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Nine out of 19 newborn pups from 4 litters died or euthanatized on day 10 to 17 after birth in a specific-pathogen-free beagle colony which had been established by cesarean section and bottle-feeding. Necropsy showed congestion and edema of the lungs, congestion of the liver and splenomegaly, as well as many subcapsular petechiae and wedge-shaped areas of ecchymosis on the cut surface of the kidneys. A cytopathic agent isolated from the lungs, kidneys and liver was identified as a canine herpesvirus. The bitches in the animal house were seroconverted into positive for the isolate after the outbreak of the disease. Histopathological lesions in six cases were characterized by multiple necrosis and hemorrhage in various organs. In addition, fibrinoid necrosis was seen in the arterial walls in wedge-shaped necrotic areas of the kidneys. The outbreak appeared to be temporary, since the same disease has not occurred in the colony up to the present time.  相似文献   

Objective  To describe clinical and virological findings of an outbreak of ocular disease attributed to naturally-acquired primary canine herpesvirus-1 (CHV-1) infection in a closed domestic dog colony.
Animals studied  Twenty-seven 10- to 16-week-old laboratory Beagles.
Procedure  Complete ophthalmic examinations were performed and ocular samples collected for CHV-1 polymerase chain reaction and virus isolation.
Results  The prevalence of ocular morbidity was 100% in examined dogs. Lesions were restricted to the ocular surface and included bilateral conjunctivitis (100% of dogs); punctate, dendritic, or geographic ulcerative keratitis (26% of dogs); and non-ulcerative keratitis (19% of dogs). Conjunctival petechiae were detected in 22% of dogs. Punctate and dendritic corneal ulcers were frequently organized into discrete groups or linear arrangements. Non-ulcerative keratitis appeared clinically as a perilimbal ring of superficial corneal vascularization and leukocyte infiltration. CHV-1 was detected in ocular samples by polymerase chain reaction or virus isolation in all dogs sampled.
Conclusions  In susceptible populations of domestic dogs, CHV-1 may be associated with outbreaks of highly contagious ocular infection in the absence of concurrent overt systemic disease. This naturally-acquired outbreak of CHV-1 infection provides an opportunity to report the spectrum and prevalence of ocular lesions associated with primary ocular CHV-1 infection in dogs. Conjunctivitis was the most frequent ocular lesion detected. Ulcerative and non-ulcerative keratitis were less prevalent and of variable clinical appearance. Dendritic ulcerative keratitis, a classic and relatively specific ocular lesion associated with alphaherpesvirus infection, was detected in < 20% of dogs.  相似文献   

Most dogs in a closed breeding unit were shown to be asymptomatic excretors of campylobacter organisms by eight weeks old. Increasing serum antibody levels, which were correlated with the excretion of organisms, were demonstrated in the puppies and serum antibodies were also demonstrated in adult dogs. The significance of these findings with respect to the pathogenicity of campylobacter in dogs and their zoonotic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A 2-month-old puppy was brought to a veterinary hospital with diarrhea, vomiting, and anorexia. The test for canine parvovirus was positive, and she was hospitalized for supportive care. Her gastrointestinal symptoms initially improved; however, vomiting and lethargy developed again in the second week of hospitalization. Abdominal ultrasonography results were suspicious of a duodenal perforation. Cytology of the abdominal effusion confirmed septic peritonitis; therefore, emergency exploratory laparotomy was performed. The surgery was successful, and the puppy recovered fully. When symptoms recur or deteriorate in patients with parvoviral infection, surgically curable complications may be disregarded if supportive therapy is continued without additional investigative examinations. This report highlights the usefulness of abdominal ultrasound in conjunction with fluid cytology to identify subsequent complications when the clinical signs of parvovirus deteriorate.Key clinical message:This case report demonstrates duodenal perforation as a complication of parvoviral infection. Abdominal ultrasonography and peritoneal fluid cytology can be crucial for the early recognition of intestinal complications requiring immediate successful perioperative treatment.  相似文献   

