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籼粳亚种间杂种优势利用是实现杂交稻超高产育种目标途经之一,粳型亲籼系的选育和利用是籼粳交亚种间杂种优势利用的重要途经。作为籼粳亚种间超高产杂交水稻三系不育系选育方法之一,就是创造粳型亲籼不育系。该不育系必备不育系及胞质与保持系和籼稻恢复系具有遗传协调性;不育系基因组属于粳或粳偏籼型;对现有恢复系有很高的配合力;具有良好的农艺性状和不育特性;不育系对病虫抗性除主效基因外还应累积其他有效抗性基因。  相似文献   

用3个不同质源的不育系和4个恢复系组成3×4不完全双列杂交,估算了空间诱变产生的2个恢复系与其对应的2个常用恢复系的株高、穗长等7个性状的配合力。结果表明:2个粳型亲籼恢复系的结实率的一般配合力均为正效应。HSP517除了穗数外,6个性状的一般配合力和特殊配合力具有较大幅度的正效应,因而认为,HSP517具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

以珍汕97A(野败质)为母本,粳型广亲和品种02428、热研1号为父本,采用成对连续回交,结合不育性的选择,育成了不育度高,不育性较为稳定,农艺性状一致,带有野败质的粳型广亲和不育系02428A和热研1号A.将它们与不同类型的籼型材料(普通籼型品种、恢复系、广亲和恢复系)的测配,可见02428A/籼配组F1平均表现穗大粒多而穗数较少;热研1号A/籼配组F1综合农艺性状良好.进一步分析参试籼型父本对该两个广亲和不育系的育性恢复度,发现恢复系密阳46、IR26(强恢珍汕97A)对其仅表现部分恢复.要使该类配组方式籼粳杂种F1结实率正常,父本仍宜选用广亲和恢复系.  相似文献   

水稻籼粳交恢复系茎秆抗倒性的配合力分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本研究以通过不断聚合和累加不同籼粳亚种有利基因的方法,自育成的不同籼粳分化类型的12个恢复系,与8个两系和三系不育系为材料,采用植物数量性状配合力(NCⅡ设计)分析方法,研究了6个茎秆抗倒性状的配合力和群体遗传参数。结果表明:所考察的6个茎秆抗倒性状的遗传受亲本基因加性效应和非加性效应的影响。倒伏指数、抗折力以非加性效应为主;株高、弯曲力矩、茎椭圆截面积以基因加性效应为主;亲本基因加性效应和非加性效应对后代茎壁截面积的作用相似。恢复系的遗传效应对杂交组合茎秆抗倒性起主要作用。抗折力和弯曲力矩性状除了受亲本特殊配合力的影响外,恢复系的一般配合力也起重要作用。K17A、广抗13A和II-32A三个不育系表现降低籼粳杂种株高超亲和提高抗倒性的遗传效应;明恢509、明恢512、明恢502和明恢398四个恢复系在降低倒伏指数方面较其他恢复系具有明显优势,且株高一般配合力为负效应,在提高茎秆抗倒性为目标的育种实践中有重要利用价值。  相似文献   

T461是以籼粳中间型品种轮回422为广亲和、野败恢复基因供体,与意大利粳稻Cripto杂交选育成的具有良好一般配合力、广谱广亲和的偏粳型恢复系。T461能恢野败、矮败、印尼水田谷、滇型和BT型等核-质互作型籼、粳三系不育系,与籼型和粳型测验种杂交的结实率非常接近,小穗育性平均在90%以上,表现亲和力强、亲和谱广。在T461的改良过程中,选用多个不同的三系不育系在分离世代检测恢复性和配合力的同时,还能起到鉴定广亲和性的作用,达到获得广谱广亲和的目的。  相似文献   

苏南地区晚熟粳稻杂种优势及其亲本配合力分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
金伟栋  张旺  洪德林 《作物学报》2005,31(11):1478-1484
用7个BT型晚粳不育系和7个粳稻恢复系按NCⅡ交配设计配成49个杂交组合,研究10个重要农艺性状的杂种优势及亲本的配合力。结果表明,各性状的优势有正有负,其中每穗总粒数的优势最为明显,竞争优势和超高亲优势平均值分别为22.6%和8.6%;产量性状的超高亲优势最大,平均值为9.5%,变幅为-38.0%~43.9%,竞争优势平均值变幅为-54.8%~10.3%。在产量性状上配合力较优的不育系有852-77A、后36A和9522A,恢复系有161-10、3402、HP121,优良组合有9522A/161-10、9522A/C166、852-77A/3402。  相似文献   

