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The behavior of black mudfish (Neochanna diversus Stokell, 1949: Galaxiidae) and mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis Baird & Girard, 1854: Poeciliidae) was investigated in laboratory tanks. Black mudfish are indigenous to northern New Zealand, and mosquitofish are introduced; both species are sympatric in wetlands in the Waikato region. By comparing position, feeding rates and aggressive behavior of both species, we found that black mudfish were increasingly able to compete with mosquitofish as they grew from fry to adults. Mosquitofish were more aggressive towards mudfish fry and juveniles than were these two life stages towards mosquitofish, but adult mudfish were aggressive towards mosquitofish. Both small (18–24 mm total length (TL)) and large mosquitofish (25–36 mm TL) showed high aggression towards mudfish fry (13–18 mm TL), and fry were eaten by large mosquitofish. However, 3 interspecific differences appear to allow coexistence of these two species. Firstly, mudfish reproduce in winter, whereas mosquitofish reproduce in summer, resulting in mudfish fry being present when mosquitofish are at their lowest abundance. Secondly, mudfish can survive in seasonally dry habitats by aestivation, while mosquitofish cannot. Thirdly, adult black mudfish are nocturnal, whereas mosquitofish are primarily diurnal.  相似文献   

Invertebrate meals (e.g. polychaetes and insects) present novel and sustainable high‐quality nutrient sources for use in fish feed formulations. To test this innovative source, an eleven‐week feeding trial was conducted evaluating the effects of replacing the fishmeal (FM) component as an example of a superior protein source (FM CTRL) with ragworm meal (RW, Nereis virens) and/or silkworm pupae (SWP, Bombyx mori) in mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio) diets. Three experimental diets with partial replacement of FM (diets: RW + FM, SWP + FM and RW + SWP + FM) were formulated. All diets were formulated to be iso‐nitrogenous, iso‐lipidic and iso‐energetic. Growth performance and feed utilization indices were assessed, and the feeding trial concluded with the analysis of haematological parameters to provide an indication of carp physiological and health status. Mean weight gain was greatest in mirror carp fed RW + FM (60.83 fish?1 day?1; P < 0.05 vs. all other diets) followed by SWP + FM (40.62 g fish?1 day?1; P < 0.05 vs. all other diets). The least weight gain was achieved in fish fed FM + SWP + RW+ and FM CTRL (34.34 and 33.96 g fish?1 day?1, respectively; not significantly different from each other). Fish fed on RW + FM diet had significantly lower plasma ammonia concentrations than any other dietary groups (= 0.04). Mirror carp fed on SWP + FM diet (111.52 units mL?1) were observed to have a marked enhancement in alternative complement activity than FM CTRL (79.21 units mL?1, = 0.041). Both ragworm and silkworm pupae meal present attractive sustainable functional feed component in carp diets, with benefits on enhancing growth performance and specific physiological parameters.  相似文献   

We evaluated the anaesthetic effect of clove oil [2‐methoxy‐4‐2‐(2‐propenyl)‐phenol] on the common octopus (Octopus minor), in terms of the time required to become anaesthetized (‘anaesthetic time’) and recovery time. We used a factorial experimental design and administered clove oil at different temperatures (15, 20 and 25°C) and concentrations (50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 mg L−1). We observed a significant (P<0.05) relationship between concentration and temperature, and each variable was effective (P<0.05). Anaesthetic time linearly decreased as the concentration and temperature increased. However, recovery time increased as the concentration increased and temperature decreased. There was no mortality. A concentration of 200 mg L−1 clove oil showed rapid anaesthetic and recovery times in the common octopus, indicating its suitability for this species.  相似文献   

Sprinkling, an agricultural irrigation technique, has been tested for the intensive culture of Manila clams up to marketable size (35-50 mm) in coastal ponds 400 m2 in area. The sprinkling system is used for the distribution of seawater and live algal food Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Clev. Sprinkling is a simple, low cost and efficient method of food distribution which resolves the major problem of decreasing bivalve growth associated with single point water entry in small-scale raceways. Uniform growth obtained with sprinkling is principally due to an even scattering of food over the whole surface area of large-scale ponds.  相似文献   

