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为进一步推进肉禽生物安全隔离区建设评估工作,按照部兽医局的要求,全国动物卫生风险评估专家委员会办公室于2009年6月30日-7月1日,在青岛举办了肉禽无规定动物疫病生物安全隔离区建设管理研  相似文献   

生物安全隔离区划(compartmentalisation)是世界动物卫生组织(OIE)2003年提出的动物疫病区域化管理新模式.改革开放以来我国出现的一批规模化肉禽企业,为我国实施禽流感生物安全隔离区划奠定了良好基础.论文根据农业部2009年发布的肉禽无禽流感生物安全隔离区(AI-free compartment)相...  相似文献   

<正>根据《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》《无规定动物疫病区评估管理办法》及有关规定,我部组织对山东民和牧业股份有限公司和福建圣农发展股份有限公司两个肉鸡无高致病性禽流感生物安全隔离区(肉鸡无高致病性禽流感企业)进行了评估。上述两个生物安全隔离区(肉鸡无高致病性禽流感企业)达到有关标准,现予公布。  相似文献   

<正>我国首批肉禽无高致病性禽流感生物安全隔离区通过国家评估3月24日,农业部发布第2509号公告,公布对山东民和牧业股份有限公司和福建圣农发展股份有限公司肉禽无高致病性禽流感生物安全隔离区(肉鸡无高致病性禽流感企业)国家评估结果,全部达到有关标准。生物安全隔离区是世界动物卫生组织于2003年提出的一种新  相似文献   

1范围本标准规定了肉禽无禽流感生物安全隔离区的条件及撤销和恢复条件。本标准适用于肉禽无禽流感生物安全隔离区的建设和评估。2肉禽无禽流感生物安全隔离区肉禽无禽流感生物安全隔离区应符合下列所有条件:  相似文献   

为探索新型动物疫病区划管理模式,探讨辽宁省肉禽企业开展肉禽无规定动物疫病生物安全隔离区(以下简称生物安全隔离区)建设的可行性,笔者对辽宁省13个大型肉禽养殖加工龙头企业进行问卷调查,并对沈阳华美、沈阳蒲兴两个肉禽企业进行实地考察调研。  相似文献   

1 范围 本标准规定了肉禽无禽流感生物安全隔离区的条件及撤销和恢复条件。 本标准适用于肉禽无禽流感生物安全隔离区的建设和评估。  相似文献   

1 范围 本规范规定了肉禽无规定动物疫病生物安全隔离区的相关定义和基本条件。  相似文献   

<正>近日,农业部发布公告,福建圣农发展股份有限公司肉鸡无高致病性禽流感生物安全隔离区通过评审验收。这是国内首批通过验收的该类项目。2011年,光泽县上报创建圣农公司肉鸡无禽流感生物安全隔离区,2014年11月通过省农业厅批复,同意按照规范开展肉禽无禽流感生物安全隔离区建设。创建以来,光泽县新建2个省际动物防疫监督检查站、动物疫病预防与控制中心,有效  相似文献   

生物安全隔离区划(compartmentalisation)是世界动物卫生组织(OIE)于2003年提出的动物疫病区域化管理新模式,即通过建立共同的生物安全管理体系(common biosecurity management system),建立基于企业水平的生物安全隔离区(compartment)。这个模式提出后,引起了世界范围的广泛关注。欧盟、泰国、土耳其等国通过制定法规,起草标准,开展试点等,推动生物安全隔离区划的实施。我国将生物安全隔离区作为我国无规定动物疫病区的一种重要类型,并在此基础上创造性提出了无规定动物疫病企业(无疫企业)的概念。  相似文献   

The aim of a national study of a "Quantitative Risk Assessment of Campylobacter infections and broiler chicken" at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment is to estimate the chicken meat associated risk of Campylobacteriosis in Germany by using probabilistic models. Furthermore, process parameters (modelling parameters) with the most vital impact on the risk of Campylobacteriosis due to chicken meat have to be elaborated to give recommendations for risk management options in the whole food chain. The outcome of Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultations on Risk Assessment of Microbiological Hazards in Foods (JEMRA) with respect to Campylobacter spp. in broiler chickens are the baseline for the national approach. In addition, national studies from Canada, Denmark and The Netherlands have to be considered. Typical regional data with respect to the disease, to risk factors in Germany and to the qualitative and quantitative occurrence of Campylobacter in broiler chickens along the "farm-to-fork" continuum have to be collected and validated for elaboration of the four elements of a risk assessment. Data on the prevalence of the agent at different stages of the food chain given in available surveillance systems in Germany are limited with respect to their suitability as incoming parameters for the models. A monitoring programme, as required in the Directive 2003/99/EC on the monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents, as well as coordinated programmes for the official food control authorities, could improve the data baseline for risk assessment studies for instance. To collect all necessary information on the quantitative load of Camylobacter in broiler chickens will go beyond the scope of any existing or future monitoring systems. Results can only be achieved by detailed studies. Beside this, regional data on production and processing of broiler chicken, consumption data and information on the behaviour of consumers in households when preparing broiler chicken products are relevant for assessing the final risk to the consumers. For some questions, especially with respect to the dose-response-relation, internationally used models have to be applied. The national study is embedded in a national epidemiological network of "Foodborne Infections in Germany" which is coordinated by the Robert-Koch-Institute and supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).  相似文献   

