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Four high yielding imported and one local peanut cultivar, grown under local soil and climatic conditions, were compared for their chemical composition and nutritional quality. The local cultivar Kurram contained the maximum protein (28.3%) and the imported cultivar No. 45 contained the maximum oil content (49.5%). K, Mg, P, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn were present in nutritionally significant and comparable amounts in all the cultivars. Lysine was the first limiting amino acid in all the cultivars. The chemical scores and net protein utilization (operative) values were higher for the imported than local cultivar while net dietary protein calories percent (NDP Cal%) values showed only minor variations among the five cultivars. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed for protein, oil, Na, K, Ca, P and Zn contents of all the cultivars. Roasting (150°C, 1/2 h) decreased the lysine, threonine, methionine, cystine, arginine, tryptophan and tyrosine contents but increased the protein, oil, ash, fiber, mineral elements (except Na and C1), aspartic acid, serine, glutamic acid, proline and phenylalanine contents.  相似文献   

The digestibility of proteins and individual amino acids of nineteen selected foods was determined by anin vitro assay. Samples were hydrolysed with pepsin for 30 minutes in an acidic medium; the pH was then raised to 7.5 and the mixture poured into the dialysis bag (molecular weight cut-off 1000) of a digestion cell with pancreatin. Digestion products, mixtures of free amino acids and low molecular weight peptides which pass through the dialysis membrane, were collected for 6 hours by sodium phosphate buffer circulation. All proteins from animal sources displayed a digestibility similar to casein, except for breakfast sausage. Vegetable proteins showed intermediate digestibility, except for cereals (lower) or peanut butter (higher). Target amino acids of enzymes were generally more readily hydrolysed. However, compared to other animal proteins, glycine in milk products, valine, isoleucine, methionine and lysine in breakfast sausage and hot dog, and histidine in tuna were more easily released. Overheating of non-fat dried milk not only reduced the lysine digestibility, but also that of methionine, phenylalanine, histidine and cystine. Among vegetable proteins, wheat products were characterized by a relatively greater release of threonine, isoleucine and histidine, and peas by a lower digestibility of methionine and lysine. Proline of soy isolate and isoleucine of pinto bean were resistant to hydrolysis while arginine of pinto beans and of rice-wheat-gluten was easily released.  相似文献   

Market samples of pearl millet flour and bread from Saudi Arabia were analysed for chemical composition and nutritional quality. Pearl millet flour contained, on a dry weight basis, 17.4% protein, 6.3% fat, 2.8% fiber and 2.2% ash. Lysine was the most limiting essential amino acid with a chemical score of 53 (FAO/WHO, 1973). Linoleic acid (44.8%), oleic acid (23.2%) and palmitic acid (22.3%) were the dominant fatty acids in millet oil followed by stearic acid (4.0%) and linolenic acid (2.9%). The invitro protein digestibility (IVPD) of millet flour was 75.6% and the calculated protein efficiency ratio (C-PER) was 1.38 in comparison to ANRC casein values of 90% and 2.50, respectively. Baking at 300°C for 15 min had only little effect on the proximate and fatty acid composition of the bread but decreased the arginine, cystine and lysine contents by 31.3%, 15.8% and 13.8%, respectively. The IVPD was not affected but the C-PER decreased by 18% on baking.  相似文献   

Leaf protein isolate from water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) was prepared and the chemical composition was studied. It contained 49.6% protein, 16.0% total lipids, 26.9% total carbohydrates, 1.7% fibre and 5.8% ash. Calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese and potassium were determined. Nutritional properties of the isolate are discussed in relation to its amino acid composition and to its in vitro digestibility by proteolytic enzymes. Comparison with the FAO/WHO reference pattern showed that all of the essential amino acids were present at high levels in the leaf protein isolate. The limiting amino acid in the isolate was methionine (i.e., methionine + cystine). In vitro digestibility was highest with digestion by pepsin followed by pancreatin and lowest with digestion by pepsin alone. Digestion with pancreatin alone gave intermediate values.  相似文献   

Seeds ofCleome dolichostyla were analysed for proximate composition, mineral element contents and amino acid composition, in-vitro protein digestibility (IVPD) and calculated protein efficiency ratio (C-PER). The seeds (dry basis) were rich in oil (32.1%), protein (24.6%) and fiber (17.8%) content. The contents of various mineral elements mg/100 g) were: Ca=1970, P=493, Mg=127, Na=35, K=465, Fe=71.97, Zn=2.25, Cu=0.44 and Mn=1.45. Aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, arginine and histidine were the major amino acids inC. dolichostyla seed protein accounting for half of the total amino acids. Lysine was the most limiting essential amino acid (FAO/WHO, 1973 reference pattern) with a chemical score of 45 for the protein. The IVPD of cleome seed protein was 72.2% and C-PER was 1.08 relative to the IVPD and C-PER values of 90.0% and 2.50 for the Animal Nutrition Research Council casein.  相似文献   

