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State-of-the-art of agroforestry research and education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Over the past two decades, the American education system has experienced profound challenges due to long-term and sustained declines in federal and state funding, coupled with rapid and innovative progress in the development of advanced educational technologies. Concurrently, employers are increasing their expectations and outputs from their employees and as a result, working professionals are seeking affordable opportunities to upgrade their skills for career advancement while maintaining full time job responsibilities. Responding to these challenges, both public and private educational institutions have developed innovative online courses and curricula creating fully accredited undergraduate and graduate degree programs often at lower cost than in campus-based degree programs. These courses and programs enable working professionals and other non-traditional learners to realize their aspirations for advanced training, and breach the traditional barrier for those disadvantaged by limited time or distance. Agroforestry, the intentional mixing of trees with crop and/or animal production systems to create economic, environmental, and social benefits, is gaining recognition as an integral component of multifunctional working landscapes. While gradually gaining attention, widespread agroforestry illiteracy remains and the need for a cadre of well trained professionals is essential to support its continued growth. Short courses and workshops are helpful, but professionals and landowners alike across the U.S., Canada and overseas are seeking more comprehensive graduate degree or certificate programs. A web-based, asynchronous M.S. degree and/or a graduate Certificate will help to fill this void. Presently, there are no comparable comprehensive graduate programs in agroforestry elsewhere in the U.S. To meet the current and future needs of the agroforestry profession, The Center for Agroforestry at the University of Missouri has created an online graduate certificate and master’s degree program in agroforestry. Initial student evaluation data reveals that online agroforestry courses compare favorably with face-to-face courses. This program will serve as a model for other institutions interested in developing online programs in agroforestry and related disciplines.  相似文献   

Development of agroforestry education is following the pattern of evolution of some other areas of study such as plant pathology, genetics, and statistics. At universities these three areas began within another department or departments, and after being moved into their own departments began to flourish and develop their own identity. However, the main question is what can or should be done to further the process? The increasing number of agroforestry projects in the world, the lack of trained agroforesters, and the estimated increased need for agricultural scientists are all indicators for the future demand for trained agroforesters. Career opportunities for professional agroforesters lie in three areas: as research scientists, as extension agents, or as development agroforesters. Two broad educational approaches to setting educational objectives are to (1) set objectives on the basis of the perceived problems likely to be encountered in agroforestry and (2) set objectives according to roles which agroforesters are likely to assume. The design of both undergraduate and postgraduate curricula are discussed. The unique core is the agroforestry system per se and the development of a systems analysis methodology. The institutional structure and clear goal definition can facilitate the development of an agroforestry program, but in the final analysis it is the dedication and enthusiasm of the individual staff that will count for success.  相似文献   

Sustainable agriculture should involve the successful management of resources for agriculture to satisfy changing human needs, while maintaining or enhancing the quality of the environment and conserving natural resources. The rapid depletion of forest resources and agricultural sustainability — two major global concerns — could be impacted significantly through agroforestry practices. Widespread application of agroforestry concepts and techniques offers great potential for helping to alleviate critical shortages of fuelwood and contributing to sustainable farming systems. There is a vital need to broaden the knowledge base of the subject of agroforestry in order to provide a more substantive basis for effective teaching and training programs. In a typical university organization, it is fairly easy to see how interdisciplinary research teams can be brought together to work on agroforestry projects. But how do we structure the education and training programs? The purpose of this conference is to address these issues and to guide the further evolution and development of agroforestry.  相似文献   

