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Present study investigates the effect of salinity stress on physiological and biochemical characteristics of two maize genotypes cultivated under controlled growth conditions. The selected maize genotypes being salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive were respectively designated as Sahwal-2002 and Sadaf. The experiment was conducted in triplicates, two varieties, three priming treatments and two salinity levels, in the Government College University, Faisalabad. The antioxidants activity was measured by comparing the tolerance in response to acute and prolonged salinity treatment. The difference of genotype with salinity tolerance as well as seed priming with phenylalanine were not dependent on antioxidant activity when salt exposure was prolonged. The results show that an indirect relationship was present for PAL seed priming and oxidative damage due to salt. The antioxidant enzymes present in plant effectively reduced the oxidative damage of salt and thus, increased the overall crop yield.  相似文献   

The effects of tillage on plant availability nutrients are critical to develop nutrient management strategies to optimize yield. The objective of this study was to evaluate differences in the concentration of 19-nutrient and yield after 4-year of conventional [moldboard plough (MT)] and two reduced [rototiller (ST) and chisel (CT)] tillage systems in maize (Zea mays L.) after winter vetch (Vicia sativa L.) in double crop one year. Three tillage systems were compared from 2005 to 2008 in area located in the western region of Turkey under semi-arid Mediterranean clay-loam soils. Nutrients were determined in maize leaves, stems, roots and soils. Results show that the concentration of macronutrients were found to be higher in leaves and stems of maize than roots in three tillage systems of all years, while the opposite was true for micronutrients. Among the macro and micro-nutrients, there was no effect of tillage on nutrient concentration in all maize tissues for sulfur, magnesium, sodium and copper (S, Mg, Na and Cu). However, the nitrogen, potassium, calcium, boron, zinc, manganese, iron, aluminum, barium, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, nickel, lead and selenium (N, K, Ca, B, Zn, Mn, Fe, Al, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb and Se) were affected by tillage. ST increased N in stems of 2006 compared with other systems. K in roots of 2006 was 52 and 30% greater in CT than in ST and MT, respectively, while ST and MT of 2007 resulted in 38 and 41% greater than CT. In two of four years, ST contributed to higher grain yield compared with other systems. In general, ST can effectively contribute to increase maize yield following winter vetch compared with MT under this region. Results suggested the need for different management systems associated with reduced tillage including rotation, particularly for basic nutrients. Further, results showed similarities and differences with other studies under tillage with maize following winter vetch.  相似文献   

The 2-beta-O-D-glucoside of the cyclic arylhydroxamic acid 2, 4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one (DIMBOA) that occurs in large amounts in young maize shoots (Zea mays L.) is converted enzymatically to its aglycone upon tissue damage. The aglycone DIMBOA possesses strong biologically activity toward various organisms whereas the glucoside is almost biologically inactive. A simple procedure yielding DIMBOA in gram quantities, from 7-day-old maize seedlings, was developed by using solid-phase extraction.  相似文献   

The balance between the vitamin E (tocochromanols) and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) contents mainly determines the susceptibility to lipid peroxidation and the storage stability of corn oil. In 1997, field experiments were conducted at two different locations to evaluate a collection of 30 corn hybrids for fatty acid profiles and tocochromanol contents. Hybrids differed significantly (p < 0.01) for major fatty acids, as well as for tocochromanol contents and composition. The major fatty acids were palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids, whose contents were in the ranges 9.2-12.1%, 19.5-30.5%, and 53.0-65.3%, respectively. The tocopherol contents ranged as follows: alpha-tocopherol, 67-276 mg (kg of oil)(-1); beta-tocopherol, 0-20 mg (kg of oil)(-1); gamma-tocopherol, 583-1048 mg (kg of oil)(-1); delta-tocopherol, 12-71 mg (kg of oil)(-1); total tocopherol, 767-1344 mg (kg of oil)(-1). gamma-Tocopherol was the predominant derivative among all tocopherols. The tocotrienol contents were in the ranges 46-89, 53-164, and 99-230 mg (kg of oil)(-1) for alpha-, gamma-, and total tocotrienol contents, respectively. The tocotrienol profile was not characterized by the predominance of any tocotrienol homologue. alpha-Tocopherol was positively correlated with PUFA (r = 0.41) and with the vitamin E equivalent (vit E equiv) (r = 0.84), and it was not correlated with gamma-tocopherol. gamma-Tocopherol was highly correlated with total tocopherol and tocochromanol contents (r = 0.93 and r = 0.90, respectively), indicating that the contribution of this vitamer to the total tocochromanol content is the most important among all tocochromanols. The high positive correlation found between the vit E/PUFA ratio and the vit E equiv, as well as the absence of correlation between this ratio and PUFA indicates that a higher vit E/PUFA ratio can be easier achieved be increasing the vitamin E content than by modifying fatty acid profile in corn oil.  相似文献   

