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21世纪土壤科学的主要任务及挑战   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
结合已有的相关工作,对21世纪土壤科学面临的主要任务及挑战进行了论述,同时对有关的问题阐述了见解.重点从生态环境与生物学角度阐述土壤学与生物学、分子生物学的交叉与融合,将是土壤科学发展的必然趋势.分子生物学是生命科学中发展最为迅速的分支学科,必将影响土壤学发展的趋势.自然科学、社会科学与人文科学在生态科学领域中走向了融合与交叉.分子生物学的理论与技术正全面地渗透到生态科学中,将出现分子生态学的长足进展,即在基因表达与调控水平上探讨群体及生态系统的功能机制,并进一步利用生物技术手段,有目的地改良环境,从而使人类有一个可以持续健康发展的协调生存空间.土壤学面临了多种挑战与机遇,除了在微观与宏观2个层次上继续拓展外,更加注重尺度转换与实践应用问题以及同其他学科的交叉,尤其生物学,这也正是推动土壤科学发展的动力所在.无疑,生物因素将是多学科交叉与融合的生长点,是解决目前人类面临重大难题的根本性措施的源泉.  相似文献   

动物学是高等农业院校动物科学、动物医学专业一年级本科生的科类基础课,教学效果好坏直接影响本科生对所学专业的兴趣和认同度,也关系到创新创业能力培养和综合素质提升。基于标准化建设和“两性一度”要求,动物学理论课以线下教学为主,线上教学为辅,以高阶选择题和阅读提高题拓展知识点的内涵和外延,注重与养殖实践和兽医诊疗过程的有机结合,构建了公平、公正的平时成绩计量和评价体系;动物学实验课综合性和设计性实验占比超50%,以科研促教学,破解了低年级本科生专业基础知识欠缺,难以跟踪前沿科研进展的难题。课程标准化和“两性一度”的高标准要求,促进了动物学课程教学新格局的形成。  相似文献   

 《动物学》是一门内容广博的基础学科,是农业院校生物专业的重要基础课程,作为新世纪的农业科技人才,应具有扎实的动物学基础理论和实践操作技术。论文从动物学课程的理论教学和实验教学两个方面对动物学的教学改革提出自己的观点,以期为提高农业院校生物专业课程的教学效果提供参考。  相似文献   

动物科学专业本科人才培养目标是确定动物科学专业本科课程教学方案的依据,是培养什么质量的动物科学专业本科人才的指导思想。动物科学专业的人才培养目标应包含如下几个重要方面。首先,动物科学专业人才培养目标应着眼于人文精神和合作精神的培养。其二,应注重基础课的教学,使学生获得终生学习的能力。其三,应促进学生的主动性思维,而不是让学生被动地接受知识的传授。其四,应提高学生的实践动手能力。最后,应在本科教学阶段继续提高动物科学专业本科生的语言技能。本文对如上方面逐一进行了阐述。  相似文献   

The challenges facing the health sciences education fields are more evident than ever. Professional health sciences educators have more demands on their time, more knowledge to manage, and ever-dwindling sources of financial support. Change is often necessary to either keep programs viable or meet the changing needs of health education. This article outlines a simple but powerful three-step tool to help educators become successful agents of change. Through the application of principles well known and widely used in business management, readers will understand the concepts behind stakeholder analysis and coalition building. These concepts are part of a powerful tool kit that educators need in order to become effective agents of change in the health sciences environment. Using the example of curriculum change at a school of veterinary medicine, we will outline the three steps involved, from stakeholder identification and analysis to building and managing coalitions for change.  相似文献   

As a discipline, comparative immunology enhances zoology and has gained wide acceptance in the biological sciences. It is an offshoot of the parent field, immunology, and is an amalgam of immunology and zoology. All animals from protozoans to humans have solved the threat of extinction by having evolved an immune‐defense strategy that ensures the capacity to react against foreign, non‐self microorganisms and cancers that disturb the homeostatic self. Invertebrate‐type innate immune responses evolved first and they characterize the metazoans. These rapid natural responses act immediately and are often essential for the occurrence of slower, more specific, adaptive vertebrate‐type immune responses. As components of the innate immune system, there is an emphasis on several major steps in the evolutionary process: (i) recognition; (ii) the phagocytic cell; and (iii) the natural killer cell. When vertebrates evolved, beginning with fish, thymus‐controlled T cells first appeared, as did bone marrow‐derived B cells (first found in amphibians with long bones). These were the precursors of the plasma cells that synthesize and secrete antibodies. Confirming the concept of self/non‐self, invertebrates possess natural, non‐adaptive, innate, non‐clonal, non‐anticipatory immune responses, whereas vertebrates possess adaptive, acquired, clonal, and anticipatory responses. This symposium concerns: (i) aspects of the immune spectrum in representative groups; (ii) specific findings (in particular models; e.g. earthworms); (iii) clues as to the possible biomedical application of relevant molecules derived from animals, notably invertebrates; and (iv) some views on the more practical applications of understanding immune systems of invertebrates and ectotherms, and their possible role in survival.  相似文献   

