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巴尔通体是一种人兽共患病的病原,其传播情况比较复杂.牛、犬、人、啮齿类动物和野生动物都是其宿主,蝇、跳蚤、虱子、蛉等节肢动物都是其储存宿主.猫可以感染5种巴尔通体,包括Bartonella henselae、B.bovis、B.clarridgeae、B.koehlerae和B.quintana.研究表明,猫抓病主要是...  相似文献   

Cat scratch disease (CSD) is a zoonotic infection caused primarily by the bacterium Bartonella henselae. An estimated 12,000 outpatients and 500 inpatients are diagnosed with CSD annually, yet little is known regarding clinician experience with and treatment of CSD in the United States. Questions assessing clinical burden, treatment and prevention of CSD were posed to 3,011 primary care providers (family practitioners, internists, paediatricians and nurse practitioners) during 2014–2015 as part of the annual nationwide DocStyles survey. Among the clinicians surveyed, 37.2% indicated that they had diagnosed at least one patient with CSD in the prior year. Clinicians in the Pacific and Southern regions were more likely to have diagnosed CSD, as were clinicians who saw paediatric patients, regardless of specialty. When presented with a question regarding treatment of uncomplicated CSD, only 12.5% of clinicians chose the recommended treatment option of analgesics and monitoring, while 71.4% selected antibiotics and 13.4% selected lymph node aspiration. In a scenario concerning CSD prevention in immunosuppressed patients, 80.6% of clinicians chose some form of precaution, but less than one‐third chose the recommended option of counseling patients to treat their cats for fleas and avoid rough play with their cats. Results from this study indicate that a substantial proportion of U.S. clinicians have diagnosed CSD within the past year. Although published guidelines exist for treatment and prevention of CSD, these findings suggest that knowledge gaps remain. Therefore, targeted educational efforts about CSD may benefit primary care providers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of feline polycstic kidney disease in Persian cats presented to the University of Melbourne Veterinary Clinic and Hospital between February and August 1999. DESIGN: A prospective clinical study using client owned animals was performed. PROCEDURE: Two hundred and fifty Persian cats, ranging in age from 13 weeks to 10 years, were presented to the University of Melbourne Veterinary Clinic and Hospital for ultrasound examination of both kidneys. The cats were placed in dorsal and lateral recumbency and alcohol and ultrasonic coupling gel were applied to the skin. The kidneys were examined ultrasonographically in longitudinal, sagittal and transverse planes. Results were recorded for each cat at the time of examination as either negative or positive for PKD. In addition 14 Exotics (short-haired Persians), 4 Ragdolls and 3 British Short-Hair cats were examined. RESULTS: Forty five percent of Persian cats examined were found to be positive for feline polycystic kidney disease on the basis of presence of anechoic cysts within the renal parenchyma. These cats ranged in age from 13 weeks to 10 years. Fifty per cent of the Exotic cats were positive for polycystic kidney disease whereas all Ragdolls and British Short Hairs were negative for the disease. Only one positive cat was reported to be showing clinical signs of renal disease. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of feline polycstic disease in Persian cats presented to the University of Melbourne between February and August 1999 was 45%. Exotic cats were found to have the slightly higher incidence of 50%.  相似文献   