Agroforestry: working trees for sequestering carbon on agricultural lands   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Agroforestry is an appealing option for sequestering carbon on agricultural lands because it can sequester significant amounts of carbon while leaving the bulk of the land in agricultural production. Simultaneously, it can help landowners and society address many other issues facing these lands, such as economic diversification, biodiversity, and water quality. Nonetheless, agroforestry remains under-recognized as a greenhouse gas mitigation option for agriculture in the US. Reasons for this include the limited information-base and number of tools agroforestry can currently offer as compared to that produced from the decades-worth of investment in agriculture and forestry, and agroforestry’s cross-cutting nature that puts it at the interface of agriculture and forestry where it is not strongly supported or promoted by either. Agroforestry research is beginning to establish the scientific foundation required for building carbon accounting and modeling tools, but more progress is needed before it is readily accepted within agricultural greenhouse gas mitigation programs and, further, incorporated into the broader scope of sustainable agricultural management. Agroforestry needs to become part of the agricultural tool box and not viewed as something separate from it. Government policies and programs driving research direction and investment are being formulated with or without data in order to meet pressing needs. Enhanced communication of agroforestry’s carbon co-benefit, as well as the other benefits afforded by these plantings, will help elevate agroforestry awareness within these discussions. This will be especially crucial in deliberations on such broad sweeping natural resource programs as the US Farm Bill.  相似文献   

India is perhaps the world leader in development of agroforestry education, training and research. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research sanctioned an All-India Coordinated Research Project on agroforestry in 1983, to be headquartered in Delhi but with research centers in 20 other locations countrywide. The agricultural universities in India have a major role to play, with all institutions having agroforestry teaching programs by 1990. At this point there is a great shortage of faculty trained in agroforestry. Demand for qualified graduates with this training is only going to increase.  相似文献   

Most of the existing agroforestry courses have arisen opportunistically and tend to be based on the form that agroforestry takes, rather than on the way agroforestry practices function. Yet agroforestry research is beginning to supply ideas and information about the core issues (e.g., how woody and non-woody intercrops behave in terms of environmental resource capture, and how this can be influenced by the biology of the plant components and management). Similarly, recent socioeconomic research on agroforestry issues reveals dynamic systems of resource access, use, and control at various levels of human organization over time. It is true also that, because they were undertaken with different objectives in mind, the concepts derived from many decades of research in ecology, agriculture, and forestry still need to be reshaped for agroforestry situations. Likewise, socioeconomic content needs to move towards teaching the dynamics of decision-making, innovation, and change rather than describing static situations. This reshaping process itself offers exciting possibilities for educators who, thereby, could influence the course of research.These issues are briefly discussed in relation to the integration and development of research and teaching, and the needs of students and agroforestry professionals for educational and training courses. A draft proposal for the future of agroforestry at Cornell University is also outlined as a model for implementing such an approach.  相似文献   

Attempts within the Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme of Unesco to produce research findings and information materials useful for education and training in agroforestry are outlined. Three different field projects — one in the humid tropics of Mexico, another in an urban situation in Papua New Guinea, the third in the arid zones of northern Kenya — provide examples of the types of educational materials and training activities that can be integrated within field research projects. Lessons learned in the preparation of a poster-exhibit ‘Ecology in Action’, and their possible relevance to the development of programmes in agroforestry education, are described.  相似文献   

The development of agroforestry education and training is hampered by a shortage of information on agroforestry practices and systems and by institutional constraints which limit effective transfer of existing knowledge. Generation of knowledge through research and the effective sharing of information on agroforestry are critical to the building of a solid resource base for agroforestry education. Networks of individuals and institutions can accelerate the development of resources for agroforestry education. Primary activities of an agroforestry network would include the development and dissemination of training materials on agroforestry, curriculum development and training of teaching staff. Critical considerations for the successful establishment and operation of a network include: (1) focusing the network on a problem and identifying sufficient interest, (2) personnel requirements such as an institution with a strong commitment, and (3) other resource requirements such as funds for network meetings, publications and research.  相似文献   

In order to meet the demands of modern, information-based society, higher education in natural resource management needs to be transformed. Enhanced mobility of students and staff, multi- and transdisciplinary approaches, as well as innovative educational approaches are called for. Moreover, the urban component needs to be better incorporated, as exemplified by the emerging field of urban forestry. This paper relates to the developments in higher education within the context of education on urban forests and urban trees in Europe. Presented here are the main findings of a comparative European study led by the Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute within the framework of the EU-funded COST Action E12 'Urban Forests and Trees'. In order to obtain an overview of the status of higher education on urban forestry in Europe, 180 educational institutions in 28 countries were sent a questionnaire. Results show that urban forestry is an expanding element of European education, as urban elements are becom  相似文献   

