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贵州是中国较早开展乡村旅游的区域之一。在众多乡村旅游地中,贵州天龙屯堡、郎德苗寨、西江苗寨因核心力量导向差异而形成3种不同的乡村旅游开发模式,即公司主导型、社区主导型和政府主导型模式。作为贵州乡村旅游开发的典型代表,3种模式各具特色,值得关注。通过对3种不同乡村旅游开发模式下的市场开拓能力、社区居民获益方式与状况、传统文化保护与传承及其乡村旅游开发模式的形成原因进行横向比较分析,为国内乡村旅游开发提供经验借鉴和理论指导,推动乡村旅游研究的深入。  相似文献   

闽北不同森林经营模式碳储量比较研究?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确不同森林经营模式对天然林碳储量的影响,推动经营区森林的保护、开发和持续利用,采用间接收获法获取样品,并运用低温外热重铬酸钾氧化-比色法测定植物碳含量,对9种经营模式下天然林碳储量进行比较分析。结果表明,选择采育结合的经营模式更有利于提高森林树干、树枝和根系的碳储量,但各种经营模式下的树叶碳储量差距不大。天然林分中碳储量的分布大致服从:乔木层>枯枝落叶层>草本层>灌木层,天然林的碳储量在采育结合的经营模式下最大,保植补育经营模式下最小,在定向培育和间伐调整的经营模式下处于中等水平。林分碳储量主要集中在乔木层,林分各层适宜的经营模式不同。从碳储量总量上看,天然林选择采育结合的经营模式更合理,更有利于提高森林资源的碳储量,促进其形成生态、经济效益俱佳的天然混交林推动森林生态系统的物质循环,推进生态系统的健康与可持续发展。  相似文献   

Due to the influence of spurious modes on the eigensystem realization algorithm results,singular value decomposition(SVD) and model energy level are introduced to remove the spurious modes of eigensystem realization algorithm,reduce part of the noise modes and improve the accuracy by reducing measurement noise by SVD. The energy matrix of each mode can be calculated by the selection matrices,the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the state matrix and the input distribution matrix. The largest singular value of the energy matrix obtained by SVD is a measure for the energy contribution of each mode,which is named mode energy level. Spurious modes resulting from noise or model redundancy are indicated according their mode energy level. A numerical example and an experimental example are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the method.  相似文献   

Abstract: Container ports located in a delta of navigable waterways generally strive to develop the inland river services as a competitive transport mode, with a view to serving local and distant hinterland regions. The spatial and functional development of river‐based container networks is location‐specific and time‐specific. While each barging network and associated seaport system has its own dynamics, similarities in development patterns cannot be excluded. This paper discusses similarities and dissimilarities between the spatial and the functional development of the container river service networks of the Yangtze River and the Rhine River. It is shown that the Yangtze service network has the tendency to converge, in more than one aspect, with the (historical) development pattern of inland container services in the Rhine basin.  相似文献   

The development mode of the folk dwellings landscape both at home and abroad is studied.The influence of the development of the folk buildings and dwellings landscape on the traditional architectural culture,the ecological environment quality and the tourism is analyzed.The sustainable development mode for the folk dwellings landscape is investigated.As a conclusion,it is suggested that the national culture and the ecological environment should be preserved in the development of the economy of folk dwellings tourism in West China and the whole country as well.  相似文献   

王芳 《中国农学通报》2008,24(8):510-515
当前中国总体上已进入工业化中期阶段,但由于地区发展不平衡,各地区不可能都进入工业化中期阶段,统一的“以工补农”政策模式和措施在各个地区也不一定都适用。作者采用美国经济学家钱纳里与赛尔昆设计的标准模型,构建了当前全国及各地区“以工补农”的经济结构特征评价指标,对中国各地区当前的经济结构特征作了初步的分析,得出了在中国总体上跨入工业化中期阶段的事实中,有8个省与中国总体进入工业化中期阶段的判断一致;仍有17个省、区、市尚未进入“以工补农”政策转折期;有6个省市明显超越全国平均水平,已基本进入大规模反哺期的结论,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

结合国家中长期教育改革发展纲要以及社会发展和粮食工程专业人才培养的需求,以小麦制粉综合性实验教学改革为例,探索了一种创新型专业人才培养的新模式,为学生今后从事生产第一线的科研、开发及产品质量控制等工作奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