Abstract The monogenean Anoplodiscus cirrtisspiralis infects the fins and nares of snapper, Pagrus auratus (Bloch & Schneider). The epidermis beneath the haptor in both microhabitats is eroded and the parasite attaches to the basement membrane by an adhesive secretion. Captive snapper suffered fin damage through high levels of infection by this parasite. Laboratory experiments showed A. cirrusspiralis to be adversely affected by reduced salinity and killed within 1 h by diluted sea water of < 5%0 salinity.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding two alternative live prey Hyalella azteca (freshwater gammarids) and Hyale media (marine gammarids) to Octopus maya hatchlings were compared with feeding adult Artemia sp., traditionally used during the first weeks of the life cycle. Hatchlings were fed ad libitum these three live preys during the first 15 days, and a paste elaborated with fresh squid and shrimp during the next 15 days when hatchling can be fed prepared diets. Weight (g) and specific growth rates (% day?1) were determined every 15 days. Octopus maya hatchlings fed with marine gammarids grew larger (6.9 ± 0.2% day?1) compared with hatchlings fed Artemia sp. or freshwater gammarids (4.8 ± 0.2% and 5.0 ± 0.3% day?1 respectively). Survival was also higher (92.2 ± 6.8%) for hatchlings fed marine gammarids, than for those fed Artemia sp. (74.5 ± 23.8%) or freshwater gammarids (41.2 ± 21.2%). The content of acylglycerides, cholesterol and proteins in O. maya fed marine gammarids suggested a better nutrient assimilation by the hatchlings. Also, polyunsaturated fatty acids levels (EPA and DHA) were more abundant in marine gammarids, possibly contributing to the higher growth rates observed. This is the first study revealing a successful use of marine gammarids as alternative prey for octopus hatchlings culture.  相似文献   

The development of new octopus‐based products with a growing economic value ensures the commercial interest of this species, making live octopus export an activity of great interest. The aim of this study was to develop a method for long‐distance transportation of live octopus at high densities. The system was composed by 220‐L tanks with cooling and aeration, where the animals were kept separated from each others. The water temperature was maintained at 10°C, after a decreasing of 1°C/hr. Live octopus transportation was tested for 48 hr at two densities: 50 kg/m3 and 100 kg/m3. During this period, water parameters were monitored. Stress response was evaluated through the analysis of haemolymph, muscle and brain tissues. No mortality was registered after 48 hr for both treatments. In all trials, water quality remained within the normal limits in both densities; there was, however, a significative increase of ammonia levels in the water. Ammonia, dopamine and Hsp70 levels were analysed in the beginning and at the end of the experiment for both densities; however, no significant differences were found among them. In general, this system seems to be a viable solution for live octopus 48‐hr transportation at a density of 100 kg/m3.  相似文献   

A large mass protruding beyond the left operculum was found in an adult male medaka, Oryzias latipes (Temminck & Schlegel). Histologically, the mass was mainly composed of thyroid follicles measuring up to 292 μm in diameter. The follicular epithelium consisted of cuboidal or squamous cells. The follicles lacked colloidal material in the lumen. The thyroid tissue infiltrated into the kidney. Electron microscopically, the tumour cells were characterized by dilation and vesiculation of rough endoplasmic reticulum, which extended throughout the cytoplasm, and an irregular outline of the nucleus. Mitotic figures and partly degenerate cells were frequently observed. Based on the above features, the tumour was diagnosed as a follicular carcinoma of the thyroid, the first reported case in the medaka.  相似文献   

Genetic variability within salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Caligidae: Copepoda), populations parasitizing farmed and wild Scottish Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was investigated using analysis of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fragments. Seven individual decamer primers were used to analyse samples of salmon lice collected from 15 different locations in Scotland. The polymerase chain reaction products were separated using agarose gel electrophoresis and the resulting band patterns were analysed using a semi‐automated analytical scoring system. Dendrograms were produced using the unweighted pair‐group average (UPGMA) method using Dice similarity values. The summary dendrogram of the analysis of all RAPD bands showed two separate clusters of salmon lice, the larger being sub‐divided into a further two sections. The collections of lice occupying each of these sub‐divisions, however, were a mix of sites, which did not exhibit a structured geographical pattern.  相似文献   