Abstract— Pododermatoses are uncommon in the cat. Diagnosis is based on a detailed and thorough history including progression of the disease, its response to previous therapy, involvement of other animals or people, and the cats' environment. Physical examination of both the skin and the body, as a whole, is essential because feline pododermatoses are often associated with systemic disease such as feline leukaemia virus (FeLV), feline immunodefiency virus (FIV) and diabetes mellitus. Laboratory tests include skin scrapings, Wood's light examination, fungal culture, lesion smears, and skin biopsy. The latter is often the key to the diagnosis of feline pododermatoses. Other tests may include the intradermal skin test, patch testing and evaluation of endocrine function. Successful therapy of feline pododermatoses is dependent upon obtaining a definitive diagnosis. Résumé— Les pododermatites sont peu fréquentes chez le chat. Le diagnostic repose sur une anamnèse soignée comprenant l'évolution de la maldie, sa réponse aux traitements antérieurs l'atteinte d'autres animaux on de personnes et l'environnement du chat. L'examen clinique, de la peau et de l'enseble du corps comme un tout, est essentiel, les pododermatites félines étant souvent associées à des maladies générales telles que le FeLV, le FIV ou le diabète sucré. Les examens complémentaires comportent des raclages cutanés, un examen à la lampe de Wood, une culture fongique, des caiques des lésions et des biopsies. Cette derrière est souvent la clef du diagnostic d'une pododermatite féline. Les autres examens complémentaires peuvent ètre des intradermopréactions, des tests épicutanés et des tests hormonaux. Le succès du traitement d'une pododermatite féline dépend de la possibilité d'établir un diagnostic définitif. Zusammenfassung— Pododermatitis bei Katzen ist selten. DieDiagnose beruht auf einer detaillierten und sorgfältig erhobenen Anamnèse einschließlich des Verlaufs der Erkrankung, ihrem Ansprechen auf bereits durchgeführte Therapien, die Erkrankung weiterer Tiere oder Menschen sowie Angaben über die Lebensumstände der Katze. Die klinische Untersuchungen von Haut und dem Körper als Ganzes ist ein wesentlicher Punkt, da feline Pododermatosen oft mit systemischen Erkrankungen wie FeLV, FIV und Diabetes mellitus vergesellschaftet sind. Laboruntersuchungen schließben Hautgeschabsel, Untersuchungen mit der Wood-Lampe, Pilzkultur, Abklatschpräparate, der Hautveränderungen und Hautbiopsien mit ein. Letztere sind oft der Schlüssel zur Diagnose der felinen Pododermatitis. Andere diagnostische Methoden können intradermale Hauttests, Patchtests und überprüfung endokriner Organfunktionene beinhalten. Die erfolgreiche Behandlung der felinen Pododermatitis hängt davon ab, ob eine definitive Diagnose erstellt werden kann. Resumen Pododermatosis es un hallazgo infrequente en el gato. El diagnóstico se basa en una historia detallada y completa incluyendo el curso de la enfermedad, respuesta a la terapia instaurada, si ha afectado a otros animales o personas, y el medio ambiente que rodea al gato. El examen fisico de ambos, piel y cuerpo, como si se tratase de una entidad única, és esencial, ya que las pododermatosis felinas se asocian frequentemente a enfermedades sistémicas como FeLV, FIV y diabetes mellitus. Los exámenes de laboratorio incluyen raspados cutáneos, investigación con la lámpara de wood, cultivos fungales, examinación microscópica directa del exudado, y biopsia cutánea. Esta última es frecuentemente la clave en el diagnóstico de la pododermatosis felina. Otros tests a llevar a cabo podrían ser pruebas cutáneas intradérmicas, tests de sensibilidad de contacto, y evalucación de la función endocrina. El éxito de la terapia depende de la obtención de un diagnóstico correcto.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Feline visceral hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is an uncommon tumor, and the clinical progression and outcome are rarely reported. HYPOTHESIS: The prognosis of feline visceral HSA is poor because of severe clinical signs, anemia, and a high rate of metastasis. ANIMALS: The medical records of 26 client-owned cats with visceral HSA were reviewed. METHODS: Multi-institutional retrospective study. RESULTS: The most common historical findings and clinical signs included lethargy, anorexia, respiratory difficulty, collapse, and vocalizing. Eighty-two percent of cats were anemic, and aspartate transaminase was increased in 53% of the study population. Metastatic lung disease was noted in 33% of affected cats. In 75% of the cats, abdominal ultrasonography identified a specific location of HSA. However, ultrasound identification of all multifocal lesions was successful only in 3/9 cats (33%). Tumor location was identified in the following organs: liver (35%), small intestine (31%), large intestine (31%), abdominal lymph node (31%), mesentery (27%), spleen (23%), lung (19%), omentum (12%), brain (8%), pancreas (8%), and diaphragm (8%). Multifocal HSA was noted in 77% of cats. Three cats received adjuvant chemotherapy (doxorubicin). Seventy-one percent of euthanized cats were euthanized within 1 day of diagnosis. The median survival time of the remaining cats (n = 6) was 77 days (range, 23-296 days). CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Feline visceral HSA is most often multifocal at the time of diagnosis. The prognosis appears poor, and the number of cats receiving chemotherapy is low.  相似文献   

Feline corneal disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cornea is naturally transparent. Anything that interferes with the cornea's stromal architecture, contributes to blood vessel migration, increases corneal pigmentation, or predisposes to corneal edema, disrupts the corneas transparency and indicates corneal disease. The color, location, and shape and pattern of a corneal lesion can help in determining the underlying cause for the disease. Corneal disease is typically divided into congenital or acquired disorders. Congenital disorders, such as corneal dermoids are rare in cats, whereas acquired corneal disease associated with nonulcerative or ulcerative keratitis is common. Primary ocular disease, such as tear film instability, adenexal disease (medial canthal entropion, lagophthalmus, eyelid agenesis), and herpes keratitis are associated with the majority of acquired corneal disease in cats. Proliferative/eosinophilic keratitis, acute bullous keratopathy, and Florida keratopathy are common feline nonulcerative disorders. Nonprogressive ulcerative disease in cats, such as chronic corneal epithelial defects and corneal sequestration are more common than progressive corneal ulcerations.  相似文献   