The smart low-carbon development of modern cities has become one of the academic hotspots.However,the dynamics is rarely involved.Therefore,TOPSIS method was used to take a quantitative study on the dynamics of smart low-carbon development for major Chinese cities.The results showed that:(1) 3 main dynamics of smart lowcarbon city development in China are institution and culture conditions,facility and function conditions and economy and industry conditions,but the overall utility is relatively low;(2) the level of dynamic operation mechanism of smart low-carbon development for major Chinese cities is distinct between regions,indicating a spatial law of diminishing from the east to the west and differing within regions;(3) the imbalance of comprehensive dynamic mechanism and operation state between major cities is prominent,showing an urban scale law of decreasing from big to small and differing within each scale and an administration hierarchy law of descending from high to low and differing within each class;(4) 7 basic development patterns can be obtained,and most of the cities take the external strong internal weak mode,which basically matches with its development realities.  相似文献   

Focusing on the varying status of the enterprise actual sales mode during the informationization of sales management, the authors put forward the virtual filiale mode for the development of the sales management information system, which is very helpful for increasing the flexibility and versatility of the sales management information system and satisfying the demands of sales management informationization of the enterprise sales mode of which is various. The authors also study the characteristics, function cell and application mechanism, at the same time this mode is applied in the practical development of the sales management information system.  相似文献   

农业在中国经济发展中起着重要作用,是中国社会经济发展的基础。近年来,随着农业机械化以及科技现代化不断推进,多种现代科学技术逐渐在农业产业中得到应用,其中光伏发电技术在农业上的应用对于农业产业转型有着重要意义,是中国农业产业发展的强有力推手。光伏农业是将光伏发电与农业生产相结合的一种绿色、环保的全新产业模式,是集太阳能光伏发电、智能温控系统、现代高科技种植、养殖为一体的农业产业,有着非常广阔的应用前景。本研究综述了光伏农业中主要的几种结合形式:“光伏+种植业”、“光伏+畜禽业”以及“光伏+渔业”的业态,分析了各结合形式的研究现状和面临的问题,并对光伏农业发展趋势进行了合理展望,以期为未来光伏农业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

It is crucial for corporations to select a proper development mode in competitive market. Diversification has been one of the most popular development modes that corporations all over the world pursued since 1960's. The relationship between diversification and economic performance is also an important subject for the research in strategic management. This paper re-examines the economic performance of China listed corporations and designs the measure index system of diversification strategy and economic performance. Moreover, it adopts empirical study on the relationship between them through the approaches such as regression model, variance analysis. It attempts to seek for the diversification development mode fit for China corporations so as to enhance economic performance.  相似文献   

失地农民几种主要补偿安置方式的比较分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
总结了目前中国存在的一次性货币补偿安置、重新择业补偿安置、农业生产补偿安置、入股分红安置、异地移民安置和“征地保障”安置方式等六种补偿安置方式,分析了不同补偿安置方式的利弊和适用的条件,最后指出以后的补偿安置不是采用单一的方式,而是根据不同地区社会经济发展水平以及处于不同年龄段的失地农民的不同需要,选择不同的组合方式。  相似文献   

刘建 《中国农学通报》2007,23(1):421-421
科技推广作为农业综合开发项目重要组成部分,运作的好与差将直接影响着项目实施效果。分析了农业综合开发科技推广具有综合性、主导性、普及性、应用性等基本特征。结合南通市的具体实际,以机制创新为突破,从农业综合开发科技推广的运行、组织、推广等层面探索出工作新模式。提出了通过推行科技委托制创新其运行模式、建立推广项目组创新其组织模式、健全联动新机制创新其推广模式。并以南通市优质稻米产业区为例进行了探索与实践,科技推广工作取得了显著成效,有效地发挥了科技在农业综合开发项目中的支撑作用。  相似文献   

为了实现绥化市寒地黑土非物质文化遗产资源的可持续发展,提升非物质文化遗产旅游资源的综合竞争力,尝试构建非物质文化遗产保护性旅游开发工作框架的设想,探索适合其自身特点的开发与保护模式。应用昂普(RMP)分析模式,从绥化市寒地黑土非物质文化遗产的资源、市场、产品3个方面,对绥化市旅游进行系统的评价分析,为绥化市非物质文化遗产的旅游开发提出了一系列的发展模式,如保护第一、培养非遗后继人才、整合文化资源、突出文化特色、策划绥化非物质文化遗产精品旅游线路等。  相似文献   