Effects of artificial diets were tested on growth and digestive gland (DG) lipid composition of juvenile Octopus vulgaris. For Experiment I, three diets were used: (i) SQUID (Loligo gahi) as a control diet; (ii) Squid paste and fish hydrolysate CPSP®, agglutinated with gelatine (GEL20); and (iii) Squid paste, fish hydrolysate CPSP® and gelatine (GEL40). For Experiment II, three diets were used: (i) SQUID, control diet; (ii) Squid paste, CPSP® and alginate (ALG10); and (iii) Squid paste, CPSP® and alginate (ALG20). For both experiments, growth rates for octopuses fed control were higher (P < 0.05), while artificial diets were not different (P > 0.05) between them. All diets promoted similar growth, regardless of the different CPSP® concentrations and binders. Growth rates obtained were among the highest obtained for O. vulgaris with artificial diets until now. The lower growth obtained with the artificial diets was greatly reflected in the DG fatty acid composition. The most important fatty acid groups, such as n‐3 highly unsaturated fatty acids, decreased in the DG of animals fed artificial diets. Lipid content, particularly neutral lipids, was higher in the DG of octopuses fed squid, indicating higher nutritional condition of these animals compared to those fed the artificial diets.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding level on growth, retention efficiency, faeces production and energy partitioning of redlip mullet were studied. A practical diet was used and fed at six levels from starvation, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% of body weight (BW) to satiation for 3 weeks. The temperature was kept at 24±1°C. Reducing the feeding amount resulted in significantly lower weight gain, and retention efficiency was significantly affected by feeding levels and attained the maximum at maximum feeding intake. Feeding 2% BW was the minimum required for fish to maintain growth. Fish carcass composition under different feeding levels could be divided into three groups: (1) starvation and FL1; (2) FL2 and FL3 and (3) FL4 and satiation, with significant differences among the groups but no differences in the groups except that ash content remained at constant value. Body composition of fish of group 2 was close to initial fish. The thermal‐unit coefficient was 0.0381 at satiation, and significantly increased with increasing feeding levels. In order to accurately estimate basal metabolism (HeE), another trial on the relationship between HeE (kJ) and BW (g) was carried out. An exponential curve as HeE=0.1255BW0.8386 explained this relationship. Intake energy (IE) increased from 11.30 to 63.08 kJ per fish, matching with different feeding levels. Energy allocated to growth of IE decreased with reducing feeding amount. There was a linear relationship between metabolism energy and retention energy in percentage.  相似文献   

In this study, the embryonic development of the eggs in the Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Bank & Solender, 1794) was examined. At the same time, possibilities of artificial breeding through artificial insemination were investigated. Artificial insemination was achieved by mixing the eggs of the mature female and sperm of the mature male samples caught with gill nets (22 × 22) in Ataturk Dam Lake in Turkey. To this end, first in a Petri dish (100 × 20), the testes were cut into small pieces with a lancet and the mixture of sperm–testes‐tissue was obtained. The fertilization rate of the eggs was found to be 80%. The diameter of the eggs ranged from 2.015to 1.147 mm. The perivitelline space formed 0.5 h after insemination. The first cleavage occurred at the animal pool 4 h after insemination. The oil droplets had fused to a single droplet 19 h after insemination. The blastoderm became an embryonic shield 30 h after insemination. The blastoderm covered almost half the egg 40 h after insemination and embryonic body was formed. The blastoderm covered almost the whole egg 50 h after insemination. Some somites were discernible 59 h after insemination. The embryonic body reached two‐third of the circumference of the egg 70 h after insemination. The tail bud began to separate from the yolk 77 h after insemination. A newly hatched larva was observed at 85 h after insemination.  相似文献   

Abstract The peritrichous ciliate 'Epistylis sp.' involved in the'red-sore' disease of various North American freshwater fishes is identified as Heteropolaria colisarum Foissner & Schubert, 1977. Its morphology is redescribed from observations of living and silver-stained organisms and biometrically analysed individuals. Extended zooids can be easily identified by their highly characteristic (elongated) body. Silver impregnations show a very high number of silverlines and a band-like, irregularly formed macronucleus. The genus Heteropolaria belongs to the family Epistylididae and is characterized by the eccentric location of the scopula of the swarmer and a peculiar myoneme in the peristomal disc that branches off the myoneme of the peristomal collar. Autochthonous occurrences of this species are known only from North America. In Europe only the related species H. lwoffi has been found. Histological sections give some evidence that the terminal platelet of the stalk is embedded in the dermal epithelium. This suggests that H. colisarum could be a parasite rather than an epizoon and that the often associated bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila is a secondary invader. However, further studies are necessary. Experiments showed a high infectivity of the ciliate and no host specificity. These characteristics are supported by the observations of other researchers. Preliminary laboratory tests showed that a single treatment with salt solution (NaCl) at a rate of 1.5% for 3h controlled H. colisarum.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization was carried out on an iridovirus isolated from yellow grouper, Epinephelus awoara . The major capsid protein (MCP) gene was located, sequenced and compared with homologous genes from other iridoviruses. The nucleotide sequence is 1392 bases long and contains a single open reading frame beginning at an ATG codon from the 5' end and terminating at a TAA codon at the 3' end. The open reading frame encodes a protein of 463 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 50 272 Da. Pairwise amino acid alignments detected a high degree of sequence identity between grouper iridovirus (GIV) MCP and the homologous genes of other iridoviruses. The MCP gene of GIV was most similar to the MCP gene from frog virus 3 (FV3) with 70% nucleotide and 73% amino acid sequence identity. The predicted molecular weight of the protein of this gene is comparable with the apparent weight obtained by SDS–PAGE. Pathogenicity of the GIV was investigated in yellow grouper by intraperitoneal injection of 107 and 104 TCID50 virus. Cumulative mortalities reached 100% within 11 and 25 days post-infection, respectively, while no grouper died in the control group. The molecular studies demonstrated that GIV is a member of the genus Ranavirus .  相似文献   

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