A colony of cats affected with hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy was used to study the occurrence of cardiomyopathy associated with dystrophin deficiency. Affected male and female cats, obligate carrier females, and unaffected healthy littermates were followed from 12 weeks of age into adulthood. Thoracic radiography, 2-D echocardiography, and 2-D-derived M-mode echocardiography were performed at 3-month intervals until 12 months of age and regularly thereafter. From 9 months of age, all affected cats had larger hearts than normal and carrier animals. Left ventricular wall thickness in systole and in diastole and interventricular septal thickness in systole were greater in affected cats 12 months and older when compared with normal or heterozygous animals (P < .05). The myocardium of affected cats was diffusely hypoechoic and thickened. Multiple hyperechoic foci were in the myocardium and papillary musculature. Shortening fraction was normal in all cats. Changes seen in carrier females included enlargement and hyperechogenicity of the papillary musculature after the age of 2 years. Gross and light microscopic examination revealed left ventricular wall thickening with multiple foci of mineralization in 2 of 5 hearts from dystrophin-deficient cats. Although approximately 10% of the normal dystrophin amount was present in the skeletal muscle, dystrophin could not be detected in the myocardium. Early onset concentric myocardial hypertrophy was present in all adult cats. Lesions were mainly localized in the myocardium of the left ventricular free wall and interventricular septum, papillary musculature, and the endocardium. Clinical signs of heart failure developed only infrequently in cats with hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

Background: Feline degenerative joint disease (DJD) is common and there are no approved therapies for the alleviation of the associated pain. Objective: To test a diet high in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content and supplemented with green‐lipped mussel extract and glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate (test‐diet) for its pain‐relieving and activity‐enhancing effects in cats with painful, mobility‐impairing DJD over a 9‐week period. Animals: Forty client‐owned cats. Methods: Randomized, controlled, blinded, parallel group, prospective clinical study. Cats with no detectable systemic disease, and with at least 1 appendicular joint with radiographic evidence of DJD where manipulation elicited an aversive response were included. Cats were randomly allocated to the test‐diet or control diet (C‐diet). Outcome measures were subjective owner and veterinarian assessments, and objective activity monitoring (accelerometry). Nonparametric statistics were used to evaluate changes within and between groups for both subjective and objective data, and locally weighted scatterplot smoothing regression analysis was used to predict activity changes. Results: The primary objective outcome measures indicated that activity declined significantly (P < .001) in the C‐diet group, significantly increased (P < .001) in the test‐diet group and there was a significant difference between the groups (P < .001). Conclusion and Clinical Importance: A diet high in EPA and DHA and supplemented with green‐lipped mussel extract and glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate improved objective measures of mobility. Dietary modulation might be 1 method to use to improve mobility in cats with DJD‐associated pain.  相似文献   

Résumé— Huit aliments humides pour chat, treize aliments humides pour chien et neufs aliments seés pour chien utilisés comme régimes d'élimination, recommandés ou vendus comme aliment hypoalergénique ont été comparés sur la base: des sources protéiques, de la quantité et de la digestibilité des protéines. Le nombre de sources de protéines variait de deux à neuf. La quantité de protéines (basée sur la matière sèche) variait de 8 à 40 pour cent dans les produits pour chiens et de 27 à 41 pour cent dand les produits pour chats. En se basant sur des différences statistiquement significatives les aliments pour chats et les boites pour chiens ont été classés en trois catégories de digestibilité, les aliments seés pour chiens en deux catégories. II a été proposé que seuls les produits contenant des protéines de haute ou très haute digestibilité soient utilisés chez les animaux suspects d'intolérances alimentaires. [Protein characteristics of commercial canine and feline hypoallergenic diets. (Charactéristiques des protéines des aliments hypoallergéniques industriels pour le chien et le chat.) Abstract— Eight feline, 13 canned canine and nine dry canine commercial pet foods used as elimination diets, recommended or marketed as hypoallergenic diets were compared for protein sources, protein quantity and protein digestibility. The number of protein-containing ingredients varied from two to nine. Protein quantity (dry matter basis) varied from 8 to 40 per cent in canine products and 27–41 per cent in feline products. Based on statistically significant differences, feline diets were classified into three categories of protein digestibility, canned canine diets into three categories, and dry canine diets into two categories. It is suggested that only those products with high or very high protein digestibility should be routinely recommended for patients with suspected adverse reactions to food.  相似文献   

A cutaneous mass in the neck was excised in a 13-year-old cat. Histopathological examination of the resected tissue revealed a multicentric squamous cell carcinoma in situ resembling Bowen's disease of man. The tumor showed a multifocal transformation to an infiltrative squamous cell carcinoma. Histological and immunohistological findings excluded actinic keratosis and feline viral plaques and allowed a classification as an irregular non-hyperkeratotic type of multicentric squamous cell carcinoma in situ. As a possible causative agent feline papillomavirus type 2 was detected using nested PCR in formalin-fixed material.  相似文献   

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