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Unusual symptoms were observed on ‘Baresana’ x ‘Baresana’ Vitis vinifera hybrid vines in the Grapevine Variety Collection of the Grapevine Institute, Athens. The affected vines showed sharp angular mosaic on leaves, along the veins and in vein angles, malformations, abortive flowers or very few berries with smaller, wrinkled and non-germinating seeds, as well as gradual decline, severe stunting and death of the vine. Serological tests on diseased vines for the presence of 13 known grapevine viruses gave negative results. An infectious agent was transmitted mechanically to several herbaceous indicator plants. Koch’s Postulates were fulfilled, and the agent, proven to be a virus, was named Grapevine angular mosaic virus (GAMV). Serological tests have been developed for the virus. The most conserved polymerase region showed significant similarity of GAMV with members of subgroup 1 of the Ilarvirus genus; however ML phylogenetic analysis could not support its clustering within this subgroup. GAMV differs serologically and in particle morphology from Grapevine line pattern virus (GLPV) a putative member of the Ilarvirus genus that infects grapevine. It is proposed that GAMV is a novel member of the Ilarvirus genus.  相似文献   

Apple mosaic ilarvirus (ApMV) was detected in all (160) hazel ( Corylus avellana ) cv. Negret orchards assayed in Catalonia, north-east Spain, during 1997 and 1998. In a preliminary survey, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), only 9 of the 320 samples collected appeared free from ApMV and three of these individuals indexed ELISA positives when re-tested. The spread of ApMV was studied in a plantation of Negret hazel in which virus-free trees were randomly interspersed with graft-inoculated individuals. When tested by ELISA 10 years after planting, 15% of the ungrafted trees contained ApMV. At that time, 8% of seeds on ungrafted and virus-free trees and 54% of seeds on ApMV-inoculated trees indexed ApMV-positive. These results are discussed in terms of pollen-mediated inoculation.  相似文献   

An undescribed spherical virus ca. 30 nm in diameter was isolated from gladiolus (Gladiolus spp.) plants in Japan. The virus had a moderate host range within eight families. Purified virus preparations contained two large RNA components and one coat protein with mobility similar to Cycas necrotic stunt virus (CNSV) from cycas (Cycas revolute). The virus was serologically closely related to CNSV. Its nucleotide sequence of the coat protein gene had 89% common identity with that of CNSV. These results indicated that the virus isolated from gladiolus is a new strain of CNSV. The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/Gen Bank databases under the accession number AB237656.  相似文献   

 从桃和苹果上分离得到苹果褪绿叶斑病毒ACLSV-HBP和ACLSV-C2个分离物,采用RT-PCR法进行扩增,所获扩增片段经序列测定,其全长分别为1768nt(ACLSV-HBP)和1751nt(ACLSV-C)。这2个分离物扩增片段全长的同源性为83%,mp基因片段核苷酸和推导编码氨基酸序列同源性分别为82.6%和87.1%;cp基因均由582nt组成,其核苷酸和推导编码氨基酸序列同源性分别为87.8%和95.9%。将2个分离物的cp基因与已报道ACLSV分离物进行序列同源性比较,结果显示ACLSV-HBP与SX/2的cp基因核苷酸序列及推导编码氨基酸序列同源性最高,分别为94.0%和96.4%。将ACLSV-HBP分离物的cp基因克隆到原核表达载体pGEX-KG,在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中诱导表达,SDS-PAGE分析表明,融合蛋白大小约为46kDa。Western-blot分析表明,该基因在大肠杆菌内得到高效表达,融合蛋白具有抗原性。  相似文献   

