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Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) was grown in two different long‐term P fertilization experiments on a sandy and a loamy soil. The P supply levels of the soils were ”︁low”, ”︁sufficient”, and ”︁high”, according to the German recommendation scheme. The low P level decreased shoot and storage root yield only on the loam soil, where the recovery of the P‐deficient plants after a drought period was slower than at a sufficient P supply. The size of the living root system, as determined by a conventional auger sampling method, peaked at early July and decreased until harvest on the sandy soil without any influence of the P level. On loam, the living root systems were more constant and larger at P shortage. Total root production, as determined by the ingrowth core method, was about 120 km m—2 in the well P supplied loam treatments and 200 km m—2 at P deficiency, which was 3—4 times and 5 times higher than the average size of the living root systems, respectively. Hence, a rapid root renewal took place. On sand, where no P deficiency occurred, total root production was not different between the P supply levels but higher than in the well‐supplied loam treatments. Modelling P uptake revealed that this root turnover and the concomitant better exploitation of the soil facilitates P uptake at a low P level in soil, but is of no advantage at a sufficient P supply. The increase of root production at P shortage increased calculated P uptake by 25% compared to a calculation with the ”︁usual” root production at a sufficient supply.  相似文献   


The uptake of phosphate from stirred solution by roots was not affected by root hairs. In contrast to this, root hairs appreciably increased the uptake of phosphate from a clay soil.  相似文献   

This study investigated phosphorus (P) dynamics and kinetics in calcareous soil under inorganic, organic, and integrated (inorganic+organic) fertilizer systems during two growing seasons of maize in two soil depths (0–0.15 and 0.15–0.30 m). A field experiment was conducted with 150, 300, and 400 kg ha?1 triple superphosphate (TSP), 7.5 and 15.0 ton ha?1 (on dry matter basis) farmyard manure (FYM), and integrated systems. In order to analyze Olsen P, soil samples were collected in 30-day-intervals after planting. The results showed that at the end of the two growing seasons of maize, the lowest magnitudes of Olsen P0–0.15 m were 6.0, 6.8, 7.4, and 7.6 mg kg?1 for the control, 7.5 FYM, 15 FYM, and 150 TSP, respectively. The highest magnitudes of Olsen P0–0.15 m were 12.4, 11.5, 11.4, and 11.1 mg kg?1 for 300 TSP+15 FYM, 400 TSP+7.5 FYM, 400 TSP+15 FYM, and 300 TSP+7.5 FYM, respectively. The same trends were observed for Olsen P0.15–0.30 m. Heterogeneous diffusion model demonstrated that Elovich equation could best describe the experimental data (mean; R2 = 0.98, SE = 0.29). The highest P supply rates (PSR) were 4.73, 3.91, and 3.86 mg kg?1day?1 (days after application) for 400 TSP, 400 TSP+15 FYM, and 300 TSP, respectively. The models of P supply capacity of soil could estimate P supply of soil under different fertilizer systems (R2 = 0.84–0.95). The present study improved the understanding of the capacity and rate of P supply by considering P uptake by grain maize. Fertilizer recommendations depend on the accessibility of fertilizer types suggested to help choose the best fertilizer systems.  相似文献   

In our previous studies, pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.), groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), and rice (Oryza sativa L.) were found to have a higher ability to take up Fe- or Al-bound phosphorus (P) than soybean (Glycine max L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.). Phosphorus absorption characteristics like I max, K m, C min, and FeIII reduction activity of roots, and root exudates in various crops were examined with a view to analyzing the mechanisms of P uptake. Phosphorus uptake ability was largely unrelated to variations in I max, K m, C min, and FeIII reduction activity of roots. Phosphorus-solubilizing activity in anionic fractions of root exudates was detected in pigeonpea but not in rice or groundnut. Malonic acid was the major component followed by oxalic and piscidic acid. These organic acids were able to release P from FePO4 and A1PO4. The higher P uptake ability of pigeonpea in soils with low P fertility presumably depends on the secretion of such organic acids from roots.  相似文献   

