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The alkylresorcinol content and homologue composition in selected Polish rye and wheat cultivars and selected whole-grain cereal products were determined in this study. Cereal grains and whole-grain cereal products were extracted with acetone, whereas bread types were extracted with hot 1-propanol. The average alkylresorcinol content in tested rye (approximately 1100 mg/kg DM) and wheat (approximately 800 mg/kg DM) grains harvested in Poland was within the range previously reported in Swedish and Finnish samples. The total alkylresorcinol content in tested cereal products available on the Polish market varied from very low levels in barley grain-based foods up to 3000 mg/kg DM in wheat bran. The total alkylresorcinol content in 14 bread samples extracted with hot 1-propanol varied from approximately 100 mg/kg DM in whole bread made with honey up to approximately 650 mg/kg DM in whole-rye bread. Calculated ratios of C17:0 to C21:0 homologues, a useful parameter previously used to distinguish between rye and wheat cereals and their derived products, was about 1.2-1.4 in rye products, about 0.2 in wheat products, and varied between 0.2 and 0.6 in cereal-derived products containing a mixture of whole rye and/or wheat. The data set obtained were subsequently compared using cluster and principal component analysis, which allowed the tested cereal products to be classified into two major groups consisting of whole-rye or whole-wheat products, respectively. On the basis of that approach, mixed cereal products containing rye and wheat bran or whole rye and wheat flour were grouped between those two well-defined clusters. Our work not only provides a detailed examination of alkylresorcinols in selected Polish rye and wheat cultivars and selected whole-grain cereal products, but also demonstrates that this type of analysis accompanied by the use of proper statistical algorithms offers an objective way to evaluate the quality of whole-grain rye and/or wheat and their derived products.  相似文献   

Alkylresorcinols as markers of whole grain wheat and rye in cereal products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The alkylresorcinol (AR) content of Swedish wheat grain samples, as well as of cereal ingredients and cereal foods containing wheat and rye, was determined. The average total AR content in Swedish wheat was 412 microg/g (ranging between 227 and 639 microg/g), which is lower than that in Swedish rye analyzed in a previous study. The relative composition of AR homologues was consistent for wheat samples and differed markedly from that of rye. Notably, the ratio of the homologues C17:0/C21:0 was approximately 0.1 in wheat and approximately 1.0 in rye, indicating that it can be used to distinguish between those two cereals. The AR content in cereal foods commonly consumed in Sweden varied widely, from nondetectable levels in white wheat flour and products not containing the outer parts of wheat and/or rye to >900 microg/g in some whole grain rye products. AR content in cereal foods was calculated from their recipes using average AR values for the cereal ingredients determined in this study. As there was a good correlation between calculated and analyzed AR levels in cereal foods (R2 = 0.91), it is possible to estimate the proportion of whole grain wheat and/or rye in a given cereal product on the basis of AR content and C17:0/C21:0 ratio. ARs appear to be good markers of whole grain wheat and rye in foods, and their analysis may be an objective way to identify foods rich in whole grain wheat and/or rye or brans thereof.  相似文献   

Detailed knowledge of food oxalate content is of essential importance for dietary treatment of recurrent calcium oxalate urolithiasis. Dietary oxalate can contribute considerably to the amount of urinary oxalate excretion. Because cereal foods play an important role in daily nutrition, the soluble and total oxalate contents of various types of cereal grains, milling products, bread, pastries, and pasta were analyzed using an HPLC-enzyme-reactor method. A high total oxalate content (>50 mg/100 g) was found in whole grain wheat species Triticum durum (76.6 mg/100 g), Triticum sativum (71.2 mg/100 g), and Triticum aestivum (53.3 mg/100 g). Total oxalate content was comparably high in whole grain products of T. aestivum, that is, wheat flakes and flour, as well as in whole grain products of T. durum, that is, couscous, bulgur, and pasta. The highest oxalate content was demonstrated for wheat bran (457.4 mg/100 g). The higher oxalate content in whole grain than in refined grain cereals suggests that oxalic acid is primarily located in the outer layers of cereal grains. Cereals and cereal products contribute to the daily oxalate intake to a considerable extent. Vegetarian diets may contain high amounts of oxalate when whole grain wheat and wheat products are ingested. Recommendations for prevention of recurrence of calcium oxalate stone disease have to take into account the oxalate content of these foodstuffs.  相似文献   

