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以福州动物园圈养川金丝猴为研究对象,对福州气候、饲养环境设置、饲养方式、疾病预防控制等方面进行分析研究,旨在提高其存活率和繁殖率,分享饲养管理经验,以供同行间经验交流。 相似文献
对川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)的采血训练,主要目的是为了方便配合兽医对川金丝猴健康状况的检查,增加金丝猴与人的信任感,改善及减少金丝猴的刻板行为,提高动物福利。经过不断的行为训练,川金丝猴能完成采血。从训练对象及目标、训练准备、训练方法等方面介绍了川金丝猴的采血训练过程。 相似文献
通过对比健康与腹泻成年川金丝猴粪便菌群,初步探讨腹泻对川金丝猴粪便细菌区系的影响。采集成年川金丝猴稀软粪样和正常粪样各7份,利用变形梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)和实时荧光定量(Real-time PCR)技术分别定性和定量检测粪样菌群变化。结果表明,健康与腹泻粪样菌群DGGE指纹图谱形成2个聚类,相似性为0.78,细菌多样性指数差异不明显。健康成年川金丝猴粪样菌群以梭菌属(包括柔嫩梭菌、梭菌clusterⅪVa、梭菌clusterⅣ)、拟杆菌-普氏菌属为主要优势菌群;肠道微生物定植抗力指标B/E值为0.97;腹泻粪样中双歧杆菌数量(P0.01)、乳酸杆菌数量(P0.05)显著低于正常粪样,而梭菌clusterⅠ和肠杆菌显著(P0.05)高于正常粪样,其他菌群差异不显著,B/E值(P0.01)极显著降低。表明腹泻导致川金丝猴粪样菌群结构失调。 相似文献
<正> 川金丝猴系我国珍稀动物,我们对三例川金丝猴的内分泌腺进行了观察,特作大体形态的报导.1 垂体(Hypophysis) 呈扁圆球形,前后径平均为8mm,横径为9mm,垂直径为4.5mm,呈谈棕色,在防腐标本上与大脑皮质的色泽相近,位于垂体窝内,借漏斗与丘脑下部相连。与人相比,它较小(人的垂体的横径可达12mm,面前后径为8mm,垂直径为6mm),但较猕猴的要大(猕猴的垂体前后径为3~4mm,横径为6 相似文献
圈养川金丝猴、猕猴肠道寄生虫感染及其形态观察 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2007年11~12月对陕西省珍稀野生动物抢救饲养中心的川金丝猴(R.roxellanae)、猕猴(Macaca mu-latta)进行了肠道寄生虫感染情况及其种类形态的研究。采用生理盐水涂片、碘液染色、铁苏木素染色法对川金丝猴、猕猴进行粪便检查,并对检出的寄生虫进行数码显微摄像。结果川金丝猴、猕猴肠道寄生虫的感染率分别为91.67%、100%,共检出7种肠道寄生虫,其中以鞭虫(Capillariasp.)、芽囊原虫(Blastocystissp.)、溶组织内阿米巴(Entamoeba histolytica)感染较为严重。 相似文献
2012年12月~2013年2月,通过直接拍摄观察,采用瞬时扫描记录方法,对上海动物园内圈养条件下4只川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)的活动时间分配和笼舍空间利用率进行了初步研究,结果表明:川金丝猴圈养环境下大部分时间用来休息,占昼间活动时间的46.27%,其次是理毛行为,占22.20%,摄食和玩耍行为分别占9.73%,6.90%,乞食和移动行为分别占5.04%、5.76%,其他行为占4.10%;休息行为有2个高峰,分别为8:00~9:00时和16:00时以后,摄食行为只在8:00~9:00时有一个较为明显的高峰,理毛行为集中在10:00时;通过对空间利用率的比较,A、B、C、D、E各区均有利用,但是A区、C区、D区的占用率明显高于B区、E区,A区主要用来休息,B区、C区、D区主要用来玩耍和移动,E区主要用来取食和休息。 相似文献
本文记述1例笼养川金丝猴幼仔“粒粒”,从出生至169日龄成功地放归笼养群体的全人工哺育技术,同时对幼仔个体行为与母乳哺育幼仔进行了对比观察,结果表明:(1)以优质人工乳哺育金丝猴幼仔,补加适量维生素和活性钙,于111日龄添加固体食物以后,随着日龄增长哺乳量递减,固体食物的种类、数量逐渐增加,206日龄断奶,幼仔健康成活;(2)主要护理技术为育幼期严格调控育幼箱内温、湿度,适度通风、日照,严格消毒和保育人员的精心爱抚:(3)20日龄开始社群行为驯化,145日龄开始放归训练,并逐渐延长放归时间,169日龄顺利放归笼养群体,为其同类所接纳,到180日龄摆脱对保育员的依赖,习惯于群体生活;(4)全人工哺育金丝猴幼仔与母乳哺育者相比,个体行为发育20日龄前差异不显著,20日龄后全人工哺育幼仔行为发育较迟缓。 相似文献
本研究基于大熊猫谱系(2015),将全世界990只圈养大熊猫依据个体来源划分为圈养出生组(C组,n=676)和野外来源组(W组,n=314),对2组个体的年龄分布、繁殖率、性比分别进行统计分析,编制2组的生命表,绘制其死亡曲线及存活曲线,并计算2组在统计期限内的总增长率——周限增长率(λ)。结果显示,2组大熊猫的周限增长率λ_C和λ_W分别为1. 114 7和1. 000 4,种群数量波动均较小,且λ_C> 1,C组大熊猫种群数量具有上升的潜力; 2组存活曲线均属于I型曲线,为增长型,大多数个体均能实现其平均的生理寿命,可见,2组大熊猫生理寿命上特征稳定,种群结构相对稳定。进一步统计发现:C组大熊猫的生命期望平均余年为(5. 00±0. 36),W组为(9. 40±0. 83),两者差异显著(t=-8. 485,N=33,P=0. 000); C组大熊猫的死亡率高峰出现在0~1以及26年龄级之后,15~25年龄级死亡率偏高且波动较大,而W组的死亡高峰出现在23年龄级之后且死亡率波动较小。综上可见,在现有圈养条件下,C组种群数量可持续发展前景较好,W组生理寿命特征更稳定、死亡率变化趋势更平缓。 相似文献
C. Carlos Sampedrano V. Chetboul J. Mary R. Tissier M. Abitbol F. Serres V. Gouni A. Thomas J.-L. Pouchelon 《Journal of veterinary internal medicine / American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine》2009,23(1):91-99