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), an important food crop, generally requires a high amount of phosphate fertilizer for optimum growth and yield. One option to reduce the need of fertilizer is the use of P‐efficient genotypes. Two efficient and two inefficient genotypes were investigated for P‐efficiency mechanisms. The contribution of root traits to P uptake was quantified using a mechanistic simulation model. For all genotypes, high P supply increased the relative growth rate of shoot, shoot P concentration, and P‐uptake rate of roots but decreased root‐to‐shoot ratio, root‐hair length, and P‐utilization efficiency. Genotypes CGN 17903 and CIP 384321.3 were clearly superior to genotypes CGN 22367 and CGN 18233 in terms of shoot–dry matter yield and relative shoot‐growth rate at low P supply, and therefore can be considered as P‐efficient. Phosphorus efficiency of genotype CGN 17903 was related to higher P‐utilization efficiency and that of CIP 384321.3 to both higher P‐uptake efficiency in terms of root‐to‐shoot ratio and intermediate P‐utilization efficiency. Phosphorus‐efficient genotypes exhibited longer root hairs compared to inefficient genotypes at both P levels. However, this did not significantly affect the uptake rate and the extension of the depletion zone around roots. The P inefficiency of CGN 18233 was related to low P‐utilization efficiency and that of CGN 22367 to a combination of low P uptake and intermediate P‐utilization efficiency. Simulation of P uptake revealed that no other P‐mobilization mechanism was involved since predicted uptake approximated observed uptake indicating that the processes involved in P transport and morphological root characterstics affecting P uptake are well described.  相似文献   

It is crucial to know how management factors influence soil test phosphorus (P) since non-point P sources for surface waters are becoming recognized as a problem throughout the USA. Phosphorus fertilizer and crop residue can impact the cycling of P in soils. An eight-year crop residue removal and P fertilization (0, 7.3, 14.7 and 29.4 kg P/ha) as triple superphosphate (TSP) experiment were conducted to determine the effect of P applications on soil P fractions. Significant differences in Bray-l extractable P were observed after only one year of P applications. Extractable P at the highest P rate was significantly higher than all the other rates. For each 5.6 kg P/ha added or removed, Bray-l P changed by 1 mg/kg. Fertilizer P applications did not significantly change the organic P (Po) levels, microbial P (Pm) or soil pH, whereas residue treatments had effects on them except for soil pH. Residue-retained plots had significantly higher Pm in the last two years of study, and Po in the 8th year, compared with residue-removed plots.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms of phosphorus (P)-use efficiency (PUE) may contribute to enhancing crop P nutrition because species growth variability at low-P is well known. The experiment was carried out to evaluate the response of kale genotypes to different P supply in randomized block design in three replications. Low-P supply led to a decrease in most parameters, whereas an increase was recorded in root growth parameters. Genotypes differed in shoot dry weight (DW), leaf area, root length and area, and shoot and root P content and concentration. Root traits significantly positively correlated with PUE. Genotypes Red Russian (RR) and IJK 17 were superior in terms of shoot DW production at low P supply, and had the highest uptake efficiency. Genotypes IJK 17 and 81 had the highest P utilization efficiency, while Vates blue curled (VBC) showed the lowest PUE. Genotypes had similar shoot P content and concentration at low P supply, but large PUE differences, implying the importance of P utilization efficiency.  相似文献   

