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Bacterial wilt is a serious disease of Iucerne. Although there are several ways to transmit the pathogen, seed transmission is practically the only way to introduce the bacteria to previously free areas. In this work, naturally infected seed material and commercial seed lots have been screened by a combination of immunofluorescence (IF) staining and dilution plating. Isolates were confirmed by biochemical characterization and finally by artificial infection of lucerne seedlings. For seed lots free from the pathogen, a diagnosis can mostly be achieved within 2 days. The culture step is necessary only if IF staining is not unequivocally negative, and the full procedure has to be run only for a small portion of the samples. The proposed seed assay provides a reliable alternative to the visual inspection of lucerne fields to fulfil the phytosanitary requirements for Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. insidiosus.  相似文献   

Several seed extraction procedures, used for detection of Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. michiganensis ( Cmm ) in naturally infected and artificially infested tomato seed lots were evaluated. Extraction methods that included grinding the seeds were significantly better at detecting the pathogen in three different seed lots than methods that used only soaking. The detection threshold of Cmm in relation to seed sample size was determined by adding naturally infected seeds into samples of three different sizes. Cmm was detected by agar plating assay, on three media (CNS, mSCM, D2ANX), and by direct PCR from seeds and Bio-PCR (bacteria cultured on agar media prior to PCR). In samples of 10 000 seeds containing one infected seed, Cmm could be detected only by Bio-PCR and in only one replicate out of five. In samples containing five or 10 infected seeds per 10 000 seeds, three of five and five of five replicates, respectively, were detected by the three detection methods. In samples of 5000 seeds, one infected seed could be detected in all five replicates only after adding a concentration step. A high correlation ( R 2 = 0·9448) between artificially infested seeds and the disease incidence was found. Seed lots infested with less than 58 colony-forming units (CFU) per g did not cause disease under glasshouse conditions, whereas lots with about 1000 CFU g−1 caused disease in 78 plants out of 2000.  相似文献   

根据番茄溃疡病菌ITS序列,设计并合成了PCR-DHPLC检测引物,对番茄溃疡病菌及其他病菌共10个标准菌株进行了PCR-DHPLC检测。结果表明,番茄溃疡病菌的PCR-DHPLC检测图谱出现了特异性吸收峰,而其他病菌均未在相同洗脱时间出现吸收峰,说明这种方法具有检测番茄溃疡病菌的特异性。灵敏度实验结果表明,PCR-DHPLC体系与PCR-琼脂糖凝胶电泳体系的检测灵敏度一致。研究表明,PCR-DHPLC方法是一种特异、灵敏、快速的番茄溃疡病菌检测方法。  相似文献   

The correlation between immunofluorescence microscopy (IF) and dilution-plating on nutrient starch cycloheximide agar (NSCA) or NSCA with the addition of nitrofurantoin and vancomycin (NSCAA) was studied for the detection ofXanthomonas campestris pv.campestris (Xcc) in crucifer seeds. When checking 50 l of the seed extract in IF, IF and dilution-plating gave corresponding results (both positive or negative) for 45.4–56.4% of the samples tested. No differences were observed in this respect between tests using a polyclonal antiserum (PCA 94) and replicate tests using monoclonal antibodies (MCA 20H6). When 20 l of the seed extract was checked in IF, 67.3–71.3% of the samples tested were both positive or negative with dilutionplating and IF. IF negative and dilution-plating positive samples were found for 0.0–7.3% of all samples tested. The percentage of IF positive and dilution-plating negative samples ranged from 26.7–29.2 (20 l seed extract checked) to 41.8–47.3% (50 l seed extract checked). Generally, the probability of isolating Xcc increased with increasing numbers of fluorescent cells found in IF. Above 10 000 cells per ml the probability of isolating Xcc ranged from 57.1–81.8%. Increasing the extraction time from 5 min to 2.5 h shaking showed no significant increase of the number of samples found positive in IF and dilution-plating. However, when using both 5 min and 2.5 h shaking as compared to 5 min shaking only, more samples can be found positive in IF (1.0–14.5%) and dilution-plating (3.0–18.5%). Examining 1 l instead of 50 l of the sample smear, would increase the correspondence between IF and dilution-plating results up to minimally 69.1% (MCA 20H6). However, the risk of false-negative results in IF as compared to dilution-plating would also increase.  相似文献   