水稻耐热、高配合力籼粳交恢复系泸恢17的创制与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
泸恢17是四川省农科院水稻高粱研究所用粳稻广亲和品种02428与强恢复力、配合力好的品种圭630杂交,采用"籼粳杂交选用偏籼型材料,生物技术加速稳定,南繁北育穿梭选择,高温胁迫选择"的选育思路和技术路线育成的耐热、高配合力籼粳交偏籼恢复系。该恢复系具有耐热能力强、配合力高、恢复力强、稻米品质较好、所配组合适应性广和抗性较强等特征特性。已配组育成4个杂交稻新组合通过省级或国家审定,推广应用面积累计达370万hm2以上。该项研究2005年获国家科技进步二等奖。  相似文献   

4种常见的不同质源籼型不育系与7份粳型(偏粳型)广亲和或广亲和恢复系间的不完全双列杂交试验表明,三系法籼粳杂种F1的平均株高,单株穗数,抽穗天数,剑叶长及主要穗总粒数等均存较高的对照优势,协青早A和珍汕97A参与籼粳配组,其杂种在综合性状上通常较D297A和II-32A所配杂种要优越;选用感光性弱和配合力强的广谱型广亲和恢复系(如H64)进行籼粳配组,其杂种可以克服植株超高,生育期超长,结实率偏低  相似文献   

泸恢1345是四川省农科院水稻高粱研究所利用具有高配合力、强恢复力的恢复系明恢63作主体亲本与广亲和粳稻材料02428杂交,再与来自IRRI的高抗稻瘟病大粒型材料I-RAT144复交.采用"籼粳杂交,选用偏籼型材料,生物技术加速稳定,南繁北育,穿梭选择"的育种方法和途径.在籼型高配合力恢复系遗传背景中渗入部分粳稻血缘,以扩大遗传差异,提高杂种优势水平为基础;在保证有效穗和每穗着粒数的前提下,以提高杂交稻组合结实率和千粒重为突破口;选育而成的高配合力大粒重穗型中籼迟熟恢复系泸恢1345.配组育成的2个杂交稻新组合泰优99于2006年通过重庆审定,2009年通过全国审定:K优1345于2008年通过重庆审定  相似文献   

水稻粳型恢复系 C57的选育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1.粳恢 C57具有较高配合力,杂种一代具有较强优势,花粉量大,有利于提高异交结实率,是当前较好的广谱恢复系。2.籼粳杂交复交与配子利用的“架桥”制恢方法,在杂种一代提供利用部分籼核的机率,丰富了遗传基础,为间接利用籼粳杂种优势及其优良性状开辟了途径。3.粳恢 C57对杂种一代的株型、叶型、高产的“库”和“源”以及适应  相似文献   

几个美国光壳稻的亲和性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严宗卜 《种子》1998,(4):8-10
将5个籼粳两种类型的美国光壳稻RA73,KatyMars,Lagrue,Newnonnet和中国籼稻特青配成一组完全双列杂交,进行F1代结实率配合力分析,结果表明:籼型光壳稻RA73的结实率一般配合力最高,与粳型光壳稻Mars杂交特殊配合力也最高,结实率达87.7%,有较好的亲和性,比前人报道的广亲和品种Newbonnet与粳稻Mars杂交的结实率(56.5%)极显著地提高,RA73可用于籼粳杂交  相似文献   

水稻广亲和与非广亲和品种蛋白质的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滕晓月  崔顺丹 《作物学报》1994,20(6):739-745
本文对水稻广亲和与非广亲和品种种子蛋白质组分进行了单向和双向电泳分析,获得了较清晰而稳定的结果。发现籼稻和粳稻亚种间电泳图谱有明显差异,而广亲和与非广亲和品种间蛋白组分未发现规律性的差异。又用SDS-PAGE方法比较了广亲和与非广亲和品种水稻叶片、花药的蛋白组分,未现4个广亲和品种水稻花药蛋白质中均有一条共  相似文献   

