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Paddy and Water Environment - Technological and socioeconomic interventions accompanied by climate warming strongly dictate farming practices, lending a direct impact over future irrigation water...  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - According to recent climate projections for South Korea, increases in temperature and precipitation will affect water use and crop production associated with paddy...  相似文献   

Climate change can have a serious impact on water resources. The main agricultural product in southern Taiwan is rice, the planting of which consumes far more water than other crops. This makes agriculture in Taiwan especially vulnerable to climate change. In this study, we used the generalized watershed loading functions (GWLF) hydrological model to simulate the discharge of the Kaoping River under climate change scenarios A2 and B2 as released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. We discussed the potential impact of climate change on water resources based on the results of GWLF simulations carried out using rainfall and temperature data from five general circulation models (GCMs). The simulation results indicate that river discharge in the wet season increases significantly, and decreases in the dry season. The discharge variations from using the various GCMs as inputs fall within the range of ?26 to +15 % for the dry season and ?10 to +82 % for the wet season. The variation in available water will seriously impact the first period rice farming (the period between the beginning of January and the end of May) in southern Taiwan. Consequently, effective reduction in conveyance loss in the irrigation canal systems and proper fallowing of paddy fields will be the main challenges to Taiwan’s agricultural sector for alleviating the impact of climate change. For further decision making, we show the effects of adapting to climate change by various degrees of the following two methods: fallowing paddy fields to various degrees and reducing conveyance loss in irrigation canal systems.  相似文献   

The influence of low gallonage “mist” irrigation on the following parameters were measured: leaf, air and soil temperature; and soil moisture, relative turgor and stomatal aperature. Misted canopies had lower leaf, air and soil temperature and higher soil moisture than the non-irrigated plants. Stomata of misted plants did not close as rapidly as those of non-irrigated plants.  相似文献   

Recent water shortages in reservoirs have caused such problems as insufficient water and fallow rice fields in Southern Taiwan; therefore, comparing irrigation water requirements and crop production of paddy fields using a technique that differs from the conventional flood irrigation method is important. Field experiments for the second paddy field with four irrigation schedules and two repeated treatments were conducted at the HsuehChia Experiment Station, ChiaNan Irrigation Association, Taiwan. Experimental results demonstrate that irrigation water requirements for the comparison method, and 7-, 10- and 15-day irrigation schedules were 1248, 993, 848, and 718 mm, respectively. Compared to the conventional method of flooding fields at a 7-day interval, the 10- and 15-day irrigation schedules reduced water requirements by 14.6 and 27.3 %, respectively; however, crop yields decreased by 7 and 15 %, respectively. Based on the results, it was recommended that the ChaiNan Irrigation Association could adopt 10 days irrigation schedule and plant drought-enduring paddy to save irrigation water requirements for the water resource scarcity in southern Taiwan. The CROPWAT model was utilized to simulate the on-farm water balance with a 10-day irrigation schedule for the second paddy field. A comparison of net irrigation water requirements with the 10-day irrigation schedule from model and field experiment were 818 and 848 mm, respectively, and the error was 3.54 %.  相似文献   


Important aspects for understanding the effects of climate change on tropical cyclones (TCs) are the frequency of TCs and their tracking patterns. Coastal areas are increasingly threatened by rising sea levels and associated storm surges brought on by TCs. Rice production in Myanmar relies strongly on low-lying coastal areas. This study aims to provide insights into the effects of global warming on TCs and the implications for sustainable development in vulnerable coastal areas in Myanmar. Using TC records from the International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship dataset during the 30-year period from 1983 to 2012, a hot spot analysis based on Getis-Ord (Gi*) statistics was conducted to identify the spatiotemporal patterns of TC tracks along the coast of Myanmar. The results revealed notable changes in some areas along the central to southern coasts during the study period. These included a considerable increase in TC tracks (p value?<?0.01) near the Ayeyarwady Delta coast, otherwise known as “the rice bowl” of the nation. This finding aligns with trends in published studies and reinforced the observed trends with spatial statistics. With the intensification of TCs due to global warming, such a significant increase in TC experiences near the major rice-producing coastal region raises concerns about future agricultural sustainability.