During 1977 and 1978 an apparently new virus was isolated from samples of 12 out of 142 lots of spinach seed from a number of countries which did not produce symptoms in spinach. In one sample seed infection was over 50%. The virus was later found to be identical with a virus encoded GE36, earlier presumed to have been isolated from apple and pear (Van der Meer, 1968; Maat and Vink, 1971). It has now been further characterized and named spinach latent virus.Seventeen out of 36 plant species tested were susceptible, most without producing symptoms.Myzus persicae did not transmit the virus, but rates of seed transmission in artificial hosts were high: 53% inCelosia cristata, over 90% inChenopodium quinoa, 30% inNicotiana rustica, 72% inN. tabacum Samsun, 90% in White Burley and 94% in Xanthi. Infection is in the embryo. The virus can also be detected in dry seeds.Purified virus contained three components sedimenting at 87, 98 and 108 S. In the electron microscope the virus particles were irregularly spherical and c. 27 nm in diameter. They were hard to detect in crude plant sap. Some particles were bacilliform. The buoyant density in cesium sulphate was 1.269×103 kg.m–3. Five RNA components were detected having relative molecular masses of 1.30, 1.18, 0.91, 0.35 and 0.27×106, respectively. To induce infection the three largest components are required plus the two smallest components or the coat protein. Molecular mass of the coat protein subunit was 28000. These characters are typical of ilarviruses.The virus proved weakly immunogenic. An antiserum with a titre of 64 was produced. No serological differences could be found between the type isolate from spinach and GE36. The virus did not react with antisera to any of 36 spherical viruses and alfalfa mosaic virus.Samenvatting In 1977 kon uit 5 van de 43 en in 1978 uit 7 van de 99 getoetste partijen spinaziezaad afkomstig uit een aantal landen een klaarblijkelijk nieuw virus worden geïsoleerd zonder dat in de uit zulk zaad opgekweekte planten afwijkingen konden worden geconstateerd. Eén zaadherkomst was voor meer dan 50% geïnfecteerd. Het virus werd aangetoond in zaad van in totaal 12 verschillende spinazierassen. Tevens werd in enkele zaadmonsters komkommermozaïekvirus en in één het tabaksratelvirus aangetroffen.Biologisch, biofysisch en serologisch onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat het virus identiek is aan een eerder onder de code-naam GE36 beschreven virus, dat naar eerst werd vermoed, via toetsplanten was geïsoleerd uit appel en peer. Dit virus is nu vooral aan de hand van het spinazie-isolaat Sp20-9 uitvoerig gekarakteriseerd en beschreven als hetlatente spinazievirus (spinach latent virus). Zeventien van de 36 getoetste plantesoorten bleken vatbaar, de meeste echter symptoomloos. InChenopodium amaranticolor ontstonden karakteristieke, voornamelijk droge puntlesies en op de primaire bladeren vanPhaseolus vulgaris Bataaf opvallende necrotische lokale lesies, terwijl inC. quinoa de systemische reactie meer opviel dan de lokale. Ook bieteblad reageerde soms met lokale symptomen.De houdbaarheid van het infectievermogen in uitgeperst plantesap was bij verdunning 103–104, bij verhitting 60–65°C, en bij bewaring 4–5 dagen en éénmaal zelfs langer dan 13 dagen.MetMyzus persicae kon het virus niet op non-persistente wijze worden overgebracht. Zaadoverdracht werd ook aangetoond bij vier van de zes hierop onderzochte kunstmatige waardplanten. BijC. quinoa enN. tabacum White Burley en Xanthi bedroeg dit percentage zaadoverdracht zelfs meer dan 90. GE36 ging minder gemakkelijk over met zaad.Zuivering door butanol-klaring, differnetiële en dichtheidsgradiëntcentrifugering leverde aanvankelijk nog met celbestanddelen verontreinigd virus op. Afzondering van de viruszone, concentrering en verdere dichtheidsgradiëntcentrifugering verschafte echter zeer zuiver virus. Dit virus sedimenteerde in een suikergradiënt in twee zones en bij lage concentratie in drie zones. De drie componenten hadden sedimentatiecoëfficienten van 87, 98 en 108 S. De zweefdichtheid van het virus in een cesiumsulfaatgradiënt bedroeg 1,269×103 kg. m–3.Bij polyacrylamidegel-elektroforese ontstonden vijf nucleïnezuurbanden, elk bestaand uit RNA met een relatieve moleculaire massa van respectievelijk 1,30, 1,18, 0,91, 0,35 en 0,27 × 106. De moleculaire massa van het eiwit bedroeg 28000. Intacte deeltjes verplaatsten zich in 2,5% polyacrylamide-gel als twee banden.Met de elektronenmicroscoop konden virusdeeltjes met moeite in ruw sap worden waargenomen, wel echter iets beter na fixatie en gemakkelijk in gezuiverde preparaten. De deeltjes waren onregelmatig van vorm, c. 27 nm in diameter, en soms bacilvormig.Bij infectieproeven met de verschillende groepen RNA-componenten en viruseiwit verkregen na SDS-afbraak bleek dat voor infectie de componenten 1, 2 en 3 nodig zijn tezamen met de componenten 4 en 5 òf het eiwit.Het virus bleek slechts zwak immunogeen (antiserumtiter 64) en in agargel vormden zich tenminste twee lijnen, indien de agar was bereid in een fysiologische zoutoplossing, doch slechts één lijn indien de agar was bereid in 0,05 M fosfaat-citroenzuurbuffer pH 7. Het bleek serologisch identiek aan GE36 en was niet verwant aan 36 verschillende bolvormige plantevirussen en aan luzernemozaïekvirus.De relatieve moleculaire massa's van de RNA-componenten, de uniforme zweefdichtheid in cesiumsulfaat, de aantoonbaarheid van meer dan één component in polyacrylamide-gel en bij suikergradiëntcentrifugering, het tripartite genoom en de eiwitafhankelijkheid ervan voor infectie, alsmede de onregelmatige deeltjesvorm en de kleine aantallen bacilvormige deeltjes rechtvaardigen plaatsing van het virus in de ilarvirusgroep.  相似文献   

