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羊衣原体性流产   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
羊衣原体性流产秦云(贵州省畜牧兽医科学研究所,贵阳550005)羊流产是威胁养羊业发展并造成严重经济损失的主要疾病之一。国内外资料显示,羊流产的病因有衣原体感染、弓形虫感染、布鲁氏杆菌感染及其它因素等。近10年的研究表明,随着布鲁氏杆菌病的基本控制,...  相似文献   

为了解四川地区奶牛流产病原的感染情况,试验应用血清学方法对8个养殖场中可能造成奶牛流产的布鲁氏杆菌(Brucella)、弓形虫(Toxoplasmagondii)、犬新孢子虫(Neospora caninum)、衣原体(Chlamydia)4种病原进行了调查。结果表明:1 002份奶牛血清样品中布鲁氏杆菌、弓形虫、犬新孢子虫、衣原体的阳性率依次为15.37%(154/1 002)、4.59%(46/1 002)、7.78%(78/1 002)和1.10%(11/1 002),4种病原的总阳性率为28.84%(289/1 002);8个养殖场中,4,8号养殖场的4种致奶牛流产病原的总阳性率最高,分别达到55.00%(33/60)和58.57%(41/70),3,7号养殖场中4种病原的总阳性率相对较低,分别为3.57%(3/84)和2.00%(4/200)。说明四川部分地区奶牛场普遍存在布鲁氏杆菌、弓形虫、犬新孢子虫和衣原体的感染,其中布鲁氏杆菌的感染情况尤其不容乐观,需要进一步加强布鲁氏杆菌病的防控与净化。  相似文献   

通过比较研究羊流产嗜衣原体与弓形虫抗体的间接血凝试验(IHA)与酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测结果,选择适宜贵州省山羊流产血清学调查的检测方法。通过IHA和ELISA两种方法对贵州省195份山羊血清进行羊流产嗜衣原体与弓形虫抗体的检测,统计并分析两种疫病的阳性符合率、阴性符合率和总符合率。结果表明,羊流产嗜衣原体与弓形虫IHA与ELISA的总符合率分别为77.95%和78.97%,阳性符合率均仅为50%,阴性符合率为80.45%和79.27%。说明在检测两种疫病血清抗体方面,IHA比ELISA更适合在贵州省基层推广。  相似文献   

[目的]旨在了解河北省廊坊市部分奶牛场流产奶牛布鲁氏杆菌病、弓形虫病、衣原体和犬新孢子虫病感染现状。[方法]选取10家奶牛场有流产病史的荷斯坦牛采集血样265份,应用血清学检测方法对4种病原体进行检测。[结果]布鲁氏杆菌、犬新孢子虫、弓形虫、衣原体的平均阳性率分别为1.13%、3.40%、5.28%和4.53%,最高分别为6.67%、8.70%、9.68%和13.33%。奶牛场阳性率分别为30%、60%、80%和70%。4种病原体总阳性率为14.34%。[结论]廊坊市奶牛场流产奶牛群体种普通存在4种流行病,虽然感染率偏低,但应引起重视,进一步强化防控和净化。  相似文献   

本文分析漳州市人感染布鲁氏杆菌病阳性率与养殖业的关系,试验结果表明,监测羊布鲁氏杆菌病有阳性血清的县(区、市),均有人感染布鲁氏杆菌病的病例;监测猪布鲁氏杆菌病阳性血清达到10%以上的县(区、市),均有人感染布鲁氏杆菌病的病例。因此,为了控制家畜布鲁氏杆菌病的继续传播,首先是加强对从业者的生物安全措施的宣传;杜绝引进阳性种畜,加强引种检疫;引导畜牧业的规模化生产模式,实行标准化的饲养管理;为今后更好地防控布鲁氏杆菌病疫情提供依据。  相似文献   

