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Base specificity in the interaction of polynucleotides with antibiotic drugs   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
Echinomycin, daunomycin, ethidium bromide, nogalamycin, chromomycin, mithramycin, and olivomycin inhibit RNA synthesis by RNA polymerase by interacting with the DNA template. Chromomycin and olivomycin form complexes with DNA, preferably in the helical form, but not with RNA. These complexes require guanine in DNA and the addition of a stoichiometric amount of bivalent cation. None of the other antibiotics requires the presence of any single base in the template for its action.  相似文献   

Soybean lectin labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate combined specifically with all but 3 of 25 strains of the soybean-nodulating bacterium Rhizobium japonicum. The lectin did not bind to any of 23 other strains representative of rhizobia that do not nodulate soybeans. The evidence suggests that an interaction between legume lectins and Rhizobium cells may account for the specificity expressed between rhizobia and host plant in the initiation of the nitrogen-fixing symbiosis.  相似文献   

Primates are exceptional among mammals for their climbing abilities and arboreal lifestyles. Here we show that small primates (less than 0.5 kilogram) consume the same amount of mass-specific energy (COTTOT) whether climbing or walking a given distance. COTTOT decreases with increasing body size for walking but does not change for climbing. This divergence of COTTOT is likely due to fundamental differences in the biomechanical determinants of the costs of climbing versus walking. These results have important implications for understanding the origins of primates, suggesting that small early primates may have been able to move into a novel arboreal niche without increasing metabolic costs.  相似文献   

生态农业度假村的循环经济模式研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
全面介绍并分析了北京蟹岛生态农业度假村的循环经济模式。蟹岛度假村以农业废弃物处理和污水资源化利用为纽带,通过沼气工程,把清洁生产、粪污处理、有机食品生产、生态观光、环境保护有机结合在一起,取得了良好的经济效益和生态效益,实现了“资源-产品-消费-再生资源”的闭环式物质循环流程,使所有原料和能源都在这个不断进行的循环中得到了合理的利用。  相似文献   

The net energetic cost of terrestrial locomotion by the snake Coluber constrictor, moving by lateral undulation, is equivalent to the net energetic cost of running by limbed animals (arthropods, lizards, birds, and mammals) of similar size. In contrast to lateral undulation and limbed locomotion, concertina locomotion by Coluber is more energetically expensive. The findings do not support the widely held notion that the energetic cost of terrestrial locomotion by limbless animals is less than that of limbed animals.  相似文献   

A model for diamond nucleation by energetic species (for example, bias-enhanced nucleation) is proposed. It involves spontaneous bulk nucleation of a diamond embryo cluster in a dense, amorphous carbon hydrogenated matrix; stabilization of the cluster by favorable boundary conditions of nucleation sites and hydrogen termination; and ion bombardment-induced growth through a preferential displacement mechanism. The model is substantiated by density functional tight-binding molecular dynamics simulations and an experimental study of the structure of bias-enhanced and ion beam-nucleated films. The model is also applicable to the nucleation of other materials by energetic species, such as cubic boron nitride.  相似文献   

中国生态经济的进展与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了我国环保产业、生态农业等生态经济发展历程和成就。预测和描述在加入WTO、全球经济自由度越来越高的局势下我国生态经济发展的基本趋势。  相似文献   

 首次对滇中、滇南、滇西以及滇西南地区不同宿主、生境的野生裂褶菌Schizophyllum commune资源进行采集,并阐述了裂褶菌宿主特性以及生长地的生境条件。分离到不同宿主、生境的裂褶菌菌株407个,宿主植物共75种,分属于30科,其中单子叶植物4种,双子叶植物64种,裸子植物7种。菌株生态分布的海拔范围为372~3321m。  相似文献   

张惠言是常州词派的开山鼻祖,其词论在词史上的独特之处表现为:对词的美感特质有相当的体认与把握;因时乘势,力纠浙西、阳羡之流弊,使词走向健康的发展道路;其词论中含有浓厚的词史意识。  相似文献   

The nascent field of neuroeconomics seeks to ground economic decision making in the biological substrate of the brain. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging of Ultimatum Game players to investigate neural substrates of cognitive and emotional processes involved in economic decision-making. In this game, two players split a sum of money;one player proposes a division and the other can accept or reject this. We scanned players as they responded to fair and unfair proposals. Unfair offers elicited activity in brain areas related to both emotion (anterior insula) and cognition (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex). Further, significantly heightened activity in anterior insula for rejected unfair offers suggests an important role for emotions in decision-making.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the positional distributions, absolute intensities, energy spectra, and angular distributions of energetic electrons and protons in the Jovian magnetosphere has been considerably advanced by the planetary flyby of Pioneer 11 in November-December 1974 along a quite different trajectory from that of Pioneer 10 a year earlier. (i) The previously reported magnetodisc is shown to be blunted and much more extended in latitude on the sunward side than on the dawn side. (ii) Rigid corotation of the population of protons E(p) approximately 1 million electron volts in the magnetodisc is confirmed. (iii) Angular distributions of energetic electrons E(e) > 21 million electron volts in the inner magnetosphere are shown to be compatible with the Kennel-Petschek whistler-mode instability. (iv) A diverse body of magnetospheric effects by the Jovian satellites is found. (v) Observations of energetic electrons in to a radial distance of 1.59 Jovian radii provide a fresh basis for the interpretation of decimetric radio noise emission.  相似文献   