A telephone survey of 39 U.S. and Canadian University forestry schools accredited with the Society of American Foresters, conducted in November 1988, showed that 25 had courses in tropical and international forestry, and 14 university faculties had been conducting research in agroforestry. Field-oriented training in agroforestry is also offered in North America, especially for voluntary and relief organization personnel. Many of the agroforestry courses have been established recently in response to desires of students with international interests and/or experience. Most of such courses are integrated programs, initiated by forestry faculty, and most of these are seminars or colloquia incorporating the experience of both faculty and students with focus on systems and issues rather than technical proceses. Ideas for agroforestry course content offered by North American forestry faculty include: integration of social and technical aspects of agroforestry and social forestry, involvement of multidisciplinary teams, focus on managing marginal, lands and consideration of the importance of agroforestry systems in North America and other temperate zones.  相似文献   

Before prioritising regional agroforestry training and extension content, it is necessary to discover which practices are common, what benefits are perceived, which barriers prevent use, and how people feel about practices. Agroforestry taps both agriculture and forestry agencies to increase the possible set of educators for landowners and managers. Interdisciplinary activities also present barriers to professionals unfamiliar with some topics or not served by lead partner agencies. To understand motives, barriers and needs involved in agroforestry extension and training activities for professionals, the Center for Subtropical Agroforestry (CSTAF) designed a survey to gauge knowledge, practice and information needs of professionals in Alabama, Florida and Georgia. Landowners in Alabama and Florida received similar survey questionnaires. Initial interviews of a test group with open-ended questions formed the basis for a closed-ended mail survey to all agriculture and natural resource extension agents and county foresters in the subtropical area. Response rates for various professional groups varied between 14% and 43%, and most ranked the potential for use of agroforestry as moderate or high. In all three states, wildlife habitat, water quality and soil conservation were the most important benefits seen by extension professionals. The most important concerns identified were lack of familiarity, lack of demonstrations, no financial incentive, and lack of information about agroforestry. These data provide insights about how to prioritise research and materials development and indicate that agroforestry training can be expected to be of value to at least half of the regional forestry and extension professionals.  相似文献   

We tested the economic value of ecological knowledge in a midwestern USA alley-cropping system where row crops are planted in alleys between fine hardwood trees grown for veneer. Economic models were constructed to compare among agroforestry designs as well as to compare agroforestry with traditional forest plantation culture and row crop monoculture and rotational management. The general modeling approach was to quantify production inputs and outputs, estimate costs and revenues, simulate tree growth and crop productivity in agroforestry configurations, and estimate discounted cash flows. We incorporated scenarios that controlled both above- and below-ground competition through appropriate management as found in our previous research. This research showed the importance of below-ground competition in determining crop yields and the period of time that crop income could be expected from the agroforestry interplanting. Net present values and internal rates of return showed that agroforestry systems were generally more favorable investments than traditional agriculture and forestry. More importantly, the use of simple management techniques targeted at reducing below-ground competition allowed longer cultivation of row crops, greatly increasing returns to the landowner. Thus, the economic benefit of understanding the ecological interactions within agroforestry plantings dictates that accurate assessment of agroforestry alternatives will require the modeling of agroforestry as an integrated, interactive system.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

通过概述复合农林业基本内涵、中国林业可持续发展战略及六大林业工程建设与复合农林业的关系.说明复合农林业发展机遇.并结合复合农林业及其相关学科的发展趋势,从研究尺度、研究手段、研究方式、研究地域和热点研究内容等方面,提出我国未来复合农林业研究展望.  相似文献   