Background: A mutation in the sarcomeric gene coding for the myosin-binding protein C gene has been identified in a colony of Maine Coon cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (MyBPC3-A31P mutation). However, the close correlation between genotype and phenotype (left ventricular hypertrophy [LVH] and dysfunction) has never been assessed in a large population, particularly in heterozygous (Hetero) cats.
Objectives: To investigate LV morphology and function with echocardiography and tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) in a population of Maine Coon cats tested for the MyBPC3-A31P mutation with focus on Hetero animals.
Animals: Ninety-six Maine Coon cats.
Methods: Prospective observational study. Cats were screened for the MyBPC3-A31P mutation and examined with both echocardiography and 2-dimensional color TDI.
Results: Fifty-two out of 96 cats did not have the mutation (wild-type genotype, Homo WT), 38/96 and 6/96 were Hetero- and homozygous-mutated (Homo M) cats, respectively. Only 11% of Hetero cats (4/38) had LVH and 29% (10/34) of Hetero cats without LVH were >4 years old (4.1–11.5 years). LVH was also detected in 2 Homo WT cats (4%). A significantly decreased ( P < .05) longitudinal E/A (ratio between early and late diastolic myocardial velocities) in the basal segment of the interventricular septum was observed in Hetero cats without LVH (n = 34) compared with Homo WT cats without LVH (n = 50), thus confirming that the Hetero status is associated with regional diastolic dysfunction ( P < .05).
Conclusions: The heterozygous status is not consistently associated with LVH and major myocardial dysfunction. Moreover, Homo WT cats can also develop LVH, suggesting that other genetic causes might be implicated. 相似文献
Objectives: To investigate LV morphology and function with echocardiography and tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) in a population of Maine Coon cats tested for the MyBPC3-A31P mutation with focus on Hetero animals.
Animals: Ninety-six Maine Coon cats.
Methods: Prospective observational study. Cats were screened for the MyBPC3-A31P mutation and examined with both echocardiography and 2-dimensional color TDI.
Results: Fifty-two out of 96 cats did not have the mutation (wild-type genotype, Homo WT), 38/96 and 6/96 were Hetero- and homozygous-mutated (Homo M) cats, respectively. Only 11% of Hetero cats (4/38) had LVH and 29% (10/34) of Hetero cats without LVH were >4 years old (4.1–11.5 years). LVH was also detected in 2 Homo WT cats (4%). A significantly decreased ( P < .05) longitudinal E/A (ratio between early and late diastolic myocardial velocities) in the basal segment of the interventricular septum was observed in Hetero cats without LVH (n = 34) compared with Homo WT cats without LVH (n = 50), thus confirming that the Hetero status is associated with regional diastolic dysfunction ( P < .05).
Conclusions: The heterozygous status is not consistently associated with LVH and major myocardial dysfunction. Moreover, Homo WT cats can also develop LVH, suggesting that other genetic causes might be implicated. 相似文献