An assay system was evaluated for denitrification measurement with potted ornamental plants cultivated in peat substrate (Pelargonium zonale, Euphorbia pulcherrima). Flow-through chambers only enclosing the pot of the plants were considered best for denitrification measurement. Loss of N2O from the chambers by transport through the plant shoot was negligible with both species. To determine (N2O + N2)-N loss, C2H2 was applied to inhibit reduction of N2O. Experiments were conducted with unplanted substrate in closed incubation systems to determine optimum C2H2 concentration and pre-treatment duration. Complete inhibition of N2O reduction in peat substrate was achieved using 1 vol% C2H2. However, a concentration of 5 vol% C2H2 was chosen for further experiments because C2H2 concentrations in flow-through chambers varied. The duration of C2H2 pre-treatment (0, 2, 12, 24 h) showed no clear effect on (N2O + N2)-N accumulation. However, a pre-treatment duration of 2 h was chosen to guarantee immediate inhibition of N2O reductase at the start of experiments. Exposure to C2H2 gas proved to affect plants of both species. During C2H2 exposition in flow-through chambers, the leaves of P. zonale became chlorotic (48 h) and necrotic (72 h). E. pulcherrima showed no chlorosis but did exhibit leaf epinasty (24 h) and wilting (96 h). Transpiration of P. zonale and C availability in the growing medium of both species were not affected by 52 h and 24 h treatments with C2H2, respectively. As N emissions usually ended within 38 h of C2H2 treatment, it was concluded that side effects of C2H2 did not affect denitrification measurements.  相似文献   


The characteristics of phosphorus (P) sorption/desorption of artificially synthesized ferrihydrate and the relationship between P adsorption saturation of ferrihydrate, rice growth, and P uptake by rice (Oryza sativa L.) were studied. The results obtained from experiments showed that the artificially synthesized ferrihydrate had a very large adsorption potential to P, with 45045 μg P g?1 of maximum adsorption capacity (Qm). Phosphorus adsorption isotherm of ferrihydrate could be fitted very well with the Langmuir equation. Desorption of P adsorbed by ferrihydrate was controlled mainly by P adsorption saturation of ferrihydrate. Phosphorus adsorbed by ferrihydrate with saturation of less than 30% was hardly desorbed. Phosphorus desorption slowly increased with the increase of P saturation from 30% to 60%, but sharply increased with P saturation of greater than 60%. Thus it could be seen that P adsorption saturation should be a key factor affecting the availability of P adsorbed by iron oxides and be a better index than the quantity of oxalate-extractable P in estimating P phyto-availability in flooded soils. A Bioassay using rice indicated that 50% of P adsorption saturation could be used as a critical index for diagnosing status of P supplied by ferrihydrate-bonded P at the tillering stage of rice.  相似文献   


The chickpea breeding program in India has not yet considered the genotypic variation in phosphorus (P) efficiency, despite the fact that the largest proportion of chickpea-growing soils are P deficient. Since general P application to chickpea is at sub-optimum levels, efficient P-utilizing genotypes will perform better than others under P-deficient conditions. High levels of P application may induce zinc (Zn) deficiency in plants grown on Zn-deficient soils. Twenty chickpea genotypes were evaluated for their P efficiency at varied levels of added P, and the effect of P levels on Zn, iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and manganese (Mn) nutrition was studied in pot-culture experiments. Three criteria were used for evaluating P efficiency; shoot dry-matter yield without P, P-uptake efficiency (PUPE), and P-utilization efficiency (PUSE). Under P-deficiency conditions (control), the genotypes BG-256, HK-94-134, Phule-G-5, and Vikash produced the highest shoot biomass. However, genotypes that were found to be superior in the absence of P did not perform in a similar way under optimum P supply. Root dry weight showed a highly significant correlation with P uptake at all P levels. In the case of PUPE, genotypes KPG-59 and Pusa-209 were found to be superior to others. With increasing P levels, PUSE declined in all the genotypes. Increasing P up to 13.5 mg kg?1 soil increased Zn concentration, while further increase led to decreased concentration. Genotypes KPG-59, BG-256, RSG-888, and JG-315 showed Zn concentrations below the critical limit of 20 μg Zn g?1 dry weight (DW) at the high level of P application (27.0 mg kg?1). Iron concentration decreased with increasing P levels. Up to 13.5 mg kg?1 P application, Cu concentration increased and thereafter decreased. Manganese concentration gradually increased with the increasing P levels studied. Based on three criteria, BG-256 can be recommended for use in P-deficient conditions and can be good germplasm source material for chickpea-breeding programs for evolving P-efficient genotypes. Results also suggest that when selecting P-efficient genotypes of chickpea, it is essential to apply deficient micronutrients.  相似文献   

