查结果、参考相关资料得知:狩猎场现已记录陆生脊椎动物154种,隶属4纲、24目、64科,其中两栖纲2目、5科、15种;爬行纲3目、7科、20种;鸟纲11目、32科、88种;哺乳纲8目、20科、31种。湖南罗坪狩猎场在动物地理区划上属东洋界、华中区,介于西部山地高原亚区和东部丘陵平原亚区的过渡区域,动物区系组成以东洋界占明显优势,种类达102种,占该区域内陆生野生动物物种的66.88%;广布种35种次之,古北界种类17种最少。项目区现已记录国家I级重点保护野生动物3种,即金雕(Aquila chrysaetos)、云豹(Neofelis nebulosa)和林麝(Moschus berezovskii yunguiensis);国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物23种,另有104种陆生脊椎动物属于"国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生脊椎动物",97种属于"湖南省地方重点保护野生动物",7种中国特有种。  相似文献   

大多数陆生脊椎动物的鼻腔都有两套化学感受器,即嗅器和犁鼻器。犁鼻器(vomeronasal organ)是临近犁鼻骨的一对盲囊,被覆发达的犁鼻上皮。嗅器主要接受挥发性的小分子物质;犁鼻器主要感受非挥发性的大分子化学物质,如信息素等。犁鼻器在脊椎动物的演化过程中差异明显。鱼类、鳄鱼、鸟类及大多数的蝙蝠和海洋哺乳动物均无犁鼻器;两栖类开始出现犁鼻器;有鳞类和啮齿类的犁鼻器非常发达,且成为一个独立器官。目前,犁鼻器的功能是对陆生环境的特异适应还是对水生环境的适应,仍存在争议。犁鼻器的发生及其功能的研究对于探讨脊椎动物由水生到陆生过程中嗅觉系统的适应进化意义重大。  相似文献   

朱莉华  杜承星  梁军 《野生动物》2009,30(5):278-282
宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区现有脊椎动物标本329件,113种。分别隶属于4纲18目42科。属于国家重点保护的有47种,被列入《中国濒危动物红皮书》的有29种,被列入国务院2000年发布的《国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物名录》的有55种。科学保存、管理这些动物标本对于我国的野生动物科学研究和保护有着及其重要的意义。本文统计整理了保护区现有脊椎动物标本的种类、数量、来源、存放地、管理现状及名录,为保护区动物标本的科学、规范管理提供依据,同时为保护区动物学的基础科学研究提供资料。  相似文献   

中国幅员广阔,资源丰富,良好的自然条件,为各种野生动物提供了生存环境。据统计仅陆生脊椎动物就有2100多种,其中鸟类1186种、兽类450种左右、爬行类320种、两栖类210多种。而野生动物是医学实验动物的主要组成部分,是医学教学与实验的重要动物。其中,两栖纲中的无尾目(蛙类)  相似文献   

兽药对生态环境影响的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了兽药对陆生和水生生态环境影响方面的研究进展,探讨了兽药对陆生植物、土壤动物、土壤微生物与原生生物等陆生生态环境的影响及对浮游类生物与微生物、鱼虾与水体甲壳动物等水生生态环境的影响及其生态毒理效应。  相似文献   

牧草品种繁多,加上受土壤、施肥、生长阶段、不同部位以及来源等因素的影响,其营养价值的变异较大,有时同一种类青绿饲料营养价值的差异要超过种间差异。牧草具有以下共同特点。1牧草的特性1.1含水量高陆生植物的水分含量约为  相似文献   

<正>与陆生脊椎动物一样,钙对于水生动物的正常生长和生理功能也是必需的。钙在水体中含量丰富,因此通常认为鱼类通过吸收水体中的钙来满足其新陈代谢的部分或全部钙需求(Ichikawa和Oguri,1961;Love,1980)。淡水鱼生活的水环境中钙浓度一般很低,而海水  相似文献   

工人日报消息:陕西小是全国珍稀濒危动物野生动物分布的重要省份之一,陕西是有六大“名旦”美誉的国宝大熊猫、金丝猴、扭角羚等珍稀动物的故乡,全省共有陆生脊椎动物604种,其中被列为国家一级重点保护野生动物就有15种,二级重点保护野生动物达67种,羚牛就是陕西被列入国家一级重点保护的15种野生动物中的一种。  相似文献   

<正>坐骨神经是一类以运动神经纤维为主的混合神经,其运动功能与有机体的运动能力密切相关;运动与周围神经及坐骨神经的关系,越来越受到学者们的关注,但对这方面的试验研究还很有限[1]。当前,外界刺激对脊椎动物坐骨神经运动功能的影响是运动生理学中的一个研究热点,研究内容主要包括运动训练、药物、电刺激和机械刺激等对坐骨神经传导速度的影响[2-4]。研究对象主要包括鼠类、兔类和两栖类,而前两者主要应用于在体神经的研究,离体神经  相似文献   

