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The diagnosis of gall bladder mucoceles (GM) in dogs has become increasingly frequent in veterinary medicine. Primary breed-specific hyperlipidaemia is reported in Shetland Sheepdogs and Miniature Schnauzers, breeds in which GM are known to occur more frequently than in other breeds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between GM and hyperlipidaemia in dogs. The study design was a retrospective case control study. Medical records of dogs diagnosed with GM at the Veterinary Medical Centre of The University of Tokyo between 1 April 2007 and 31 March 2012, were reviewed.Fifty-eight dogs with GM and a record of either serum cholesterol, triglyceride, or glucose concentrations were included in the study. Hypercholesterolaemia (15/37 cases; odds ratio [OR]: 2.92; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.02–8.36) and hypertriglyceridaemia (13/24 cases; OR: 3.55; 95% CI:1.12–15.91) showed significant association with GM. Pomeranians (OR: 10.69), American Cocker Spaniels (OR: 8.94), Shetland Sheepdogs (OR: 6.21), Miniature Schnauzers (OR: 5.23), and Chihuahuas (OR: 3.06) were significantly predisposed to GM. Thirty-nine out of 58 cases had at least one concurrent disease, including pancreatitis (five cases), hyperadrenocorticism (two cases), and hypothyroidism (two cases). A significant association between GM and hyperlipidaemia was confirmed, suggesting that hyperlipidaemia may play a role in the pathogenesis of GM.  相似文献   

Objectives : The diagnostic utility of routine faecal examinations can be greatly enhanced through an appreciation of risk factors most commonly associated with endoparasitism. Methods : From a sample of 6578 canine patients presenting to a veterinary teaching hospital between 1996 and 2006, this study used univariate and multi‐variable techniques to examine putative signalment, medical history and demographic factors predisposing dogs to intestinal parasites. Results : Age and median household income were the strongest predictors of endoparasitism. The odds of a patient being diagnosed with endoparasites were 0·82 times smaller for every 1 year increase in age (OR=0·82, 95% CI: 0·80 to 0·84) and for every $10,000 increase in median household income, the odds were 0·86 times lower (OR=0·86, 95% CI: 0·83 to 0·89). The variables gender, neuter status, month of diagnosis, admitting clinical service and primary diagnosis were not significant predictors. Animals that were presented for underlying medical conditions were less likely to have parasites and the presence of diarrhoea was associated with 76% lower odds of endoparasitism compared to healthy animals (OR=0·76, 95% CI: 0·64 to 0·90). Clinical Significance : Clinicians should maintain a high index of suspicion for parasites in younger patients that live in high population density and low income neighbourhoods.  相似文献   

The clinical aspects of 26 dogs suspected of fibrocartilaginous embolic myelopathy (FEM) were documented and compared to results from 2 studies published in the literature. The short-term recovery capacity of 15 of these patients was also evaluated during a 30 day period by giving a neurological score. We have observed, compared to other studies, a larger proportion of cervical localization (15.4%) as well as a larger variety of race sizes for FEM. We have established that, after 30 days, 67% of patients had improved and that 88% of non-ambulatory patients had regained their ambulatory capacity. Also, patients showing signs of grey matter lesions (inferior motor neuron--IMN) as well as those having white matter lesions (superior motor neuron--SMN) had shown signs of neurological progress. Therefore, we have observed that the recovery capacity of an animal suffering from FEM does not seem to be impacted by its initial ambulatory state, nor by its lesions to IMN or SMN, although the low number of cases does not allow us to positively confirm this situation.  相似文献   

Protein electrophoresis and immunotyping can be a useful adjunct to the standard biochemical techniques for characterizing serum and urine proteins. This paper reviews currently available and commonly used methods for diagnostic protein electrophoresis, including both agarose gel and capillary zone electrophoretic techniques and total protein assessments. Immunofixation and immunosubtraction methods for identification of immunoglobulin location and class are also presented. Practical application of quality assurance and quality control strategies in compliance with American Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ASVCP) best practices are discussed. Commonly encountered serum and urine electrophoretic diagnostic patterns, including electrophoretically normal, acute‐phase protein responses, polyclonal gammopathies, restricted polyclonal/oligoclonal gammopathies, paraproteinemias (monoclonal or biclonal gammopathies), and Bence‐Jones proteinurias are also reviewed using relevant case material. Cases in which immunofixation electrophoresis are particularly useful are highlighted, and methodologies to more accurately quantify serum monoclonal proteins (M‐proteins), monitoring tests commonly used in human medicine, are discussed.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old desexed female German Shepherd dog was referred to the Murdoch University Veterinary Hospital for assessment and management of acute onset vomiting, diarrhoea, polydipsia and lethargy of 2 days duration. Surgical, microbiological and histological findings were consistent with necrotising cholecystitis secondary to gall bladder torsion, resulting in gall bladder rupture and secondary non-septic bile peritonitis. A chronic peritoneopleural perforation resulting from an abdominal cavity foreign body and congenital peritoneopericardial hernia were also present. The dog made a full recovery following cholecystectomy, foreign body removal, repair of the peritoneopleural perforation and peritoneopericardial herniorrhaphy. This is the first recorded case of gall bladder torsion in the dog.  相似文献   