Laboratory data credibility has 3 major components: 1) valid methods, 2) proficiency testing (PT) to verify that the analyst can conduct the method and to compare results of other laboratories using the same method, and 3) third-party accreditation to verify that the laboratory is competent to conduct testing and that the method validation has been done within the environment and requirements of an effective quality-management system. Participation in external PT programs by a laboratory is strongly recommended in International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission International Standard 17025. Most laboratory accreditation bodies using this standard require that laboratories participate in such programs to be accredited. Internal PT is also recommended for each analyst. Benchmarking, or comparison between laboratories using PT or reference materials, is also recommended as part of the validation and evaluation of test methods. These requirements emphasize the need for proficiency test providers to demonstrate their competence. Requirements for competence are documented in national and international standards and guidelines, and accreditation is available for providers. This article discusses the activities and the components that are necessary and recommended for PT projects and programs for animal disease diagnostic testing. These are based on the requirements of the national and international standards, which address this subject, and on the experience of the author. The accreditation of external PT programs is also discussed. Organizations that accredit PT providers or that provide PT programs are listed. Existing references, guidelines, and standards that are relevant to PT in veterinary diagnostic laboratories are discussed.  相似文献   



Vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) in Swedish broiler production has been shown to persist at farms between batches. The aim of this study was therefore to determine the possibility to eliminate VRE by disinfection of compartments in broiler houses as a proof of concept.


VRE could not be detected in environmental samples from the disinfected test compartments in the broiler houses but was detected in environmental samples from the control compartments. The proportion of broilers colonized with VRE decreased in both the test and the control compartments.


The results are promising and show that the occurrence of VRE in broiler houses can be reduced by adequate cleaning and disinfection with a combination of steam and formaldehyde.  相似文献   

作者针对肉仔鸡营养需要量、饲料效价评定及配方设计技术等方面,概述了当前的进展与趋势。文献表明,肉鸡饲养阶段的划分更科学,大部分从3个阶段过渡到4个阶段;营养需要规格呈现多元化趋势,主要考虑与肉鸡品种、环境、追求的生产目标及饲料原料本身的评价体系等结合起来;日粮配方优化技术本身是不变的,但引入配方模型的系数矩阵若带入饲料养分的标准差即变异,将会明显提高配方养分实际达成的概率。如果用标准化回肠可消化率氨基酸配制日粮,一般能提高对肉鸡生产性能的预测水平。上述研究结果与思想将为中国开发新一代肉鸡饲养营养专家系统提供科学依据。  相似文献   

在分析研究国际野生动物栖息地分类体系,归纳总结我国野生动物栖息地分类方法基础上,结合我国实际情况及适应野生动物栖息地保护管理及科学研究需求,提出了陆生野生动物栖息地分类体系。该系统分为三级,包括一级12个栖息地类,二级66个栖息地型,三级218个基本类型。构建野生动物栖息地分类体系,能够更好地从多层次、空间立体格局上实施野生动物及栖息地保护、恢复和改善野生动物生存环境,维系野生动物种群健康发展。该体系建立与实施对国家生态安全维护,实现全国野生动物保护多层次化和多元化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为识别并及时防范进境SPF鼠携带病原传入的风险,根据《一、二、三类动物疫病病种名录》《中华人民共和国进境动物检疫疫病名录》以及相关公告、国家标准和国际组织要求,通过风险识别确定汉坦病、淋巴细胞脉络丛脑膜炎、鼠痘、小鼠肝炎和仙台病毒病等5种疫病会带来一定风险。从病原学特征、疫病发生、易感动物、传播途径等方面进行5种疫病的定性评估,使用风险评估矩阵确定综合风险水平,认定这5种疫病传入风险较高,传入后果较为严重。因此,应对这5种疫病实施重点监测,同时采取相应的风险管理措施,重点包括加强出口国相关动物卫生证书审核,提高隔离场管理水平,增强SPF实验鼠卫生和健康管理意识。  相似文献   

