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The tarnished plant bug Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) is a key pest of apples in eastern Canada and, currently, chemical control is the only way to manage this pest. Hyaliodes vitripennis (Say) is a univoltine indigenous predacious mirid and an integral part of biological control programs for apples in certain regions of Quebec. In worst-case laboratory conditions, thiamethoxam, thiacloprid and acetamiprid were exceptionally toxic to this predacious mirid. The adults were more susceptible than the nymphs. However, the residual toxicity of these neonicotinoids to L lineolaris in orchards was very short-lived. Because of the short residual toxicity, neonicotinoids should be applied when L lineolaris is at maximum abundance and well before eggs of H vitripennis hatch in late June.  相似文献   

Pest management programmes in vineyards using male mating disruption   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Israeli vine growers have been reluctant to adopt the mating disruption technique for control of the European vine moth, Lobesia botrana Den. & Schiff. Since the chemically controlled honeydew moth, Cryptoblabes gnidiella Mill., coexists with the European vine moth, growers have maintained that the use of mating disruption would fail to bring about a significant reduction in pesticide use. In this study, the efficacy of mating disruption techniques against C. gnidiella was tested, as well as the effect of these methods on pesticide use and damage to clusters when the method was employed against both of the pests in wine grapes. Comparisons were made between plots treated with (1) L. botrana mating disruption pheromone, (2) L. botrana and C. gnidiella mating disruption pheromones and (3) control plots. A significant difference in the number of clusters infested with the developmental stages of the moths was seen between pheromone-treated plots and controls, while no such difference was observed between plots treated with one versus two pheromones. A similar pattern was observed in the number of insecticide applications; the greatest number of applications was used in control plots, followed by plots treated with L. botrana mating disruption pheromone and by plots treated with pheromones against both pests, in which no pesticides were applied.  相似文献   

The midgut microsomal aldrin epoxidase of variegated cutworm larvae (Peridroma saucia, Hübner) fed bean or peppermint leaves was up to 10 and 45 times more active, respectively, than that of larvae fed a basic control diet. Large increases in oxidase activity and cytochrome P-450 levels also occurred in larvae fed mint plant constituents such as menthol menthone, α-pinene, and β-pinene. Mint-fed larvae were more tolerant of the insecticide, carbaryl, than bean-fed larvae.  相似文献   

Jaffee BA 《Phytopathology》1999,89(5):398-406
ABSTRACT I tested the hypothesis that exclusion of enchytraeids and microarthropods in agricultural fields improves establishment of two nematophagous fungi. Soil was collected from three tomato fields and two vineyards and either heat-treated (2 h at 60 degrees C) or not. Alginate pellets containing hyphae of the fungi Hirsutella rhossiliensis or Monacrosporium gephyropagum were added to the soil, which was packed into cages (PVC pipe, 80-cm(3) volume) sealed with fine (20 mum) or coarse (480 mum) mesh. Cages were buried 22 cm deep in the same fields from which the soil had been collected. After 7 to 50 days, the cages were recovered and fungi and fauna quantified. Fine mesh largely excluded enchytraeids, collembolans, and mites but rarely affected fungus numbers. In contrast, heat treatment of soil rarely affected enchytraeids, collembolans, or mites but frequently increased fungus numbers, regardless of mesh size. The data are inconsistent with the initial hypothesis but are consistent with the idea that organisms narrower than 20 mum interfere with fungal growth from the pellets.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the identification, incidence and distribution of botryosphaeriaceous species in New Zealand vineyards. A field study of 43 vineyards across six wine growing regions was conducted. A total of 336 isolates of botryosphaeriaceous species were isolated from 238 diseased grapevine samples. Morphological identification and phylogenetic analysis of the ribosomal RNA gene region, partial sequence of the translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene (EF1-α) and the β-tubulin gene identified nine botryosphaeriaceous species: N. parvum, N. luteum, N. australe, N. ribis, D. mutila, D. seriata, B. dothidea, Do. iberica and Do. sarmentorum. These species have been reported in other grape growing regions worldwide. Eighty eight percent of vineyards and 68% of symptomatic vines sampled were positive for botryosphaeriaceous species. Incidence and distribution of the botryosphaeriaceous species populations varied between the North and South Islands with N. parvum being the predominant species. The variability in incidence and distribution of the botryosphaeriaceous species may be influenced by climatic conditions and different sources of inoculum in the regions sampled. The results of this research clearly identified botryosphaeriaceous species as the target pathogens for development of management strategies for grapevine decline in New Zealand.  相似文献   

西北半干旱地区葡萄园生草对土壤水分的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在生产园行间播种多年生黑麦草、紫花苜蓿、白三叶草,研究其对土壤理化性状和土壤含水量的影响。结果表明:生草可改善土壤物理性状,使土壤容重平均降低5.68%,总孔隙度提高6.15%。同时生草可降低葡萄园土壤水分含量,在葡萄根系生长的土层(0~60cm)范围内,行间种植白三叶草对土壤含水量影响较大,紫花苜蓿影响较小。  相似文献   