为查明青海省部分地区牦牛流产的病因,用问卷调查的方法对4个县(市)7个乡的104个牧户进行了牦牛流产情况调查,流产率平均为21.39%;用虎红平板试验和间接血凝试验对采自4个县(市)的616份牦牛血清分别进行了布鲁菌病、衣原体病和弓形虫病抗体检侧,阳性率分别为45.62%、68.34%和13.96%。结果表明,这些地区牦牛的流产与衣原体病和布鲁菌病密切相关。  相似文献   

目的:对贵州玉屏地区规模养殖场黑山羊疫病防控情况进行调查研究。方法:选取60份黑山羊血清样本,对布鲁氏杆菌、丝状支原体山羊亚种、绵羊肺炎支原体亚种血清抗体、山羊口蹄疫血清抗体、山羊痘进行检测,统计分析各项疫病血清检测的阳性率数据。结果:纳入检测的60份血清样本总阳性检出率为65.0%,其中布鲁氏杆菌阳性率最高,为16.7%,其次分别为丝状支原体山羊亚种13.3%、绵阳肺炎支原体亚种10.0%、O型口蹄疫8.3%、A型口蹄疫6.7%、亚洲I型口蹄疫6.7%、山羊痘3.3%。结论:贵州玉屏黑山羊疫病防控情况仍然不容乐观,各项疫病均可检测出阳性血清样本,养殖场管理人员还需做好预防接种、饲养管理等工作,保证黑山羊饲养安全。  相似文献   

随着滦南县羊的存栏量不断攀升,前来我县动物疫病预防控制中心咨询和求诊病例持续增加,我们发现关于羊流产的疾病在羊病中所占比重较大,现在将羊流产相关重点疾病介绍一下,希望能给兽医工作者和养殖户起参考作用.羊流产相关重点疾病主要有布鲁氏杆菌、弓形体、羊(胎儿)弯曲杆菌、沙门氏菌、支原体、羊痘、链球菌、衣原体等均可引起母羊流产、死胎、不孕、不育等现象,下面重点介绍羊(胎儿)弯曲杆菌病、羊布鲁氏杆菌病、弓形体病.  相似文献   

对流产牦牛、藏羊血清进行布病、衣原体、弓形虫检测,牦牛布病阳性率达到52.63%,衣原体48.38%,混合感染率达到30.26%,弓形虫为零;藏羊衣原体阳性率67.98%,其它均为零。结果显示,牦牛流产由布病和衣原体引起,藏羊主要由衣原体引起,但不排除还有其他原因,建议加大衣原体病的防控力度。  相似文献   

为了提高种草养羊效益,促进贵州省毕节市草地生态畜牧业发展,采用毕节市畜牧兽医科学研究所研制的微量元素营养舔砖,进行优质黑山羊育肥推广试验研究。结果表明,饲喂浓缩饲料加辅助营养舔砖组的增重效果明显高于其他2个组,增重率均超过50%。  相似文献   

The prevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and Chlamydia psittaci was assessed in goats with a history of abortion, stillbirth and neonatal mortality. Antibodies were detected in 540 (30%) and 57 (3.2%) goats out of 1799 tested by indirect haemagglutination and complement fixation tests, respectively. Toxoplasma gondii was isolated for the first time in Botswana from 22 out of 81 sets (27.2%) of foetal tissues, maternal and foetal cotyledons and uterine tissues of goats which had previously aborted or given birth to stillborn or weak kids that died within two days of birth. These results implicate T. gondii and C. psittaci, but especially the former, to be associated with caprine reproductive problems and require appropriate control measures.  相似文献   