Concern over the food chain transfer of zinc (Zn) is increasing because of its importance in human health. A field experiment was conducted on a low Zn soil to determine the effect of different Zn fertilization strategies on grain Zn concentration and Zn allocation in different plant tissues of rice. Six treatments were used: (1) no Zn fertilization; (2) soil fertilization at transplanting; (3) Zn soil fertilization at transplanting and flowering; (4) foliar application during grain filling; (5) foliar applications during tillering, flowering, and grain filling; and (6) combination of treatments 3 and 5. Zn fertilization significantly increased Zn concentration in brown rice. The largest effect on grain Zn was observed by combination of soil and foliar applications. The increase in brown rice was much smaller (20%) than the increase in the vegetative parts (100%), indicating that grain Zn concentration of rice is not strongly increased by Zn fertilization. More increased Zn by Zn fertilization was allocated into straw not into grain. From the perspective of human nutrition, it seems that there is too little scope to enhance Zn concentration in rice by fertilization alone. the major bottleneck to increase Zn concentration in rice grain seems to be internal translocation/retranslocation of Zn from shoot to panicle or from rachis to grain, rather than root uptake of Zn from the soil.  相似文献   

Summary A high molecular weight (MW > 1000) soluble root exudate fraction (HS) was isolated from hydroponic axenic maize cultures in order to investigate its metal-binding properties. Measurements of the maximum binding ability (MBA) and the overall stability constants (log K) for cadmium-, copper-, lead- and zinc-HS associations were obtained from dialysis and ion-selective electrode titrations. All results showed the occurrence of organometallic bindings. Data fitted to linear Langmuir isotherms. The MBA, measured by dialysis titration, varied from 160 to 206 mEq/100 g HS according to the nature of the metal. log K values, following the series Pb > Cu > Cd 5 Zn, varied from 3.15 to 3.65. Due to these metal-binding properties, soluble root products could play a role in the transfer of metal into the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

氮肥类型对夏玉米氮素吸收和利用的影响   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
连续两年在吴桥实验站进行田间试验,研究了3种类型氮肥(尿素、包膜尿素和复合肥)对夏玉米郑单958(紧凑型)和农大108(半紧凑型)氮素吸收与利用效率的影响。结果表明,随施氮量增大,夏玉米氮累积量(NAA)显著增加,氮素吸收效率(NUPE)、氮生理效率(NPE)、氮素利用效率(NUTE)、氮收获指数(NHI)降低,氮肥利用率(NUE)、氮肥效率(NFE)显著降低。氮肥类型影响夏玉米氮素吸收与利用效率,NUE、NUPE以包膜尿素和复合肥处理较大,而NPE和NUTE以尿素处理较高,但差异不达显著水平;NHI一般以尿素处理较高,其差异显著性存在品种间、年际间及施氮水平间差异。夏玉米NAA、NHI、NFE等具有较明显的基因型差异,均表现为郑单958大于农大108;两品种在氮素利用上均属敏感型,但郑单958的敏感性强于农大108。可见,施氮量是影响夏玉米氮高效利用的关键因素,而合理选择品种与氮肥类型也能起到一定的积极作用。本试验条件下,选择紧凑型品种与复合肥对提高华北平原夏玉米氮利用效率较为有利。  相似文献   

