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There have been recent efforts amongst immunologists to develop approaches for following individual fish during challenges with viral and bacterial pathogens. This study contributes to assessing the feasibility of using such approaches to study amoebic gill disease (AGD). Neoparamoeba perurans, agent of AGD, has been responsible for widespread economic and fish loss in salmonid aquaculture. With the emergence of AGD in Europe, research into infection dynamics and host response has increased. This study investigated the effect of repeat exposure to anaesthesia, a necessary requirement when following disease progression in individual fish, on N. perurans. In vitro cultures of N. perurans were exposed every 4 days over a 28‐day period to AQUI‐S® (isoeugenol), a popular anaesthetic choice for AGD challenges, at a concentration and duration required to sedate post‐smolt salmonids. Population growth was measured by sequential counts of amoeba over the period, while viability of non‐attached amoeba in the culture was assessed with a vital stain. AQUI‐S® was found to be a suitable choice for in vivo ectoparasitic challenges with N. perurans during which repetitive anaesthesia is required for analysis of disease progression.  相似文献   

This is the first comprehensive study on the occurrence and distribution of piscine reovirus (PRV) in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., caught in Norwegian rivers. PRV is a newly discovered reovirus associated with heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI), a serious and commercially important disease affecting farmed Atlantic salmon in Norway. A cross‐sectional survey based on real‐time RT‐PCR screening of head kidney samples from wild, cultivated and escaped farmed Atlantic salmon caught from 2007 to 2009 in Norwegian rivers has been conducted. In addition, anadromous trout (sea‐trout), Salmo trutta L., caught from 2007 to 2010, and anadromous Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), caught from 2007 to 2009, were tested. PRV was detected in Atlantic salmon from all counties included in the study and in 31 of 36 examined rivers. PRV was also detected in sea‐trout but not in anadromous Arctic char. In this study, the mean proportion of PRV positives was 13.4% in wild Atlantic salmon, 24.0% in salmon released for stock enhancement purposes and 55.2% in escaped farmed salmon. Histopathological examination of hearts from 21 PRV‐positive wild and one cultivated salmon (Ct values ranging from 17.0 to 39.8) revealed no HSMI‐related lesions. Thus, it seems that PRV is widespread in Atlantic salmon returning to Norwegian rivers, and that the virus can be present in high titres without causing lesions traditionally associated with HSMI.  相似文献   

Several different viruses have been associated with myocarditis‐related diseases in the Atlantic salmon aquaculture industry. In this study, we investigated the presence of PMCV, SAV, PRV and the recently identified Atlantic salmon calicivirus (ASCV), alone and as co‐infections in farmed Atlantic salmon displaying myocarditis. The analyses were performed at the individual level and comprised qPCR and histopathological examination of 397 salmon from 25 farms along the Norwegian coast. The samples were collected in 2009 and 2010, 5–22 months post‐sea transfer. The study documented multiple causes of myocarditis and revealed co‐infections including individual fish infected with all four viruses. There was an overall correlation between lesions characteristic of CMS and PD and the presence of PMCV and SAV, respectively. Although PRV was ubiquitously present, high viral loads were with a few exceptions, correlated with lesions characteristic of HSMI. ASCV did not seem to have any impact on myocardial infection by PMCV, SAV or PRV. qPCR indicated a negative correlation between PMCV and SAV viral loads. Co‐infections result in mixed and atypical pathological changes which pose a challenge for disease diagnostic work.  相似文献   