Viruses were isolated from leaves of plants of Aconitum species with symptoms such as mottling and yellowing in Hokkaido and Gunma prefectures in Japan. These viruses were identified as Cucumber mosaic virus (subgroup II) based on particle morphology, host range, aphid transmission, and serology.  相似文献   

A previously undescribed virus, probably a new member of the ilarvirus group, was isolated from Parietaria officinalis showing symptoms of yellow mosaic or mottling. This virus, for which the name parietaria mottle virus (ParMV) is proposed, differs in host range from other ilarviruses. ParMV was purified from Chenopodium quinoa by sap clarification with chloroform, and differential and sucrose density gradient centrifugation.
Purified particles were quasi-isometric to ovoid with diameters of about 24, 29 and 36 nm; no bacilliform particles were detected. Buoyant density in caesium chloride, determined on glutaraldehyde-fixed virus, was 1.35 g/cm3.
An antiserum to ParMV was obtained with a titre of 1:32 in agar gel double-diffusion tests. ParMV did not react with eight other viruses or virus strains belonging to the ilarvirus group or to pelargonium zonate spot virus.
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that ParMV contains a single major protein species of estimated molecular weight 24300 Da and four RNA species of estimated molecular weight 1 37, 1.19, 0.86 and 0.36 × 106 Da.  相似文献   

Symptoms induced in rose by single isolates of the cherry serotype of prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) and an apple serotype (apple mosaic virus; ApMV) were characteristically different, and appeared at different times throughout the growing season according to the ambient temperature. These features remained discrete, even in roses infected by both viruses and were shown by immunospecific electron microscopy to be a reliable indication of infection by either virus.
However, cross-protection between the two isolates was not reciprocal; mixed infections were established only when roses were simultaneously graft-inoculated with ApMV and PNRSV, or when PNRSV-infected roses were supei-infected with ApMV. The significance of these results in relation to the possible natural occurrence of mixed infections in rose or of isolates of intermediate serotype is discussed.  相似文献   

苹果(Malus pumila Mill.)普遍感染病毒。目前, 培育无病毒原种母本树, 建立用于繁殖接穗和营养系砧木的母本园, 栽植无病毒苗木, 是防治病毒病的根本措施。本文针对常见的4 种苹果病毒及1 种类病毒, 综述了茎尖培养、热处理、化学处理、微茎尖嫁接以及低温处理脱除苹果病毒方法的研究进展, 分析了不同方法的应用效果, 及所适合脱除的病毒种类, 以期为我国苹果病毒脱除技术研究提供参考信息。  相似文献   

利用Real-time RT-PCR方法检测苹果中苹果茎沟病毒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王鹏  李玉  李世访 《植物保护》2013,39(3):96-100
以含有苹果茎沟病毒(Apple stem grooving virus,ASGV)的苹果枝条为试材,设计扩增产物片段为176 bp的特异性引物,优化反应条件,构建标准曲线,建立了苹果茎沟病毒的SYBR Green Ⅰ实时荧光定量RT-PCR检测方法.对该方法进行了灵敏度和重复性试验,并且利用建立的方法对受ASGV感染的苹果枝条和树叶进行定量检测.最后,比较了实时荧光定量RT-PCR与常规RT-PCR检测的灵敏度.结果表明:样品的荧光定量PCR有良好的扩增曲线和溶解曲线,该方法的灵敏度可达6.8× 102拷贝/μL,检测其灵敏度是传统RT-PCR的100倍,所建立的荧光定量技术可用于田间样品中此病毒的检测,丰富了ASGV的检测手段,提高了检测灵敏度,具有较好的应用前景.  相似文献   