生物信息学在动物科学领域的研究动态和发展前景   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着计算机科学和生物科学的迅猛发展,由此而诞生的生物信息学逐渐发展成为一门独立的学科。它已经成为21世纪动物科学中的重要研究领域之一。生物信息学涉及的内容随着研究的深入而不断扩大,在动物科学上的应用也越来越广泛。但是,生物信息学也有新的挑战,这主要集中于数据分析上。作者简单介绍了生物信息学的产生、发展及其在动物科学领域的研究动态和发展前景。  相似文献   

During the last decade, 'medical professionalism' has been scrutinized as a consequence of pressures from within and outside the health sciences professions. In response, professional organizations have reviewed ethical principles and developed explicit guidelines for the behavior of their members. Medical educators have revised undergraduate curricula with a view to supporting the development and maintenance of these essential professional behaviors. This article outlines perspectives on professionalism before describing the evolution of personal and professional development curricula in undergraduate health science education. While the bulk of data on personal and professional development in the health sciences has come from human medicine, the principles are being recognized as applying to the breadth of the health professions. In the veterinary profession, the dyad of the physician-patient relationship of human medicine is expanded to the triad of the veterinarian-patient-client relationship, and this brings with it an added set of professional relationships and responsibilities. In order to be faithful to the primary literature and not expand beyond the various authors' data and conclusions, this article is presented principally in the terms of human medical education. For those in veterinary education, it is hoped that the inferences and applications will be readily apparent. In this article, challenges associated with defining content and educational methods are outlined, as well as selection criteria for medical school and promoting the value of PPD to students. Approaches to assessment, implementation, and evaluation of PPD curricula are also discussed. Two case studies are presented. The article concludes with suggestions for curriculum development.  相似文献   

全国农林高校应重视创新性人才的培养,而课程改革又是创新性人才培养的重中之重。《分子遗传学》是生命科学中一门基础理论科学,它在高等农业院校的教学计划中是一门重要的专业基础课程。因此,重视《分子遗传学》课程的教学与改革创新对农林院校学生来说尤为重要。为此,笔者总结了20多年教学实践中积累的经验和体会,为农林高校《分子遗传学》教学体系的改革与创新提供资料和参考。  相似文献   

基因工程在牧草培育中的应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
随着生物科学的发展,基因工程已涉足植物、动物、微生物等研究领域。近年,由于环境的日趋恶化,极端气候频繁出现,社会对牧草抗逆新品种的需求日渐迫切,这也加速了基因工程在牧草培育中的应用与推广。本研究对过去20多年来基因工程在近30种主要牧草遗传转化、品质改良、抗病虫、抗除草剂、抗逆性、可饲用疫苗等方面的研究进展进行了全面总结和综述,分析了目前牧草基因工程研究中存在的问题,就发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

以提高学生实践技能和培养创新意识为宗旨的实践教学在培养创新型人才中有着独特的作用。主要分析了师范院校以实验教学和野外实习为核心的动物学实践教学中所存在的问题,提出在动物学实践教学改革中应注重转变思想观念,突破传统实践教学模式,提高实践教学效果,实现创新人才培养,同时倡导实践教学要充分利用地方资源并服务地方建设。  相似文献   

Research on mammals in the Guianas of northern South America has had a checkered history. In this review, I summarize the notable contributions to mammalogical study in Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. These studies began in the mid‐18th century with the binomial nomenclature system of scientific classification created by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, who described 23 species new to science based on holotype specimens from the Guianas. Notwithstanding popular accounts by amateur naturalists visiting this region, over the next 7 decades there was only sporadic taxonomic work done on Guianan mammals primarily by researchers at European museums. The first comprehensive biological exploration took place in the 1840s during a geographic survey of the boundaries of British Guiana. However, it was not until almost half a century later that scientific publications began to regularly document the increasing species diversity in the region, including the prodigious work of Oldfield Thomas at the British Museum of Natural History in London. Another lull in the study of mammals occurred in the mid‐1910s to the early 1960s after which foreign researchers began to rediscover the Guianas and their pristine habitats. This biological renaissance is still ongoing and I give a prospectus on the direction of future research in one of the last frontiers of tropical rainforest. An initiative that would be greatly beneficial is the establishment of a university network in the Guianas with graduate‐based research to develop a cadre of professional experts on biodiversity and evolution as seen in other countries of South America.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a survey conducted in the spring of 2001 to assess international activities at colleges of veterinary medicine in North America. A questionnaire was sent to all 31 colleges of veterinary medicine in the United States and Canada, of which 22 responded. Of those schools responding to the survey, 86% have International Veterinary Medicine (IVM) programs and most have faculty involved in internationally oriented research (95%), in teaching IVM (74%), in mentoring veterinary students in IVM (84%), and in international consultancies (84%). Funding sources for faculty international activities include foundations, intramural funds, curriculum development grants, endowment/development funds, and sabbaticals. Foreign animal diseases are the most commonly taught international topic. The increasing importance of international veterinary issues is leading to the internationalization of the veterinary education in North America. Most IVM programs include activities of both faculty and students. Greater collaboration between faculty and programs across schools would allow schools to benefit from each other's strengths in IVM education.  相似文献   

