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奶牛热应激是指奶牛受高温引起机体的一系列异常反应。奶牛是耐寒怕热的动物,饲养奶牛的适宜温度是10~20℃,当环境温度超过27℃时,奶牛就会出现热应激反应。热应激能造成奶牛采食量减少,体温升高,呼吸加快,对营养物质的吸收和利用率降低,机体内分泌机能紊乱,影响奶牛泌乳,导致产奶量明显下降;还能影响公牛精子质量,延长母牛发情周期,缩短发情时间,造成母牛受胎率下降和出现死胎;还能使奶牛机体抵抗力降低,病原菌容易生长繁殖并侵害机体,造成乳腺炎、子宫内膜炎、胎衣不下等产科疾病发病率增高,现将预防奶牛热应激的技术措施介绍如下: 相似文献
1加强饲养管理保证充足的新鲜饮水:在热应激时期,由于气温偏高,所以奶牛的水分消耗量较大,若饮水不足就会降低食欲,减缓消化,影响产奶量并使奶牛体内的黏膜干燥,降低奶牛抵抗疾病能力。长期饮水不足还会使奶牛机体代谢紊乱,甚至会引起死亡。水不但是奶牛代谢过程中不可缺少的重要物质,还有助于调节体温。延长饲喂时间,增加饲喂次数:高温季节,中午舍内温度比舍外低,为了使牛免于受到太阳直射,安排12点上槽,这既能增加奶牛食欲,又能增加饲喂时间。饲喂次数可由三次改为四次,在夜间凉爽时再补饲一次。夏季饲料易变质,应及时清理饲槽和饮水器,必… 相似文献
奶牛热应激及防制对策研究 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
荷斯坦奶牛耐寒不耐热,当环境温度超过25℃时,奶牛就会出现热应激反应。而温度达到或超过32℃产奶量往往会明显下降(减产3%~20%)。据报道,当环境温度从25℃增到28.6℃时。奶牛标准产奶量下降25.3%.按高温90天计算一个产奶中等的万头奶牛场,一个夏季带来的经济损失就达36.5万元。 相似文献
奶牛是耐寒怕热的动物,饲养奶牛的适宜温度是10~20℃,当环境温度超过25℃时,奶牛就会出现热应激反应。热应激造成奶牛食欲下降,采食量减少,体温升高,呼吸加快,营养物质的吸收和利用率降低,机体内分泌机能紊乱,导致母牛泌乳量明显下降;还能影响公牛精子质量,延长母牛发情周期,缩短发情时间,造成母牛受胎率下降和出现死胎;还能使奶牛体内免疫球蛋白减少,机体抵抗力降低,使乳房炎、子宫内膜炎、胎衣不下等产科疾病发病率增高,对奶牛以后的繁殖力及各种生产性能影响极大。因此,采取有效措施,预防和减少奶牛热应激,对保持奶… 相似文献
热应激给奶牛业的生产带来一定程度的影响。最直接和明显的是夏季高温导致奶牛产奶性能(包括产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率等指标)下降,进而引起奶牛场和奶牛养殖专业户的经济效益下滑。为了缓解和减少热应激对奶牛的危害,在夏季高温季节重要的是应从改善奶牛的自然生存环境和提高奶牛饲养管理水平等方面着手。 相似文献
奶牛的热应激反应是由于炎热的环境和气温对奶牛所造成的不良热刺激而引起的。为了避免热应激反应对奶牛业所造成的影响,保持正常的产奶量,饲养人员在奶业生产实践中应该采取以下几条有效的措施。 相似文献
在养鸡生产实践中,环境温度是影响鸡生产力的重要因素。环境温度过高就会产生热应激,从而引起鸡的新陈代谢和生理机能的改变,轻则带来鸡生产力和抵抗力下降,重则发病,甚至死亡。1热应激对鸡的影响1.1热应激对雏鸡的影响雏鸡体小、绒毛稀少、体温调节能力差。当环境温度过高时雏鸡体热和水分散发受阻,体热平衡紊乱,食欲减退,采食量下降,生长发育缓慢,重则出现神经症状,甚至死亡。1.2热应激对成鸡的影响(1)行为的影响。鸡全身无汗腺,靠加强皮肤渗透和呼吸道蒸发散热。当环境温度过高时,为了及时散热,鸡呼吸加快、张口伸舌、唾液直流、活动减少… 相似文献
夏季热应激对奶牛业产生巨大的影响。减少夏季热应激,维持奶牛持续高产,已成为全球奶农普遍关注的问题。为此,特编译此文以供大家参考。 奶牛产奶最理想的温度在10~20℃。从以下图表可看出奶牛在全国各地都会存在热应激问题。轻度热应激,奶牛每天奶损失5磅(2.25公斤);中等程度热应激,奶牛每天奶损失10磅(4.5 相似文献
奶牛热应激是奶牛对不利于生理活动的高温环境产生的一种非特异性应答反应,其影响奶牛的生产性能和生理功能。本文综述了热应激对奶牛的影响及其调控措施。 相似文献
近年来随着养牛业的不断发展,饲养方式发生了深刻的变革,从传统的放牧为主转变为现代的舍饲为主,同时在饲养过程中也出现了一些新问题,如母牛吊球病日益增加,呈逐年上升趋势。经调查126户,饲养538头母牛,发病151头,发病率达28.07%,给养牛业造成很大经济损失。通过采取了综合防制措施取得了良好效果。对母牛吊球病的诊断和防制进行报告,以便为兽医临床及生产中对该病的诊断和防制提供参考。 相似文献
Abdul Sammad Saqib Umer Rui Shi Huabin Zhu Xueming Zhao Yachun Wang 《Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition》2020,104(4):978-986
Dairy farming is vulnerable to global warming and climate change. Improving and maintaining conception rates (CRs) have a paramount importance for the profitability of any dairy enterprise. There is an antagonistic relationship between fertility and milk yield, and intensive selection for milk yield has severely deteriorated reproductive efficiency. Irrespective of geography and husbandry, modern dairy cows experience heat stress (HS) effects leading to fertility declines, but it worsens in tropical climates. The threshold of HS experience among modern dairy cow has lowered, leading to decreased thermal comfort zone. Studies show that this threshold is lower for fertility than for lactation. HS abatement and robustness response to lactation yield lead to negative energy balance, and cow's reproductive requirements remain unfulfilled. The adverse effects of HS commence from developing oocyte throughout later stages and its fertilization competence; the oestrus cycle and oestrus behaviour; the