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In 2012 when many sheep flocks in northern‐central Tasmania were experiencing a high prevalence of ovine Johne's disease, 34 wild adult fallow deer shot on or near infected properties were negative to microscopic Mptb lesions of the ileo‐caecal valve, terminal ileum and ileo‐caecal lymph nodes. This study demonstrated 95% confidence of detecting Johne's disease in this fallow deer population if ≥10% of animals were shedding Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in their faeces, or if ≥21% of animals were sub‐clinically infected.  相似文献   

A simple random survey was conducted in Ireland during 2005 to estimate the ELISA-prevalence of paratuberculosis, commonly called Johne's disease (JD), in the cattle population. Serum samples were collected from all 20,322 females/breeding bulls over 12 months-of-age in 639 herds. All samples were tested using a commercially available absorbed ELISA. The overall prevalence of infected herds, based on the presence of at least one ELISA-positive animal, was 21.4% (95% CI 18.4%-24.9%). Herd prevalence levels amongst dairy herds (mean 31.5%; 95% CI: 24.6%, 39.3%) was higher than among beef herds (mean 17.9%; 95% CI: 14.6%-21.8%). However, the animal level prevalence was similar. The true prevalence among all animals tested, was calculated to be 2.86% (95%CI: 2.76, 2.97) and for animals >= 2 yrs, it was 3.30% (95%CI: 3.17, 3.43). For animals in beef herds, true prevalence was 3.09% (95%CI: 2.93, 3.24), and for those in dairy herds, 2.74% (95%CI: 2.59, 2.90). The majority of herds had only one ELISA-positive infected animal. Only 6.4% (95% CI 4.7%-8.7%) of all herds had more than one ELISA-positive infected animal; 13.3% (CI 8.7%-19.7%) of dairy herds ranging from two to eight ELISA-positive infected animals; and, 3.9% beef herds (CI 2.4%-6.2%) ranging from two to five ELISA-positive infected animals. The true prevalence of herds infected and shedding Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis is estimated to be 9.5% for all herd types; 20.6% for dairy herds; and 7.6% for beef herds. If ELISA positive animals <2-years-of-age are excluded, the true herd prevalene reduces to: 9.3% for all herd types; 19.6% for dairy herds; and 6.3% for beef herds based on a test specificity (Sp) of 99.8% and test sensitivity (Se) (i.e., ability to detect culture-positive, infected animals shedding at any level) of 27.8-28.9%.  相似文献   

Johne's disease (paratuberculosis) was diagnosed as the cause of chronic weight loss and intermittent diarrhea in a five year old Saanen doe. Confirmatory necropsy findings included granulomatous enteritis, lymphadenitis, lymphangitis and the demonstration of abundant acid fast organisms within macrophages in impression smears of intestinal mucosa. Some of the difficulties encountered in diagnosing and controlling Johne's disease are discussed with emphasis given to the disease in small ruminants.  相似文献   

Background: Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), the agent of Johne's disease in cattle, is a facultative intracellular bacterium that is dependent on ferric iron for its survival and replication. Gallium (Ga), a trivalent semimetal that shares many similarities with ferric iron and functions as an iron mimic has been shown to have in vitro antimicrobial activity against several microorganisms, including MAP. Objectives: (1) To investigate the antimicrobial activity of Ga in calves experimentally infected with MAP; and (2) to monitor for potential adverse effects of Ga on calf health. Animals: Twelve Holstein calves. Methods: Randomized blind controlled experiment. Beginning at 10 days of age (study day 1), the experimental calves (n = 6) were treated with 20 mg/kg gallium nitrate daily for 45 days. On study days 4 and 5, all calves were challenged with a PO dose of a live field strain MAP. Treated calves were monitored daily for adverse effects. Calves were euthanized on study day 100, and 29 tissue samples and 1 fecal sample were collected from each calf. Samples were cultured for MAP by MGIT liquid culture system, Herrold's Egg Yolk Medium culture, or both. Results: No adverse effects were observed in the treated calves. Treatment was associated with a significant reduction in MAP tissue burden when compared with control calves (P = .017). Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Chemoprophylactic treatment of calves with Ga before and during the period of high susceptibility decreased MAP tissue colonization in experimentally infected neonatal calves.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the financial effect of programs for controlling bovine Johne's disease (BJD) in beef herds. Design A spreadsheet simulation model of a self‐replacing beef herd in south‐eastern Australia selling 400‐kg steers at 15 months old. Methods The model calculated the monthly cash flow, and net present value (NPV) of cumulative cash flow, over 10 years. Four main control options were compared: (1) a base herd (no action to control the disease), (2) test and cull, and (3) partial and (4) total destocking. It was assumed that BJD was eradicated after 3 and 5 years with total and partial destocking, respectively, and not eradicated with a test and cull program. Scenarios were compared for both commercial and stud enterprises. Results If there was no discount on the sale price of cattle in commercial herds, deaths from BJD had to exceed 5% before the NPV of partial or total destocking was similar to taking no action to control the disease over a 10‐year period. When cattle sales incurred a 10% discount, deaths had to exceed 1% before the destocking strategies would break even after 10 years. Conclusion Control options for BJD should be carefully planned on an individual herd basis, as significant production and financial risks accompany destocking programs. Eradication will only be more profitable in the longer term, compared with living with the disease, when discounts on the sale of stock from infected herds are high. This can occur with the selling of store cattle or breeders. In stud herds, BJD will usually cause the total failure of the business.  相似文献   