The interdisciplinary program in agroforestry was established at the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Science in 1987 in response to the growing interest in the subject among students and faculty members from different units of the university. It is now an internationally recognized center for education, training, and research in the subject. Pursuant to the overwhelming student and faculty interest in agroforestry issues in developing countries of the tropics and subtropics, the program is particularly active in those areas. Educational activities of the Program are at the post-graduate level. In conjunction with the degree granted in one of the designated departments or other academic units, students can earn a Specialization or Minor in Agroforestry by fulfilling certain requirements. Research projects are undertaken in such diverse topics as biophysical processes, production/conservation technologies, and socioeconomic aspects. Training activities include various short-term courses for professionals involved in management, development/extension, or research related to agroforestry.  相似文献   

美国林业人才培养及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高层次林业人才培养是林业科学可持续发展的关键.美国高等林业教育在发展过程中积累了丰富的经验, 形成了较完备的教育体系.然而最近几十年来, 美国林业人才教育出现了一些值得关注的趋势, 一是某些早期的林业人才项目宣告提前结束或主动放弃认证资格; 二是研究型或具备博士学位授权的院校在逐渐收缩林业人才培养项目, 而科研力量相对较弱的大学却在逐渐增加林业教育项目.文中简述美国林业人才培养概况, 介绍美国林业人才培养项目的发展趋势, 分析美国人才培养所面临的挑战并探讨美国涉林院校对林业人才培养模式的调整, 提出我国林业人才教育培养的思考与启示.  相似文献   

根据林业科技创新发展对人才培养的新要求,以创新能力培养为导向,开展森林工程专业人才培养模式、创新教育实践教学体系、大学生综合素质评价体系、毕业论文(设计)指导体系和教学方法等综合改革与实践,创建“专业基础+方向模块”的人才培养模式,构建“完善两个体系,搭建三个平台”的创新能力培养体系,包括完善大学生教育实践教学体系和综合素质评价体系,搭建实践实习、科技竞赛和宣传奖励三个创新平台.这一系列综合改革与实践对提高学生创新能力卓有成效,取得系列研究成果.  相似文献   

Following recommendations from studies on land-use issues in the tropics that were carried out by professors of the faculty of agriculture and food sciences, and of the faculty of forestry, geography and geomatics, Université Laval, Canada, a Master’s program in agroforestry was created in 1993 and implemented in 1996. This program of 45 credits leading to a Master’s degree in agroforestry offers two training types: Master of Science (M.Sc.) with thesis and M.Sc. with essay. The M.Sc. with thesis encompasses 21 course-based credits including 6 compulsory credits of internship where the student learns the biophysical, socioeconomic and cultural environments of agroforestry, and 24 research-based credits. The M.Sc. with essay consists of 33 course-based credits including the same 6 compulsory credits of internship, and 12 essay-based credits. Two professors are directly involved in this program, and 35 theses and 19 M.Sc. essays were completed during the period extending from 1996 to February 2014. Fourteen essays and 18 theses investigated biophysical aspects of agroforestry, whereas 5 essays and 17 theses focused on socioeconomic aspects, respectively. Of the 54 thesis and essays that were completed, 61.11 % focused on tropical countries, and 38.89 % on temperate countries. The program also published over 55 peer-reviewed articles, two book chapters and one textbook. The program is expanding in tropical French speaking countries through international projects on training in management of natural resources, and with the use of digital learning tools to reach out more students on-line.  相似文献   

对碳汇林业的背景、相关概念、碳汇造林国内外现状、CDM造林再造林项目运行程序及设计书内容、造林再造林碳汇项目涉及的几个技术问题进行了综述,建议:山东具有碳汇造林的条件、积极争取碳汇造林项目、强化农用林和经济林的碳汇作用、加强干瘠山地、盐碱地及沿海防护林碳汇造林、加强中幼林的可持续经营管理、加紧实施山东森林碳汇储量与潜力研究、科学研究、人才培养及技术培训等。  相似文献   

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