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To solve the problems of the existing expert management information system, such as lack of general standard and lag of technical operation, etc., an Internet-based EMIS expert management information system is designed and implemented by using ASP.NET technology and multi-layer B/S structure mode. The system integrates three functions, i.e. network reporting, online review and automatic management, unifies the expert accreditation procedures and criteria and solves the confusion problem of the expert information structure system. It also reduces complexity and cost of system development, increases integrability and scalability, and provides an effective solution for the construction of national expert management information system.  相似文献   

According to the urgent need for motorcycle parts enterprise to improve the ability of information exchange and business collaboration between the production process and other links such as the marketing, design, production planning, outsourcing, purchasing and delivering, an integration framework of the intergraded workshop production management system for motorcycle parts enterprise is presented. It can be integrated with the designing and production planning management systems upwards, the workshop equipments and workers downwards, and the subcontract production and supply chain management systems outwards. Then, some key technologies are studied, such as the realization scheme of system integration based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), the data integration and sharing mechanism of heterogeneous information system based on eXtensible Markup Language (XML), and the real-time interaction technology of workshop information based on the multi-functional interactive information terminals, etc. Finally, the system is developed and successfully applied in a motorcycle parts enterprise, and good results are obtained.  相似文献   

中国渔政管理指挥系统是服务于渔业管理业务的大型管理信息系统,随着信息化建设的深入和需求的提高,越来越多的管理业务将纳入到系统中来,系统的运行效率与业务协同性将会面临挑战。笔者通过架构设计关键技术的分析研究,基于企业架构(EA)和面向服务的体系结构(SOA)技术,提出了面向渔业管理的系统架构框架,优化了中国渔政管理指挥系统的总体设计方案。总体设计根据业务需求和管理战略从全局的角度对系统的业务架构、应用架构、数据架构、技术架构进行设计,构建基于SOA的业务服务技术架构,以解决系统的灵活性与可扩展性,满足不断发展的信息化需求,为系统信息共享、互联互通和业务协同提供技术模型,为系统的可持续建设提供技术保障。  相似文献   

摘 要:分析了当前农业科技信息化存在的问题,提出了信息化建设的解决方案,构建了以福建省农科院丰富的农业科技信息资源为基础、数字化网络为载体、融数字化科技信息的采集与存储、信息网络传输与分析处理、数字控制管理于一体的农业信息化生产管理体系;硬件系统构建主要包括网络、安全、服务器和存储设备等,业务应用系统开发包括科研管理与办公自动化系统、农业专业数据库与资源整合及农业科技信息网站系统等。论述了该项目的总体思路、主要研究内容、系统平台构建,以及测试运行情况和应用前景。  相似文献   

The essentiality of human information system interaction efficiency was analyzed under the computerization environment of enterprises. Information processing ability was measured from three dimensions: working memory, cognitive skill, and computer self efficacy. The experimental method was used to study the influence of information processing ability on human information system interaction efficiency. Multiple regression results show that cognitive skill is the main factor influencing interaction efficiency for skill based tasks, working memory is the main factor for rule based tasks, and working memory has no significant influence on interaction efficiency for knowledge based tasks. Working memory and computer self efficacy are the main factors influencing interaction efficiency for total tasks.  相似文献   

武军 《中国种业》2005,(1):23-25
合肥丰乐种业股份有限公司是中国种业界第一家上市公司,为了更好地加强公司内部管理,提高效率,加强宏观调控,必须及时获得并处理大量信息,并作出决策,以便把丰乐种业建成中国的一流种业企业。要实现这一目标,传统的信息采集与处理方式已难以适应新形势下公司发展的需要,采用现代化的管理手段成为当务之急。建设合肥丰乐种业股份有限公司计算机管弹系统,  相似文献   

Summary An existing database system for seed collections has been augmented by programs providing plans for field experiments, record sheets and adhesive labels for seed packets. Information on accession names and parentage is picked up from the database. At the end of the season information on material seleeted in the trials is automatically added to the database.  相似文献   