在96孔微板中包被抗原,加入被检血清,经温育后,抗体特异性地与抗原相结合,形成抗原一抗体结合物。洗涤去除未结合的物质,与加入的酶结合物(HRPO)相结合。再洗去未结合的酶结合物,加入底物后显色.加入终止液终止反应。用装有630nm(或620nm、650nm)滤光片的酶标仪进行检测,通过计算S/P值,判定血清中副结核抗体阴、阳性。此方法具有快速、灵敏、准确的特点。  相似文献   

Risk management of paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) in a dairy herd requires an assessment of the likelihood of paratuberculosis occurring in the herd, the economic impact of paratuberculosis on the herd and an evaluation of measures that can be taken to reduce this likelihood and impact.The likelihood of paratuberculosis occurring in the herd is related to the regional herd-level prevalence of paratuberculosis and the herd management (e.g., introducing animals from other herds). The economic impact of paratuberculosis includes production losses due to subclinical and clinical cases, losses due to increased replacement of animals and costs of control measures. Furthermore, a reduction of the price of milk from infected herds might result from consumer concerns about the zoonotic potential of paratuberculosis.Measures that reduce the likelihood of paratuberculosis occurring in a herd and its impact include preventive management measures (e.g., closed herd management and an effective separation of susceptible young stock from adult cattle), test-and-cull schemes for known infected herds and quality assurance schemes for test-negative herds. Quality assurance schemes for test-negative herds, such as schemes for 'low-Map bulk milk' and 'Map-free' herds, aim at safeguarding or increasing the profitability of these herds.Keys to success of risk management of paratuberculosis include realistic expectations of the results of paratuberculosis control, quality assurance and control programmes that are appreciated by farmers and incentives for farmers to participate in such programmes.  相似文献   

Global research knowledge has accumulated over the past few decades, and there is reasonable evidence for a positive association between Mycobacterium avium spp. paratuberculosis and Crohn's disease in humans, although its role as a human pathogen has not been entirely accepted. For this reason, management of public health risk due to M. paratuberculosis remains an important policy issue in agri‐food public health arenas in many countries. Responsible authorities must decide whether existing mitigation strategies are sufficient to prevent or reduce human exposure to M. paratuberculosis. A Web‐based questionnaire was administered to topic specialists to elicit empirical knowledge and opinion on the overall public health impact of M. paratuberculosis, the importance of various routes of human exposure to the pathogen, existing mitigation strategies and the need for future strategies. The questionnaire had four sections and consisted of 20 closed and five open questions. Topic specialists believed that M. paratuberculosis is likely a risk to human health (44.8%) and, given the paucity of available evidence, most frequently ranked it as a moderate public health issue (40.1%). A significant correlation was detected between topic specialists' commitment to M. paratuberculosis in terms of the number of years or proportion of work dedicated to this topic, and the likelihood of an extreme answer (high or low) to the above questions. Topic specialists identified contact with ruminants and dairy products as the most likely routes of exposure for humans. There was consensus on exposure routes for ruminants and what commodities to target in mitigation efforts. Described mandatory programmes mainly focused on culling diseased animals and voluntary on‐farm prevention programmes. Despite ongoing difficulties in the identification of subclinical infections in animals, the topic specialists largely agreed that further enhancement of on‐farm programmes in affected commodities by the agri‐food industry (68.4%) and allocation of resources by governments to monitor the issue (92%) are most appropriate given the current state of evidence.  相似文献   

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