High Cd and Ni concentrations in sandy soils were built up in a field experiment, receiving an unusually metal-polluted sewage sludge between 1976 and 1980, at Bordeaux, France. The study evaluates the availability of metals and their after effects on maize at one point in time, the 8th year following termination of sludge application (1988). Plant parts (leaves, stalks, roots, grains) and soil samples were collected from plots which received 0 (Control), 50 (S1) and 300 Mg sludge DW ha?1 (S2) as cumulative inputs. Dry-matter yield, plant metal concentrations, total, and extractable metals in soils were determined. Metal inputs resulted in a marked increase in total and extractable metals in soils, except for extractable Mn and Cu with either 0.1 N Ca(NO3)2 or 0.1 N CaCl2. Total metal contents in the metal-loaded topsoils (0–20 cm depth) were very often lower, especially for Cd, Zn, and Ni, than the expected values. Explanation was partly given by the increases of metal contents below the plow layer, particularly for Cd at the low metal loading rate, and for Cd, Ni, and Cu at the high one (Gomez et al., 1992). In a control plot beside a highly metal- polluted plot, Cd, Zn, and Ni concentration in soil increased whereas the concentration of other metals was unchanged; lateral movement, especially with soil water, is plausible. Yield of leaves for plants from the S2 plot was reduced by 27%, but no toxicity symptoms developed on shoots. Yields of stalks for plants in both sludge-treated plots numerically were less than the controls but the decrease was not statistically significant. Cd and Ni concentrations increased in all plant parts with metal loading rate while Mn concentrations decreased. Leaf Cd concentration in plants from sludge-treated plots (i.e. 44 and 69 mg Cd kg?1 DM for S1 and S2) was above its upper critical level (i.e. dry matter yield reduced by 10%: 25μg Cd g?1 DM in corn leaves, Macnicol and Beckett, 1985). Yield reduction at the high metal-loading rate was probably due to 3 main factors: Mn deficiency in leaves, the accumulation of Ni especially in roots, and the increase of Cd in leaves. The amount of metal taken up by plants from the control plot ranked in the following order (mole ha?1): Fe(22)? Mn(7)>Zn (5.6)?Cu (0.7), Ni (0.6), Cd (0.4). For sludge-treated plots, the order was (values for S1 and S2 in mole ha ?1): Fe (16, 15)>Zn (7.9, 7.7)>Ni (4.3, 4.7)>Cd (1.9, 2.1)>Cu (1.0,1.2), Mn (1.5, 1.1). Zn and Cd had the greatest offtake percent from the soil to the above ground plant parts. Cd or Ni uptake by maize were correlated with extractable metals by unbuffered salts (i.e. 0.1 N Ca(NO3)2 and 0.1 N CaCl2). It is concluded that part of the sludge-borne Cd and Ni can remain bioavailable in this sandy soil for a long period of time (e.g. 8 yr) after the termination of metal-polluted sludge application.  相似文献   

Among cereals, only maize has not only a high amount of carotenoids, tocopherols, and oil content but also is rich in starch and protein content compared with other major food crops, such as rice and wheat. The present investigation was made primarily to assess the genetic variability for nutritionally important traits in 87 elite maize inbreds representing major heterotic groups in China. Carotenoid and tocopherol fractions were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), whereas oil, starch, and protein contents were detected by a VECTER22/N near-infrared analyzer. Significant interactions between genotypes and years were observed for all the traits. The pooled mean values of beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, alpha-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and total carotenoids were 0.449, 0.876, 0.121, 5.803, 3.048, and 10.298 microg g (-1), respectively, whereas the combined mean performance of alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, delta-tocopherol, and total tocopherols were 23.98, 32.90, 2.189, and 59.55 microg g (-1), respectively. The average protein, starch, and oil contents were observed to be 12.28, 64.51, and 3.55%, respectively. High level of heritability estimates were observed for all the traits and ranged from 65.6% (protein content) to 92.5% (alpha/gamma-tocopherol ratio). Most of the traits studied in this experiment were either significantly positive correlated or independent. The present finding exhibits substantial opportunities to the breeders for improvement of these traits in maize cultivars and also suggests further exploration of a new source of elite breeding stocks containing a high level of these nutritionally important compounds. Finally, these findings may also help in biofortification of maize.  相似文献   