Despite evidence from numerous studies that over-reliance on a single General Circulation Model (GCM) could lead to inappropriate predictions or adaptation responses to climate change, single GCMs are still used in most mesoscale impact assessments. The objective of this article was to analyze the uncertainty associated with the use of multiple GCMs on future climate change impact assessments on the paddy irrigation water requirements in the Geumho river basin, Korea. Climate projections were extracted for 13 GCMs from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for A2, A1B, and B1 scenarios, downscaled using the change factor method and were then analyzed. The Food and Agricultural Organization CROPWAT model was used to calculate the paddy irrigation water requirements. Reference evapotranspiration and the crop water requirements were predicted to increase in future periods (2030s, 2055s, and 2090s). Rainfall predictions from the different GCMs exhibited high variability. The projected mean (range) of the paddy irrigation water requirement increase was 1.1% (?9 to 15%), 2.4% (?9 to 13%), and 7.9% (?4 to 24%) for the 2030s, 2055s, and 2090s, respectively, compared to the baseline values (1975s). The predicted irrigation water requirements for the future were shown to have a relative standard deviation of up to 7.1%. Regression analysis was performed on the trends of predicted water requirement over time using the coefficient of determination. It was concluded that multiple models should be used where possible to avoid inappropriate planning or adaptation responses particularly in the short term. Adaptation strategies are required to mitigate the future impact of increasing future water demand.  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - This study was conducted to delineate agricultural drought-prone zones with respect to each agricultural watershed in South Korea, considering irrigation capacity of...  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop an estimation model for regional renewable water resources under climate change conditions. Working with Japan??s high-resolution GCM-type JMA/MRI TL959L60 future rainfall modeling data in SRES-A1B condition, first we revise the modeling data through the Quadrant Transformation Method (QTM), and then use the Thornthwaite method for potential evapotranspiration to establish regional evapotranspiration data and estimate future renewable water resources. This study focuses on Taiwan??s four water resource regions to estimate renewable water resources for each region between 2080 and 2099. The results indicate that average annual renewable water resource volume for Taiwan as a whole will drop by 12.3% from 67.5 to 59.2?km3, as compared with the average from 1949 through 2000.  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - This study proposes a risk analysis model for quantifying the insufficient risk of rice production due to the climate change and variation in irrigation water and...  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - Water adaptation strategies are necessary for decreasing climate change impacts on local societies. This study models a community water supply system as a distributed...  相似文献   

The effect of climate change on global potato production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of climate change on global potato production was assessed. Potential yields were calculated with a simulation model and a grid with monthly climate data for current (1961–1990) and projected (2010–2039 and 2040–2069) conditions. The results were mapped and summarized for countries. Between 1961–1990 and 2040–2069 the global (terrestrial excluding Antarctica) average temperature is predicted to increase between 2.1 and 3.2 C, depending on the climate scenario. The temperature increase is smaller when changes are weighted by the potato area and particularly when adaptation of planting time and cultivars is considered (a predicted temperature increase between 1 and 1.4 C). For this period, global potential potato yield decreases by 18% to 32% (without adaptation) and by 9% to 18% (with adaptation). At high latitudes, global warming will likely lead to changes in the time of planting, the use of later-maturing cultivars, and a shift of the location of potato production. In many of these regions, changes in potato yield are likely to be relatively small, and sometimes positive. Shifting planting time or location is less feasible at lower latitudes, and in these regions global warming could have a strong negative effect on potato production. It is shown that heat-tolerant potato cultivars could be used to mitigate effects of global warming in (sub)tropical regions.  相似文献   

