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介绍了采取近自然林经营理论及其技术方法研制,旨在高效培育大径级珍贵用材的红椎目标树选择技术规程,包括规程制定目的意义、研制原则和规程的主要技术参数及内容,简要评价了这一行业标准预期的经济效益,提出了贯彻该标准的措施和建议。  相似文献   

To derive optimal benefits from intercropping timber, farmers should make important initial decisions on tree species and planting density with a good understanding of their tradeoffs. Complex and data-intensive models used by researchers should be supplemented with simpler models based on easily measured parameters and easily understood competition functions. In experiments in the Philippine uplands, growth parameters of three popular farm-forestry species (Eucalyptus deglupta, E. torelliana, and Paraserianthes falcataria) were measured, along with intercropped and non-intercropped yields of maize and vegetables. The commonly used forestry parameter of stand basal area had a significant negative correlation with intercrop yields (as a percentage of non-intercropped yields). The slope of the regression line differed between species; in this study, percent yield loss per unit stem basal area growth was in the order E. deglupta > E. torelliana > P. falcataria. The relationship between stand basal area and intercrop-yield decline was tested on an independent data set from China. Intercrop yields had significant negative correlations with stand basal area of Paulownia elongata. We propose that adaptive tree-screening trials evaluate competitiveness in addition to evaluating growth and mortality. Stand basal area may be better suited to this task than more mechanistic indices such as leaf-area index as it is easy to measure, calculate, and understand, and it may serve as a better index of total (aboveground + belowground) competition. Basal area is also directly related to tree volume, and allows farmers to more easily evaluate the economic tradeoffs between tree growth and intercrop-yield declines. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

核桃树作为一个古老的经济树种,在我国有悠久的栽植历史。据考证,山西省汾阳市的“汾州核桃”具有两千年的栽植史。居汾州核桃之冠的晋龙1号,1994年荣获全国林业名特优新产品博览会“金奖”,是我国第一个晚实型核桃优良新品种,经国家有关部门的检测,核桃仁含脂肪64.96%(其中:90%为不饱和脂肪酸)、蛋白质14.3%,还含有丰富的维生素A、B、E及钙、磷、铁、锌等多种矿物元素。当前,随着人们对绿色食品需求的增加和退耕还林工程的快速发展,核桃生产已经成为我国一些省市的主导产业。汾阳市已发展核桃种植面积1.8万hm2,年产量8000余吨,核桃仁4000…  相似文献   

漫谈城市防护林的建设与树种选择   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
建设城市防护林的目的是为了防止风沙、保持水土、涵养水源、减轻污染、净化空气。城市防护林与城市绿地(包括街道绿化、居住区绿化)构成点、线、面相结合的保护城市的绿色防护工程,是现代化城市建设的重要组成部分。随着经济的发展,城市化的增强,人类生存环境的恶化...  相似文献   

G. F. Moran 《New Forests》1992,6(1-4):49-66
Australia has a large endemic tree flora with many of the genera largely confined to the southern hemisphere. The two dominant genera are Eucalyptus and Acacia. Isozyme studies of patterns of genetic diversity in populations of these species are reviewed. Generally, Australian tree species have high levels of allozyme variation with most of this variation within rather than between populations. The species with the most genetic differentiation between populations are those with regional distributions but with small disjunct populations. Many of the species show no discernible relationship between current population sizes and genetic diversity. A number of species with widespread distributions exhibit similar clusters of populations both on isozymes and other traits. Such clusters often correspond to large geographic regions. This pattern suggests that preliminary low intensity isozyme surveys could help to define more efficient sampling strategies for intensive seed collections and subsequent field trials of many tree species.  相似文献   

为揭示各树种耐光抑制能力的大小,测定比较了克拉玛依农业开发区13个经济林树种的叶绿素荧光参数,以便从光合机理角度筛选出耐光抑制且有发展前景的经济林树种。试验结果表明:综合比较各树种的叶绿素荧光参数值,李、蟠桃和中国沙棘耐光抑制能力强,为首选经济林树种,这3个树种最大光能转化效率F_v/F_m值全天都保持在0.8以上,最大光能转化潜力F_v/F_o值全天都保持在4.0以上,且初始荧光上升到最大荧光一半所需时间T1/2在8:00、14:00变化幅度较小;黄果山楂、葡萄、新疆梨和枣也具备一定的耐高光强的能力,最大光能转化效率F_v/F_m值在14:00下降到0.8以下,到20:00又恢复到0.82以上,接近8:00时的值,最大光能转化潜力F_v/F_o值在14:00下降到4.0以下,到14:00值恢复到4.8以上,接近8:00时的值,在开发区具备种植潜力;宁夏枸杞和毛樱桃耐光抑制能力弱,这2个树种的最大光能转化效率F_v/F_m值在14:00和20:00几乎都低于0.8,最大光能转化潜力F_v/F_o值在14:00和20:00都低于4.16,且初始荧光上升到最大荧光一半所需时间T1/2在8:00、14:00时变化幅度大,不适宜在开发区种植。  相似文献   