2006-2009年调查了葡萄斑叶蝉田间种群消长动态,并对防治药剂进行了筛选。结果表明葡萄斑叶蝉在贺兰山东麓一年3代,从5月上旬即在葡萄上为害,一直持续到10月。成虫数量全年共出现3个高峰期,分别为5月中旬、7月上中旬和9月下旬-10月上旬。若虫高峰期分别为5月下旬-6月上旬、7月中下旬和8月下旬-9月中旬。5月下旬-6月上中旬是葡萄斑叶蝉防治的最佳时期。70%吡虫啉水分散粒剂、25%噻虫嗪水分散粒剂、40%毒死蜱乳油对葡萄斑叶蝉既具有较好的速效性,又有很好的持效性,药后1~14 d药效均在95%以上; 25%噻嗪酮可湿性粉剂药后1 d药效较低, 7 d后药效开始上升,药后14 d达100%。  相似文献   

A temperature‐driven, mechanistic model predicting the development of Erysiphe necator chasmothecia in vineyards was developed and validated in 38 vineyards in the Po Valley (northern Italy), Baden‐Württemberg (Germany), and South Australia between 2005 and 2011. The model, which begins operating when the first ascocarp initials are formed, predicts on a daily basis the proportions of chasmothecia at the yellow, brown and black maturity stage. The initialization date was estimated with an iterative procedure that minimized the residuals of predicted versus observed values. In all vineyards, a drop to more favourable temperatures for ascocarp production over 2–4 days in the week or in the 2 weeks before the model initialization date probably triggered chasmothecia production. Model predictions provided a good fit of observed data (coefficients of determination, model accuracy, efficacy and efficiency were all ≥0·90), with some overestimation. When predicted production of black chasmothecia (on leaves) was compared with observed dispersal of chasmothecia from vines, lack of splashing rain was probably the main cause of overestimation. When observed numbers of yellow, brown or black chasmothecia on leaves were compared with model predictions, removal of the developing chasmothecia by rainfall was probably the main cause of overestimation. Inclusion of the effect of rainfall on the removal of immature and mature chasmothecia from the powdery mildew colonies could improve the model. The model could be used to time the application of fungicides or biocontrol agents for reducing ascocarp formation and reducing primary inoculum in the following season.  相似文献   

植物在长期适应复杂生境的过程中,形成了多种自身固有的防御机制.对于植食性昆虫而言,植物固有的防御系统主要涉及植物的形态特性和次生代谢产物,其防御机制包括了组成防御机制和诱导防御机制.本文从植物的毛、蜡质、叶型、叶色等几个方面探讨了植物形态特性对昆虫的影响,以及挥发性次生代谢物和非挥发性次生代谢物对植食性昆虫的影响,阐释了植物组成型防御与植食性昆虫的关联性及其机理.最后,对植物组成型防御在生产上的应用前景进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Three genetic variants of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 (GLRaV-3) were identified from vineyards of the Western Cape, South Africa. In a previous study, three full genome sequences of isolates representing each of the variant groups were determined. The three variant groups were represented by accessions 621, 623 and PL-20, of variant groups I, II and III respectively. A specific single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) profile was assigned to each variant which was used as a quick, reliable detection and differentiation method. In this study we analysed the occurrence of these three GLRaV-3 variants in mother blocks in different cultivars and from different vine growing regions using SSCP. The majority of the plants studied, were infected with the group II variant, similar to isolates 623 and GP18. The distribution of three GLRaV-3 variants within a spatio-temporally recorded cluster of diseased plants was studied by means of SSCP profile analysis of ORF5 amplified PCR products. We showed that different GLRaV-3 variants are transmitted to adjacent plants in an infection cluster. Results showed that, in some leafroll disease clusters, the variant that was present in the original GLRaV-3 infected plant of a cluster was transmitted to adjacent plants in a row and across rows.  相似文献   

Methyl bromide was applied with and without polyethylene covers at rates of 337, 449, 673 and 898 kg/ha to replant vineyard soils to control plant parasitic nematodes. Distribution of the gas in the soil atmosphere at different depths was measured by gas chromatography. Higher doses, low soil moisture and deeper placement of methyl bromide resulted in more rapid soil penetration and higher concentrations of the gas at the deeper soil levels. Placement of methyl bromide in the soil at 0.76-0.81 m without polyethylene cover resulted in gas distribution at concentrations sufficient for nematode kill as deep as 2.44 m.  相似文献   

