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自1994~1996年对5000多头牛应用倍硫磷浇泼剂防治牛皮蝇蛆病。经治疗过的牛食道中或背部皮下所发现的幼虫数不到未治疗对照牛的3%,杀虫率达97%以上。此外,并发现此种药剂的杀虫效率高于倍硫磷注射剂7%,被治疗牛只未出现任何中毒症状。  相似文献   

倍硫磷浇泼剂驱治牦牛牛皮蝇蛆病的报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1997~1999年,我们在牦牛牛皮蝇蛆病感染严重的天祝县,采用倍硫磷浇泼剂进行牛皮蝇蛆病驱治效果试验,3年共用倍硫磷浇泼剂驱治牦牛1205头(次),注射剂对照驱治900头(次)。浇泼剂组3年的平均治愈率依次为96.70%、92.90%、97.84%,3年平均为97.03%;注射剂组3年的平均治愈率依次为88.45%、87.00%、90.61%,3年平均为90.09%;浇泼剂组的平均治愈率比注射剂组高6.84个百分点。试验表明,浇泼剂和注射剂对牦牛皮蝇蛆病均有较好的驱治效果,但以浇泼剂的效果更优。同时浇泼剂更为使用方便、安全可靠,毒副作用低,适宜于各地推广应用。  相似文献   

倍硫磷浇泼剂治疗牛皮蝇疽病的疗效呼和巴特尔,范桂兰,巴勇舸,白音巴图(内蒙古农业学院动医系畜牧系,呼和浩特,010018)牛皮蝇蛆病在我国北方地区属多发病,感染率达80%以上,导致牛体消瘦,贫血,生长发育不良,小牛越冬死亡率高,母牛的产乳量下降。因第...  相似文献   

试验地位于青海湖东北部同宝牧场,平均海拔3250~3500m,年平均温度-1.05℃,年降水量350mm,全年日照时数2893.5h,属半干旱高原大陆性气候,草场植被以针矛、扁穗冰草、早熟禾、芨芨草、冷蒿草为主。全场共饲养牦牛3961头。  相似文献   

伊维菌素浇泼剂防治牦牛皮蝇蛆病   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青海省大通种牛场以饲养牦牛为主。现饲养牦牛近2万头。据调查,本场牦牛的皮蝇蛆感染率达95.40%~99.14%,属高发区。长期以来,本场在试验的基础上先后采用敌百虫溶液、蝇毒磷、倍硫磷注射剂进行洗浴或注射防治,均有不同程度的防治效果。以前,国内主要推广使用倍硫磷注射剂,按体重6.25mg/kg剂量臀部肌肉注射,防治效果满意。但倍硫磷因毒性较大等原因已停用,加之牦牛饲管粗  相似文献   

<正>1试验材料倍硫磷浇泼剂由内蒙古科隆生物技术中试所生产,为淡黄色乳剂,批号082004,规格1.1克:10毫升,其特点是采用透皮缓释给药途径,使药物缓慢释放而充分吸收,有效浓度维持时间长。试验于2006年10月份到2007年11月份在湟  相似文献   

伊维菌素浇泼剂对牦牛皮蝇蛆病的防治效果及安全性试验   总被引:5,自引:9,他引:5  
应用0.5%伊维菌素浇泼剂,10月中下旬每头牛100kg体重分别按1ml、2ml用量,沿背中线皮肤一次浇泼给药,翌年3月、5月份检查防治效果。结果:感染率、感染强度由对照组牛的86.2%和5.24(0—24)个虫体(瘤疱),均下降为0,有效率达100%;按0.1ml/kg bw、0.15ml/kg bw、0.2ml/kg bw剂量给药牦牛均可耐受。试验证明:伊维菌素浇泼剂防治牦牛皮蝇蛆病效果好,用量小,给药方便,毒副作用小,安全范围大,适宜各地推广。  相似文献   