中国农产品质量安全发展概况及对策分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李哲敏 《中国农学通报》2008,24(12):572-575
农产品的质量安全与否,不仅与人民群众的身体健康和生命安全直接相关,同时也与一国或一地的社会稳定和经济发展关系密切。本文在分析我国农产品质量安全近年来的发展概况的基础上,针对当前农产品质量安全工作中存在的三大突出问题,提出完善农产品质量安全管理工作的政策建议。  相似文献   

氮肥运筹方式对豫单2002产量及品质的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
【研究目的】该研究旨在为豫单2002的推广应用提供施肥技术支撑,为高产高蛋白夏玉米氮肥合理运筹肥提供理论与技术依据。【方法】在豫北潮土区高产田块上,采用田间试验,设N0(不施氮肥)、N1(攻杆肥100%)、N2(攻穗肥100%)、N3(攻杆肥40%+攻穗肥60%),N4(攻杆肥30%+攻穗肥50%+攻粒肥20%)五个处理开展研究。【结果】结果表明:氮肥不同运筹方式增产效果差异显著,其中N3处理增产效果最好,其次是N1处理和N4处理,N2处理增产效果最小;分次施肥有于提高籽粒粗蛋白含量,且随着施肥次数的增加,籽粒粗蛋白含量呈上升趋势;分次施肥亦有利于提高籽粒蛋白质产量,不同处理以N3最佳,其次为N4;氮肥不同运筹方式肥料利用率差异显著,其中N3处理最高,其次为N4和N1处理,而N2最低。【结论】N3处理由于有效地促进了植株对氮素的吸收利用,增加显著地产量和提高了籽粒蛋白质产量,一定程度上提高了籽粒蛋白质含量,因而为最佳氮肥运筹方式。  相似文献   

A dynamic model of transmission system for a marine gear is established considering time-varying mesh stiffness, mesh damping and tooth composite error. The solution efficiency is improved by taking contact line length change of gear pair instead of instantaneous gear mesh stiffness change and making mesh damping and tooth surface equivalent to viscous damping. Multi-objective dynamic optimization design is put into practice to improve the marine gear transmission system using vibration acceleration and mass as target function. The results show that the optimization method can effectively reduce the vibration level and mass of marine gear.  相似文献   

基于多模型的农产品供求信息预测系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了基于多模型的农产品供求信息预测系统的预测模型理论基础、系统总体平台结构、系统功能结构,并重点介绍其主要功能模块,同时,指出了系统实现中解决的关键问题,最后进行总结并提出改进方法。  相似文献   

台湾食品安全监管体系与质量认证简介   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文简要介绍了台湾目前的行政院农业委员会、卫生署和经济部标准检验局等食品安全监管机构,以及台湾食品安全法律法规和质量认证体系,并阐述了台湾食品安全监管机制对中国大陆的启示。了解台湾食品安全相关现状,对于落实两岸食品安全协议,增进海峡两岸食品安全沟通与互信,保障两岸人民安全与健康具有重要意义。  相似文献   

运用农业信息技术原理与方法,结合泰州市郊区实际,开发出了功能全面、内容丰富、现势性强、图形生产力高、界面友好、易于操作的基于Visual Basic 6.0和MapObjects 2.3的泰州市郊区土壤与作物施肥信息系统V1.0。该系统涵盖了数据查询检索、空间分析、精确施肥决策、学习辅助等功能。经试用,系统的功能可用性、功能可靠性、易用性、可扩充性较强,用户满意度较高,可为该地推广应用土壤管理与水稻、小麦精确施肥技术提供辅助决策与智能学习优质平台。  相似文献   

