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The starch and gluten components of wheat flour or whole wheat kernels can be separated by a number of industrial processes. This review provides a summary of these processes from both starting materials. The wheat constituents of importance in the fractionation processes are briefly introduced, and the different fractionation processes described with emphasis on the parameters affecting the separation, such as flour composition, mixing and washing water, processing aids (with an emphasis on enzymes) and kernel pre-treatment (pearling) in the case of flour fractionation and steeping conditions and processing aids in the case of whole wheat. Although fractionation of flour is the basis for the current industrial processes, starch yields are impaired by starch damage as a result of milling and loss of starch to milling streams. On the other hand fractionation of whole kernels often leads to impaired gluten production as a result of harsh process conditions which ‘devitalise’ the gluten.  相似文献   

The combination of two analytical methodologies (water vapor sorption isotherm by using the DVS and chemical surface composition by using the XPS) has been used to enhance the understanding of the impact of re-grinding on the wheat flour hydration mechanism. A controlled atmosphere microbalance was used to construct water sorption isotherms at 25 °C of different samples of wheat flours obtained by successive re-grinding of native wheat flour.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to prepare the wheat gluten based bioplastics with fish scale (FS) through compression molding. The tensile strength of the wheat gluten/FS composites (the range of 6.5–7.5 MPa) was higher than that of the neat wheat gluten-based bioplastic (3.40 MPa). There was a good dispersion of the fish scale powder embedded within the wheat gluten matrix. Dynamic mechanical analysis results showed that the tan delta max peak height and storage modulus of the wheat gluten-based bioplasic was reduced by adding the fish scale. Moreover, the addition of the fish scale caused a weight loss and the surface of the wheat gluten based bioplastic after 120 h of accelerated weathering were differed from the neat wheat gluten based bioplastic. These results may help to find a new applications for fish scale waste to control the degradation rate of a wheat gluten based bioplastic in the agricultural field.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrostatic pressure (0.1–800 MPa) in combination with various temperatures (30–80 °C) on the chemical and physical properties of wheat gluten, gliadin and glutenin was studied. Chemical changes of proteins were determined by extraction, reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, thiol measurement and studies on disulphide bonds. Rheological changes were measured by extension tests and dynamic stress rheometry. Treatment of gluten with low pressure (200 MPa) and temperature (30 °C) increased the proportion of the ethanol-soluble fraction (ESF) and decreased gluten strength. The enhancement of both pressure and temperature provoked a strong reduction of the ESF and the thiol content of gluten. Within gliadin types, cysteine containing α- and γ-gliadins, but not cysteine-free ω-gliadins were sensitive to pressure and were transferred to the ethanol-insoluble fraction. Disulphide peptides isolated from treated gluten confirmed that cleavage and rearrangement of disulphide bonds were involved in pressure-induced reactions. Increased pressure and temperature induced a significant strengthening of gluten, and under extreme conditions (e.g. 800 MPa, 60 °C), gluten cohesivity was lost. Isolated gliadin and glutenin reacted differently: solubility, HPLC and SDS-PAGE patterns of gliadin having a very low thiol content were not influenced by pressure and heat treatment; only conformational changes were detected by CD spectroscopy. In contrast, the properties of isolated glutenin having a relatively high thiol content were strongly affected by high pressure and temperature, similar to the effects on total gluten.  相似文献   

The effects of aging from t = 0–108 h at two different temperatures (4 and 25 °C) on the non-linear viscoelastic rheological properties and secondary protein structure of hard wheat flour dough (HWD) were investigated using large amplitude oscillatory shear tests (LAOS) coupled with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and SDS-PAGE. Storage (G') and loss (G'') moduli rapidly decreased during aging at 25 °C. Subjecting HWD to progressively longer aging times at 25 °C caused dramatic changes in the non-linear viscoelastic properties demonstrated by strain softening (negative values of e3/e1) and shear thinning (negative values of v3/v1) behavior. Elastic Lissajous curves of the unaged control dough showed clockwise turn and wider elliptical trajectories as dough aging proceeds especially at higher temperatures. Other non-linear LAOS parameters (G'M-G''L, η'M-η'L, S and T) supported that aging process at higher temperature caused a progressive change in dough structure from strain stiffening to strain softening behavior while dough samples aged at 4 °C showed fairly close behavior with the control dough sample. FTIR spectra indicated that the relative content of β-sheet and β-turn structures decreased while the content of α-helix structure increased for all dough samples as a result of dough aging. SDS-PAGE results supported the breakdown of high molecular weight (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) glutenin subfractions. Aging at the higher temperature of 25 °C decreased the HMW/LMW ratio from 0.77 to 0.59, while the ratio was 0.73 for the dough aged at 4 °C which is fairly close to the control sample. Our results show that the degradation rate of gluten/starch network was triggered by aging at higher temperature, longer aging time, and natural fermentation which resulted in increasing acidity and increase in endogenous proteolytic and amylolytic activity, and also increasing gluten solubility and break down of intermolecular disulfide bonds at acid pH.  相似文献   