The survival and half-life of Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. michiganensis ( C. michiganensis ), the causal agent of bacterial canker of tomato, were determined in infected plant debris under natural field conditions in California, Ohio and Morocco using a semiselective agar medium. The organism survived significantly longer in tomato stems left on the soil surface than in stems buried in the soil at all locations studied. The pathogen was recovered in high amounts from tomato stems left on the soil surface for 314 days in Ohio and California, USA, and for 194 and 132 days in Melk Zhar and Aït Melloul, Morocco, respectively; it was recovered from stems buried in the soil for up to 314 days in Ohio, up to 240 days in California, and up to 60 days in Aït Melloul and Melk Zhar. The half-life of the pathogen in stems left on the soil surface ranged from 23·2 to 24·8 days in the USA, and from 7·8 to 12·3 days in Morocco, whereas the half-life in buried stems ranged from 14·0 to 16·7 days in the USA and from 3·7 to 9·5 days in Morocco. Based on the half-life data, the predicted survival times of C. michiganensis in stems on the soil surface in Ohio, California, Melk Zhar and Aït Melloul would be up to 822, 770, 424 and 261 days, respectively, while the predicted survival times in stems buried in the soil would be 541, 497, 305 and 128 days, respectively. These results show that the survival and half-life of C. michiganensis in plant debris are relatively long and are influenced by both tissue exposure and geographic location.  相似文献   

Using tomato seedlings, the plant defence activator acibenzolar-S-methyl (benzo-[1,2,3]-thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid-S-methyl ester, ASM; Bion 50 WG) was assayed for its ability to induce resistance against Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. michiganensis , the causal agent of bacterial canker of tomato. In ASM-pretreated plants, reduction in disease severity (up to 76·3%) was correlated with lower bacterial growth (up to 68·2% lower) during the time course of infection. To understand the possible mechanism of action of ASM, alterations in the activities of peroxidase (POX) and chitinase were assessed as markers of resistance. The enhanced resistance of ASM-treated plants was associated with significant increases in the activities of POX and chitinase  相似文献   

The vascular pathogen Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis is responsible for bacterial wilt and canker of tomato. Pathogenicity of this bacterium is dependent on plasmid-borne virulence factors and serine proteases located on the chromosomal chp/tomA pathogenicity island (PAI). In this study, colonization patterns and movement of C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis during tomato infection was examined using a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled strain. A plasmid expressing GFP in C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis was constructed and found to be stable in planta for at least 1 month. Confocal laser-scanning microscopy (CLSM) of inoculated stems showed that the pathogen extensively colonizes the lumen of xylem vessels and preferentially attaches to spiral secondary wall thickening of the protoxylem. Acropetal movement of the wild-type strain C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis NCPPB382 (Cmm382) in tomato resulted in an extensive systemic colonization of the whole plant reaching the apical region after 15 days, whereas Cmm100 (lacking the plasmids pCM1 and pCM2) or Cmm27 (lacking the chp/tomA PAI) remained confined to the area surrounding of the inoculation site. Cmm382 formed biofilm-like structures composed of large bacterial aggregates on the interior of xylem walls as observed by CLSM and scanning electron microscopy. These findings suggest that virulence factors located on the chp/tomA PAI or the plasmids are required for effective movement of the pathogen in tomato and for the formation of cellular aggregates.  相似文献   

密执安棒形杆菌是一种重要的植物病原细菌,其包含了能引起不同植物病害的5个亚种。近年来迅速发展起的DNA条形码技术给植物病原细菌快速准确的检测鉴定提供了新思路,本文对棒形杆菌属的4条候选DNA条形码基因进行PCR扩增测序,并从扩增及测序成功率、种内及种间遗传距离、barcoding gap及NJ树等几个方面进行比较,结果表明gyr B基因最适合进行该属内种及亚种的区分,cpn60基因可作为该属分类鉴定的有效补充。  相似文献   

