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为解决中国传统图案与景观小品结合运用问题,本文对传统图案在景观小品中的运用现状进行分析,提出去其糟粕,取其精华,传统与现代融合,创新与传承融合的理念,期望历史久远的传统图案在景观小品中焕发新的生命力,为创作出具有中国特色的景观小品作品提供参考. 相似文献
随着园林景观设计技术的不断深入,在现代小区景观中更加突出对环保、艺术等的全面追求,尤其是突出个性化的园林设计理念,融入传统园林设计思想,能起到更好的效果。本文将围绕当前现代小区景观设计中传统园林设计的具体应用现状,并从多方面探讨中国传统园林在现代小区景观设计中的应用模式,更好的促进小区园林景观设计的整体优势。 相似文献
园林建筑小品在园林中既能美化园林环境,使游人从中获得美的感受,又能为游人提供方便;即使非常小的园林建筑小品都会影响到一整个园林环境。本文尝试着从5个方面来分析园林环境中小品设计与环境的关系,希望借此能为园林设计提供蓝本和依据。 相似文献
充分运用中国传统的园林造景设计,不但彰显传统文化的内涵,而且是对于中国传统园林设计元素的继承和发展。本文针对中国传统园林元素在现代小区景观设计中的应用及其发展进行探讨。 相似文献
园林小品包含供游人休息、欣赏、照明以及点缀环境的小型建筑物和装饰设施。随着时代和社会的发展,园林小品被赋予了越来越多的时代特征。现阶段的园林小品设计应结合时代特征,将我国传统特色文化以及现代文明融入其中,这样就能与传统的园林小品明显区分开来,突出其独特性。从园林小品设计主题类型以及构成要素开始分析,探究各种物资搭配的主要方式,强化园林小品的实践应用价值以及优势特点,更好地服务现代人的社会生活。 相似文献
中国传统吉祥植物在园林中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中国园林具有深厚的文化底蕴。在中国传统文化中,人们常赋予植物一定的文化寓意,从而表达某种吉祥意愿。因此,加强对中国传统吉祥植物在园林中的应用研究,有利于对中国传统园林文化的进一步把握及提高植物造景水平。在中国传统吉祥植物资源归纳及分类的基础上,总结出中国传统吉祥植物在园林中的应用手段及形式,探讨了其对现代植物景观设计的启发。 相似文献
目前国内住区景观设计中多元化的设计风格,使得中国本土设计文化受到巨大冲击。为促进中国园林景观设计文脉的延续,以上海临港书院景观设计案例为载体,初步探索如何运用"新中式"风格来设计文化生态型的居住社区,如何围绕地域文化风格特色来进行设计定位,将当地文化、中国古典园林手法、现代审美艺术相互融合,塑造一个具有中式风格、地域文化、时代特征的住区景观。 相似文献
中国传统园林精妙绝伦的造景手法及所蕴含的崇尚自然的精神为世人所称道,但在当代景观设计潮流中却充满盲目照搬西方园林的各种案例。文章通过对中国传统造园手法的分析,并结合具体实践案例的应用,对如何将中国传统造园手法结合现代景观设计建设进行探索。 相似文献
Public urban green spaces (PUGS) play a vital role in the dense urban fabric as places of Nature-Society contact and socialization. Despite some advances in the field, the relationship between the PUGS surroundings and their users' behaviours remains unclear. This study examined the patterns of human behaviour in four PUGS of the city of Porto, on the north Portuguese coast, where the behavioural mapping method was applied. Observational data regarding 979 PUGS users' socio-demographics and behaviours were recorded on a base map and a grid between August and November 2020. The use patterns during different times of the day were disaggregated across behaviours and users' profiles, and their relationship with the surroundings and design elements was assessed with ANOVA, Chi-Square test, and Pearson correlation. The findings presented may pave the way for future studies and inform the urban planning and design of the effectiveness of new interventions, namely providing more accurate aligning between the greenspace design language with users' needs. Furthermore, this study highlights the importance of considering the sociodemographic background of PUGS users and the surroundings to guide designers and planners. 相似文献
大白菜干烧心病的形态结构及生理生化变化 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
以人为诱发大白菜(Brassica Campestris L.ssp.pekinensis(Lour)Olsson.)干烧心病的方法,研究了该病发生发展过程中叶片形态结构及生理生化的变化。结果表明:随着叶片中钙含量的下降,干烧心病症逐渐出现。在此过程中,光合强度降低,膜受损伤,糖含量及电解质外渗率渐增,粘液外溢于叶表;解剖结构观察可见质膜内陷,有囊状小泡形成,细胞器逐步解体;随之,可溶性果胶剧增,胞壁损伤,最后细胞解体死亡,残存固形物充塞了胞壁内外。对叶片排水器黑变与干烧心病发生的独立性检验,表明二者无相关性。 相似文献