Wheat bran is an important source of dietary fiber but also contains considerable amounts of phytic acid, which is known to impair mineral absorption. The present study was conducted to investigate the phytic acid reduction in coarse and fine wheat bran by fermentation with the different levels of bakers' yeast (3, 6 and 9%) for 8 h at 30 °C, incubation with the different levels of barley malt flour (2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0%) for 8 h at pH 5.2 and 55 °C, and autoclaving at the different pH levels (pH 5.0, 4.5, 4.0 and 3.5) adjusted with acetic acid for 2 h. The phytic acid content of the wheat bran was effectively reduced by all treatments, and the phytic acid lost was in the range of 88.4–96.9%. Without addition of yeast or malt flour, or autoclaving without pH adjustment, the phytic acid content of the bran samples was reduced at most to 44.9% of the initial amounts under the investigated conditions. Increasing the concentration of yeast or malt flour or decreasing the pH towards 3.5 did not enhance the phytic acid reduction. The most reduction occurred after 2 h of yeast fermentation and malt flour incubation, and after 30 min of autoclaving, which made up 92–98% of the total phytic acid loss. Extending the treatment periods contributed nominally to further increase in the phytic acid reduction, and the rate of the phytic acid loss decreased progressively.  相似文献   

Cysteine, N-ethylmaleinimide, radical scavengers, various salts or urea were added to wheat gluten. After treatment at increasing pressure (0.1–800 MPa) and temperature (30–80 °C) the resulting material was analysed by micro-extension tests and an extraction/HPLC method to measure protein solubility. Furthermore, cysteine was added to isolated gliadin and glutenin prior to high-pressure treatment and protein solubility was determined. The resistance to extension of gluten strongly increased and the solubility of gliadin in aqueous ethanol decreased with increasing pressure and temperature. As compared to experiments without additive the observed effects were much stronger. Isolated gliadin turned largely insoluble in aqueous ethanol when cysteine was added prior to high-pressure treatment. The S-rich α- and γ-gliadins were much more strongly affected than the S-poor ω-gliadins pointing to a disulphide related mechanism. Monomeric gliadin components were completely recovered after reduction of the aggregates with dithioerythritol. In contrast, samples without free thiol groups such as isolated gliadins or with SH groups, which had been blocked by N-ethylmaleinimide, were hardly affected by high-pressure treatment. The addition of radical scavengers to gluten showed no effect in comparison to the control experiment, indicating that a radical mechanism of the high-pressure effect can be excluded. The observed effects can be explained by thiol-/disulphide interchange reactions, which require the presence of free thiol groups in the sample. The addition of salts and urea showed that unfolding of the protein due to weakening of interprotein hydrogen bonds is strongest for ions with a high radius (e.g. thiocyanate). This leads to weakening of gluten at ambient pressure but it facilitates high pressure induced reactions, e.g. of disulphide bonds.  相似文献   

The study of food products is always a challenge due to the number of components involved and the interactions that may occur between them. Water is a particular ingredient which interacts with all hydrophilic compounds, although affinities may differ for limiting water amount. During this study, results obtained using 1H NMR on cake dough were compared in terms of the effects of flour type (soft or medium hard), the addition of gluten (5%–20%) and the use of soft flour fractions (flour particle fractions smaller or larger than 50 μm). T2 values and the signal intensities of different proton populations were studied as a function of the wheat protein contents of dough samples. Physicochemical characterization methods were used to better understand how the origin and particle size of flour might impact the hydration properties and mobility of a model system. Increasing the protein content in dough samples was related to an increase of the mobility of fat protons and of the least mobile proton population (relaxation times ranging from 175 to 180 ms and from 5 to 7 ms, respectively).  相似文献   

Native (NF, 13.5% w.b) and moistened (MF, 27% w.b) wheat flours were treated with superheated steam (SS) at 170 °C for 1, 2 and 4 min, and their protein structure as well as dough rheological properties were analyzed. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and SDS-PAGE patterns indicated the formation of protein aggregates with reduced SDS extractability after treatment. Farinograph and dynamic rheometry measurements showed that the strength as well as elastic and viscous moduli of the dough made from SS-treated flours progressively increased with SS treatment time. And both the improvements were more pronounced for superheated steam-treated moistened flours (SS-MF) than for superheated steam-treated native flours (SS-NF). Size-exclusion high performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC) analysis demonstrated that dough rheological parameters have positive correlations with SDS unextractable polymeric proteins (UPP) contents. SS treatment on flours led to a transition of protein secondary structures to more ordered form (α-helix and β-sheet). Additionally, free sulfhydryl (SH) contents decreased after treatment, which implied that disulfide bonds accounted for protein extractability loss and dough rheological properties improvement. Elevated moisture level promoted the modification of both protein structure and dough behaviors of flours during SS treatment.  相似文献   

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