During five successive lambing seasons between 2006 and 2011, 453 submissions of abortion material, 282 of ovine and 171 of caprine origin, were examined at the Animal Health Service in the Netherlands. Infectious agents as the most plausible cause of the abortion were found in 48 percent of the ovine submissions and in 34 percent of the caprine submissions. Submission of both aborted fetus and placental membranes increased the diagnostic yield of laboratory investigations (17 percent and 21 percent for ovine and caprine submissions, respectively). The main infectious causes of abortion in sheep were Chlamydia abortus, Campylobacter spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Listeria spp., and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. The main infectious causes of abortion in goats were Coxiella burnetii, Chlamydia abortus, Listeria spp., Toxoplasma gondii, and Campylobacter spp. In 42 percent of the ovine and in 56 percent of the caprine submissions a causal agent was not identified. Furthermore, in 12 percent of the ovine and 10 percent of the caprine submissions evidence of placentitis, indicative of an infectious cause of the abortion, was found, but no infectious agent was identified. Most infectious causes of ovine and caprine abortion have zoonotic potential. Humans, especially pregnant women, who are in close contact with lambing sheep or goats should be aware of the importance of precautionary hygiene measures.  相似文献   

Abortion cases of 144 goats und 86 sheep were investigated etiologically during 2 lambing seasons (1996/1997, 1997/1998). Macroscopic inspection of fetus and placenta was completed by histopathology and bacteriological isolation of agents. In addition, immunohistologically the following antigens were labeled in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections: Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, Chlamydophila abortus (formerly Chlamydia psittaci serovar 1) and Border Disease Virus. From farms with abortions caused by Chlamydophila abortus specific data were recorded. In 75% of abortion cases in sheep and in 59% of cases in goats an etiologic diagnosis could be substantiated. Chlamydophila abortus is the most commonly involved agent in the etiology of caprine and ovine abortion (sheep 39%, goats 23%), followed by Toxoplasma gondii (sheep 19%, goats 15%) and Coxiella burnetti (sheep 1%, goats 10%). All other agents are of minor importance. An infectious cause of abortion based on histopathologic findings without isolation of agents was observed in sheep (10%) and goats (21%). Malformation occurred in sheep (2%) and goats (3%) and lesions suggestive for Vitamin E/Selenium deficiency were seen in goats only (2%).  相似文献   

制备以弓形虫E/SA(代谢分泌抗原)疫苗为主,辅以衣原体疫苗,对天祝县流产高发区的299只四群适龄母山羊(对照1群)在配种前进行免疫注射效果观测。结果在产羔期结束后统计流产率较往年显著降低,免疫后的三群羊分别由上年流产率的42%、36.7%、35%降为24.39%、0%和22.88%,流产率较上年度分别降低了41.92%、100%、34.62%,未免疫的对照群却上升了52.7%(37%上升为56.5%)。经现场考察和血清学分析,排除多种因素的干扰,证明弓形虫E/SA疫苗在本次免疫中效果显著。  相似文献   

为了解我国牛羊弓形虫病流行情况,应用间接血凝试验(IHA)对河南、山东、山西、内蒙古、云南、贵州6省区151份牛血清、50份奶样、490份羊血清进行了弓形虫病血清流行病学调查。结果显示:151份被检牛血清和50份牛奶样品,弓形虫抗体均为阴性。490份羊血清弓形虫抗体总阳性率5.71%,其中母羊、公羊血清阳性率分别为4.03%和9.79%;山羊、绵羊、杂交羊血清阳性率分别为6.58%、4.81%和5.13%;阳性率最高的为公山羊(13.2%),最低的为母绵羊(2.96%)。28份阳性羊血清中,75%的抗体滴度为1:64,25%的抗体滴度为1:256。1岁后的羊,随年龄增长,血清阳性率升高。  相似文献   

Specimens of tongues, esophagi, diaphragms, or abdominal muscles of 115 range goats from San Angelo, Tex, were examined for Sarcocystis and Toxoplasma gondii infections. Sarcocystis spp zoites were found microscopically in pepsin digests of muscles of 60.8% goats and sarcocysts of S capracanis were found in histologic sections of 27.8% goats. Sarcocysts were more common in sections of tongue (19.1%) than in those of other muscles (9.9% to 10.7%). A dog fed Sarcocystis-infected tissues shed sporocysts in feces, whereas 2 cats fed the same tissues did not shed sporocysts. Toxoplasma gondii was neither seen in histologic sections of goat tissues nor found by bioassays in mice or cats. Mice inoculated with pepsin digests of muscles did not develop T gondii infection and 2 cats fed goat tissues did not shed oocysts. Also, antibody to T gondii was not found in serum samples from goats. The low prevalence of T gondii infection in range goats may be because of the relative absence of domestic cats on Texas ranges.  相似文献   