Assays based on acid phosphatase activity in plant tissue show promise for rapid diagnosis of phosphorus deficiency. This study was undertaken to evaluate a simple leaf disc assay for the detection of the phosphorus deficiency in maize leaves. Leaf discs were excised from 36 to 48 day old greenhouse‐grown maize plants which had been supplied with phosphate in solution culture at levels of 5, 25 or 75 yM and which had total P concentrations in the leaves ranging from 26 to 309 mmol kg‐1 dry wt. For acid phosphatase activity determinations, discs were incubated 15 min. at 30°C with 5 mM paranitrophenol phosphate in a pH 5.8 acetate buffer. In plants which showed visual symptoms of P‐deficiency, acid phosphatase activity was 2 to 3 times as great as in P‐suf‐ficient plants. Results were inconsistent in plants which were only moderately P‐deficient. This study indicates that the leaf disc acid phosphatase assay should be useful in confirming visual diagnosis of acute phosphorus deficiency in maize, but may not be adequately sensitive to detect moderate P deficiency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the extent of genetic erosion of traditional upland germplasm in northern Thailand as a result of gene-flow from distinct strains carrying different genotypes. Even modern variety specific markers have not been developed, there is a comparative population in Laos. Thus, both populations were compared with various characters to evaluate gene-flow from modern variety to landraces. Glutinous and glabrous strains are predominated in Laos. However, such strains were drastically decreased in north–east Thailand. Gene diversity is higher in Thailand, compared to Laos at seven isozyme loci. This was a result of the higher frequencies of Indica strains and heterozygotes in Thailand. Plastid type was also determined by using an INDEL marker. Nearly half of Indica strains carried the Japonica plastid. Heterozygotes also tended to carry Japonica cytoplasm. Such nuclear–cytoplasm substituted strains and heterozygotes were probably generated by natural hybridization. Japonica strains tended to be a maternal donor rather than Indica ones. Or Indica strains would easily release pollens, which grow outside of upland fields.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were executed to investigate the effects of foliar-applied moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf extract (MLE; 1:30 w/v) and salicylic acid (SA; 0.5 mmol), singly or in combination, on growth, physio-biochemical, yield attributes and water use efficiency (WUE) of maize (Zea mays L., Three Ways Cross 329) under full and deficit irrigation conditions. Deficit irrigation was carried out by withholding water for 36 d from 12 to 48 days after sowing (DAS). At vegetative stage, deficit irrigation signi?cantly decreased all growth criteria, chlorophyll a concentration, and relative water content (RWC). In contrast, deficit irrigation considerably increased the concentrations of carotenoids, proline, membrane permeability (MP) and malondialdehyde (MDA). Similarly, grain yield, most yield components and WUE were significantly depressed in drought-stressed plants. However, foliar-applied treatments particularly MLE+SA signi?cantly increased growth traits, photosynthetic pigments, RWC and proline accumulation associated with a simultaneous decrease in MP and MDA concentration under full and deficit irrigation conditions. The application of MLE+SA markedly increased grain yield, yield components and WUE over control (spray tap water). Overall, the combined application of MLE and SA could be used for alleviating the adverse effects of growth, physiology, yield criteria and WUE in drought-stressed maize plants.  相似文献   