Abstract  The development of distant water fisheries at West Greenland and in the Northern Norwegian Sea during the 1960s and, more recently, in the Faroese zone, led to the establishment, in 1984, of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO). This paper summarizes the progress made in the 10 years since this Organization was established towards achieving its goals of conservation, restoration, enhancement and rational management of salmon, Salmo salar L., stocks. Agreements on regulatory measures have reduced the proportion of the total catch taken by the distant water fisheries and, in the case of the West Greenland fishery, management is now firmly based on scientific advice. The stability created by these regulations has allowed NASCO to address the broader areas of conservation called for under the Convention and international action has been taken to address a number of threats to the resource, including the impacts of aquaculture, introductions and transfers, and fishing in international waters by non-contracting parties. These actions are described and the paper concludes that NASCO has a significant role to play in the future, both through continued regulation of the fisheries and by promoting international cooperation to address these broader threats to the resource.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were fed nine experimental diets containing from 0 to 200 mg astaxanthin per kg?1 for six time periods, ranging from 3 to 21 months, in sea cages at Matre Aquaculture Research Station, Matredal, Norway. The sampled fish had an initial mean weight of 115 g and reached a weight of 3.2 kg at the termination of the experiment. Every third month, 10 fish from each dose and time group were sampled and the astaxanthin concentration in the flesh determined. The amount of astaxanthin in the flesh ranged from 0.7 to 8.9 mg kg?1 at the termination of the experiment. This paper discusses deposition of astaxanthin in the flesh of Atlantic salmon in relation to dietary carotenoid levels in the 0–200 mg kg?1 range and feeding times of 3–21 months. Under the conditions of this experiment, no significant effect on astaxanthin deposition rate could be achieved by increasing the astaxanthin level above 60 mg kg dry feed?1. Atlantic salmon should be fed astaxanthin-supplemented diets during the whole seawater stage in order to obtain maximal astaxanthin level in the flesh.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper collates the results of five surveys which were made to determine the average catch of anglers not making a return at game fisheries. This pilot study shows that the average catch per licence/permit ( ) may be estimated from the average and the proportion of unprompted returns, (mu) and (pu) respectively, by the empirical equation , for trout and sea trout, Salmo trutta L. Salmon, Salmo salar L., catcrl'rates may be best estimated from . Typical values for United Kingdom waters are tabulated for recent seasons. Rod catches of stillwater and migratory fish closely follow the Negative Binomial distribution. Their means and variances are shown to be related empirically by Taylor's power law: for daily records of stillwater trout and migratory fish , and for annual records of salmon , and of sea trout . A method of estimating the expected frequency distribution of catches at any water is shown. The distribution is truncated where the nil catches are not recorded and is censored where the bag is limited; here a microcomputer was programmed to compute the estimates of the mean and variance of the catches and to print the full distribution.  相似文献   

Abstract. Juvenile hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were offered choices of pelletted or four types of wild prey (chironomid larvae, ephemeropteran nymphs Ecdyanurus and Baetis and tnchopteran larvae Hydropsyche) of the same particle widths, in a test flume Preference for wild foods increased over 16 trials (1·5 h), and was greatest for Ecdyonurta and Hydropsyche, which had prey width fish fork length (PFR) ratios of 0·019 and 0·022 respectively, Pelletted food was rejected sooner when Ecdyonurus nymphs were offered as the alternative food than when chironomid larvae were (P < 0·05). Pret'erence (P < 0·05) for Ecdyonurus was achieved after 11 trials and for chironomids after 15. The time required to capture the first prey item was two to three times as long for pellets as for wild prey and did not change with experience for any prey type. Mean capture distance did not change with experience. It is concluded that acceptability of wild prey should not limit performance of pellet-fed salmon released into the wild.  相似文献   

Movement and recaptures of two hatchery-reared brown trout, Salmo trutta L., stocks and landlocked salmon, Salmo salar L., released at different sites in regulated Lake Oulujärvi, were studied in relation to release site. Five groups of fish from each stock were released in approximately equal numbers. Most of the fish released in June and July were recaptured within 3 months, whereas the majority of the fish released in early winter (October and November) were caught the following spring, about 7–9 months after stocking. The release site had a significant effect on recapture rate. The results showed that fishing restrictions targeted mainly at gill net fishing are needed to preserve the stocked fish from overfishing. Significantly fewer recaptures were observed from the landlocked salmon stocking compared with brown trout. The recaptures from the landlocked salmon stocking indicated more active movement and less clumping compared with the two brown trout stocks.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper describes tests which were made to determine if smolt age at release influences the migratory pattern of three different stocks of salmon, Salmo salar L. The fish were hatchery-reared and released in two different rivers, the River Imsa and the River Akerselv. Based on the tag returns we found that Baltic salmon from the River Neva, USSR differed in migratory pattern from two Norwegian stocks from the River Lone and the River Imsa. A large proportion of the 2+ River Neva smolts stayed in the fjord during the summer and autumn after release. On the other hand, 2+ smolts of the Norwegian stocks left the fjord and migrated to the feeding areas in the Norwegian Sea within a short time after release. The 1+ smolts of all stocks showed the same migratory pattern as the 2+ smolts of Norwegian origin. We propose that the observed differences in migratory pattern are influenced by the developmental rate of the smolts. The effect of developmental rate on the migration may differ among stocks. Our results show that it is possible to develop a fjord fishery by releases of 2+ smolts of Neva salmon. However, such releases must be carried out with the utmost caution, preferably in fjords with no salmon rivers, so that the possibility of gene flow between populations is minimized.  相似文献   