Today the information globalization is the trend of society development. The information technology has great influence not only on the mode of life and production, but also on the urban social and economic structure. In order to fit in with the change in this regard, the urban land-use distribution, residential mode, traffic pattern and so on should be changed correspondingly. Therefore, this change will lead to the development and evolution of whole urban spatial structure. In this paper, the development tendency of urban spatial structure in the information age is analyzed and some proposals on city planning and construction are put forward.  相似文献   

高等学校的考试是检验高校教学效果和人才培养质量的一个重要手段,探讨了高校传统考试模式存在的主要问题,并对基于应用型人才培养目标的普通高校考试模式进行了探索,论述了新型考试模式的实践成效及其发展。  相似文献   

中国西部地区县域城乡统筹发展模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄旭锋 《中国农学通报》2012,28(21):301-305
县域城乡统筹发展是西部地区经济社会发展的必由之路。现阶段,受资源禀赋、人力资源、产业发展、制度环境等要素条件影响,中国东、中、西部县域城乡统筹发展水平有明显差异。自2001年国家实施西部大开发战略以来,特别是“十一五”时期,西部地区县域经济城乡统筹发展已经取得积极成效。西部不少市县在立足当地实际、因地制宜地加快县域城乡统筹发展的过程中,逐步形成各具特色的县域城乡统筹发展模式。对于西部地区县域城乡统筹发展模式的研究,也就在于总结、梳理西部各省县域城乡统筹发展成就、经验和做法,比较不同区域、不同县区县域城乡统筹发展路子或模式,探讨西部地区统筹城乡发展、转变经济发展方式思路和对策。  相似文献   

番木瓜对不同施肥模式的响应及经济效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨番木瓜高产高效栽培与合理施肥模式之间的平衡点,确保番木瓜高产优质,施肥模式经济高效。通过连续2年的田间小区定位试验,研究了5种不同施肥模式(专用肥,T1;专用肥+改良剂,T2;专用肥+精制有机肥,T3;精制有机肥,T4;生物有机肥,T5)对番木瓜营养生长、产量及品质的影响,开展了不同施肥模式的经济效益分析。结果表明:与T1处理对比,T2、T3处理均表现出促进番木瓜冠幅、株高生长增加的趋势。整个示范区番木瓜株产40.2~49.3 kg,平均单果重0.38~0.41 kg,单株收获商品果实105.8~120.4个。T3处理较T1处理增产18.6%,差异显著。糖度的方差分析结果显示,T1处理显著低于T4、T5处理,T4、T5处理均显著低于T2、T3处理。不同施肥模式鲜果肉维生素C含量与糖度的趋势一致。从经济效益来考察,T3处理获得的净产值最高(413819元/hm2),产投比为T3≈T2>T5≈T1>T4处理。  相似文献   

有机农业是遵循自然发展规律和适应生态发展的新型农业生产方式。有机农业是我国遵循可持续发展战略、适应当前资源供需严峻形势的重要措施。有机茶更是有机农业的典型代表,因此研究有机茶的发展将对我国有机农业的发展具有重要的指导意义。而通过对有机茶的相关研究综述,可以充分了解我国有机茶将面对的问题、机遇和有关措施,这将对我国有机茶的发展研究方向提供较有价值的参考。  相似文献   

北京密云库区生态经济模式的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
实现“保护水源”和“发展经济”是密云库区可持续发展的目标,探寻库区可行的生态经济模式有重要的研究意义。根据北京的发展规划、密云的过去的发展经历、目前实际情况以及发展目标,把适宜密云库区的生态经济模式构想为“一圈四带三循环”模式,即实现水库可持续发展为中心的圈层;建立生态保育带、观光旅游带、特色产业带、加工增值带;构建带内外的物质、能量和经济循环模式,使库区内外达到合理的能量等级。并就模式运行的关键技术(绿色技术与蓝色技术)与战略对策(政府管理与生态补偿)进行了探讨  相似文献   

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