An increased root turnover can be a mechanism of improved nutrient‐uptake efficiency. The objectives of this study were to investigate P and K efficiency of faba beans (Vicia faba L.), to determine their root growth and root turnover, and to assess the relevance of root turnover on P and K uptake at limited supply. Faba beans were grown as part of a long‐term fertilization experiment on fertilized plots (control) and plots that had not received any P or K fertilizer for 16 years (P0, K0). Although the unfertilized soils were low and very low in their P‐ and K‐supply level, respectively, no differences in shoot‐dry‐matter production occurred compared to the control. However, relative K concentration in dry matter of the K0 plants (control plants = 100) decreased during the experiment and was only 60% of the control at the final harvest. This indicated a high K‐utilization efficiency of faba bean. Relative phosphorus concentration increased in the P0 treatment and was not different from the control at the last harvest, indicating an improvement in P‐uptake efficiency with time. The size of the standing root system determined by sequential auger sampling (net development) was not influenced by P and K supply. Total root production as measured by the ingrowth‐core method was about 6 times higher than the average size of the standing root system and even increased under low‐K conditions. This indicated a fast root turnover. Modeling soil nutrient transport and uptake revealed that calculated uptake of the control was up to 48% higher when root turnover was taken into account, compared to calculations based on the net development of the root systems. This is due to a better soil exploitation. Under K shortage, root turnover resulted in a 117% higher calculated uptake, which was close to measured K uptake. Root turnover was also of benefit for P uptake, but calculated P uptake was significantly less than measured, indicating that root turnover was of little importance for P uptake of faba beans.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of phosphorus (P) fertilizer levels on inorganic P fractions. Wheat cultivars (Azadi and Marvdasht) were grown in the soils amended with the four rates of P fertilizer levels (no fertilizer, 10, 15, and 25 mg available P kg?1 soil). Soils were sampled from rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere areas after 6 weeks. The mean of all P fractions was significantly different in various P fertilizer levels. The smallest and the largest amounts of all P fractions were observed in the soil with no P and in 25 mg kg?1 soil P level, respectively. The Azadi cultivar, as P-efficient, showed the smallest increase in soil P fractions with increasing soil P levels. The means of all P fractions except Al-phosphates (Al-P) were significantly higher in non-rhizosphere soil. There were differences between these cultivars associated with the more inaccessible fractions at the 15 mg P kg?1 soil level.  相似文献   


Low bioavailability of soil phosphorus (P) often limits N2 (nitrogen) fixation and crop production in large parts of the tropics. The efficiency of P acquisition and P use by 21 genotypes of pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] were studied in a pot experiment using two cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Waip.] genotypes as controls. The short-duration genotypes produced more dry matter, accumulated more P, and produced more dry matter per unit of absorbed P than the medium-and long-duration genotypes. Dry-matter production correlated positively with the P uptake (r2 = 0.72) and P-use efficiency (r2 = 0.86). The P uptake correlated positively with the P-use efficiency (r2 = 0.36); whereas the P-use efficiency correlated negatively with the P-uptake efficiency (r2 = 0.50). Root surface did not determine P acquisition of pigeonpea, which absorbed 1.6 mg P cm?3 from 33 cm3 soil compared with 0.17 mg P cm?3 from 387 cm3 soil for cowpea at 66 d.  相似文献   