embryo development and implantation; on uterine environment; and even extend towards foetal calf. Even cows can become acyclic under the influence of HS. These harmful effects of HS arise due to hyperthermia, oxidative stress and physiological modifications in the body of dairy cows. Proper assessment of HS and efficient cooling of dairy animals irrespective of their stage of life at farm is the immediate strategy to reduce fertility declines. Other long- and short-term mitigation strategies to reduce fertility declines during HS include feeding care, reducing disease and mastitis rates, using semen from cooled bulls, timed artificial inseminations (AI), allied hormonal interventions and use of embryo transfer technology. Ultimate long-term solution should be well-planned breeding for fertility improvement and HS tolerance. 相似文献
奶牛是一种怕热耐寒的动物,适合于气候凉爽地带饲养。每年夏季高温大气,我国南方大部分地区奶牛均会发生不同程度的热应激反应,严重影响奶牛生产性能和健康,因而受到奶牛业界的普遍关注和重视。许多研究发现,日粮中加入某些药物添加剂,可以缓解热应激对奶牛的不良影响。 相似文献
将胎次、产奶量、泌乳天数相近的22头荷斯坦奶牛按分组配对的原则进行分组,每组11头,测定抗热应激预混料对奶牛的影响。试验结果表明:在整个试验期内,试验组与对照组奶牛产奶量的差值和乳脂率的差值与温度呈较强的正相关(R2=0.8805和0.7633),且差异显著(P<0.05);两组的乳蛋白率之差与温度变化无关(R2=0.0713)。在较炎热的9月份(22.3 ̄28.4℃),该种预混料可以显著缓解奶牛产奶量的下降(P<0.05),试验组奶牛平均每头每日比对照组多产奶1.39kg;也可以适当提高牛奶的乳脂率(P>0.05);对乳蛋白的影响不大(P>0.05)。 相似文献
Hereford and Hereford X Angus cows (n = 31) were utilized to determine the effects of heat stress on early embryonic development and survival. After acclimation to handling, cows were cannulated via the jugular vein on d 7 and assigned to either a control (C) chamber environment of 22 C, 35% relative humidity (RH) or one of two heat stress treatments. Ambient temperature was maintained at 37 C for 12 h followed by a decrease to 33 C for the remainder of the day in both treatment groups. Relative humidity was maintained at 27% in treatment 1 (TRT 1) and 38% in treatment 2 (TRT 2). On d 8 to 16, daily measurements of respiration rate (RES), rectal temperature (REC) and water intake were taken along with samples of blood, which were analyzed for hematocrit (HEM) and plasma concentration of protein (PP), progesterone (P4), estradiol-17 beta (E2), thyroxine (T4) and glucose (GLU). The uterus was recovered and flushed with saline on d 17 to recover the conceptus and uterine contents. Conceptus (if present) and corpus luteum (CL) wet weight were determined. Cows subjected to TRT 2 had increased RES and REC (P less than .01), while HEM was decreased (P less than .05) compared with C cows. Plasma T4 concentration was decreased (P less than .10) in TRT 2 compared with TRT 1 and cows, while P4 concentration were not significantly different. Corpora lutea wet weights were reduced (P less than .10) in heat-stressed cows vs C cows.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
20 0 1年 8~ 9月 ,江苏某奶牛场奶牛陆续发生腹泻 ,采用氟哌酸治疗一段时间之后 ,收效甚微 ,因而怀疑为由产气荚膜梭菌所致的腹泻 ,遂对其进行了实验室诊断和药敏试验 ,并采取了相应的措施 ,取得了较好的效果。现将内容报告如下。1 病料采集与细菌分离从发病奶牛群中随机采集病牛新鲜排粪 1 2份 ,用灭菌生理盐水做 1∶ 1稀释后 ,用酪蛋白 -硫酸亚铁 -环丝氨酸琼脂 ( TSC,购自德国 Merck公司 )平板划线分离 ,置厌氧培养罐 (购自 Merck公司 ) 37℃培养 2 4 h,TSC琼脂平板上长出多量疑似菌落 ,菌落形态为圆形、突起、边缘整齐、表面湿润… 相似文献
奶牛附红细胞体病的诊治 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
附红细胞体病是附红细胞体寄生于牛、羊、猪、人等多种动物细胞表面或血浆及骨髓中引起的一种溶血性传染病.常发生于夏秋温暖季节,主要经蚊虫及吸血昆虫叮咬传播. 相似文献