中国陆生野生动物资源调查已全面展开陈学军,关东明全国陆生野生动物资源调查工作已于1995年率先在全国11个省区启动,1996年其余19个省、自治区、直辖市也全面展开。这是我国有史以来第一次组织全国性的野生动物资源调查,调查范围之大、种类之多、内容之丰...  相似文献   

The role of terrestrial vertebrates in the epidemiology of chikungunya disease is poorly understood. We evaluated their exposure and amplification role during the 2006 chikungunya outbreak in the Indian Ocean. Blood samples were collected from 18 mammalian and reptile species from Reunion Island, Mauritius and Mayotte. Among the 1051 samples serologically tested for chikungunya virus (CHIKV), two crab-eating macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and two ship rats (Rattus rattus) proved to be exposed to CHIKV. CHIKV RNA was not detected in 791 analyzed sera. Our results confirm the preferential infection of simian primates and suggest that other vertebrates played a poor or no role in CHIKV transmission during the 2006 outbreak.  相似文献   

可溶性有机碳(Dissolved organic carbon,DOC)是陆地生态系统碳循环的关键物质,为研究公路对沿线土壤DOC的影响,本试验以距G109格尔木至拉萨段公路不同水平距离(20 m,100 m,400 m)土壤为研究对象,测定土壤DOC含量,结合紫外可见光谱和三维荧光光谱分析土壤可溶性有机质(Dissolved organic matter,DOM)的光谱特征。结果表明:在同一海拔高度下,公路显著影响了土壤DOC分布的空间格局,距公路不同距离土壤DOC含量由高到低依次为:400 m > 100 m > 20 m;公路影响了土壤的芳香化程度和疏水性组分,距离公路越近,土壤有机质越不稳定;结合荧光特征指数得出,土壤DOM主要属于微生物源输入,且腐殖化程度较低。因此,对公路周边环境进行生态修复时,要特别注意距离公路较近处,可以通过提高植被覆盖度的方式,增加土壤碳储量及稳定性,保护生态环境。  相似文献   

Different models are available to estimate species’ niche and distribution. Mechanistic and correlative models have different underlying conceptual bases, thus generating different estimates of a species’ niche and geographic extent. Hybrid models, which combining correlative and mechanistic approaches, are considered a promising strategy; however, no synthesis in the literature assessed their applicability for terrestrial vertebrates to allow best-choice model considering their strengths and trade-offs. Here, we provide a systematic review of studies that compared or integrated correlative and mechanistic models to estimate species’ niche for terrestrial vertebrates under climate change. Our goal was to understand their conceptual, methodological, and performance differences, and the applicability of each approach. The studies we reviewed directly compared mechanistic and correlative predictions in terms of accuracy or estimated suitable area, however, without any quantitative analysis to support comparisons. Contrastingly, many studies suggest that instead of comparing approaches, mechanistic and correlative methods should be integrated (hybrid models). However, we stress that the best approach is highly context-dependent. Indeed, the quality and effectiveness of the prediction depends on the study's objective, methodological design, and which type of species’ niche and geographic distribution estimated are more appropriate to answer the study's issue.  相似文献   

Road-killed animals are overlooked as the source of ectoparasites for monitoring vectors of zoonotic pathogens. We demonstrate that by exclusively sampling road-killed animals, a wide spectrum of vertebrate hosts and ectoparasites can be collected. Fifty-one species of ectoparasites were recovered from 35 species of road-killed vertebrates in northwestern South Carolina. Approximately, 11% of the total known terrestrial vertebrate species in the region were examined, which included more than 25% of the known mammal species. Our sampling techniques produced new state and regional records for chewing lice, ticks, and parasitic mites. Most ectoparasites were alive when they were collected, which would allow them to be screened for zoonotic pathogens.  相似文献   

氮沉降对陆地生态系统关键有机碳组分的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土壤有机碳不仅可以为植物生长提供营养元素,维持土壤良好的物理结构,而且库容巨大,其储量的微弱变化会导致大气圈中CO2浓度发生较大变化,从而直接影响全球碳平衡格局。氮是影响陆地生态系统植物生长的首要营养元素,大气氮沉降以及人为氮肥施入作为陆地生态系统氮的重要来源,其变化会深刻改变陆地生态系统的植物生长和净初级生产力,并进而影响全球碳循环和其他生态系统过程。欧美等国的生态学者近20年来就氮输入对不同生态系统碳库的影响进行了广泛而深入的研究,我国学者近年来也逐渐开始关注氮输入对陆地碳循环相关过程的定量研究,并取得了一系列的研究进展。但尽管如此,氮沉降以及人为氮输入对陆地生态系统碳循环的影响效应与作用强度依然是目前四大碳汇机制研究最为薄弱的一个环节。鉴于此,本文综述和分析了近年来氮沉降对陆地生态系统土壤总有机碳(total organic carbon,TOC)、溶解性有机碳(dissolved organic carbon, DOC)、微生物量碳(microbial biomass carbon,MBC)等不同土壤碳组分影响的相关研究结果,并针对目前氮沉降增加对陆地生态系统土壤碳库影响研究存在的问题提出了几点展望,以期对我国未来相关领域研究的进一步开展起到一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

