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犬猫常见的人兽共患病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对犬和猫的人兽共患病进行了分类、统计,并通过对各个疾病的临床症状和传播途径的分析总结,阐述其在公共卫生领域中的重要地位和意义.加强了大众对犬猫人兽共患病的认识和为公共卫生政策的制定提供依据和参考.  相似文献   

Common peroneal and ulnar nerves of 21 dogs between 2 and 15 years of age with malignant tumors were examined for possible paraneoplastic effects. Percent of abnormalities in single-teased fiber studies exceeded the confidence limits (P = 0.99) established for age-matched control dogs in 16 of 21 dogs (76%) with malignancies, none of which manifested clinical signs of polyneuropathy. The incidence of abnormalities was higher in common peroneal nerve (73%) than in ulnar nerve (57%). Lesions were characterized by a mixture of demyelination/remyelination and axonal degeneration; however, the former lesions predominated in most affected dogs. The severity of the neuropathy varied with different tumors, with the most severe lesions observed in a bronchogenic carcinoma (59%), a mammary adenocarcinoma (59%), a malignant melanoma (48%), and an insulinoma (47%).  相似文献   

Lymph node staging of oral and maxillofacial neoplasms in 31 dogs and cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A retrospective study was performed to report the histologic examination results of regional lymph nodes of dogs and cats with oral or maxillofacial neoplasms. Twenty-eight dogs and 3 cats were evaluated. Histologic examination results of standard and serial tissue sectioning of regional lymph nodes were recorded. When available, other clinical parameters including mandibular lymph node palpation, thoracic radiographs, and pre- and postoperative fine needle aspiration of lymph nodes were compared with the histologic results. Squamous cell carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, and melanoma were the most common neoplasms diagnosed in dogs. Squamous cell carcinoma and fibrosarcoma were diagnosed in cats. Of the palpably enlarged mandibular lymph nodes, 17.0% had metastatic disease histologically. Radiographically evident thoracic metastatic disease was present in 7.4% of cases. Preoperative cytologic evaluation of the mandibular lymph node based on fine needle aspiration concurred with the histologic results in 90.5% of lymph nodes examined. Postoperative cytologic evaluation of fine needle aspirates of regional lymph nodes concurred with the histologic results in 80.6% of lymph nodes examined. Only 54.5% of cases with metastatic disease to regional lymph nodes had metastasis that included the mandibular lymph node. Serial lymph node sectioning provided additional information or metastasis detection. Cytologic evaluation of the mandibular lymph node correlates positively with histology, however results may fail to indicate the presence of regional metastasis. Assessment of all regional lymph nodes in dogs and cats with oral or maxillofacial neoplasms will detect more metastatic disease than assessing the mandibular lymph node only.  相似文献   

A survey of 202 canine eyelid neoplasms was conducted to identify the prevalence of tumor types and their biological behavior. Sebaceous gland tumors, melanomas, and papillomas made up 82.1% on neoplasms studied. Sebaceous tumors were most frequently encountered, comprising 44% of canine eyelid tumors. Benign tumors (75.3%) were more prevalent than malignant forms (26.7%), and epithelium tumors outnumbered those of mesenchymal origin 134 to 23. A slightly higher percentage of neoplasms were removed from upper eyelids (40.2%) than from lower eyelids (30.2%). The average age of dogs with eyelid tumors was 8 years. Malignant tumors were comparatively larger than benign forms, but metastasis of eyelid tumors was not observed.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic techniques have been developed in veterinary medicine for noninvasive evaluation of several organs, including liver, extrahepatic biliary system, pancreas, kidneys, spleen, bowel, and genitourinary tract. Biopsy procedures of these organs with minimal risk can be performed in most patients. This article reviews the equipment and technique necessary to perform laparoscopy in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

Hemangiosarcoma (HSA, including angiosarcoma and malignant hemangioendothelioma) is a highly malignant tumor derived from the endothelial cell line and is characterized by early and aggressive metastasis. HAS is a common tumor type in dogs, but is rare in other species. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, and possibly radiation, but survival times are invariably short (usually < 1 year), except for patients with superficial dermal HSAs. Further options to treat this tumor type are currently being investigated.  相似文献   