云南水稻品种的亲和性分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
顾兴友  顾铭洪 《作物学报》1995,21(6):649-658
将101个云南水稻品种分别与3个籼型和3个粳型测验品种杂交,考察了各组合F1的小穗育性。同时对各被测品种的6种形态性状的分化按程氏指数法进行调查,分析了云南稻品种亲和性分化与形态性状分化之间的关系。根据测交F1小穗育性的高低,参照籼粳测验品种之间F1的育性水平,可将被测品种的亲和性分成灿型、粳型、中间型、广亲和型和特殊亲和性5个类群。各类群所含品种数分别为47个、21个、16个、6个和5个,另有6  相似文献   

水稻广亲和品种对不同细胞质不育系恢复力的鉴定研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
汤述翥  李国生 《作物学报》1999,25(2):137-144
选用BT型、HL型和WA型3种细胞质的不育系及相应保持系对16个广亲和品种的恢复力 进行测交鉴定,结果表明:(1)在同一细胞核背景下,BT型细胞质的可恢复性好于HL型细胞质,HL型细胞质又好于WA型细胞质。在同一不育细胞质背景下,釉稻不育系较粳稻不育系易恢复。(2)不同广亲和品种的恢复能力有较大差异:培矮64、培C311、轮回422  相似文献   

Yang Zhuping 《Euphytica》1997,95(3):253-258
Following anther culture of various F1 hybrids of indica restorer (R) lines/wide compatible varieties (WCVs) and japonica R lines/WCVs, the homozygous diploid plants (2n) generated were test-crossed with indica WA type cytoplasmic-genetic male sterile (CMS) line Zhanshan 97A (WA), indica testers Nanjing 11 and Nante, japonica BT CMS line Hanfeng A (BT), and japonica testers Balilla and Akihikari to identify widely compatible restorer lines. The results of this study showed that among the diploid pollen plants generated from F1 hybrids of indica R lines/WCVs, 36.7% and 64.7% possessed normal fertility restoration ability (rate of seed-setting > 80%) to Hanfeng A and Zhanshan 97A, respectively. 71.3% and 32.3% had normal fertility restoration ability to Hanfeng A and Zhanshan 97A, respectively, in diploid pollen plants derived from the japonica R lines/WCVs F1's anther culture. Several widely compatible R lines were selected from anther culture of F1 hybrids of indica R lines/WCVs and japonica R lines/WCVs. These widely compatible R lines derived from diploid pollen plants showed good wide compatibility and restoration ability both to WA and BT type CMS lines. Strong standard heterosis of major agronomic traits and yield traits was observed in F1 test-crosses of widely compatible R lines with Hanfeng A and Zhanshan 97A. The wide compatibility in widely compatible R lines H17, H158 and H281 was studied by a set of three-way crosses. Segregation of the fertile plants with seed-setting rate > 70% and semi-fertile plants with seed-setting rate > 69.9% agreed with a ratio of 1:1, indicating that wide compatibility in these widely compatible R lines is governed by a pair of major genes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Wide compatible varieties (WCVs) show normal spikelet fertility in crosses with Indica and Japonica rice varieties. Crosses of Indica and Japonica varieties frequently show high spikelet sterility which prevents exploitation of heterosis for grain yield. We screened 41 rice varieties for the wide compatibility trait by crossing each with three Indica and three Japonica testers. Varieties giving fertile F1 hybrids with both groups of testers were classified as WCVs. Seven varieties viz., BPI-76 (Indica); N 22; Lambayeque-1 and Dular (Aus); Moroberekan, Palawan and Fossa HV (Japonicas), were identified as WCVs. The frequency of WCVs was higher among Aus and Japonicas. The wide compatibility trait in varieties: Dular and Moroberekan was controlled by a single dominant gene linked with the Est-2 and Amp-3 loci (mean recombination 32.0%). Est-2 and Amp-3 showed complete linkage. Pgi-2 was found to be linked with Est-2 and Amp-3 (mean recombination 16.1%). Est-2 and Amp-3, showed a tighter linkage with C + (mean recombination 4.1%). Pgi-2 showed a lower linkage with C + (mean recombination 17.3%). The recombination values between the WC gene in Dular and C + was much higher than those reported in Japan for the WC gene (S5 n) from Ketan Nangka. It is possible that the WC gene from Dular is different from that in Ketan Nangka. Linkage intensities with the WC gene were not strong enough to be of use for indirect selection for the wide compatibility trait. A search for a more closely linked isozyme or DNA marker was proposed.  相似文献   