In recent years, the use of predatory mirid bugs (Hemiptera: Miridae) in horticultural crops has increased considerably. Mirid bugs are zoophytophagous predators, that is, they display omnivorous behavior and feed on both plants and arthropods. Mirid bugs feed effectively on a wide range of prey, such as whiteflies, lepidopteran eggs and mites. In addition, the phytophagous behavior of mirid bugs can activate defenses in the plants on which they feed. Despite the positive biological attributes, their use still presents some constraints. Their establishment and retention on the crop is not always easy and economic plant damage can be caused by some mirid species. In this review, the current strategies for using zoophytophagous mirid bugs in horticultural crops, mainly Nesidiocoris tenuis, Macrolophus pygmaeus and Dicyphus hesperus, are reviewed. We discuss six different approaches which, in our opinion, can optimize the efficacy of mirids as biocontrol agents and help expand their use into more areas worldwide. In this review we (i) highlight the large number of species and biotypes which are yet to be described and explore their applicability, (ii) present how it is possible to take advantage of the mirid‐induced plant defenses to improve pest management, (iii) argue that genetic selection of improved mirid strains is feasible, (iv) explore the use of companion plants and the use of alternative foods to improve the mirid bug management, and finally (vi) discuss strategies for the expansion of mirid bugs as biological control agents to horticultural crops other than just tomatoes. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In 1997 and 1998, five field studies were conducted at four Portuguese wine‐growing regions in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the chemical control of vineyard weeds under Mediterranean conditions using either reduced doses of residual herbicides or only foliar herbicides. Amitrole (3440 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + glyphosate mono‐ammonium salt (1720 + 900 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole (3400 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + diuron (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + simazine (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + terbuthylazine (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1) and amitrole + diuron + simazine (2580 + 1300 + 1400 g a.i. ha?1) were assayed and compared with the following reference herbicides: glyphosate isopropylamine salt (1800 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + diuron (2520 + 1680 g a.i. ha?1), diuron + glyphosate + terbuthylazine (1275 + 900 + 1425 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + simazine (1900 + 3900 g a.i. ha?1) and glyphosate + simazine (800 + 2200 g a.i. ha?1). The herbicides were applied during late winter. The results indicated that good control was achieved by the application of foliar herbicides alone or of reduced rates of a mixture of residual herbicides with foliar herbicides for at least 2 months. Three months after application, the efficacy of post‐emergence herbicides and lower rates of residual herbicides decreased significantly in clay soils and under heavy rainfall conditions. Convolvulus arvensis– a weed that is becoming increasingly significant in Portuguese vineyards – was poorly controlled, even when glyphosate was used. Despite this, it can be assumed that in those regions in which the trials were conducted, it is possible to employ weed control strategies that entail the elimination or a reduction in the rate of residual herbicides.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa (Xf), the causal agent of Pierce's disease (PD), has long been considered a major threat to prosperous European viticulture. In May of 2017, PD was officially detected on a grapevine in Mallorca. To better understand the epidemiology of the first established outbreak of PD in Europe, the disease incidence and severity were assessed, vector transmission experiments were performed, and cultivar responses to Xf infections both in the field and in inoculation experiments were monitored. The genetic structure of Xf local populations was also investigated by multilocus sequence typing analysis, and their whole genome sequences and phylogenetic positions compared with respect to PD strains worldwide. Disease incidence was moderately low (0.07) and highly variable, ranging from 0.0 to 0.99. Its economic impact on wine production was considered low. Vineyards managed under conventional viticulture were significantly less infected than organic farming. Under greenhouse conditions, the insect Philaenus spumarius efficiently transmitted the pathogen from infected to healthy grapevines. In the inoculation experiments, Xf infected, to some degree, 29 of the 30 cultivar × rootstock combinations (n = 239). Cultivars Viura, Gorgollasa and Sauvignon Blanc were the most susceptible ones. All Xf isolates from grapevines belonged to sequence type ST1; they phylogenetically clustered within the Californian ST1 clade, with which they shared a 99.94% identity and the same plasmid. In addition, ST1 caused almond leaf scorch disease, where notably its incidence (0.78) and severity was much higher than PD. The likely reasons for these wide differences are discussed in the context of a 20-year Xf introduction scenario.  相似文献   

绿盲蝽性诱剂在葡萄园诱捕效果及种群动态监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum属半翅目盲蝽科,是我国重要的农业害虫。近年来,葡萄园绿盲蝽为害逐年加重,严重影响葡萄生产(耿辉辉等,2012)。昆虫性诱剂具有简便、安全、环保、灵敏度高、不伤害天敌等特点(杜艳丽等,2014),利用昆虫性诱剂监测和控制害虫,是保护环境、有效控制害虫的可行途径(王安勇等,2009)。目前关于绿盲蝽性信息素的研  相似文献   

通过葡萄果实腐烂病田间发病情况调查与症状观察,并对发病果穗进行病原分离、培养和回接试验,结果表明,葡萄果实腐烂病的病原是 Aspergillus niger v. Tiegh,其菌落呈黑褐色,分生孢子头球形,直径200~500 μm,分生孢子梗壁光滑,带黄色。顶囊球形或近球形,直径35~70 μm,褐黄色,全部表面可育;产孢结构双层,瓶梗8~10(~12)μm×2~3 μm。分生孢子球形或近球形,直径3~5 μm,孢子壁表面粗糙,有的生有小疣。  相似文献   

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