Increasing cereal yield is needed to meet the projected increased demand for world food supply of about 70% by 2050. Sirius, a process-based model for wheat, was used to estimate yield potential for wheat ideotypes optimized for future climatic projections for ten wheat growing areas of Europe. It was predicted that the detrimental effect of drought stress on yield would be decreased due to enhanced tailoring of phenology to future weather patterns, and due to genetic improvements in the response of photosynthesis and green leaf duration to water shortage. Yield advances could be made through extending maturation and thereby improve resource capture and partitioning. However the model predicted an increase in frequency of heat stress at meiosis and anthesis. Controlled environment experiments quantify the effects of heat and drought at booting and flowering on grain numbers and potential grain size. A current adaptation of wheat to areas of Europe with hotter and drier summers is a quicker maturation which helps to escape from excessive stress, but results in lower yields. To increase yield potential and to respond to climate change, increased tolerance to heat and drought stress should remain priorities for the genetic improvement of wheat.  相似文献   

The influence of irrigation method on tuber quality factors was assessed during three seasons. Low volume “mist” irrigation (M), furrow irrigation (F), mist plus furrow (MF) and no irrigation (NI) were compared. Tubers from misted treatments (M and MF) tended to be lower in dry matter, had a high incidence of secondary growth and hollowheart, yielded darker chips, required more time to condition, were less mature, and contained more reducing sugars than those from NI treatments. Further the tubers from misted treatments tended to contain more P, Mg, Ca, Fe, Al, B and Mn, than those from NI plots at various times during the latter part of the season.  相似文献   

Authors observed that the nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) concentration is approximately 30 mg/L and that the average pH value is 4.3 in a small river in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Further, when there is heavy rain, the pH value of the river water decreases to below 3.5 at times. There is a small irrigation reservoir in the watershed. The reservoir receives this water and mixed with other river water, the pH in the reservoir reaches below 5.0 at times, making it impossible for fauna to survive there. This water is also used for paddy irrigation, however no damage to rice production was reported. The authors clarified the fact that the low pH and high NO3-N concentrations were brought about by the overuse of nitrogen fertilizers in tea fields. Further, the authors proposed a model, which can be used to estimate the pH value and the NO3-N concentration.  相似文献   

Methodologies for simulating impacts of climate change on crop production   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ecophysiological models are widely used to forecast potential impacts of climate change on future agricultural productivity and to examine options for adaptation by local stakeholders and policy makers. However, protocols followed in such assessments vary to such an extent that they constrain cross-study syntheses and increase the potential for bias in projected impacts. We reviewed 221 peer-reviewed papers that used crop simulation models to examine diverse aspects of how climate change might affect agricultural systems. Six subject areas were examined: target crops and regions; the crop model(s) used and their characteristics; sources and application of data on [CO2] and climate; impact parameters evaluated; assessment of variability or risk; and adaptation strategies. Wheat, maize, soybean and rice were considered in approximately 170 papers. The USA (55 papers) and Europe (64 papers) were the dominant regions studied. The most frequent approach used to simulate response to CO2 involved adjusting daily radiation use efficiency (RUE) and transpiration, precluding consideration of the interacting effects of CO2, stomatal conductance and canopy temperature, which are expected to exacerbate effects of global warming. The assumed baseline [CO2] typically corresponded to conditions 10-30 years earlier than the date the paper was accepted, exaggerating the relative impacts of increased [CO2]. Due in part to the diverse scenarios for increases in greenhouse gas emissions, assumed future [CO2] also varied greatly, further complicating comparisons among studies. Papers considering adaptation predominantly examined changes in planting dates and cultivars; only 20 papers tested different tillage practices or crop rotations. Risk was quantified in over half the papers, mainly in relation to variability in yield or effects of water deficits, but the limited consideration of other factors affecting risk beside climate change per se suggests that impacts of climate change were overestimated relative to background variability. A coordinated crop, climate and soil data resource would allow researchers to focus on underlying science. More extensive model intercomparison, facilitated by modular software, should strengthen the biological realism of predictions and clarify the limits of our ability to forecast agricultural impacts of climate change on crop production and associated food security as well as to evaluate potential for adaptation.  相似文献   

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