Sperm cryopreservation is an essential tool for long‐term storage of genetic resources for aquaculture fishes. The goal of this study was to develop an efficient and streamlined protocol for high‐throughput processing for sperm cryopreservation in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. The objectives were to evaluate: (1) osmolality of blood serum for determining extender osmolality, (2) effects of extenders for fresh sperm dilution and refrigerated storage, (3) effects of methanol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on fresh sperm motility, and (4) motility and fertility after thawing. In this study, sperm samples were collected at a hatchery site in Canada and shipped to a freezing site located 2200 miles (3550 km) away in the USA. Evaluation of three extenders indicated that Mounib solution was suitable for diluting dry sperm for sample processing. Ten percent of methanol or DMSO was less toxic to sperm cells than was 15% within 30 min. Further testing with methanol at 5, 10, and 15%, and sperm solution : extender dilutions (v:v) of 1:1, 1:3, and 1:19 (at concentrations of 5 × 107, 3 × 108, and 1 × 109 cells/mL) indicated that methanol at 5 and 10% showed less toxicity to fresh sperm within 1 h at sperm:extender dilutions of 1:1 and 1:3. Post‐thaw motility of sperm cryopreserved with 10% methanol was significantly higher than that with 10% DMSO, and fertility reflected those results (0–1% in DMSO vs. 38–55% in methanol). Further evaluation of sperm cryopreservation with 10 and 15% methanol at sperm dilution ratios of 1:1, 1:3, and 1:19 indicated that post‐thaw motility in 10% methanol was significantly higher than that in 15% methanol, and post‐thaw fertility in 10% methanol at 1:1 and 1:3 dilution ratios had fertilization rates similar to that of fresh sperm controls. Sperm samples from 12 males cryopreserved with 10% methanol showed male‐to‐male variation in post‐thaw motility (0–36%). Overall, a simplified standard protocol was established for cryopreservation of shipped sperm of Atlantic salmon using extender without egg yolk and yielded satisfactory post‐thaw motility and fertilization rates. This procedure can be readily adopted by aquaculture facilities to take advantage of high‐throughput cryopreservation capabilities at remote service centers. Most importantly, this approach lays the groundwork for an alternative commercial model for commercial‐scale production, quality control, and development of industrial standards. Control of male variability and sperm quality remain important considerations for future work.  相似文献   

为评价工厂化封闭循环水养殖系统中,抗肠炎功能蛋白缓解大西洋鲑环境应激的作用,选择养殖于2套封闭循环水系统的同批降海的大西洋鲑,分别投喂基础饲料和添加3g/kg抗肠炎功能蛋白的饲料,饲喂60d,在试验第30d时对大西洋鲑进行环境应激。试验结果显示,投喂抗肠炎功能蛋白后,大西洋鲑在应激后恢复摄食的时间缩短,摄食情况改善,摄食率和特定生长率提高,血清丙二醛含量和超氧化物歧化酶活性降低,表明抗肠炎功能蛋白可以在一定程度上缓解大西洋鲑的应激反应,改善大西洋鲑摄食。  相似文献   

The tolerance of incubating salmon embryos to spawning gravel sedimentation was examined under hatchery conditions and also in the natural state on the River Bush, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. In a laboratory assessment alevin survival was closely related to the level of fine material. The number of individuals was reduced at the 10% fines level while >15% fine material was found to be deleterious to survival. Mean survival on the river (19.26%) was found to be better than that recorded in the hatchery, although no clear relationship was established between the level of fines and percentage survival in the wild. The mean fines accumulation (13.59%) in the river incubators at the end of the experiment was shown to be statistically similar to the background substrate. The role of high flow events in the contamination of gravels scoured by spawning fish is discussed.  相似文献   