Plant cell walls containing suberin or lignin in the human diet are conjectured to protect against colon cancer. To confirm the existence of authentic lignin in cereal grain dietary fibers, the DFRC (derivatization followed by reductive cleavage) method was applied to different cereal grain dietary fibers. By cleavage of diagnostic arylglycerol-beta-aryl (beta-O-4) ether linkages and identification of the liberated monolignols, it was ascertained that lignins are truly present in cereal grains. From the ratios of the liberated monolignols coniferyl alcohol and sinapyl alcohol, it is suggested that lignin compositions vary among cereals. Furthermore, dimeric cross-coupling products, comprising ferulate and coniferyl alcohol, were identified in most cereal fibers investigated. These ferulate 4-O-beta- and 8-beta-coniferyl alcohol cross-coupled structures indicate radical cross-coupling of polysaccharides to lignin precursors via ferulate.  相似文献   


The relative frequency of three viruses causing barley yellow dwarf disease (BYD) was assessed in spring cereals and pasture grasses at two regions in Latvia in 2000–2002. A total of 2589 leaf samples (367 from spring oats, 743 from spring barley, 1479 from predominant grass species) were collected from 44 fields of spring oats, 84 fields of spring barley, and 26 pastures. We found that isolates of barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV), barley yellow dwarf virus-MAV (BYDV-MAV) and cereal yellow dwarf virus-RPV (CYDV-RPV) were present in these samples of spring cereals and pasture grasses. The most common isolates of barley yellow dwarf virus were BYDV-PAV and BYDV-MAV in both grasses and cereals, but there was a great difference between years and regions. The proportion of BYD symptomatic cereal samples that reacted positively in TAS-ELISA test was 9 to 15%. The overall BYDV/CYDV incidence in pasture grasses ranged from 2 to 19%. The incidence of BYDV/CYDV infection was higher in Festuca elatior than in other grass species. Isolates of CYDV-RPV were rather rare: only found in Lolium perenne and Dactylis glomerata among six grass species tested and more frequently in barley than oats. This paper reports the first quantitative survey of selected BYD-causing viruses in spring cereals and pasture grasses in Latvia and in the Baltic states. We conclude that three selected virus species are prevalent in spring cereals and pasture grasses in Latvia, although with great variation between years. Further studies are needed to obtain knowledge of the most critical factors that determine these fluctuations.  相似文献   

The effects of adding amino acids on the content of acrylamide in potato crisps, French fries, flat breads, and bread crusts were investigated. Addition of glycine or glutamine during blanching of crisps reduced the amount of acrylamide by approximately 30% compared to no addition. No effect was found in French fries. Addition of glycine during doughmaking significantly reduced acrylamide in both flat breads and bread crusts. In bread crusts the reduction of acrylamide ranged from 50 to >90% depending on the baking condition. In flat breads the reduction varied between 60 and >95%.  相似文献   

The contents of alkylresorcinols (AR) were analyzed in 131 winter wheats, 20 spring wheats, 10 durum wheats, 5 spelt wheats, and 10 early cultivated forms of wheat (5 diploid einkorn and 5 tetraploid emmer), which are part of the HEALTHGRAIN diversity screen. AR were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC), which provides both total contents and relative homologue compositions, as well as with a Fast Blue colorimetric method that provides only total contents but which is fast and easily screens a large number of samples. There was considerable variation in the total AR content analyzed with GC: winter wheat (220-652 microg/g of dm), spring wheat (254-537 microg/g of dm), durum wheat (194-531 microg/g of dm), spelt (490-741 microg/g of dm), einkorn (545-654 microg/g of dm), and emmer wheat (531-714 microg/g of dm). The relative AR homologue composition was different for different types of wheat, with a C17:0 to C21:0 ratio of 0.1 for winter, spring, and spelt wheats, 0.04 for einkorn and emmer wheat, and 0.01 for durum wheat. The total AR content analyzed with the Fast Blue method was lower than that analyzed with GC but there was a good correlation between the two methods (R(2) = 0.76).  相似文献   

A rapid method for the simultaneous determination of vitamins A and E in fortified cereal products has been developed. Saponification of retinyl or tocopheryl esters is not required, permitting direct injection of the extracted lipids onto the high pressure liquid chromatographic column without sample cleanup. Elution times of 2.46 and 3.40 min were determined for retinyl palmitate and tocopheryl acetate, respectively, using a muPorasil column and an isocratic mobile phase of hexane-chloroform (85 + 15) with a flow rate of 1.5 mL/min. The average recovery of retinyl palmitate was 99.2% (std dev. 4.28), and the average recovery of tocopheryl acetate was 94.9% (std dev. 4.10) in 2 cereals containing corn, oat, rice, and wheat. No significant amounts of naturally occurring tocopherols were found in the cereals.  相似文献   