Rangeland scientists have made substantial progress in understanding ecological dynamics of rangelands, but the social factors have received less attention in North America. A body of North American rangeland social science has developed over the past 4 decades, with the number of studies increasing each decade. However, these works have not been systematically reviewed to assess the state of rangeland social science in North America or to identify research gaps. We developed a systematic map to characterize this literature by 1) the research objectives and questions; 2) who was studied; 3) where research was conducted; 4) which theories, methodologies, and methods were applied; and 5) how these research characteristics have changed from 1970 to 2017. We found that most (81%) North American rangeland social science has studied ranchers, farmers, and/or landowners, with limited consideration of other stakeholders (e.g., ranch workers, youth). Although age (43% of the studies) and education (40%) are often considered, other attributes/identities, such as gender (28%) and race or ethnicity (18%), are less frequently included. The most commonly used research method is surveys (52%), and much of rangeland social science does not make explicit connections to either specific methodological or theoretical frameworks. The limited application of theories, methodologies, and a lack of diverse methods has potentially constrained who and what have been studied in North America. The limited consideration of gender and race in rangeland social science is echoed in the limited number of studies that have accounted for the effects of social identities and power relationships on people’s connection to and management of rangelands. This review highlights the need for more North American research that 1) is informed by social theory, 2) applies a diversity of methods, 3) considers a broader diversity of stakeholders, and 4) draws from multiple social science disciplinary traditions.  相似文献   

动物学野外实习教学改革与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高校竞争的加强,长江师范学院定位于由过去教学科研型转向教学应用型大学,传统的动物学野外实习模式已经不能适应新形势下的教学要求,为了取得令人满意的野外实习效果,基于作者自身的教学实践,对长江师范学院动物学野外实习地点、教学方式、教学内容以及考核方式的改革进行了探讨,以期为其他高校的动物学野外实习教学提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

There is increasing awareness of biocomplexity as a field of study, although there are some disagreements about its definition among biologists. The science of biocomplexity has been influenced greatly by the emergence of the science of complexity, which aims to solve complicated problems in complex systems. In this paper, I review the basic concepts and scientific problems of biocomplexity. I argue that biological systems are adaptive complex systems that tend to become more complicated over time. I hypothesize that complexity is favored by natural selection. There are two relatively independent evolutionary templates for complexity in biological systems: gene‐guided and neural‐guided systems. In general, biology has been overly influenced by gene‐dominant evolution theory, which cannot account for the complex behaviors, social structures, and ecosystems that exist. Sustained energy intake, non‐polynomial (NP)‐hard problems and stability (e.g. thermodynamic, non‐linear and evolutionary stability) are probably the three most important properties of biological systems. Total work is not equivalent to the energy input (non‐equivalence rule) in biological systems because the input energy is re‐used. The total work can be measured using the order energy (ordergy), a function of energy input and the efficiency of energy transformation. Hierarchy may be essential in solving NP‐hard problems and in reducing the instability of non‐linearity in biological systems.  相似文献   

课程思政建设是农林高校推进新农科建设的重要行动,是实现新农科宏伟蓝图的关键环节。牛生产学作为动物科学专业的专业核心课,在新农科建设背景下,如何将立德树人的根本任务落实到专业课教学全过程,发挥专业教师以及专业课程的育人功能,实现教书与育人相统一,是牛生产学进行课程改革和建设的重点。因此,本文从融入思政育人目标、建设思政资源库、完善课程思政建设途径和课程思政评价方式等方面对牛生产学课程思政建设进行探讨和总结,以期为新农科背景下动物科学类专业课的课程思政建设提供参考,也为做好课程育人工作和新农科背景下动物科学人才培养提供支撑。  相似文献   

草学作为新兴一级学科,近年来发展突飞猛进,使得草业科学专业人才的培养显得格外重要,同时对核心课程运动场草坪建植与管理的教学提出了更高的要求。就目前运动场草坪建植与管理课程的教学现状、教学中存在的问题进行了分析,提出重视实践教学、改革教学方法与手段、将科研与教学相结合等具体的改进措施,以提高草业科学人才培养质量。  相似文献   

Proteomics holds significant promise as a method for advancing animal science research. The use of this technology in animal science is still in its infancy. The ability of proteomics to simultaneously identify and quantify potentially thousands of proteins is unparalleled. In this review, we will discuss basic principles of doing a proteomic experiment. In addition, challenges and limitations of proteomics will be considered, stressing those that are unique to animal sciences. The current proteomic research in animal sciences will be discussed, and the potential uses for this technology will be highlighted.  相似文献   

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