The mobility of nutrients in soils is well characterized, whereas little information is available for common horticultural substrates based on peat. Aim of the current study was to investigate the mobility and dynamics of phosphorus (P) as well as the parameters involved in P transport to plant roots in peat‐based substrates. A series of experiments was run to determine the impedance factor (f) and the buffer power (b). The impedance factor was determined for black peat and black peat mixed with 20% and 40% (v/v) of mineral component at volumetric water content (θ) of 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70% and at different diffusion time. Buffer power was calculated for black peat and black peat mixed with 20% (v/v) of seven different mineral components. Phosphorus was applied at rates of 0, 35, and 100 mg (L substrate–1), respectively. The impedance factor was not affected by addition of the mineral component to peat. However, f increased from 0.03 to 0.2, by increasing θ from 40% to 60%, indicating that water content has a significant effect on this parameter. Substrate‐solution P ranged from 0.3 to 27 and from 1 to 95 mg P (L solution)–1 for the P‐application rate of 35 and 100 mg P (L substrate)–1, respectively. Buffer power of the substrates ranged from 1 to 17.25 depending on the mineral component, and it was positively correlated with oxalate‐soluble Fe and Al in the substrate. The calculated effective diffusion coefficient for P in the substrate was in the range of 10–7 to 10–8 cm2 s–1. This high value could be attributed mostly to the low buffer power rather than to the high impedance factor.  相似文献   

采用培养试验研究了磷缺乏与正常供磷条件下,CO2浓度由350μL/L升高至800μL/L苗期番茄的生物量、根系特征和不同器官N、P、K养分含量的变化。结果表明,无论缺磷与否,CO2浓度升高均能显著增加番茄地上部及根系的干物质积累量,提高根冠比。在磷缺乏条件下,CO2浓度升高对番茄根系生长的促进主要表现为增加根系的体积和表面积;而在磷正常供应条件下主要表现为同时增加根体积和分根数,有利于形成强壮的根系。在两种供磷水平下,CO2浓度升高对番茄各器官的N、P、K含量产生不同的稀释效应,但N、P、K总积累量却随CO2浓度升高而显著增加;而且CO2浓度与供P水平对番茄植株的N、P、K积累量具有极显著的正交互效应。  相似文献   

Genetic differences among crop genotypes can be exploited for identification of genotypes more suited to a low‐input agricultural system. Twenty wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes were evaluated for their differential yield response, phosphorus (P) uptake in grain and straw, and P‐use efficiency at the zero‐P control and 52 kg P ha?1 rates. Substantial and significant differences were obvious among genotypes for both grain and straw yields at stress (8 mg P kg?1 soil, native soil P, no P addition) and adequate (52 kg P ha?1) P levels. Genotype 5039 produced maximum grain yield at both P levels. Relative reduction in grain yield due to P‐deficiency stress [i.e., P stress factor (PSF)] ranged between none and 32.4%, indicating differential P requirement of these genotypes. Pasban 90, Pitic 62, Rohtas 90, Punjab 85, and line 4943 did not respond to P application and exhibited high relative yield compared to those at adequate P level. FSD 83 exhibited the best response to P with maximum value for PSF (32.4%). Genotypes were distributed into nine groups on the basis of relationship between grain yield and total P uptake. Rohtas 90 and lines 4072 and 5039 exhibited high grain yield and medium P uptake (HGY‐MP). However, line 5039 with high total index score utilized less P (12.2 kg P ha?1) than line 4072 and Rohtas 90 (13.5 and 13.6 kg P ha?1, respectively). Moreover, this genotype also had greater P harvest index (PHI, %) and P physiological efficiency index (PPEI) at stress P level. Pasban 90, Pitic 62, and Pak 81 had the greatest total index score (21), mainly due to high total P uptake, but yielded less grain than lines 5039 and 4072 under low available P conditions. Line 6142 had minimum total index score (15) and also produced minimum grain yield. A wide range of significant differences in PPEI (211 to 365 kg grain kg?1 P absorbed at stress and 206 to 325 kg grain kg?1 P absorbed by aboveground plant material at adequate P) indicated differential utilization of absorbed P by these genotypes for grain production at both P levels. It is concluded from the results that wheat genotypes differed considerably in terms of their P requirements for growth and response to P application. The findings suggest that PSF, PHI, and PPEI parameters could be useful to determine P‐deficiency stress tolerance in wheat.  相似文献   