为了解伊维菌素浇泼剂对牛皮蝇蛆病的治疗效果,探讨及筛选对牛皮蝇蛆病高效、低毒、使用方便的有效剂型,本临床试验共选用合格试验牛80头,随机分成5组:高剂量组(10头)、中剂量组(40头)、低剂量组(10头)、伊维菌素注射组(药物对照组10头)和不给药组(空白对照组10头),各组牛按如下方法给药:高、中、低剂量组分别按每100 kg体重15、10和5 mL背部浇泼给药,药物对照组按每100 kg体重2 mL颈部皮下注射伊维菌素。结果:伊维菌素浇泼剂高、中、低剂量组对牛皮蝇幼虫的杀虫效果三者之间差异不显著(P0.05),3个剂量组与药物对照组比较差异也不显著(P0.05),表明高、中、低剂量的伊维菌素浇泼剂和伊维菌素注射剂均对牛皮蝇均具有明显的驱虫效果。伊维菌素浇泼剂是一种新开发治疗牛皮蝇蛆病较为安全的局部外用药,使用简便、快捷,适合在临床上广泛推广应用。  相似文献   

给小白鼠背部按一定剂量浇泼阿维菌素浇泼剂及倍硫磷浇泼剂,于8h、24h、35h将用药小鼠处死,背部(用药部位)取材,分别进行光学显微镜及透射电子显微镜观察。结果,阿维菌素浇泼剂按0.004ml/10g浇泼,约有20%的表皮上皮细胞角化及脱落,而按0.1ml/10g浇泼,约有40%的表皮上皮细胞完全角化及脱落、坏死,真皮胶原纤维减少、疏松、染色较浅泼有充血和出血现象;毛囊外根鞘上皮细胞浆内出现大量空泡、间质细胞内质网有轻度的扩张。倍硫磷浇泼剂按0.0413ml/10g浇泼,可见上皮细胞轻度角化、真皮胶原纤维淡染、疏松并有空泡变性及散在的红细胞;毛囊外根鞘及内根鞘细胞浆内有大量空泡、间质中胶原纤维染色不均。按0.1ml/10g背部浇泼透皮吸收促进剂,经不同时间取材进行光镜及电镜观察,未发现明显的组织结构变化。  相似文献   

The annual damage caused by bovine respiratory disease is estimated at 45 up to 55 euro per calf of milking cattle and 117.50 euro per veal calf In Europe, M. bovis is responsible for at least 1/4 to 1/3 of all pneumonia cases in calves. Serology may help to identify the spreading of these bacteria in a herd.  相似文献   

The infestation by warble-fly (Hypoderma bovis /De Geer/) larvae was observed in Hereford cattle imported from Canada to Czechoslovakia in the autumn 1974. A risk of introducing hypodermosis in the areas where it had been eradicated occurred after a several-year persistence of such foci of the disease. The original infestation of the imported cows corresponded to the invasion extensity of 22 to 45% and invasion intensity of 1.9 and 3.7 larvae. There were observed no differences in the degree of infestation in cattle from different regions of Canada. In the subsequent years the invasion extensity in heifers was 52% the invasion intensity was four larvae. To control hypodermosis, Czechoslovak chemicals Arpalit-Spray and Hypocide were applied to Hereford cattle. In the West Bohemian Region cattle was treated with the chemical Arpalit-Spray in spring for three years to eradicate hypodermosis in the Tachov and Susice districts. A good result was obtained after the treatment in May during the maximum occurrence of larvae in bulges under the skin, the treatment in June was late and inefficient. In the Central Slovakian Region, Dolny Kubín district, hypodermosis was eradicated in Hereford cattle by a repeated treatment with Hypocide in autumn. The control of hypodermosis in Hereford cattle in the Prievidza district failed. In 1979 the invasion extensity in heifers was 25-100%, the invasion intensity was 2 to 25 larvae. Cattle transferred from this herd to the Lucenec, Presov and Gottwaldov districts were also infested. In the Gottwaldov district in the South Moravian Region all infested cows were treated with Arpalit-Spray in the summer 1979.  相似文献   

An adaptation of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has been shown to detect antibodies in the circulation of cattle infected with Hypoderma bovis. Strong positive reactions were obtained from all infected cattle, even those which harboured only one larva. A strong cross reaction was observed in sera taken from cattle infected with H lineatum, but not in cattle infected with Fasciola hepatica or Ostertagia ostertagi.  相似文献   

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