Three hundred and one parr of wild salmon, Salmo salar L., from three river systems in Denmark were examined in December 2005 and August 2006 for gyrodactylid infections. The species determination was done by morphological analyses of the opisthaptoral hard parts and molecular analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region using PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequencing. Five species of the genus Gyrodactylus were found: Gyrodactylus derjavini, Gyrodactylus teuchis, Gyrodactylus truttae, Gyrodactylus arcuatus and Gyrodactylus salaris. The parasite species G. derjavini dominated over G. teuchis and G. truttae and only one specimen of G. arcuatus and one specimen of G. salaris were recovered. This specimen of G. salaris had the same mutation in the ITS-region as a previously described non-pathogenic Danish G. salaris variant. The prevalence of gyrodactylids on the salmon ranged from 0% to 100% but the mean abundance never exceeded 12.8.  相似文献   

The number and the size of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., using the Isohaara fishway was elevated by increasing the fishway discharge and by changing the type of the pass entrance. The fishway is intended to help fish bypass a hydroelectric station located close to the mouth of the large, regulated River Kemijoki, in northern Finland. Multi-sea-winter (MSW) salmon returned to the river mouth during peak flows in early June but did not use the fishway until 1 month later. Their number in the fishway was positively correlated with the tailwater level. One-sea winter (1-SW) salmon, which arrived approximately one month later, started to enter the fishway without corresponding delays. In autumn, a high tailwater level and a small drop at the fish entrance seemed to be needed for the successful passage of these small-sized salmon and sea trout, Salmo trutta L.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the potential of purified lignin and hemicellulose as prebiotics in diets for Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., postsmolt in seawater (30 ppt) at 14.9 ± 1.2°C. Triplicate groups of fish (initial individual body mass of 101.6 ± 1.2 g) were fed either the fishmeal-dense (32% of fishmeal) control diet (A) or one of the nine diets (15% fishmeal) supplemented with lignin:hemicellulose ratios (% diet:% diet) of 0.05:0 (B), 0.25:0 (C), 0.50:0 (D), 1.00:0 (E), 0:0.05 (F), 0:0.25 (G), 0:0.50 (H), 0.05:0.25 (I), and 0.25:0.50 (J) for 12 weeks in a complete randomized experimental design. At the end of the experiment, the thermal-unit growth coefficient (TGC) was significantly lower in salmon fed diets with 0.50% and 1.00% purified lignin than those fed the control diet, while there was no significant difference between the other treatments and the control diet (P < 0.05). The feed efficiency (FE) was significantly lower in salmon fed diets with 0.50% and 1.00% purified lignin and 0.05% hemicellulose than those fed the control diet, while there was no significant difference between the other treatments and the control diet (P < 0.05). The hepatosomatic index (HSI), intestinal villus length, and apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of nutrients in diets were similar (P > 0.05) among all the diets. This study demonstrated that inclusions of up to 0.25% of dietary purified lignin alone, and 0.25%–0.50% of dietary hemicellulose alone or in combination with dietary lignin can be considered as candidate prebiotics in Atlantic salmon nutrition.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The timing of the smolt migration of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was investigated during 1972–2002 in the Simojoki, a river flowing into the northern Baltic Sea. The onset of the smolt run was positively correlated with the river water temperature; a rise in water temperature above 10 °C being the main proximate environmental triggering factor. There was also a weaker correlation between the decreasing river discharge in the spring and the onset of the smolt migration. The duration of the main run was shorter in the years when the onset of the smolt run was delayed. No differences were found in the onset timing or in the duration of the smolt run between wild smolts and semi-wild smolts released into the river as parr. A polynomial equation fitted to the annual data on the survival of Carlin-tagged wild smolts and the sea surface temperature (SST) in June off the river mouth appeared to follow a dome-shaped pattern. Survival was lower in cold early summers (SST <9 °C) than in those with an average SST (9–11.9 °C), and lower again, although not significantly, in warm early summers (SST ≥12 °C). Too low and probably also too a high water temperature in early summer could thus be one of the underlying reasons for the fluctuations observed in postsmolt survival in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

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