We developed a methodological protocol for comprehensive evaluation of nutrient management (NM) technologies for production of cauliflower taking its yield, quality, profitability, energy balance and environmental sustainability in terms of soil quality as the goal variables. Fifteen NM technologies comprising three sources of nutrients viz., organics [farmyard manure (FYM), vermicompost (VC) and green manure], inorganic fertilizations (recommended NPK at the rate of 200-44-82 kg ha−1and 125% of recommended NPK) and their selected combinations were tested for producing cauliflower for six consecutive growing seasons during 2006–2011. Integrated NM technology proved to be economically sound and environment-friendly practice. It helped to produce better quality cauliflower with higher value added products such as crude protein, dietary fibre, and vitamin C. Further, it concomitantly maintained better soil quality by improving soil organic carbon stock, microbial biomass carbon, bulk density and extractable plant available nutrients. Combining all the parameters together by employing non-parametric evaluation of regression factor scores through principal component analysis, the NM technology of FYM 5 Mg ha−1 + 125% of recommended NPK and VC 3 Mg ha−1 + 125% of recommended NPK were found to be the best among the NM technologies compared. The superiority of the technologies were attributed to higher curd biomass yield (8.36 and 9.70 Mg ha−1, respectively), higher economic return (benefit-cost ratio 2.7 and 2.5; marginal rate of return 8.0 and 5.1, respectively), more energy conserving efficiency (net energy 22.4 and 25.7 GJ ha−1; output-input energy ratio 1.86 and 2.00, respectively) and greater improvement in the indices of soil quality (6.219 and 5.709, respectively) and crop quality for human (6.7 and 7.4, respectively) and animal (7.4 and 6.4, respectively) nutrition. Organics were less productive, less profitable, and energetically less efficientas compared to integrated and inorganic systems for cauliflower production in subtropics.  相似文献   

The differential equation which governs the behavior of the gear transmission system of 1.5 MW wind turbine is established. The external excitation caused by wind speed fluctuation is discussed and the internal excitation due to time varying mesh stiffness and comprehensive error is also analyzed. The calculating formulations of the harmonic balance method of nonlinear dynamic equations are presented. Then, the multi objective dynamic optimization model is developed to minimize the value of vibration acceleration and the overall volume. The optimization of a practical example using mixed discrete combined programming is performed. The result shows that the proposed method of modeling and optimization design can effectively reduce the wind turbines gearbox vibration levels and weight.  相似文献   

提出了“质量一体化”基本农田保护信息系统的概念和实施技术要求,以新沂市为例,在对新沂市基本农田保护现状进行调研的基础上,论证了其实施“质量一体化”基本农田保护信息系统的可行性,根据新沂市的实际情况,提出了系统应包含的功能模块、建库方案等,对新沂市实施“质量一体化”基本农田保护信息系统进行有益的探索。  相似文献   

In order to realize the efficient transmission and analysis of multimedia data under TD-SCDMA network, a parallel management framework is proposed. This framework improves the general framework for data management by parallelizing the generation of standardized data and the analysis of original data. It not only reduces the data volume in transmission and analysis, but also fits for parallel optimization. Focusing on image analysis in the informatization of rural areas, the authors introduce the procedures to realize the parallel management framework. As can be seen from experiment results, the data volume of image data is reduced to 1/12 after parallel optimization, and the time cost of analysis is substantially reduced. Thus, it can effectively relax the requirement of the TD-WCDMA transmission bandwidth for multimedia application in the informatization of rural areas.  相似文献   

Car interior noise induced by windshield wiper system is tested for four different types of cars under high and low wiping speeds,and sound samples for subjective annoyance study are prepared. Grouped pair-wise comparison is adopted for the subjective evaluation test. The characteristic of subjective values and relation of four psychoacoustic parameters to the subjective annoyance are analyzed in two wiping speeds and various wiping patterns. The results indicate that the annoyance caused by wiper noise at high speed is higher than that at low speed,and downwards wiping noise is more annoying than upwards wiping noise. The work concluded that the subjective annoyance of noise from wiper system could be described by binaural loudness and fluctuation.  相似文献   

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