Bacterial canker of tomato is a disease caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis, a quarantine bacterium, the spread of which has not been completely controlled in spite of the phytosanitary measures taken within the EPPO region. Since 2008 the French National Laboratory for Plant Health (LNPV) has been working on the assessment of the methods used in laboratories to detect the presence of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in tomato seeds i.e. dilution plating on semi‐selective media and immunofluorescence. In the 1st stage of the assessment, a methods comparison study was performed with reference strains to determine the performance criteria of the tests in optimal conditions. In the 2nd stage, an inter‐laboratory study on naturally and artificially contaminated seeds was performed with 8 laboratories from 6 European countries. This study demonstrated the strengths and weaknesses of the tests currently in use. Two laboratories took the opportunity the collaborative study offered to evaluate alternative tests: BIO‐PCR and IMS‐plating. These could offer interesting alternatives to optimise the detection procedure for Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis on tomato seeds.  相似文献   

番茄细菌性溃疡病苗期接种新方法的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 在剪叶、浸根和针刺等细菌病害传统接种方法基础上设计了打顶接种新方法;以番茄细菌性溃疡病菌中国菌株和美国菌株借助打顶法接种佳粉10、合作908和华南红宝石3个国内主栽番茄品种2~3片真叶期幼苗,在昼夜最低、最高温度15~18℃、32~35℃和相对湿度为30%~60%的温室条件下,打顶法接种番茄幼苗后溃疡病发病率为87.5%~100.0%,病情指数随接种菌悬液浓度提高而增大,达到23.96~82.29,3个供试品种之间表现稳定一致;剪叶、浸根和针刺接种方法的发病率普遍在40%以下,病情指数在20以下,3个供试品种之间未表现明显差异;进一步研究显示,使用选择性培养基mSCM能够从打顶法接种后的发病植株上获得培养性状与原接种体一致的分离物,专化性免疫凝聚试剂盒检测到特定的测试线,PCR扩增到614bp的特异性条带,证实该分离物为番茄细菌性溃疡病菌,发病植株为接种体侵染所致。该研究结果表明,打顶接种方法比剪叶法、针刺法和浸根法更适合用于番茄溃疡病菌的致病性测定和评价不同番茄品种苗期的抗病性,具有应用价值。  相似文献   

苜蓿萎蔫病菌TaqMan探针实时荧光PCR检测方法的建立   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
苜蓿萎蔫病菌是我国对外检疫性二类有害生物,目前国内尚无发生6在出入境捡验检疫中主要是采用生物学和血清学方法进行检测,劳动强度大,耗费时间长。根据苜蓿萎蔫病菌与其它细菌菌株16SrDNA序列差异,设计出对苜蓿萎蔫病菌具有稳定点突交特异性探针,利用该探针对棒形杆菌属4个种及其它属细菌进行了实时荧光PCR检测实验。结果表明,只有苜蓿萎蔫病菌能检测到荧光信号,其它细菌没有荧光产生。该方法特异性强,灵敏度高,能检测到21.4fg质粒DNA,比常规PCR灵敏100倍,而且整个过程只需要2~3h。该方法可有效地应用于进出境病原菌检测之中。  相似文献   

Bacterial canker, caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis, is one of the most important diseases of tomato worldwide. Once the pathogen has been introduced into an area, i.e. by contaminated seeds or transplants, it survives mainly on host debris. In different geographic areas the survival time of the pathogen in crop residues under field conditions has been very variable, ranging from 2 months in Morocco to 2 years in Iowa (USA). This study took place in the horticultural belt of Buenos Aires – La Plata, Argentina, where greenhouse production prevails, and monoculture with two production cycles per year is a common practice. The aim was to determine the survival time of this pathogen in plant residues left on the soil surface or buried. During three consecutive years, by the end of both production cycles in July (winter) and December (summer), above‐ (stem, petiole) and belowground (root) tissues were placed into nylon netting bags and left on the soil surface or buried at 10 cm depth. The pathogen population was regularly quantified by dilution plating on semiselective medium. In host debris left on the soil surface, bacteria survived 120–260 days for crop production cycles that ended in winter and 45–75 days for those that ended in summer. In stems or roots buried in winter, this period was 45–75 days. It is concluded that host debris, including roots, might be an important primary inoculum source of the pathogen in greenhouses.  相似文献   

