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1品种选择 黄瓜是日光温室越冬栽培的主要蔬菜作物。在越冬日光温室黄瓜栽培过程中,长期处于低温寡照的气候条件下,所选择黄瓜的品种一定要具有良好的抗病性和耐低温弱光能力。如选择津春3号、中农13、中农5号等耐低温和弱光性强的品种。经实践证明,在我县以冬茬黄瓜─—夏豆角─—秋冬茬番茄的种植模式效益较好。冬茬黄瓜于10月上旬播种,11月中旬定植,次年5月底拉秧;在拉秧前的5月中旬在黄瓜株间点播豆角,于8月上中旬上市,9月中旬拉秧;秋冬茬番茄选用毛粉802、佳粉2号等品种,8月上旬育苗,9月中旬定植,10…  相似文献   

茄子喜温、耐热,是夏季主要蔬菜之一,入秋以后则植株逐步衰老(拉秧)。笔者在多年栽培秋冬季辣椒的基础上,于1997、1998年采用中棚双膜覆盖措施,对茄子进行了秋冬栽培试验,结果折合每667m2产茄子2812kg,鲜果可延后到12月底至元旦采摘上市,由于售价较高,每667m2产值达4499元,纯利润2757元。现将具体栽培技术总结如下。1 建好双膜覆盖中棚双膜覆盖中棚(中棚套中棚)在外界自然温度下降到0℃时,棚内仍可保持5℃以上,其保温性能较单层覆盖棚提高了2~3℃,在12月底以前,基本上可使茄子…  相似文献   

1品种选择选择苔高且粗,抽苔率高,口佳味美,早发性强,抗寒,分蘖力强,生长迅速的品种,如“春寒801”,即“铜山早苔韭”。2培育壮苗2.1播期上年12月中下旬~次年3月上旬播种,4~5月定植,秋季抽苔上市;3~5月育苗,6~7月定植,翌年2月中下旬采...  相似文献   

陈宝宽 《蔬菜》2000,(11):29-30
近2年东台市城郊部分菜农应用大棚番茄与扁豆合理套种技术,每667m2番茄产量4000~4250kg、产值4300~4670元;扁豆产量1060~1150kg,产值 4500~4690元;合计总产值8800~9360元,经济效益显著。 一、种植模式 一般大棚为南北走向,长60m左右,宽5.5~6m,中间走道0.5m。春季提早栽培番茄,11月上旬冷床育苗,翌年2月中旬大棚定植,行距0.5m、株距0.3m。扁豆于1月上旬、3月上旬分2期播种育苗,第1期扁豆2月底定植于大棚内中间走道两侧的番茄行间,每66…  相似文献   

灰树花室外仿野生栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方金山 《食用菌》2001,23(1):33-34
近年来,灰树花由单一的室内袋栽发展到室外仿野生栽培,从而提高了产量。现将该技术介绍如下:1制种时间 灰树花适宜出菇期为5月中旬~10月上旬,菌袋覆土时间掌握在3月下旬至下月底,所以制菌袋应安排在2月上旬,原种应在10月底到元月初开始制种。2 菌袋制作 一般以板栗树为主的壳斗树材最为理想。其配方:棉子壳42%,栗木屑40%,麸皮16%,红糖、石膏、微肥各1%。pH5。5~6.5,含水量60%。装袋(17cm×30cm×0.045cm聚丙烯),中间打直径 1.5~2cm的孔,深为2/3袋。套上套环和塞棉…  相似文献   

杨治元 《果农之友》2001,1(3):40-40
南方葡萄,尤其是大棚促成栽培,由于冬季休眠期低温量不足,影响萌芽。为探讨石灰氮对打破葡萄休眠的效应和使用技术,连续4年进行本试验。1试验设计1.1试验地点笔者大棚促成栽培和露地栽培实验园。实验园均采用双十字V形架,行距2.5米,株距1米。4米立一根水泥柱。萌芽前15天左右,666.7平方米施氮、磷、钾复合肥25公斤,尿素10公斤,硼砂2~3公斤作催芽肥。1.2试验年份与品种1997~2000年大棚促成栽培内供试品种:欧亚种:无核白鸡心、京玉、绯红、黑玫瑰、里扎马特、早玉、里扎马脑等7个品种;欧美…  相似文献   