The paper analyses the results of a survey of 37 Russian biosphere reserves using questionnaires concerning the presence of alien species of mammals, their pathways of penetration, and their impacts on protected ecosystems. The penetration of alien mammals into terrestrial ecosystems of Russia is extensive, both in places with maximum human environmental impact (inhabited areas and agricultural lands) and in biosphere reserves with minimal human impact. There are 62 mammal species registered as alien in Russian ecosystems and they account for 22% of the terrestrial mammal fauna of Russia. The percentage of alien species in biosphere reserves is 32.6% at most. In most regions, Castor fiber, Ondatra zibethicus, Nyctereutes procyonoides, Canis familiaris, Neovison vison and Sus scrofa are very dangerous, and both Castor fiber and Sus scrofa can have environment‐forming impacts.  相似文献   

Linear structures include fences, roads, railways, canalised water ways and power lines, all man-made. Fencing as a way of managing livestock began in the late 1800s, and by the early twentieth century was almost fully implemented throughout the Karoo sensu lato. The advent of these fences, and now in many instances, ‘game proof’ (~2 m high) and electric fences have impacted native flora and fauna in various ways. Roads influence the quality and quantity of vegetation along corridors throughout the Karoo, with impacts on wildlife through increased mortality, but also provide foraging opportunities. Road-side structures, such as transmission poles, offer nest sites and perches in otherwise treeless landscapes, benefiting certain avifauna. Railway lines create similar corridors, carrying ungrazed vegetation along them. Their associated structures – culverts and (historically) steel frame bridges – provide nest sites for birds and some mammals. Transmission cables and pylons along power lines have mixed benefits to conservation, providing bird nest and perch sites, but can also cause bird mortalities. Unquestionably, these linear structures have had marked effects on the biota of the Karoo, through their effects on wildlife and livestock movement and mortality, plant demography and the spread of native and alien species.  相似文献   

吴建国  吕佳佳 《草地学报》2009,17(6):699-705
为确定气候变化对高寒草甸分布范围的影响,以Holdridge生命地带性分类系统,采用A1、A2、B1、B2气候变化情景,分析了气候变化对我国高寒草甸潜在适宜气候分布范围的影响.结果显示:气候变化下,高寒草甸基准情景下适宜气候分布范围将减少,新适宜气候分布范围将增加,总的适宜气候分布范围变化不大,其中A1、A2情景下变化较大,B1、B2气候情景下变化较小;高寒草甸在基准情景下适宜气候分布范围的最小、最大值与中位数都将减少,新适宜气候扩展范围的最小、最大值与中位数将增加,总的适宜气候分布范围的最小、最大值与中位数变化不大;高寒草甸基准情景下适宜气候分布区南部范围将缩小,新的适宜气候分布范围将主要朝西部和西北部方向扩展,其中A1情景下变化最大,B1情景下变化较小;高寒草甸基准情景下适宜气候分布范围和新的适宜气候分布范围与我国年均气温变化和年降水量变化呈现正相关性.从而预测,气候变化使高寒草甸在基准情景下的气候分布范围将减小,新的适宜分布范围将扩大,空间分布格局将发生改变.  相似文献   

There is now abundant evidence that contemporary climatic change has indirectly affected a wide-range of species by changing trophic interactions, competition, epidemiology and habitat. However, direct physiological impacts of changing climates are rarely reported for endothermic species, despite being commonly reported for ectotherms. We review the evidence for changing physiological constraints on endothermic vertebrates at high temperatures, integrating theoretical and empirical perspectives on the morphology, physiology and behavior of marine birds. Potential for increasing heat stress exposure depends on changes in multiple environmental variables, not just air temperature, as well as organism-specific morphology, physiology and behavior. Endotherms breeding at high latitudes are vulnerable to the forecast, extensive temperature changes because of the adaptations they possess to minimize heat loss. Low-latitude species will also be challenged as they currently live close to their thermal limits and will likely suffer future water shortages. Small, highly-active species, particularly aerial foragers, are acutely vulnerable as they are least able to dissipate heat at high temperatures. Overall, direct physiological impacts of climatic change appear underrepresented in the published literature, but available data suggest they have much potential to shape behavior, morphology and distribution of endothermic species. Coincidence between future heat stress events and other energetic constraints on endotherms remains largely unexplored but will be key in determining the physiological impacts of climatic change. Multi-scale, biophysical modeling, informed by experiments that quantify thermoregulatory responses of endotherms to heat stress, is an essential precursor to urgently-needed analyses at the population or species level.  相似文献   

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