Tomato bacterial canker, caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis, is transmitted by infected or infested seed and mechanically from plant to plant. Wounds occurring during seedling production and crop maintenance facilitate the dissemination of the pathogen. However, the effects of environmental factors on C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis translocation and growth as an endophyte have not been fully elucidated. A virulent, stable, constitutively bioluminescent C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis strain BL-Cmm 17 coupled with an in vivo imaging system allowed visualization of the C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis colonization process in tomato seedlings in real time. The dynamics of bacterial infection in seedlings through wounds were compared under low (45%) and high (83%) relative humidity. Bacteria multiplied rapidly in cotyledon petioles remaining after clip inoculation and moved in the stem toward both root and shoot. Luminescent signals were also observed in tomato seedling roots over time, and root development was reduced in inoculated plants maintained under both humidity regimes. Wilting was more severe in seedlings under high-humidity regimes. A strong positive correlation between light intensity and bacterial population in planta suggests that bioluminescent C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis strains will be useful in evaluating the efficacy of bactericides and host resistance.  相似文献   

A phytotoxic fraction of high molecular weight was isolated from the culture filtrate ofClavibacter michiganensis subsp.michiganensis, the causal agent of bacterial canker of tomato, and partly purified. This high molecular weight fraction consists of sugars and a minor protein moiety and is therefore probably of similar nature to that of the toxin fromC. michiganensis subsp.michiganensis reported earlier in literature.The high molecular weight fraction was albe to induce wilting, the predominant symptom of the disease, as shown in a bioassay with tomato cuttings. However, this wilting reaction turned out to be non-specific in the bioassay, since (partially) resistant and susceptible genotypes responded similarly. No correlation could be found between the degree of virulence of fiveC. michiganensis subsp.michiganensis strains and the amount of the phytotoxic high molecular weight fraction produced in vitro.As the isolated high molecular weight fraction showed a phytotoxic effect on tomato plants it is worthwhile to test its potential for use as a selective agent in in vitro selection.Samenvatting Een fytotoxische fractie werd geïsoleerd uit cultuurfiltraat vanClavibacter michiganensis subsp.michiganensis, de veroorzaker van de bacterieverwelkingsziekte bij tomaat. Een eerste karakterisering toonde aan dat deze toxische fractie hoog-moleculaire component(en) bevat, bestaande uit polysacchariden en een gering percentage eiwit. Dit is in overeenstemming met toxines vanC. michiganensis subsp.michiganensis die al eerder beschreven zijn.Deze hoogmoleculaire toxische fractie was in staat verwelking te induceren van stengeltoppen van verschillendeLycopersicon esculentum enL. peruvianum genotypen in een bioassay. Gewichtsverandering van de stengeltoppen, uitgedrukt als percentage ten opzichte van het begingewicht, werd gebruikt als parameter voor verwelking. De toxische fractie reageerde niet-specifiek in de bioassay, want er werd geen verschil gevonden in respons van (partieel) resistente en gevoelige genotypen. Er bleek geen correlatie te zijn tussen de mate van virulentie van verschillende isolaten vanC. michiganensis subsp.michiganensis en de hoeveelheid van de toxische fractie geproduceerd in vitro.Het mogelijke gebruik van deze hoogmoleculaire toxische fractie als selectief agens bij in vitro selectie zal nader onderzocht worden.  相似文献   