安康城市行道树选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着安康市城市建设步伐的不断加快和园林绿化事业在城市建设地位的提高,安康城市的行道树建设取得了长足的发展。纵向看,城市行道树的品种不断丰富,提升了安康城市优美环境和生态环境。横向看,和省内同等级的城市相比,仍存在着品种单一、观赏价值低、病虫害时有发生等问题。因此如何选择适应性强、病虫害少、观赏价值高的行道树,已成为园林绿化工作者共同探讨的课题。  相似文献   

金柑优株初选研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对福建省尤溪县的金柑资源进行调查、分析,结果表明:102号金柑不仅种子数较少,且风味、单果重等均较理想,是产区推广的首选品种;而125号金柑是理想的早熟品种,211号金柑无核且甜度高,209号金柑种子数较少且甜度高.  相似文献   

国内主要针叶树种优树选择技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
总结了近10 a来国内主要针叶树种优树选择技术研究现状,当前国内优树选择主要应用了优势木对比法、生长量绝对值法和小样地法,对数量指标主要选择的是与材积量相关的因子,如树高年增长量和胸径年增长量。在此基础上对优树选择技术的发展进行了探讨并提出新的观点:①系统调查地理变异,兼顾遗传因素和环境因素,使选择指标定量化,用数理统计的方法进行选择;②对多用途树种应根据不同的育种目标分指标评价和选择,必要时也可再进行综合性选择多用途目标的优树。  相似文献   

The Sheanut tree (Vitellaria paradoxa Gaertn.), a multi-purpose species highly valued for the oil obtained from its seeds, is commonly maintained in the semi-arid parklands of sub-Saharan West Africa. An inventory in the West Gonja District, Northern Region, Ghana, revealed that on intensively farmed land this species constituted 79.7 ± 7.2% (Basal area = 2.19 ± 0.64 m2 ha−1) of the woody biomass, on low intensity farmland 84.2 ± 10.0% (2.16 ± 0.57 m2 ha−1) and only 10.2 ± 3.3% (0.92 ± 0.23 m2 ha−1) in unmanaged woodland, with similar environmental characteristics. No significant differences were found between total Sheanut tree densities on different land use intensities, although as a proportion of all trees surveyed, large trees were more common on farmed land. Participatory surveys revealed that these populations are a direct result of anthropic selection as local farmers eliminate unwanted woody species on farmland, leaving only those Sheanut trees that meet criteria based on spacing, size, growth, health, age and yield. Characteristics that could affect population dynamics during traditional management and harvesting including short viability seeds and cryptogeal germination are also discussed with reference to unconscious selection. Tree improvement is currently constrained, as true to type varieties are difficult to propagate. It is proposed that Sheanut trees on farmland are semi-domesticated having been subject to long-term anthropic selection during cycles of traditional fallow and crop cultivation. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

以小兴安岭带岭林区为研究对象,利用模糊数学原理,并通过对主要造林树种、立地类型及隶属度的确定,进行适地适树决策方法的探讨,得出各种立地条件下的适地适树方案.  相似文献   

Fikret Isik 《New Forests》2014,45(3):379-401
Using large numbers of DNA markers to predict genetic merit [genomic selection (GS)] is a new frontier in plant and animal breeding programs. GS is now routinely used to select superior bulls in dairy cattle breeding. In forest trees, a few empirical proof of-concept studies suggest that GS could be successful. However, application of GS in forest tree breeding is still in its infancy. The major hurdle is lack of high throughput genotyping platforms for trees, and the high genotyping costs, though, the cost of genotyping will likely decrease in the future. There has been a growing interest in GS among tree breeders, forest geneticists, and tree improvement managers. A broad overview of pedigree reconstruction and GS is presented. Underlying reasons for failures of marker-assisted selection were summarized and compared with GS. Challenges of GS in forest tree breeding and the outlook for the future are discussed, and a GS plan for a cloned loblolly pine breeding population is presented. This review is intended for tree breeders, forest managers, scientist and students who are not necessarily familiar with genomic or quantitative genetics jargon.  相似文献   