The changing view of neural specificity   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The generation of specific patterns of neuronal connections has usually been regarded as a central problem in neurobiology. The prevailing view for many years has been that these connections are established by complementary recognition molecules on the pre- and postsynaptic cells (the chemoaffinity theory). Experimental results obtained in the past decade, however, indicate that the view that axon guidance and synaptogenesis proceed according to restrictive chemical markers is too narrow. Although a more rigid plan may prevail in some invertebrates, the formation of specific connections in vertebrates also involves competition between axon terminals, trophic feedback between pre- and postsynaptic cells, and modification of connections by functional activity.  相似文献   

The biochemical basis of the fungus-attine ant symbiosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

黑龙江省森林生态旅游产品营销对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
系统阐述了黑龙江省森林生态旅游的发展优势,并提出为加快森林生态旅游发展应采取的具体营销策略,进而增大对黑龙江省特色旅游产品——森林生态旅游的对外宣传力度,推动了黑龙江省旅游业的全面发展。  相似文献   

生态文明城市建设是改革开放30多年来要实现的目标之一,是建设美丽中国、实现“中国梦”的具体体现。漳州市拥有丰富的农业资源和生态资源,“十一五”期间,先后获得“国家卫生城市”“国家园林城市”称号,2011年9月漳州市第十次党代会提出“田园都市、生态之城”的城市定位,开启了漳州市生态文明城市建设的新篇章。为更好地实现建设具有漳州特色的生态文明城市目标,提出建设“美丽漳州”的五维路径:做好生态城市规划、增强生态责任意识、发展生态经济、丰富生态文化建设、建立和完善生态保障机制。  相似文献   

The study of agriculture in ancient societies is of vital importance for the understanding of their ecological basis. This article discusses data gathered from Alonso de Molina's dictionary, published in Mexico City in 1571. Molina's information on soil, rain, plants, technology, and human labor applied to agricultural activities gives a picture of the complexity of the several native agricultural systems practiced at that time. Since the Sixteenth Century, native agriculture was impacted by the introduction of new plants, animals, agricultural equipment, and techniques from the Old World. A combination of the two agricultural models conform a new Mexican model of agriculture along the Colonial times. The knowledge of Sixteenth Century agricultural systems is fundamental for the understanding of the history and the conformation of contemporary agro-ecosystems. Recent studies on ecology and social anthropology agree on the necessity to take into account historical data for the discussion of ecological sustainability.  相似文献   

南阳市土地生态承载力评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在系统分析南阳市土地生态系统的影响因子基础上,构建了研究区土地生态脆弱性评价指标体系。将生态环境因子划分为生态系统、人类生存安全度与生态经济三大类。整个评价体系包含9项Ⅰ级指标和32项Ⅱ级指标。德尔菲法、层次分析法和综合指数法相结合进行南阳市土地生态脆弱性评价结果表明:该市土地生态系统处在一个中度脆弱的平衡阶段,如果不改变传统的土地利用方式,生态环境的相对平衡将被打破,生态环境承载力将会大大降低。  相似文献   

Acid evokes pain by exciting nociceptors; the acid sensors are proton-gated ion channels that depolarize neurons. The naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) is exceptional in its acid insensitivity, but acid sensors (acid-sensing ion channels and the transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 ion channel) in naked mole-rat nociceptors are similar to those in other vertebrates. Acid inhibition of voltage-gated sodium currents is more profound in naked mole-rat nociceptors than in mouse nociceptors, however, which effectively prevents acid-induced action potential initiation. We describe a species-specific variant of the nociceptor sodium channel Na(V)1.7, which is potently blocked by protons and can account for acid insensitivity in this species. Thus, evolutionary pressure has selected for an Na(V)1.7 gene variant that tips the balance from proton-induced excitation to inhibition of action potential initiation to abolish acid nociception.  相似文献   

潘况一  黄秀兰  姜澄 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(25):15446-15449,15466
基于北京市1975~2002年5期MSS和TM遥感资料及该区的地理资料,通过图像处理和GIS分析,探讨整个北京市域范围内景观组分的变迁规律以及生态环境的相应变化。研究表明:27年间北京市景观生态组分结构变化较大,自然景观组分略增,半自然景观组分大幅度下降,人文景观组分迅速增加,且主要由半自然景观转变而来,说明城市建设用地主要占用的是耕地,同时也表明人类干扰强烈;此外,在不同的时段,景观组分之间景观类型的转变也比较频繁,景观组分转换比例较大的是半自然景观组分,说明半自然景观组分是北京市的一种相对不稳定的景观类型。在生态环境方面,市域内自然景观组分的增加,主要是水体、城市绿地、植被覆盖度的增加,与1975年相比,北京市的生态环境质量正在逐步提高,城市内部的环境质量也得到了一定改善。  相似文献   

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