Goats are important domestic animals in the south of Thailand due to the minimal cost of rearing and maintaining them, and their production of both meat and milk. Toxoplasmosis is one of the most threatening parasitic zoonoses and the causative agent Toxoplasma gondii uses a wide range of warm-blooded intermediate hosts including the goat. The objective of this study was to assess the seroprevalence of antibodies to T. gondii in goats of Satun Province in Thailand. A total of 631 goat sera were examined for antibodies against toxoplasmosis with commercial latex agglutination test kits (Toxocheck-MT 'Eiken'). Of these, 176 (27.9%) were found to be positive to T. gondii; antibody titers ranged from 1:64 to 1:4096 (1:64 cut-off). Female goats were 1.73 times more likely than male to be seropositive (odds ratio [OR]=1.73; 95% confidential interval [CI]=1.11, 2.73). Dairy goats were more likely to be seropositive than meat goats (OR=1.36; 95% CI=0.84, 2.20). Goats were infected with T. gondii with acquisition of age because older goats were more likely to be seropositive than young goats under 1-year-old (for 1-2 years, OR=19.6; 95% CI=0.92, 4.15, for >2 years, OR=2.70; 95% CI=1.26, 5.80). The high seroprevalence of T. gondii antibodies found in the present study suggested widespread exposure of goats in Satun Province to T. gondii.  相似文献   

为了解贵州省山羊流产与山羊痘的相关性,采用琼脂扩散试验和PCR法对本省10个市(县)流产羊群的血清和病料样本进行山羊痘抗原抗体及病原核酸检测,同时血清进行布氏杆菌抗体检测,流产胎儿病料进行羊流产亲衣原体病原核酸检测。结果发现山羊痘羊群流产率达37.1%(4329/11660),山羊痘血清抗体阳性率为38.2%(34/89),抗原阳性率为72.7%(32/44),流产胎儿山羊痘病毒核酸检出率为83.3%(10/12),发病羊群未检出布氏杆菌和羊流产亲衣原体感染。结果表明,山羊流产与山羊痘感染有一定关系,提示在山羊养殖中应加强饲养管理,防止山羊痘感染引起孕羊流产。  相似文献   

为调查贵州省细菌性山羊流产疫病的主要原因,分析山羊源流产细菌对正常怀孕动物免疫平衡的影响,本试验采集贵州省6个地区(州、市)12个规模养羊场临床健康和发病流产山羊的胎儿、子宫和母羊的阴道棉拭子样本共计107份进行细菌分离和鉴定,采用药敏纸片琼脂扩散法对3种主要羊源分离菌进行20种抗生素的耐药性调查,并用羊源流产细菌建立BALB/c小鼠流产模型,通过ELISA方法对妊娠相关细胞因子和激素进行测定。结果显示,从采集的107份样本中共分离到13个属细菌共302株,其中发病流产山羊生殖器官中分离的细菌种类多于临床健康山羊;流产山羊生殖器官中分离的羊源细菌耐药率高于临床健康山羊细菌耐药率;3种主要羊源流产细菌埃希氏菌、葡萄球菌和链球菌均可引起怀孕BALB/c小鼠发生不同程度的流产,流产率为埃希氏菌>葡萄球菌>链球菌;胚胎吸收率为埃希氏菌>葡萄球菌>链球菌;与空白对照组相比,各试验组BALB/c小鼠血清中的IFN-γ、IL-2含量上升,而IL-4、IL-10和孕酮含量降低。结果表明,贵州省细菌性山羊流产的发生与山羊生殖器官细菌种类多少、耐药性高低有一定相关性,推测山羊源流产细菌可能通过影响怀孕山羊的主要妊娠相关细胞因子和激素的含量导致山羊流产。  相似文献   

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