Duffy A., Dow S., Ogilvie G., Rao S., Hackett T. Hematologic improvement in dogs with parvovirus infection treated with recombinant canine granulocyte‐colony stimulating factor. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. doi: 10.1111/j.1365‐2885.2009.01153.x. Previously, dogs with canine parvovirus‐induced neutropenia have not responded to treatment with recombinant human granulocyte‐colony stimulating factor (rhG‐CSF). However, recombinant canine G‐CSF (rcG‐CSF) has not been previously evaluated for treatment of parvovirus‐induced neutropenia in dogs. We assessed the effectiveness of rcG‐CSF in dogs with parvovirus‐induced neutropenia with a prospective, open‐label, nonrandomized clinical trial. Endpoints of our study were time to recovery of WBC and neutrophil counts, and duration of hospitalization. 28 dogs with parvovirus and neutropenia were treated with rcG‐CSF and outcomes were compared to those of 34 dogs with parvovirus and neutropenia not treated with rcG‐CSF. We found that mean WBC and neutrophil counts were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the 28 dogs treated with rcG‐CSF compared to disease‐matched dogs not treated with rcG‐CSF. In addition, the mean duration of hospitalization was reduced (P = 0.01) in rcG‐CSF treated dogs compared to untreated dogs. However, survival times were decreased in dogs treated with rcG‐CSF compared to untreated dogs. These results suggest that treatment with rcG‐CSF was effective in stimulating neutrophil recovery and shortening the duration of hospitalization in dogs with parvovirus infection, but indicate the need for additional studies to evaluate overall safety of the treatment.  相似文献   

犬细小病毒病可分为肠炎综合症和心肌炎综合症两种类型。肠炎综合症型以呕吐、下痢、脱水为主要症状。我区丹阳办事处某养狗场 2 0只狼狗从 8月 2 7日至 9月 5日相继全部发生该病 ,经治疗全部治愈。1 症状2 0只狼狗体重均在 1 5~ 2 0kg之间。病犬开始时精神沉郁 ,食欲废绝、呕吐。继而出现腹泻 ,粪便呈黄色或灰黄色 ,混有大量粘液和粘膜 ,恶臭。其中有 8只狗出现血痢和呕血。病犬迅速脱水 ,眼窝下凹 ,皮肤弹性差 ,体温稍高或正常 (均在 39~ 39 6℃之间 )。心跳、呼吸正常。根据临床症状及流行情况 ,初步诊断为肠炎综合症型细小病毒病。…  相似文献   

犬体感染犬细小病毒后能很快产生免疫,临床症状一出现即可检出CPV抗体,而在临床发病期间迅速达到高峰.CPV的免疫主要有三种方式:天然免疫、主动免疫和被动免疫.  相似文献   

An intact male beagle dog aged 1 year was referred because of shortness of breath, exercise intolerance and cardiac murmur. Based on the results from electrocardiography, thoracic radiography and echocardiography, the dog was diagnosed as Ebstein's anomaly. Although the orally administered digoxin, vasodilators and diuretics partially improved congestive signs, the dog became to be refractory and died 20 months after the diagnosis. Necropsy confirmed malformation and apical displacement of the basal attachment of tricuspid valve leaflets.  相似文献   

Mammary tumors in a colony of beagle dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a lifetime study, female beagle dogs in a closed colony were administered 226radium and 90strontium. An unirradiated control group was included in the study. A total of 223 of 356 dogs at risk developed 1,112 mammary proliferative growths (hyperplastic nodules and neoplasms). There was no correlation between occurrence and types of lesions in radiation and control groups. The age range for first occurrence of lesions was 10.4 to 13.9 years; hyperplastic nodule and benign mixed tumor occurred 1 to 2 years earlier than other lesions. A multiplicity of growths of similar or different morphological type were common throughout the lifetime of the dog. The female beagles, collectively, developed 244 hyperplastic nodules, 78 adenomas, 694 benign mixed tumors, 78 carcinomas, 14 malignant mixed tumors, and four myoepitheliomas. Proliferations occurred with increasing frequency from the cranial to caudal mammary glands. Metastasis was found in 77% of the dogs with carcinoma. The median time from diagnosis to metastasis was 10 months, but was shorter in dogs with infiltrative carcinoma.  相似文献   

The histologic, clinicopathologic, and epidemiologic features of spontaneous thyroid neoplasms were evaluated in a control population of Beagle dogs. The mean age of thyroid tumor-bearing dogs (16.2 years) as significantly higher than non-tumor-bearing dogs (13.6 years). Thirteen benign and 18 malignant tumors were identified, with the incidence of both tumors increasing rapidly near the mean age of 16.2 years for tumor-bearing dogs. The age-specific incidence of tumors was 1.1% per year at 8 to 12 years, increasing to 4.0% per year by 12 to 15 years and 67% over 17 years of age. Numbers of malignant tumors were greater than benign tumors at an earlier age. Approximately 44% of the malignant tumors metastasized but only 22% resulted in death of the dog. There was no difference in tumor incidence when compared according to sex, if total tumor numbers were considered or if tumors were separated into benign and malignant categories. The age at death of tumor-bearing dogs was not increased significantly by the surgical resection of the thyroid tumors. Of dogs with thyroid tumors, 15% had clinical diagnoses of hypothyroidism, and no dogs with thyroid tumors had diagnoses of hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

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