不同来源番茄溃疡病菌致病力差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用打顶法接种、半选择性培养基再分离发病植株中的病原菌,以及特异性PCR验证方法,对来自3个国家9个不同地区的46株番茄溃疡病菌进行了致病性测定,以病情指数评价不同菌株的致病力。结果显示,分离自我国河北滦平县、内蒙古包头市等地的24株菌株的病情指数达到75以上,属于强致病力水平;11株菌株的病情指数为50~75,属于中等致病力;而9株菌株的病情指数为50以下,属于弱致病力;检测同时证实,有2株属于无致病力菌株。强致病力、中等致病力、弱致病力和无致病力菌株占供试菌株总数的比例分别为52.2%、23.9%、19.6%和4.3%,表明供试的46株番茄溃疡病菌存在不同程度的致病力差异。  相似文献   

Bacterial canker, caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm), can spread in commercial tomato greenhouses causing epidemics. Results of greenhouse experiments with Cmm‐contaminated tools demonstrated disease spread for only a limited distance (<4 plants) from infected plants. However, touching symptomless infected plants bearing guttation droplets prior to touching nearby plants spread the pathogen over longer distances within rows (>22 plants). The pathogen was exuded in large numbers in the guttation fluid of infected plants; its presence in the guttation fluid was not influenced by the inoculation procedures, leaf age or the volume of the guttation droplets. Population size of Cmm and the incidence of leaflets with epiphytic bacteria were significantly higher in plants placed in a guttation‐induction chamber than in those kept in a growth chamber with high humidity, suggesting exudation through guttation contributed to the formation of epiphytic populations on leaflets. This new knowledge may provide a simple and environmentally friendly means for decreasing the spread of the disease by avoiding contact with plants during periods when they bear guttation droplets.  相似文献   

The effect of pH on the survival of Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. michiganensis and its transmission via roots of tomato in hydroponic culture was studied in laboratory and greenhouse experiments. In a laboratory experiment, C . m. ssp. michiganensis could not survive for 24 h in nutrient solutions with a pH of 4·0 or 4·5, while 1, 14, 51 and 62% of inoculum survived at pH 5·0, 5·5, 6·0 and 6·5, respectively. When tomato plants were inoculated with C . m. ssp. michiganensis through wounds on the stems, the bacteria moved downward from the inoculation site to the roots and infectious bacteria were released from the roots into the nutrient solution. Of two pH regimes tested in greenhouse nutrient-film technique (NFT) culture, the C . m. ssp. michiganensis population was significantly lower in pH 5·0 than in pH 6·5 in most sampling data. In treatments in which C . m. ssp. michiganensis was introduced by transplanting two root-inoculated plants, significantly more plants developed canker at pH 6·5 (34 out of 48 plants) than at pH 5·0 (11 out of 48 plants). When the bacterium was introduced by transplanting two stem-inoculated plants at pH 6·5, seven out of 24 plants developed canker. The potential of pH manipulation in controlling tomato bacterial canker in hydroponic culture is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of plant age at the time of inoculation on the severity of bacterial wilt and canker disease caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) was examined in six greenhouse experiments. The period during which inoculations led to wilt and death of tomato plants was defined. This period, designated ‘window of vulnerability’, ranged from transplanting to the 17‐ to 18‐leaf stage. Plants inoculated after this period expressed disease symptoms but did not wilt or die. No significant changes in disease incidence were observed when leaves of different ages were inoculated. Yield accumulation was significantly reduced in plants inoculated within the window of vulnerability compared with those inoculated after this period. Expression of virulence genes, viz. celA, encoding a secreted cellulase, and the serine protease‐encoding pat‐1, chpC and ppaA, was induced during the early stages after inoculation in plants inoculated within the window of vulnerability. Differences in Cmm population between plants inoculated within and outside of this period were insignificant after the first week post‐inoculation, indicating that differences in disease severity, yield loss and expression of virulence determinants are not correlated with Cmm population level. Results suggest that implementation of precautionary measures during the window of vulnerability to avoid secondary spread of Cmm will have a season‐long effect on plant mortality and may minimize, or even prevent, yield losses.  相似文献   

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