旨在研制首批泰万菌素兽用国家标准品,用于酒石酸泰万菌素及其制剂中泰万菌素的效价测定。采用精制后的泰万菌素酒石酸盐为原料进行本批泰万菌素标准品的研制,原料分装后按照酒石酸泰万菌素质量标准及《中华人民共和国兽药典》2015年版中的规定对其进行质量检测及均匀性评价,采用紫外-可见分光光度法测定最大吸收波长,60℃减压干燥法测定干燥失重,高效液相色谱法测定泰万菌素A组分,并以原始发明厂的标准品为基准,采用抗生素微生物检定法中三剂量管碟法进行协作标定,对标定结果进行合并计算,作为本批标准品的效价赋值。结果显示,分装后的标准品经60℃减压干燥至恒重后减失重量为2.0%,均匀性评价符合要求,在289 nm的波长处有最大吸收,抗生素微生物检定法测定的泰万菌素效价为822 U·mg-1。本研究研制的首批泰万菌素兽用国家标准品各项检测指标均符合规定,可作为国家标准品发放,用于酒石酸泰万菌素原料及制剂中泰万菌素的效价测定,便于生产企业和质量检定部门进行酒石酸泰万菌素原料及制剂的质量控制,对于提高和保证兽药质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In poultry nutrition, most attention is given to protein products, due to the importance of protein as a major constituent of the biologically active compounds in the body. It also assists in the synthesis of body tissue, for that renovation and growth of the body. Furthermore, protein exists in form of enzymes and hormones which play important roles in the physiology of any living organism. Broilers have high dietary protein requirements, so identification of the optimum protein concentration in broiler diets, for either maximizing broiler performance or profit, requires more knowledge about birds' requirements for protein and amino acids and their effects on the birds' growth performance and development. It also requires knowledge about the protein sources available that can be used in poultry diets. The broad aim of this review is to highlight the importance of some of the available high-quality specialized protein products of both animal and plant origins which can be explored for feeding broiler chickens. Minimization of the concentration of anti-nutritional factors(ANFs) and supplementation with immunologically active compounds are the main focus of gut health-promoting broiler diets. These diet characteristics are influenced by feed ingredient composition and feed processing. The general hypothesis is that these protein products are highly digestible and devoid of or contain less ANFs. Feeding these products to broiler chicks, especially at an earlier age, can assist early gut development and digestive physiology, and improve broiler growth performance and immunity.  相似文献   

An economic model was developed that calculates economic optimal dietary balanced protein (DBP) contents for broiler chickens, based on performance input and prices of meat and feed. Input on broiler responses to DBP content (growth rate, feed conversion, carcase yield and breast meat yield) was obtained from the model described by Eits et al. (2005). Changes in broiler age, price of protein-rich raw materials and large changes (40%) in meat prices resulted in economic relevant differences in DBP content for maximum profit. Effects of changes in sex or feed price on DBP content for maximum profit were negligible. Formulating diets for maximum profit instead of maximum broiler performance can strongly increase the profitability of a broiler production enterprise. DBP content for maximum profitability depends on how the broilers are marketed; as whole birds, carcase or portions.  相似文献   

为更好地了解国内外黄羽肉鸡饲料营养的最新研究进展,经查阅并总结了2017-2018年关于黄羽肉鸡饲料营养的国内外文献,旨在为黄羽肉鸡安全、高效养殖提供技术参考。作者主要从黄羽肉鸡营养需要量、饲料添加剂应用技术研究、非常规饲料原料安全高效利用技术研究、饲料原料营养价值评定等几方面进行综述,并指出在黄羽肉鸡饲料营养的应用及研究中应关注以下内容:明确饲料原料中矿物元素、维生素的含量,减少维生素和矿物元素的资源浪费;中草药具有多糖、生物碱、皂甙和有机酸等多种活性成分,建议使用时应合理配伍制成多功能中药添加剂,使其对黄羽肉鸡生产性能、免疫功能等方面都有提高改善作用;益生菌添加剂是一种对黄羽肉鸡养殖有效、绿色环保的添加剂,其中芽孢杆菌和酵母效果较好,两种益生菌组合使用其效果更佳;改进植物性饲料原料的生产工艺以提高其利用率;开发新型的动物性蛋白原料,如蝇蛆和黑水虻等昆虫类动物性蛋白具有安全、绿色环保等优势,是新型动物性蛋白原料的优选。总之,中国的黄羽肉鸡高效养殖技术仍有待进一步的提高,建议完善黄羽肉鸡、种鸡饲养标准,开展更广泛的黄羽肉鸡饲料资源安全高效利用技术研究以及黄羽肉种鸡母体营养对后代肉鸡的影响及其机制。  相似文献   

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