Two Saudi Arabian sorghum cultivars, white and reddish white, were investigated for their chemical and nutritional quality. The two cultivars were similar in proximate composition (white 15.3% protein, reddish-white 15.9% protein), mineral profile, fatty acid composition, vitamin content (except vitamin-B12 was higher in reddish-white), in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD) and calculated protein efficiency ratio (C-PER). White sorghum had lower tannins (0.09% catechin equivalent) compared to the reddish-white (0.27% catechin equivalent). Lysine was the first limiting amino acid in both with chemical scores of 45 and 47 for the proteins of white and reddish-white cultivars, respectively. Baking had no effect on proximate, fatty acid and amino acid composition. However, it increased the Na and Ca contents but decreased the K, P, and pantothenic acid contents. Tannins were not detected in the breads. Breads fermented for 18 h had higher vitamin-B12 and pantothenic acid levels but lower P content than unfermented breads. A slight increase in tyrosine, lysine, methionine contents as well as C-PER was also observed in fermented bread.  相似文献   

The nutritional value of potato hybrids with Groups Andigena, Phureja, and Tuberosum parentage was measured by protein efficiency ratio (PER). Three diets at 6.0%, 7.75%, and 9.0% crude protein in potato flakes were fed to rats; 18 genotypes were analyzed and the hybrids had higher PER values than Group Tuberosum varieties, but increased tuber protein did not influence the PER values. The overall mean PER was 2.3, and 12 of the potato-flake diets were not different from the casein controls. Fortification with isoleucine did not improve the nutritional quality of the potato flakes. One diet was improved with the addition of both isoleucine and methionine. The influence of sulfur-containing amino acids in potato protein quality among these hybrids is not clear. It is suggested there may be two types of hybrids, one with dependence on these amino acids and a second type with a different protein factor(s) affecting the nutritional quality of the protein. Protein from these potato hybrids, as measured by PER, is among the highest in biological quality when compared with other proteins in plant foods.  相似文献   

Dehulled and defatted flour of urdbean (Vigna mungo), Var T-9, contained 25% protein with maximum contribution by globulins (63%). Albumins and glutelins contributed 12% and 21% respectively, whereas prolamins were present only in traces (1%). Globulins were further fractionated into legumin and vicilin type proteins which were present in the ratio of 4:1. All the protein fractions were heterogenous in nature as revealed by high performance liquid chromatography. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed the total protein sample to contain 21 different components with molecular weights ranging from 8.92 to 117.49kd. Albumins, globulins, prolamins and glutelins resolved into 4, 8, 6 and 13 different sized components of molecular weights ranging from 10.23 to 25.53, 10.84 to 112.72, 10.33 to 51.52 and 8.91 to 112.72kd, respectively. Amino acid analysis of all fractions revealed that glutamic acid was present in maximum concentration followed by aspartic acid and lysine. Just like other pulse proteins, the urdbean proteins were also deficient in sulphur containing amino acids.  相似文献   

Seeds of three rice bean accessions had 17.26 to 21.42% protein, 3.46 to 4.03% fat, 61.09 to 64.73% carbohydrates 3.99 to 4.58% ash and 5.22 to 7.43% fiber (dry weight basis).The most limiting amino acids in the seed meal, albumin and globulin fractions, were methionine and cysteine with chemical scores of these fractions being 38% to 59%. The amino acid pattern of globulin and seed meal were similar.Thein vitro protein digestibility (IVPD) ranged from 82 to 86% for the seed meal, 86 to 88.5% for the albumin and 75.9 to 83.3% for the globulin. Relative nutritive values (RNV) of raw mature seed of two accessions were 22.6% and 42.4% and increased to 55.6% to 79.4% after boiling and roasting.Part of MS thesis of the senior author.  相似文献   