以6年生板栗‘3113’为试材,采用比色法对果实发育过程中可溶性总糖、蔗糖和淀粉含量及相关酶活性的相互关系进行了研究。结果表明:果实横、纵径生长规律呈双“S”型,单苞质量呈“S”型曲线。可溶性总糖含量呈上升趋势,蔗糖含量呈下降趋势;淀粉含量呈单峰曲线。蔗糖合成酶(SS)和蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)活性在花后60 d达到峰值,之后趋于下降,与蔗糖含量变化趋势吻合;ADPG焦磷酸化酶(AGPPase)、水溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)、颗粒结合型淀粉合成酶(GBSS)的活性均呈单峰曲线,但最高峰的时间略有差异。相关分析表明,可溶性淀粉与可溶性总糖呈极显著的正相关,相关系数为0.978;SS和SPS活性与蔗糖存在极显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.905和0.892;可溶性淀粉含量与SSS活性呈显著正相关,与GBSS活性呈极显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.764和0.883。 相似文献
In growing cities, there is a demand for development areas, which poses a threat to existing green areas. Therefore, it is of interest to know to what extent different types of green areas are used by residents. In the suburb of Järvafältet, situated 15 km outside Stockholm city centre, inhabitants’ use of patches of remnants of original natural vegetation in green areas has been studied by momentary observations from fixed points over the periods 1978–1982 and 2002–2004. The number of people, sex, age, type of activity, and place of that activity were noted. Overall, there has been a significant increase in the amount of use of these types of recreation areas between the two periods. The use by organized groups, as well as by adult walkers, runners and cyclists, increased the most, while individual children's play decreased. Almost every other child observed was found to be partaking in organized school or day nursery group activities. Children belonging to organized groups were seen as frequently in areas at a distance of less than 100 m from the houses as between 200 and 400 m from the built-up area, while children not participating in group activities were seen much more frequently in the areas closest to buildings. These types of green areas were used more by children and young people than by adults. This implies the likelihood that the use of these areas for recreation is underestimated in outdoor recreation inquiries and interview studies, where children are not usually included. Residents’ use of areas with remnant natural vegetation in cities shows that these areas have a recreational value as well as with other values. This makes them important to take into consideration in the planning and design process. Small areas close to residential areas need to be considered. 相似文献
在大棚无土栽培条件下,采用"416-B"最优混合设计研究N、P2O5、K2O、Cl配比对菜心产量和硝酸盐积累的效应及其最佳配比进行研究.结果表明:N、P2O5、K2O、Cl合理配施能提高菜心产量,降低菜心硝酸盐含量.其中N、P2O5、K2O与产量呈正效应,Cl与产量呈负效应,N与菜心硝酸盐含量呈正效应,P2O5、K2O、Cl与菜心硝酸盐含量呈负效应.综合考虑,确定高产优质菜心的最佳营养配方:N、P2O5、K2O、Cl的编码值(真实值,g/0.9 m2)分别为0.49(18.58),1.49(8.95),1.16(22.11),0.23(33.31),对应的产量707.12 g/0.9 m2,硝酸盐含量612.01 mg/kg,Vc含量170.42 mg/kg. 相似文献
枣树不同品种、发育时期和器官的cAMP和cGMP含量研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
以26个枣优良品种为试材, 采集白熟、脆熟和完熟期的叶片、吊梗和果实的果皮、果肉4个器官的样品, 采用HPLC法测定分析了cAMP和cGMP的含量。结果表明: ①不同器官的cAMPcGMP含量均以果皮中最高, 果肉、叶片其次, 吊梗中最低; ②不同发育时期的cAMP和cGMP含量均以完熟期最高, 白熟期最低; ③不同品种的cAMP和cGMP含量存在极显著差异, 如南京鸭枣的cAMP含量( 553 155 μg·g- 1 ) 约为灌阳长枣(461 65μg·g- 1 ) 的12倍, 彬县晋枣cGMP含量(201 115 μg·g- 1 ) 约为山东梨枣(8186μg·g- 1 ) 的23倍; ④相同材料中, cAMP的含量多高于cGMP含量, 且在不同器官和发育期间的变化规律相似。 相似文献