Thyroid surgery is indicated for malignant and benign neoplasms or hyperplasia of the thyroid glands. A ventral midline cervical approach allows for bilateral thyroid exploration. Care should be taken to avoid the surrounding neurovascular structures and esophagus. Evaluation of both thyroids should be done before proceeding with partial or complete thyroidectomy. Complications of thyroid surgery include intraoperative hemorrhage and clinical signs associated with damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerves, parathyroid blood supply, or parathyroidectomy.  相似文献   

Food plays a far more complex role in daily life than simply serving as sustenance. Social and cultural factors along with individual beliefs govern people's eating behaviors, and it is likely that these same factors influence their choice of diet and feeding practices for their pets. Some people seek alternatives to conventional commercial pet foods, including commercially available "natural" diets, raw food diets, and vegetarian diets, in addition to a variety of home-prepared diets. Exploring a person's knowledge and beliefs about feeding pets can aid in understanding her or his motives for seeking alternative and may help in changing those practices when it is in the best interest of the pet to do so.  相似文献   

Management of diabetic dogs and cats requires a tremendous cooperative effort between the practitioner and the client. Consistency in the handling, availability, and formulations of the different insulins will improve client compliance. In addition to insulin therapy, successful management of the diabetic animal includes the client's perceptions of the animal's health, maintenance of the animal's body weight, consistency in water consumption, and monitoring serial blood glucose concentrations. Serial blood glucose determinations improve the practitioner's ability to identify and address problems associated with insulin therapy, and thereby delay or minimize the complications of long-term diabetes.  相似文献   

The term "optic neuritis" compromises all diseases of the optic nerve that cause primary demyelination and usually manifest themselves as a sudden visual field defect or total loss of vision in one or both eyes. As in man, the cause of optic neuritis is often difficult to determine in the living animal. Neurologic examination, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and laboratory tests can be normal. Optic neuritis affects dogs far more frequently than other animal species. This article examines the causes of immune-mediated optic neuritis and etiologic differentials in dogs and cats, with comparisons to human beings and laboratory animal models.  相似文献   

The clinical presentation and biologic behavior of thyroid tumors vary widely among dogs, cats, and human beings. Although thyroid tumors in dogs are rare, they are most likely to be malignant. Clinical signs are usually the result of impingement on surrounding structures, and clinical hyperthyroidism is rare. In contrast, hyperthyroidism resulting from benign thyroid proliferation is relatively common among older cats. Malignant tumors are extremely uncommon but have high metastatic potential. Irrespective of the tumor's ability to produce functional thyroid hormone, scintigraphy is often helpful in the diagnosis and staging of thyroid tumors in all three species. Treatment with surgery is a reasonable treatment option for noninvasive tumors. Iodine 131 is a well-established treatment for thyroid nodules in cats, but its effectiveness in dogs is controversial. In dogs, external beam radiation therapy has produced more consistent results in affording local tumor control when surgery is not possible.  相似文献   

This article reviews anticonvulsant therapies in current use for dogs and cats and briefly describes new modes of anticonvulsant therapy that are being investigated or pending publication. Most of the information contained within the article is based on published information. Some of the information, however, is based on the author's clinical experience and is identified as such.  相似文献   

The management of anorexia should center first on the urgent and emergent medical management of the patient and be followed by feeding of a highly palatable food in a low-stress environment and manner. Diet palatability can potentially be improved by increasing dietary moisture, fat, or protein, and, in the dog, by adding sugar or salt as well as by using a variety of fresh, pleasantly aromatic, and uncommon foods. Caution should be used when increasing or adding nutrients that may be harmful to patients with specific diseases. Concurrent drug therapy that may reduce appetite should be minimized, and physical barriers to eating should be removed. Patients that consume less than resting energy requirement of longer than 3 to 5 days with no trend toward improving should receive parenteral or enteral nutrition.  相似文献   

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