S. Fukuoka    N. V. Alpatyeva    K. Ebana    N. T. Luu  T. Nagamine 《Plant Breeding》2003,122(6):497-502
Genetic differentiation among landraces of rice in northern Vietnam that lie in the centre of genetic diversity of Asian cultivated rice was analysed using DNA markers, and morphological and physiological traits to obtain an insight into the genetic differentiation of Asian rice. Principle coordinate analysis, based on nuclear RFLP data, divided Vietnamese rice varieties into three groups, designated A, B and C. Chloroplast DNA variation discriminated group A, which corresponded to the Indica rice varieties, from both groups B and C, which corresponded to the Japonica rice varieties. Physiological characteristics for Indica‐Japonica and tropical‐temperate Japonica discrimination suggested groups A and B consisted of typical Indica and Japonica varieties, respectively, while the characteristics of group C were distinct from those of the other two groups. This suggests that the genetic differences between groups B and C represent a new aspect of genetic variation that has not been previously reported in Japonica rice. Groups C and B corresponded with upland and lowland rice, respectively. Eight marker loci were associated with upland‐lowland differentiation in Japonica rice. Highlighted chromosomal regions might have been selected during the history of cultivation under different cultural conditions, and thus contain genes related to adaptation.  相似文献   

印水型细胞质雄性不育粳稻恢复系分子标记辅助选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以广亲和材料晚轮422,野败型恢复系蜀恢527、密阳46、密阳42为亲本,在杂交组合的F2、F4中,采用分子标记RM10353、RM6100辅助选择,结合常规育种方法,选育印水型细胞质雄性不育粳稻恢复系。研究表明,经过分子标记检测,同时含有两个恢复基因的水稻植株,测配子一代的结实率明显提高、杂种优势显著。结果表明基于分子标记辅助选育印水型恢复系是可行的。  相似文献   

Yoshio Sano 《Euphytica》1985,34(3):587-592
Summary To study differential nucleus-cytoplasm interactions between the two cultivated rice species, Oryza sativa and O. glaberrima, cytoplasmic substitution lines were made by using a glaberrima strain (G) and an Indica strain of sativa (S). The G cytoplasm had no adverse effect on pollen development when combined with the nucleus of S. On the other hand, when the S cytoplasm was combined with the G nucleus, the substitution line showed no seed set because of male sterility although the pollen grains were normally stained with I2-KI solution. A dominant gene derived from S strain seemed to cause anther indehiscence in the substitution line. Further, a restorer gene (Rf j)from Akebono of Japonica type was effective on pollen restoration in the male sterile line, suggesting that the S cytoplasm is the same as those of Japonica type in terms of a fertility-restoring system.This paper is Genetic studies of speciation in cultivated rice. 4.  相似文献   

浙北地区单季晚粳稻直播栽培的高产途径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据课题组2003—2005年掌握的地处浙北地区的嘉兴市的82块大田试验结果与测产田资料,进行统计分析,旨在探讨其高产途径。结果表明,有效穗数、每穗实粒数和千粒重对直播单季晚粳稻产量具显著正效应,其中正效应最大的为每穗实粒数,有效穗数其次。在数据分析基础上,提出浙北地区单季晚粳稻直播栽培的高产途径为:在争取一定有效穗数基础上,应把增加每穗实粒数作为主攻方向,同时提高灌浆质量适当增加粒重。结合生产实践,在目前现有品种条件下,浙北地区单季直播晚粳稻9500 kg/hm2左右产量水平的合理结构可能为:基本苗约为125万/hm2,最高苗630万/hm2,有效穗数450万/hm2,每穗总粒数>100粒,每穗实粒数90~95粒,千粒重26g左右。  相似文献   

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