王秀琴 《长江蔬菜》2001,(12):19-20
河北省藁城市高科技园区通过引试新品种,采用套种法,即日光温室抱子甘蓝、茴香、黄瓜三种三收,获得较高的产量及效益,一般667m2产抱子甘蓝2000kg,茴香1500kg,黄瓜5000kg,年纯效益2.5万元,值得推广应用。现将茬口安排及技术要点总结如下。1茬口安排①抱子甘蓝于7月初露地育苗,8月初定植,11月中旬~3月上旬收获。②茴香于12月底撒播在抱子甘蓝行间,3月中旬收获。③黄瓜于2月上旬温室播种育苗,3月底定植,5月初~7月底收获。2栽培技术要点2.1抱子甘蓝①品种选择选用适合于秋冬茬生产的品种,…  相似文献   

对无籽西瓜产量和果实品质与主要栽培因素有关系的研究结果表明,在湖南西瓜生长前期,低温,多雨,寡照和后期高温,干旱的气候条件下,无籽西瓜的栽培密度以500株/667m^2,双蔓式整枝的产量最高,海拔300m左右的平原,丘陵区播种期3月底,4月初为宜,海拔600~800m的高寒山区以5月上,中旬为宜,不同有机肥与化肥本套施比单施比肥产量高,果实品质好。  相似文献   

惟勤西芹是从香港惟勤企业有限公司引进的品种,该品种植株高大,生长旺盛,株高75cm以上,叶片大,叶色深绿,抱合紧凑,品质脆嫩,纤维极少,口味好,抗病性强,从定植到收获90~120天,单株重1.5kg左右,667m2产量在9 000kg以上。现将该品种秋延后栽培技术介绍如下:1播种育苗 惟勤西芹苗期较长,一般为2~3个月,我市秋延冬栽培播种期在6月中下旬,此时正值高温季节,播种前种子应进行低温催芽处理。具体方法是:播种前将种子在阳光下晒0.5~1天,然后在水中浸12~16小时,冲净后放在10~15℃…  相似文献   

京亚葡萄在长江中游地区的表现及栽培要点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
京亚葡萄,系中国科学院北京植物园从黑奥林葡萄实生苗中选出的新品种,1990年正式命名。1991年11月笔者引进嫁接成苗,翌春定植于荆州市荆州区荆西渔场葡萄园,以同时从山东郓城县果树试验站引进的巨峰葡萄作对照,经过7年的观察、鉴评,认为京亚葡萄是一个适于长江中游的优良品种。1 品种特性1.1 物候期 在湖北荆州,2月底伤流开始,4月中旬伤流终止,3月底萌芽始期,4月初萌芽盛期,4月10日前后为展叶期,4月25日始花,4月28日盛花,5月1日末花,5月5日终花(亦即浆果开始生长期),6月15~18日…  相似文献   

Arisaema sikokianum (Araceae) native to Japan is classified as a vulnerable species in the Red Data Book of Japan. Control of dormancy is essential for efficient corm production and forcing culture. Sprouting of both vegetative and reproductive corms was enhanced by exposure to low temperature. Vegetative corms exposed to low temperatures at 5 °C longer sprouted faster when grown at 20 °C. Effective temperatures for breaking dormancy was 5 °C. Reproductive corms treated at 5 °C longer showed shorter days to flower. Successful forcing culture was achieved; corms treated at 5 °C from November for 30 days flowered on 5th February.  相似文献   