从进口日本豇豆中随机挑选种子在隔离温室内种植。出苗后,发现有典型花叶症状的植株。对该病株进行电镜观测,发现有线条形病毒粒体,大小约为750nm×13nm。设计特异性引物(BL-5/BL-6),对该样品进行黑眼豇豆花叶病毒的反转录(RT)PCR分子检测。电泳检测表明,扩增出一条特异性的目标条带,大小为338bp。对该样品的RT-PCR产物进行测序,结果表明该序列与黑眼豇豆花叶病毒(GENEBANK登录号:AY575773)的序列有4个碱基差异,同源性为98.8%。鉴定该病毒为黑眼豇豆花叶病毒(Blackeye cowpea mosaicvirus)。  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus was detected twice in herbaceous test plants inoculated with sap from leaves and petals of apple. However owing to the high infectivity of the virus and the low infection rate of the test plants it could not be concluded whether the infection of the test plants was due to contamination or to its actual presence in apple. Using the latex-agglutination test, the virus could not be detected in fruit tree material.Samenvatting Gedurende 1965 en 1966 werd herhaaldelijk tabaksmozaïekvirus (TMV) aangetroffen in kruidachtige toetsplanten die met sap van appel waren geïnoculeerd. Dit feit en gegevens uit latere publikaties van Amerikaanse onderzoekers over het algemeen voor-komen van TMV in appel, peer en kers in de VS en Canada, leidden in 1967 en 1968 tot een meer gericht onderzoek naar het voorkomen van TMV in appels in Nederland. Bij dit onderzoek werd wederom tweemaal een TMV-reactie op de toetsplanten verkregen. Deze resultaten waren echter niet reproduceerbaar en daarom is met dit onderzoek niet bewezen dat het virus in Nederland in appels voorkomt. Gezien de zeer hoge infectiositeit van TMV kan niet uitgesloten geacht worden dat de infectie van de toetsplanten veroorzaakt werd door verontreiniging.Ook op een meer directe wijze, door verschillende sapmonsters van appel serologisch met behulp van de latex-agglutinatietoets te onderzoeken, kon het virus niet worden aangetoond. Bladsap gaf dikwijls een niet-specifieke uitvlokking. Dit hoeft echter nog geen aanwezigheid van TMV uit te sluiten want door toevoeging van gezuiverd virus aan sap, waarin geen spontane uitvlokking optrad, werd toch geen positieve serologische reactie verkregen. Dit was wel het geval met gezuiverd virus zonder saptoevoegingen.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) infects over 65 plants species of Rosaceae family including hazelnut. The virus causes chlorotic or yellow patterns, rings and...  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the necrosis phenotype on leaves of two cultivars of soybean (ZheA8901 and Nannong1138-2) that show varying level of resistance to soybean mosaic virus (SMV). The necrotic symptoms seen on inoculated and systemic leaves of soybean cultivar ZheA8901 were reminiscent of programmed cell death (PCD). The cell death phenotypes were evaluated using the TUNEL method, quantification of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and salicylic acid, callose production, as well as by monitoring expression of defence genes GmPR-1 and GmNPR1. Our results show that SMV inoculation induced PCD on ZheA8901 is associated with rapid increase in H2O2, increased SA and callose accumulation and higher defence gene expression.  相似文献   


Rose yellow mosaic virus, which belongs to the Roymovirus genus in the Potyviridae family, was isolated here in Japan from a rose cultivar, Irish Mist. The full-length genomic sequence was similar to a strain in Minnesota, United States, which was the first ever isolated, with 85% nucleotide and 94% amino acid sequence similarities. Unlike the Minnesota strain, which lacks 220 nt including the 6K1 protein region, the Japanese isolate contains this coding region, which is commonly found in those of the Potyviridae.


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