土壤水分胁迫对花生品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤水分胁迫对花生脂肪、蛋白质、可溶性糖、淀粉和脂肪酸组成等品质的影响研究结果表明,水分胁迫使籽仁中可溶性糖、蛋白质、亚油酸、山嵛酸和二十四烷酸含量升高,脂肪、棕榈酸和油酸/亚油酸比值降低,淀粉含量的变化因品种的不同表现或升高或降低;水分胁迫使籽仁中大量矿质元素P、K和Na的含量以及微量元素Mn的含量均升高,其余矿质元素含量与土壤水分胁迫的关系因花生品种的不同而不同;水分胁迫使花生对水分的利用效率提高。  相似文献   

Based on the nitrogen balance (NB) data and the efficiency of amino acid utilization, optimum supplements of limiting amino acids (AA) to triticale were calculated and their effect on true N digestibility (TD), biological value of protein (BV) and net protein utilization (NPU) of a triticale-based diet was evaluated. To determine if AA balance must be considered in the calculation of the optimum supplements, the effect of a 20% of 40% excess of essential AA in lysine-, methionine-, threonine- or tryptophan-deficient diets was also studied. The AA excess had no significant effect on NB in diets deficient in lysine, methionine or threonine. However, NB in rats fed on the tryptophan-deficient diet increased as the AA excess increased. BV of the diet containing the optimized supplements of lysine, threonine, methionine and valine was comparable to that of lactalbumin or to the diet supplemented with all essential AA. The deletion of valine from the optimized supplement caused an insignificant decrease in BV. Due to the lower TD, NPU of diets containing the optimized AA supplements was lower than that of the diet containing all essential AA or of the lactalbumin-based diet.  相似文献   

As the search for alternative sources of food to alleviate hunger continues, this study was undertaken to determine nitrogen and amino acid content, chemical score, protein digestibility corrected amino acid score, available lysine and in vitro digestibility of 8 lesser known, wild tropical seeds, gathered in Nigeria. Results were contrasted with a tropical soybean variety (Glycine max, TGX 1660-15F). The investigated seeds wereMillettia thonningii, Gliricidia sepium, Lonchocarpus sericeus, Albizia zygia, Daneillia ogea andAfzelia bella from the family of Leguminosae,Diospyros mespiliformis (Ebenaceae) andEntandrophragma angolense (Meliaceae). The crude protein content, based on nitrogen determination, was found to be lower in the wild seeds compared to soybean, which was partly due to the relatively high content of non-protein nitrogen. With reference to amino acid requirement and digestibility in most seed samples, lysine, followed by sulphur amino acids and threonine, were the limiting amino acids. It was concluded, that these less familiar wild seed plants may be used as valuable food or feed complements. However, further investigation is necessary to elucidate potential toxic and antinutritional factors.  相似文献   

Awareness on nutritive value and health benefits of rice is of vital importance in order to increase the consumption of rice in daily diet of the human beings. In this study, a total of six aromatic and two non-aromatic rice accessions grown in India were analysed for their nutritional quality attributes including proximate composition, mineral contents and fatty acids. Data with three replications were used to measure Pearson's simple correlation co-efficient in order to establish the relationship among various nutritional quality attributes. The result on proximate composition showed that Govind Bhog had the highest moisture (13.57%) and fat (0.92%) content, which signifies its tasty attribute. Badshah Bhog exhibited the highest fibre content (0.85%), carbohydrate content (82.70%) and food energy (365.23 kCal per 100 g). Among the minerals, the higher Ca (98.75 mg/kg), Zn (17.00 mg/kg) and Fe (31.50 mg/kg) were in Gopal Bhog, whereas the highest Na (68.85 mg/kg) was in Badshah Bhog, the highest K (500.00 mg/kg) was in Swetganga, Khushboo and Sarbati. The highest contents of unsaturated fatty acids viz. oleic acid (49.14%), linoleic acid (46.99%) and linolenic acid (1.27%) were found in Sarbati, whereas the highest content of saturated fatty acids viz. myristic acid (4.60%) and palmitic acid (31.91%) were found in Govind Bhog and stearic acid (6.47%) in Todal. The identified aromatic rice accessions Gopal Bhog, Govind Bhog and Badshah Bhog and non-aromatic rice accession Sarbati were found nutritionally superior among all eight tested accessions. The nutritional quality oriented attributes in this study were competent with recognized prominent aromatic and non-aromatic rice accessions as an index of their nutritional worth and recommend to farmers and consumers which may be graded as export quality rice with good unique nutritional values in international market.  相似文献   