Poultry litter (PL) is a cheap alternative to conventional fertilizers. The use of PL in this way also reduces the environmental problems normally associated with its disposal. The residual effect of PL may reduce the amount of fertilizer (especially N fertilizer) required by subsequent crops. This study examines the residual effects of PL (with and without additional mineral fertilizer) on the properties of a volcanic ash soil and on silage maize (Zea mays) yields in central Chile. Poultry litter and mineral fertilizer were applied in 2002–2003 and their residual effects were determined in 2004–2006. The dry matter (DM) yield, nutrient balance and apparent nitrogen recovery efficiency (ANRE) of the silage maize were determined for each season, and the soil properties were analyzed at three depths (0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm) at the end of the third season. Crop yield showed a positive response to all fertilizer treatments. The residual effect, the nutrient balance, N uptake and ANRE also improved with fertilizer treatment, especially with the PL treatments. The average DM yield for the PL treatments was higher than that observed using mineral fertilizer by 2.8 and 1.2 Mg ha?1 in the third and fourth years, respectively. The ANRE was generally higher in the PL treatments, although it decreased over time (12.4 and 1.7% for the last 2 years, respectively). The mean ANREs for the mineral fertilizer treatment were 4.1 and 1.6% for the same years. The results suggest that the PL treatments had an important positive residual effect in terms of N supply. This should be taken into account when planning the next crop. After two annual applications of PL, slight increases were observed in soil NO3-N at a depth of 0–20 cm, and extractable P at depths of 20–40 cm and 40–60 cm. No other soil variables were significantly affected by any of the treatments. An additional source of K was found to be necessary to maintain an adequate soil K level.  相似文献   


Our aim was to determine the combined effect of brassinolide (BR) and lime on the growth and yield of maize on acid soils of South East Nigeria using two BR levels (0 and 250 mL), two maize varieties [Ikom White (IKW) and Oba-98] and two lime levels (0 kg ha?1 and 500 kg ha?1). The IKW was better (≤ 0.05) in growth morphology than Oba-98; however, Oba-98 was more (p ≤ 0.05) efficient in intercepting radiation (420.16 μmol m?2s?1) than IKW (325.08 μmol m?2s?1). The 500 kg ha?1 lime plus BR improved (≤ 0.05) nitrogen (N) uptake, dry matter yield, harvest index, shoot to root ratio, and grain yield, especially in Oba-98. Thus, the interactive action of BR and lime could increase the soil pH to an extent for enhanced yield of hybrid maize.  相似文献   


It has been proposed that salicylic acid (SA) acts as an endogenous signal molecule responsible for inducing environmental stress tolerance in plants. In this study, the effects of seed soaked (1.0 mM for 24 h) and soil incorporated (0.1 mM and 0.5 mM) salicylic acid (SA) supply on growth and mineral concentrations of maize (Zea mays L., Hamidiye F1) grown under either salt, boron toxicity or drought-stressed conditions were investigated. Exogenously applied SA either with seed soaked (SS) or soil incorporated (SI) increased plant growth significantly in all the stresses conditions. Salicylic acid inhibited Na and Cl accumulation in saline conditions, and 0.5 mM of soil incorporated SA decreased B significantly in boron toxicity treatment. Except in drought condition, SA treatments stimulated N accumulation in plants. And P, K, Mg and Mn concentrations of SA received plants were increased in the stress conditions. These results suggest that SA regulates the response of plants to the environmental stresses and could be used as a plant growth regulator to improve plant growth and stimulate mineral nutrient concentrations under stress conditions.  相似文献   



Hydroxyl ion release by maize (Zea mays L.) roots under acidic conditions was investigated with a view to develop a bioremediation method for ameliorating acid soils in tropical and subtropical regions.

Materials and methods

Two hydroponic culture experiments and one pot experiment were conducted: pH, nitrogen state, and rhizobox condition, which investigated the effects of different nitrogen forms on hydroxyl release by maize roots under acidic conditions.

Results and discussion

The pH of the culture solution increased as culture time rose. The gradient of change increased with rising NO3 ?/NH4 + molar ratios. Maize roots released more hydroxyl ions at pH 4.0 than at pH 5.0. The amount of hydroxyl ions released by maize roots at a constant pH was greater than those at a nonconstant pH. Application of calcium nitrate reduced exchangeable acidity and increased the pH in an Ultisol rhizosphere, compared with bulk soil. The increasing magnitude of soil pH was greater at higher doses of N. The absorption of NO3 ?–N increased as the NO3 ?/NH4 + molar ratios rose, which was responsible for hydroxyl ion release and pH increases in culture solutions and rhizosphere.


Root-induced alkalization in the rhizosphere resulting from nitrate absorption by maize plants can be used to ameliorate acidic Ultisols.  相似文献   

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