Wheat plants were cultivated in pots with the objective of evaluating the effect of two sulfur (S) rates (+S and ?S) on (i) shoot growth, S and nitrogen (N) uptake and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and (ii) root growth and architecture and its relations with S and N uptake. Plant samplings were at Z39, Z51 and Z92 stages. Shoot mass and NUE were greater in +S treatment at the three stages. ?S treatment increased root growth at Z39 (14% more length and 16% more tips) in comparison with +S, but the opposite occurred at Z51 (31% less area and 42% less mass). S uptake per unit root mass, area and length were greater in +S treatment at Z39 and Z51. A similar pattern was determined for nitrogen uptake (Nu) at Z39, but the opposite occurred at Z51. This indicates that Nu is mainly controlled by shoot growth and not by root growth.  相似文献   

Exudation of organic acids by the roots of three rice cultivars grown in three soils of different phosphorus (P) statuses, and their impacts on the rhizospheric P dynamics and P uptake by the rice plants, were investigated. Quantum root exudates from all the rice cultivars were significantly greater at 21 days after transplantation than at panicle initiation or flowering stages. Malic acid was the most predominant organic acid present in the rice root exudates (10.3 to 89.5 μmol plant?1 d?1), followed by tartaric, citric, and acetic acids. Greater exudation of organic acids from rice grown in P-deficient soil by all the rice cultivars suggested response of rice plant to P stress. Results indicate that the release of organic acids in the root exudates of rice plants can extract P from strongly adsorbed soil P fraction, thereby increasing native soil P utilization efficiency and ensuring adequate P nutrition for the growing rice plants.  相似文献   

采用培养试验研究了磷缺乏与正常供磷条件下,CO2浓度由350μL/L升高至800μL/L苗期番茄的生物量、根系特征和不同器官N、P、K养分含量的变化。结果表明,无论缺磷与否,CO2浓度升高均能显著增加番茄地上部及根系的干物质积累量,提高根冠比。在磷缺乏条件下,CO2浓度升高对番茄根系生长的促进主要表现为增加根系的体积和表面积;而在磷正常供应条件下主要表现为同时增加根体积和分根数,有利于形成强壮的根系。在两种供磷水平下,CO2浓度升高对番茄各器官的N、P、K含量产生不同的稀释效应,但N、P、K总积累量却随CO2浓度升高而显著增加;而且CO2浓度与供P水平对番茄植株的N、P、K积累量具有极显著的正交互效应。  相似文献   


Studies were conducted to ascertain the suitability of mineral wool (MW), either alone or in combination with sphagnum peat moss, as a substrate for potted greenhouse plants. Two types of hydrophyllic mineral wools, cleaned mineral wool (CMW) and uncleaned mineral wool (UMW), were used. Unamended CMW had a low bulk density, excellent water holding capacity, good aeration, but a high pH. Once peat moss was added to the CMW, bulk density remained low, water holding capacity remained good, and the pH dropped to a more suitable level. Unamended UMW had a high bulk density, good water holding capacity, poor aeration, and a high pH. Once peat moss was added to UMW, bulk density decreased, water holding capacity remained good, aeration increased, and the pH decreased to a more optimal level. CMW and UMW, were used unamended, as well as amended with 25%, 50%, and 75% peat moss. Two bedding plants, Impatiens walleriana ’Dazzler Violet’ and Begonia semperflorens ’Whiskey’ were grown for six and nine weeks respectively, and Euphorbia pulcherrima ’Glory’ was grown for 20 weeks, in nine different substrates. Plants grown in unamended CMW and UMW were generally smaller in size and lower in fresh weight than plants grown in 50% MW/50% peat moss. The plants grown in MW with either 25% or 75% peat moss were similar in size and weight to plants grown in 50% MW/50% peat moss. Plant tissue analysis showed that generally plants were receiving adequate nutrition.  相似文献   

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