Composite flour blends containing wheat (W), fababean (F), cottonseed and sesame flours were formulated to provide the FAO/WHO/UNU protein requirements for the 2–5 year old child, and evaluated in pan and flat bread applications. Water absorption of composite flour doughs was up to 35% greater than the control but gluten strength and slurry viscosities were markedly reduced. Loaf volume and specific volume of pan breads prepared from composite flours were 25–60% less than that of the control bread but flat breads tolerated the protein supplements extremely well. The W/F flat bread, containing 27% of fababean flour, received acceptable taste, texture and colour scores and was only slightly inferior to the control in puffing and layer separation. Additions of cottonseed or sesame flours to the W/F blend failed to improve sensory properties of the flat breads.  相似文献   

Pea (Pisum sativum L.), faba bean (Vicia faba L. spp. minor), and lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) meals, protein concentrates and isolates were analyzed for proximate composition, oligosaccharides, and amino acid composition. Protein quality was evaluated using a mouse bio-assay. The concentrates contained 59.2 to 70.6% and the isolates 86.7 to 90.8% protein (N × 6.25) on moisture-free basis. Glucose, sucrose, raffinose, stachyose and verbascose were present in the highest concentrations in the protein concentrates (7.1 to 11.1%), the pea protein concentrate contained 8.7% sugars and faba bean and lentil protein concentrates 7.1% and 6.6% respectively. The protein isolates were almost free (containing less than 0.79%) of the sugars. Amino acid composition of the meals, concentrates and isolates showed, as expected, sulfur-amino acid deficiency (about two thirds of the rat requirement), which was probably largely responsible for the low protein efficiency ratios (0.75 to 1.18), and net protein ratios (0.25 to 0.73) of the three products, compared to values of 2.56 and 2.18 respectively obtained for casein. The protein digestibilities of the meals, concentrates and isolates (81 to 90%) were similar to that of casein (87%). The poor growth-promoting abilities of the meals, concentrates and isolates were possibly also due to growth-depressing factors such as tannins, trypsin inhibitors and hemagglutinins present, particularly in faba bean and lentil.  相似文献   

New recipes of Falafel were formulated and evaluated regarding acceptability, proximate chemical composition and nutritive value. Soybean meal and/or cotyledons were used to substitute for faba bean at different levels (i.e. zero %, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. Data indicated that blends of faba bean (20%) and soybean meal and/or cotyledons (80%) were the most acceptable recipes compared to the control (100% faba bean) as well as the other substitution levels. Blending soybean with faba bean led to appreciable improvement in some essential amino acids. The in vitro digestibility for soybean blends were comparable to the control.  相似文献   

Fenugreek seeds were boiled in water for various lengths of time (5, 10 and 15 min). Changes in weight, volume, moisture content, total sugars, nitrogen compounds, minerals, phosphorus compounds, phytic acid, amino acids and the in vitro digestibility of the seeds as well as the total solids of the boiling water were determined. Data indicated that there was an increase in both weightand volume as well as the in vitro digetibility of fenugreek seeds especially after the first 5 minutes of boiling. On the other hand, a decrease in the content of total sugars, protein compounds, calcium, magnesium, phytic acid, phosphorus and amino acids was observed. The reduction was accompanied by a gradual increase in the total solids of boiling water.  相似文献   

Potato purée and wheat flour were blended at ratio of 7:1 w/w with 2 parts per weight of soybean protein concentrate (SPC) and/or faba bean-protein micellar mass (PMM). Two snack foods were formulated and deep fried. Spices, onion, parsley and chicken stock were added to the aforementioned two recipes to formulate meat ball analogues. Data revealed good acceptability of all products. Moreover, they can be considered as a good source for some essential amino acids; protein (26%); lipids (20%); carbohydrates (48%) and minerals. The in vitro digestibility ranged between 61.0% and 66.9%.  相似文献   

In vitro proteolysis was used to study the digestibility of the major seed protein phaseolin, and the trypsin inhibitor, purified fromPhaseolus vulgaris seeds. Whereas denatured phaseolin was fully digested by the enzymic method used [4], its native form was only partially digested. Trypsin inhibitor, both native and after heat treatment, was poorly digested. It was also found that native trypsin had some resistance to digestion conferred upon it by the presence of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

为提高椰子加工副产物的利用,本研究从椰麸中依次提取4种组分蛋白,包括清蛋白、球蛋白、谷蛋白-1和谷蛋白-2.分析这4种组分蛋白的氨基酸组成,并利用SDS-PAGE技术分析其亚基组成和分子量.同时分析其表面疏水性,并研究不同离子强度对椰麸各组分蛋白的乳化性和乳化稳定性的影响.结果表明,椰麸蛋白质中清单白、球蛋白、谷蛋白-...  相似文献   

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