在种子园选优方法中,优势木对比法比较常用。本文通过具体实例分析了用优势木对比法选取优树时应注意的问题,保证了优树的质量和种子园的建设。  相似文献   

Scotspine(PinussylvesIrisvar.mongoIica)isoneofthemaintreespeciesofsilviculture,shelterbeltsandgreeningbeltsinthenortheastofP.R.China.Asitisresistanttocoldanddry,notovercriticalaboutsoilmoisture,stronginrootsystemetc.,itwasafforestedinmanyregionsinChinarecently.Inordertoimprovescotspinefurther,makefulluseofthesuperiorgeneresources,wemustdotheworkofitsprovenanceandprogenytesttodistinguishindividualsandpopulationaccordingtothephenotypeofitsprogenies,andtose-lectfineprovenanceandfamilyandindi-vi…  相似文献   

银杏种质资源调查及优良单株选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对黔东南州208株银杏单株的调查,应用座标综合评定的数学模型,对208株银杏单株进行果用型、叶用型、果叶兼用型多性状综合评定,评选出果用型银杏优良单株30株,叶用型银杏优良单株30株,果叶兼用型银杏优良单株40株。初选结果:入选的优良单株平均单果鲜重、平均单核重分别比初选前提高了8.57%~17.58%和10.57%~22.03%;出核率、出仁率也分别比初选前提高了0.43~1.19个百分点和0.69~1.84个百分点;单叶面积、单叶干重也分别比初选前提高12.4%~21.06%和25.0%~41.2%。此次应用多维空间座标综合评定银杏优良单株的方法是笔者的一种新的尝试,基本上能客观地反映个体之间的表型优劣和差异,选择结果基本上能满足目前银杏生产中果用型、叶用型和果叶兼用型优良单株收集建圃的需要。  相似文献   

依据井陉自然条件特点,选择了连翘、椋子、香椿和扁桃作为特色经济发展树种,通过一系列造林技术的应用,取得了显著效果.采用密集坑截流及浅锅底形鱼鳞坑整地技术,并适当加大造林密度能有效提高造林成活率;在有条件的地方可采用容器苗造林,不但可以提高造林成活率,还能有效延长栽植时期.在条件不足的地区,采用截干造林,成活率高达92%...  相似文献   

沙松选优技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析沙松解析木找出沙松胸径早晚期相关关系,制定沙松优树标准,为建立沙松无性系种子园打好基础。  相似文献   

Whether in agroforestry in temperate or tropical zones, choosing the right species is one of the most crucial stages of experiments and for reforestation, erosion control or land-improvement projects.Over the last decade, ICRAF has developed a tool to help researchers, extension workers, foresters and others in the decision process. The Multipurpose Tree & Shrub Database (MPTS) contains information about more than 1,000 species. Most of these species are grown in the tropical and subtropical zones, but many of them have a potential for temperate areas as well.MPTS contains first-hand, site-specific information about multipurpose tree species. This information makes it possible for the user to compare his or her site conditions with the site conditions described in the database, and allows him/her to draw conclusions about the possible species performance. MPTS also contains secondary information from publications.Candidate species are searched by entering keywords from a list of 19 correlated criteria, such as soil information, expected services or wood and non-wood products. Detailed information about the selected candidates (e.g. morphology, management, environmental responses) is provided.Beyond this, MPTS is a quick reference tool for the multiple use of tree and shrub species. In future it will include a comprehensive guide to germplasm information. Current activities include the implementation of an interactive use-interface and links to related databases.  相似文献   

生态经济树种杨梅病害的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨梅为我国特产的珍贵水果,我地为杨梅主产区和发源地之一,栽培历史悠久,品种丰富优良,栽培技术先进。 杨梅四季常绿,树形优美,红果绿叶,生长快,适应性强,耐瘠薄,在水土流失严重的山地、海边、湖滨和岛屿均生长良好。因此,杨梅又是重要的观赏树种和生态树种,其综合效益良好。  相似文献   

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