小苍兰生长发育与光照强度关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
义鸣放 Bergh.  J 《园艺学报》1994,21(4):377-380
小苍兰经高、中、低三种不同强度的人工光照处理,结果表明,植株的高度随光强的降低而增高,叶面积、植株、根、新球的干重及花芽的数量均随光强的升高而增加。光照强度不影响小苍兰的花芽分化,在三种不同强度的光照下,均于第35天分化了花芽。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》1986,29(4):347-358
In the subtropical banana-growing areas of South Africa, there is a pronounced and consistent tendency for fruit to be oversupplied in the spring (September–November) and undersupplied in the autumn (March–May). Under identical soil, planting material and general management conditions, a crop-timing trial with ‘Williams’ banana was established at Burgershall Research Station, Eastern Transvaal, to compare the effects of planting date (September, December, March), time of first sucker selection (5 and 10 months after planting) and density (1666 and 1250 plants ha−1) on yield and harvest season over 3 crop cycles.Cumulating the yield/ha/annum for the plant crop and first ratoon cycles, there was a small but significant decrease (4%) as planting date was delayed from September to December, and a larger significant reduction in yield (18%) with delay from December to March planting. While cumulative yield/ha/annum for plant crop plus first ratoon increased significantly (19%) at the higher density of 1666 plants ha−1, no differences occurred as a result of sucker selection treatment.March-planted bananas were harvested during the undesirable spring period, and this effect was largely carried over into the first ratoon and second ratoon cycles. December planting was optimal and September planting intermediate from a crop-timing viewpoint. Cumulating all 3 crop cycles, 50% of the total bunch harvest could be timed during the autumn from December planting at a density of 1666 plants ha−1. From September planting, the proportion of autumn-harvested fruit could also be increased by delaying the selection of the first ratoon sucker until at least 10 months after planting. Results demonstrated the in-field potential for overcoming the natural banana shortage in South Africa during autumn.  相似文献   

2-Chloroethanephosphonic acid (Ethrel), an ethylene releasing compound, was used on gladiolus corms as a 30-minute dip treatment in various concentrations and at various times during storage.

The most important effect of Ethrel was the marked increase in health and survival of treated plants infected with latent Fusarium.

Ethrel at 1000 ppm enhanced sprouting when corms were stored at high temperatures or stored for a short period at 5 °C. Treatment of cold-stored corms at high concentrations delayed sprouting.

Ethrel increased corm splitting, delayed flowering and slightly shortened flower stems. The size of harvested corms was reduced, but the yield of cormels was greatly increased by Ethrel.  相似文献   


The essential oil yields and expression of related characters were compared for seven cultivar genotypes of menthol mint Mentha arvensis using two methods of planting in the winter rabi – summer season (October to July) in a sub-tropical agroclimatic environment. The crops of all the cultivars were planted in the field by (1) sowing of suckers on 2 January and (2) transplanting germinated pieces of sucker at different times between 17 March to 14 April. Staggering of transplanting time up to 7 April did not affect oil yields and the related plant growth properties of mint crops. The oil yields of the crops planted on 14 April were lower by about 30%. In the early sucker planted crops, the oil yields were about 30% higher than those obtained from the transplanted crops of 17 March to 7 April and about double that obtained from crops transplanted on 14 April. The oil yields from the crops of the superior genotype Kosi were equal to or higher than the corresponding means of all genotypes under both planting methods. The oil yield from the crops of Kosi genotype obtained by sucker sowing method was estimated as 333 kg ha–1. The corresponding average yield from the crops of this genotype obtained by transplanting of germinated suckers between 17 March and 7 April was about 293 kg ha–1 and that from the crop transplanted on 14 April was 218 kg ha–1. With the Kosi genotype, the latter two types of transplanted mint crops gave oil yields lower only by about 12% and 33% compared with the long-duration sucker-sown crop. It is concluded that a crop of mustard (brassica), Bengalgram (chickpea) or wheat sown between October and November and harvested between early March to middle of April could be taken before cropping of the Kosi genotype of M. arvensis by plantlet transplanting. These results demonstrate the potential of the following rotation of crops in the sub-tropical environments: from June/July/August to October/November (kharif cropping season), rice, maize, sorghum or pigeonpea; from November/December to February/March, mustard and Bengalgram or from November/December to April (rabi cropping season), wheat; from March/April to June/July (zaid cropping season), transplanted menthol mint.  相似文献   