The chromium content of samples of cereals, legumes, oil seeds, and alimentary pastes (in the latter, bioavailable chromium as well) was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The chromium content in whole cereals differs substantially and is mostly concentrated in pericarps. Variations occur not only among different types of cereals, but also among cereals of the same type, depending on the areas of origin. Concentration varies substantially even in samples of legumes and oil seeds. The content of bioavailable chromium (ethanol-extractable) is, in most cases, more than 50% of the total chromium amount. This makes these products particularly interesting as dietary supplements.  相似文献   

The use of near-infrared (NIR) reflectance spectroscopy for the rapid and accurate measurement of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber was explored in a diverse group of cereal products. Ground samples were analyzed for soluble and insoluble dietary fiber (AOAC Method 991.43) and scanned (NIRSystems 6500 monochromator) to obtain NIR spectra. Modified PLS models were developed to predict insoluble and soluble dietary fiber using data sets expanded to include products with high fat and high sugar contents. The models predicted insoluble dietary fiber accurately with an SECV of 1.54% and an R(2) of 0.98 (AOAC determined range of 0-48.77%) and soluble dietary fiber less accurately with an SECV of 1.15% and an R(2) of 0.82 (AOAC determined range of 0-13.84%). Prediction of independent validation samples by the soluble fiber model resulted in a bias that may be related to the way the reference method treats samples with different soluble fiber constituents. The insoluble fiber model can be used to rapidly monitor insoluble dietary fiber in cereal products for nutrition labeling.  相似文献   

In a collaborative study, an automated method for the determination of niacin and niacinamide in cereal products was compared with the official final action microbiological (43.121-43.125) and chemical (43.044-43.046) methods. Ten samples of cereal products, including enriched flour, yeast-leavened baked products, fortified breakfast cereals, and baked pet food products, were submitted to 14 laboratories. Nine laboratories reported values by the automated method, 6 reported values by the microbiological method, and 7 reported values by the chemical method. The results from the microbiological method were not subjected to analysis of variance because of the unusually large between-laboratory variation. The between-laboratory coefficients of variation for the automated and chemical methods were 10.90 and 10.18%, on the basis of results from 7 and 4 laboratories, respectively. There was no significant (p greater than 0.05) difference between methods when results from the 4 laboratories who used both methods were compared. The automated chemical method has been adopted as official first action.  相似文献   

Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been used in foods for the rapid assessment of several macronutrients; however, little is known about its potential for the evaluation of the utilizable energy of foods. Using NIR reflectance spectra (1104-2494 nm) of ground cereal products (n = 127) and values for energy measured by bomb calorimetry, chemometric models were developed for the prediction of gross energy and available energy of diverse cereal food products. Standard errors of cross-validation for NIR prediction of gross energy (range = 4.05-5.49 kcal/g), energy of samples after adjustment for unutilized protein (range = 3.99-5.38 kcal/g), and energy of samples after adjustment for unutilized protein and insoluble dietary fiber (range = 2.42-5.35 kcal/g) were 0.053, 0.053, and 0.088 kcal/g, respectively, with multiple coefficients of determination of 0.96. Use of the models on independent validation samples (n = 58) gave energy values within the accuracy required for U.S. nutrition labeling legislation. NIR spectroscopy, thus, provides a rapid and accurate method for predicting the energy of diverse cereal foods.  相似文献   

Near-infrared reflectance spectra of cereal food products were acquired with a commercial dual-diode-array (Si, InGaAs) spectrometer customized to allow rapid acquisition of scans of intact breakfast cereals, snack foods, whole grains, and milled products. Substantial gains in the performance of multivariate calibration models generated from these data were obtained by a computational strategy that systematically analyzed the performance of various spectral windows. The calibration model based on 137 cereal food products determined the total dietary fiber (TDF) content of a test set of 45 intact diverse cereal food products with root-mean-squared error of cross-validation of between 1.8 and 2.0% TDF, relative to the laborious enzymatic-gravimetric reference method. The calibration performance is adequate to estimate TDF over the range of values found in diverse types of cereal food products (0.7-50.1%). The method requires no sample preparation and is relatively unaffected by specimen moisture content.  相似文献   

Fourier transform mid-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was investigated as a method of analysis for trans fatty acid content of cereal products without the need for prior oil extraction. Spectra were obtained, with an FT-IR spectrometer equipped with an attenuated total reflectance (ATR) device, of ground samples pressed onto the diamond ATR surface, and trans fatty acids were measured by a modification of AOAC Method 996.01. Partial least-squares (PLS) models were developed for the prediction of trans fatty acids in ground samples using several wavenumber selections on the basis of bands related to lipids. The models (n = 79) predicted trans fatty acids in ground samples with standard error of cross-validation (SECV) of 1.10-1.25 (range 0-12.4) % and R2 of 0.85-0.88 and in validation samples (n = 26) with standard error of performance (SEP) of 0.96-1.12 (range 0-12.2) % and r2 of 0.89-0.92, indicating sufficient accuracy for screening. Sample trans fatty acid % was predicted as accurately with the fingerprint region (1500-900 cm(-1)) as with the entire range (4000-650 cm(-1)) indicating, in concert with the regression coefficients, the importance of the isolated trans double bonds at 966 cm(-1) in development of the model. Data is also presented on prediction of trans fatty acids using the spectra of residual oil films on the ATR surface after removing the solid portion of the sample.  相似文献   