Glutathione‐S‐transferase enzymes (GSTs) play an important role in the detoxification of environmental carcinogens. Defective GST genotypes are over‐represented in human cancers; in particular, low activity GSTT1 genotypes are risk factors for non‐Hodgkin lymphoma. We hypothesized that defective GSTT1 genotypes would be associated with lymphoma risk in dogs. To address this, we resequenced the exons, splice junctions, and 3′‐UTR of canine GSTT1 in dogs with lymphoma (n = 93) and age‐matched unaffected dogs (n = 86). Of 27 canine GSTT1 variants identified, the I2+28 G>A was significantly associated with lymphoma [odds ratio (OR) 6.26, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.77–22.2], with the AA genotype found in 18.3% of affected dogs but only 3.5% of controls (P = 0.002). This intronic variant was predicted to perturb GSTT1 mRNA splicing, and may increase lymphoma risk by impairing detoxification of environmental chemicals. Confirmation of this finding in a larger population of dogs may support the inclusion of GSTT1 genotyping in epidemiologic studies of canine lymphoma risk.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to characterize the histological changes observed in 34 accessioned cases of canine chronic hepatitis and to correlate these changes with the clinical pathological data. Cases of chronic hepatitis were subdivided into 6 categories: chronic active hepatitis (10/34), chronic persistent hepatitis (7/32), chronic cholestatic hepatitis (6/34), fibrosing hepatitis with cirrhosis (3/34), chronic cholangiohepatitis (3/34), and miscellaneous secondary hepatitis (5/34). Iron accumulation was a consistent finding in all livers examined. Although all cases of chronic hepatitis had elevated liver enzymes, no correlation was detected between biochemical parameters and the severity of morphologic changes. Similarly, no correlation was detected between rhodanine staining for copper and morphologic or biochemical indicators of cholestasis. However, presence of copper correlated well with reticulo-fibrosis (r = 0.8) and bile duct hyperplasia, suggesting that changes in the hemodynamics of the hepatic acini due to fibrosis could influence storage of copper.  相似文献   

The clinicopathological features of cervical fractures in 56 dogs were reviewed. "Hit by car" (HBC) was the most common inciting cause, and the axis and atlas were the vertebrae most frequently affected. Surgical treatment was associated with high (36%) perioperative mortality. However, all dogs that survived the perioperative period achieved functional recovery. Functional recovery was achieved in 25 (89%) of 28 nonsurgically treated dogs with adequate follow-up. Overall, severity of neurological deficits (nonambulatory status) and prolonged interval (five days or longer) from trauma to referral were associated with poorer outcome. Nonsurgical treatment is a viable therapeutic approach for many dogs with cervical fractures. Early neck immobilization and prompt referral are recommended, because delay in referral decreases the likelihood of functional recovery.  相似文献   

Gates, M.C., Nolan, T.J. Efficacy of heartworm preventatives against ascarids and hookworms in client‐owned dogs: a retrospective case control study. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 34 , 116–119. The efficacy of heartworm preventatives against ascarids and hookworms was assessed in a retrospective analysis of 1329 dogs that received a fecal examination and were surveyed about heartworm preventative use upon presentation to the veterinary teaching hospital at the University of Pennsylvania. To remove confounding due to age, patients under 6 months old were analyzed separately from the remaining population. Although there were no reported cases of ascarids or hookworms in patients under 6 months old receiving monthly heartworm prevention, the prevalence reached 5.2% and 11.7%, respectively, in patients that were not using any products. For patients over 6 months old, there were no apparent associations between parasites and heartworm preventative use. Of the 75.5% of dogs that were administered heartworm preventatives, 16.1% reported seasonal use and 83.9% reported using the products year round. Patients using heartworm preventatives seasonally were no more likely to be harboring nematode parasites than patients using preventatives year round (OR = 0.70, 95% CI: 0.19–2.55). Overall efficacy rates were consistent with prior studies on the active ingredients. Heartworm preventative have the greatest value for controlling nematode endoparasites in patients under 6 months old.  相似文献   

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