Ethylene (C2H4) applied before chilling stimulated rooting and sprouting, and increased root number and length per corm. Only when corms experienced high temperature for a certain period before or after C2H4 treatment was a promotive effect on sprouting observed. When C2H4 was applied at the beginning of the high-temperature storage, the effect was greatest and all treated corms sprouted within 2 weeks of planting. Effects of ethephon on sprouting were slight.Shortening the dormant period with C2H4 could be useful for practical freesia forcing, since C2H4 has no adverse effects on the development of the root and the shoot.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,103(3):361-379
The temperature conditions for shoot growth and flower formation were characterised for saffron (Crocus sativus L.). Leaf withering occurred during late winter or spring depending on location, and coincided with a rise in temperature. No growth was detectable in the buds during the first 30 days after leaf withering, neither in underground corms nor in lifted corms incubated in the laboratory under controlled conditions. Flower initiation occurred during the first growth stages of the buds. The optimal temperature for flower formation was in the range from 23 to 27 °C, 23 °C temperature being marginally better. To ensure the formation of a maximum number of flowers, the incubation at these temperatures should exceed 50 days, although incubation longer than 150 days resulted in flower abortion. Flower emergence required the transfer of the corms from the conditions of flower formation to a markedly lower temperature (17 °C). Incubation of the corms after lifting at a higher temperature (30 °C), reduced flower initiation and caused the abortion of some of the initiated flowers. No flowers formed in corms incubated at 9 °C. A variable proportion (20–100%) of the corms forced directly at 17 °C without a previous incubation at 23–27 °C formed a single flower. The wide differences in the timing of the phenological stages in different locations we found in this study seemed related to the ambient temperature. Leaf withering was followed shortly by flower initiation, which occurred during late spring or early summer as the rising temperature reached 20 °C. A long hot summer delayed flower emergence which occurred in late autumn as the temperature fell to the range of 15–17 °C.  相似文献   


Seeds of an andromonoecious muskmelon, cv. Piel de Sapo, were sown between the 5th and the 10th days of each month of 1986 and plants were kept in a glasshouse in Zaragoza (Spain). Plants were treated with 0, 150, 250 and 500 mgl?1 ethephon solutions at three stages of development: two leaves, anthesis of the first male flower and anthesis of the first pistillate flower respectively. Plants sown in January, February, March and April achieved higher feminization rates than plants sown in May, June and July. Plants sown in September, October and November did not produce any pistillate flowers. When the plants were sown in December, the feminization rate was intermediate. When control plants had high feminization rates, treatments with 150 mg l?1 ethephon solutions produced maximum feminization, while when these plants had low feminization rates, higher ethephon concentrations (250 or 500 mg l?) were needed.  相似文献   

李艳  薛占业  常建斌 《蔬菜》2019,(7):56-58
为了确保日光温室越冬番茄定植后幼苗的根、茎、叶健康发育,协调好营养生长与生殖生长的关系,促进植株的花芽分化,为番茄前期产量打下良好的基础,重点探索了番茄定植期到缓苗期的管理措施。通过借鉴山东思远农业设施蔬菜标准化管理模式,结合芮城实际情况,尤其是定植期正值高温酷暑季节,总结出栽前温室高温闷棚、土壤消毒、穴盘蘸根及栽后各阶段标准化环境管理、标准化栽培管理、标准化肥水管理和标准化植保管理等行之有效的配套技术,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。随着标准化技术的应用示范,推广面积已达205 hm^2,带动全县1 690 hm^2设施蔬菜朝标准化方向发展。  相似文献   

小苍兰杂交育种研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  

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