A steam distillation procedure is described for the determination of ethylene dibromide (EDB), ethylene dichloride (EDC), and carbon tetrachloride (CT) in flour, flour-based mixes, baked cakes, breakfast cereals, and citrus fruits. A representative sample is steam distilled using a modified Garman steam distillation apparatus, the steam and volatile components are condensed, and the condensate is partitioned with hexane (EDB) or pentane (EDC and CT). The solvent extract is then injected on-column and analyzed by using a 15 m X 0.32 mm 1.0 micron DB-1701 fused-silica capillary column at 50 degrees C for EDB or a 30 m X 0.25 mm 1.0 micron DB-5 column at 35 degrees C for EDC and CT. For routine EDB determinations as low as 10 ppb, 2 g flour, flour-based mix, or breakfast cereal is distilled and partitioned into 10 mL hexane. For enhanced sensitivity, up to 10 g dry sample can be concentrated into 1 mL hexane, for detection as low as 0.1 ppb (10% FSD, 2.0 pg). Recoveries from flour spiked with 100, 5, and 0.5 ppb EDB were 98.9, 95.1, and 117%, respectively. Coefficients of variation for marketplace flour samples found to contain EDB at 122, 6.0, and 1.2 ppb were 4.6, 6.9, and 3.6%, respectively, and for baby cereal at 0.22 ppb, 4.5%. Recoveries for EDC and CT from flour spiked at 46, 94, and 140 ppb were 61, 73, and 72%, and 96, 95, and 87%, respectively. Coefficients of variation were 10.0, 7.8, and 4.8, and 8.0, 3.2, and 8.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To analyse the temporal distribution of the intake of cereal and dairy products in the Republic of Ireland. DESIGN: The North/South Ireland Food Consumption Survey established a database of habitual food and drink consumption using a 7-day food diary. The database also recorded the time and day of food consumption. Mean intakes of cereal and dairy products were calculated for time of the day and day of the week. RESULTS: At the weekend, the percentage of consumers decreased for nearly all cereal and dairy products. White bread, total cereals, full-fat milk and total dairy intakes were significantly lower at the weekend (P<0.01) compared with weekdays. Intakes of cereal and dairy products over time of the day showed clear mealtime or snacking patterns when the number of consumers was controlled for. White bread, wholemeal bread, total cereals, full-fat milk, reduced-fat milk and total dairy intakes showed mealtime peaks for morning, afternoon and evening. When examined by tertile of intake, tertile of percentage energy from fat and tertile of fibre intake, intakes of cereal and dairy products over time of the day and day of the week were similar to trends described above, regardless of the tertile. CONCLUSIONS: Temporal analysis of the intakes of cereal and dairy products did not reveal any unusual trends in this population. However, the significant methodological issues raised in this paper will be of benefit to other aspects of research in this area.  相似文献   

The potential of intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy was investigated for differentiating between processed grains (flours, pasta, and semolinas) of different wheat cereal products. A total of 59 samples (e.g., 20 complete Kamut, semicomplete Kamut, and soft wheat flours, 28 pasta, and 11 semolinas manufactured from complete Kamut, semicomplete Kamut, and hard wheat flours) were analyzed by front-face fluorescence spectroscopy. Tryptophan fluorescence spectra were scanned between 305 and 400 nm on samples following excitation at 290 nm. The principal component analysis (PCA) performed on flour spectra clearly differentiated complete Kamut and semicomplete Kamut samples from those produced from complete and semicomplete soft wheat flours. The PCA performed on pasta spectra discriminated samples manufactured from complete Kamut and complete hard wheat flours from those made with semicomplete Kamut and semicomplete hard wheat flours. The best discrimination was obtained from tryptophan spectra recorded on semolinas since the four groups were well discriminated. Correct classification amounting to 61.9% was obtained for pasta spectra. A better classification was obtained for flour and semolina spectra since correct classification amounted to 86.7% and 87.9%, respectively. Front-face fluorescence spectroscopy has the potential to be a rapid, low-cost, and efficient method for the authentication of cereal products.  相似文献   

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