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Market vaccines against equine influenza were developed some 15 years ago on the basis of the two prototype strains A/equine-1/Prague 56 and A/equine-2/Miami 63. Their basic composition has not been altered up to the present day. We and other workers have reported on certain antigenic changes observed on field isolates. Although not substantiating their assumption objectively, many veterinarians and horse-owners believed, that the 1979 A/equine-2 epizootic affecting large horse populations of Western Europe went on account of antigenic drifting of presently circulating subtype 2 strains. According to their view, vaccine composition needed a change.

A large-scale surveillance was conducted by us from 1973 until 1975 in vaccinated horses, and was resumed in 1979. Sera from appropriate groups of horses were examined for hemagglutination-inhibition antibodies, the most stringent parameter of influenza immunity in man and the horse except for challenge infection. Titres were determined and their GMT compared, established with both prototype strains contained in market vaccines, but also the isolates A/equine-1/Wien 73, A/equine-1/Lyon 75, further the isolates A/equine-2/Wien 69, A/equine-2/Algiers 71, A/equine-2/Sachiyama 72, A/equine-2/New Market 76, and A/equine-2/Wien 79.

GMTs computed differed for factors zero to 2.1, but in no case significantly in horse sera. Sera of hyperimmunized rabbits also differed merely two-fold. On the other hand, ferret and rabbit sera produced by nasal inoculation showed HI-differences of 8–16 fold at Mill Hill, but no significant change of the neuraminidase antigen Neq 2. The possible reasons for this striking discrepancy in H1-response are discussed and the opinion is expressed, that ferret sera are most suitable for classification and epidemiological purposes. But the vaccinated horse's seroresponse, as natural host species, should serve for decision taking on how to compose market vaccines. Our surveillance clearly indicates that presently there is no need to change their composition. This finding is supported by our analysis of vaccination status, epidemiology and morbidity rates in 1979 on 1000 Austrian horses, reported elsewhere, which disclosed that properly spaced vaccinations had induced protection against this epizootic.  相似文献   

An adjuvanted vaccine containing inactivated equine influenza, herpesvirus antigens, and tetanus toxoid was administered to young seronegative foals of 8 months of age by deep intramuscular injection in the neck (Group A). The first two vaccinations were given 4 weeks apart. The third was administered 6 months later. Another group of foals (Group B) was vaccinated according to the same scheme at the same time with monovalent equine herpes virus (EHV) vaccine (EHV1.4) vaccine. Antibody responses to the equine influenza (single radial haemolysis; SRH) and tetanus (ToBi ELISA) components of the vaccines were examined from first vaccination until 1 year after the third vaccination. The influenza components of the combination vaccine induced high antibody titres at two weeks after the second vaccination whereafter titres declined until the time of the third vaccination. After the third vaccination, the titres rose rapidly again to remain high for at least 1 year. Antibody titres against tetanus peaked only after the third vaccination but remained high enough to offer protective immunity for at least 1 year. Foals vaccinated with monovalent EHV1.4 remained seronegative for influenza and tetanus throughout the study. Four and a half months after the third vaccination of groups A and B, a third group of animals was vaccinated twice with monovalent EHV1.4 vaccine 4 weeks apart (Group C). Two weeks after the administration of the second dose in the later group, all groups (A, B, C and an unvaccinated control group D) were challenged with EHV-4. Vaccinated foals (Group A, B, C) showed a clear reduction of clinical symptoms and virus excretion after EHV-4 challenge compared with the unvaccinated control foals. No difference could be demonstrated among the vaccinated groups, suggesting that the combination vaccine protects as well as the monovalent vaccine. In EHV1.4-vaccinated foals both antigenic fractions induced clear protection up to 6 months after vaccination (9). It can therefore be anticipated that the efficacy of the combination vaccine against EHV-1 challenge is similar to the efficacy against EHV-1 induced by EHV1.4 vaccination.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that protection against equine influenza virus (EIV) is partially mediated by virus-specific IgGa and IgGb. In this study we tested whether addition of a CpG ODN formulation to a commercial killed virus vaccine would enhance EIV-specific IgGa and IgGb antibody responses, and improve protection against an experimental EIV challenge. Thirty na?ve horses were assigned to one of three groups and vaccinated as follows: 10 were given vaccine (Encevac TC4, Intervet Inc.) alone, 10 were given vaccine plus 0.25 mg CpG ODN 2007 formulated with 30% Emulsigen (CpG/Em), and 10 controls were given saline. All horses were challenged with live virus 12 weeks after the final vaccination. Antibody responses were tested by single radial hemolysis (SRH) and ELISA, and protection was evaluated by determination of temperature, coughing, and clinical scores. Killed virus vaccine combined with CpG/Em induced significantly greater serologic responses than did the vaccine alone. All antibody isotypes tested increased after the addition of CpG/Em, although no shift in relative antibody isotypes concentrations was detected. Vaccination significantly improved protection against challenge but the differences between the two vaccine groups were not statistically significant. This study is the first demonstration that CpG/Em enhances antigen-specific antibody responses in horses and supports its potential to be used as an adjuvant for vaccines against equine infections.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: During the 2007 Australian equine influenza (EI) outbreak, an accelerated primary course 14 day intervaccination schedule was proposed, but not widely implemented. Expert opinion was divided as to the efficacy of such a schedule given the lack of published data. This study determined the level and duration of humoral immunity following administration of a recombinant canarypox‐vectored vaccine (ALVAC‐EIV) with a primary intervaccination interval of 14 days and booster at 105 days. Objectives: To examine whether protective levels of immunity of adequate duration were achieved following a primary course reduced from a minimum interval of 28 to 14 days. Antibody responses to 2 H3N8 American lineage virus strains (including A/equine/Sydney/6085/2007) were assessed and compared to previous challenge studies using ALVAC‐EIV at conventional intervaccination intervals. Methods: Fourteen Thoroughbred horses and 2 ponies from a rural racehorse training property in Victoria, Australia, were vaccinated with ALVAC‐EIV on Days 0, 14 and 105. Serial blood samples were collected over the next 32 weeks and tested with haemagglutination inhibition and single radial haemolysis (SRH) in full assays to evaluate the serological response. Results: All horses and ponies responded to the accelerated ALVAC‐EIV vaccination schedule. Mean SRH antibodies remained above those consistent with clinical protection for the duration of the study period. All vaccinates demonstrated high SRH antibodies 14 days following V2, thereby achieving 100% herd immunity to homologous viral challenge. Conclusions: An accelerated vaccination schedule conferred long‐lasting protective antibody levels despite a >50% reduction in the recommended V1–V2 interval. Potential relevance: High levels of rapidly acquired herd immunity are critical in containing an outbreak of such a highly contagious pathogen as EIV. In a strategic vaccination programme, it is important that horses remain protected for sufficient time to allow control programmes to succeed. An accelerated 14 day primary course intervaccination interval and booster at 105 days achieves both of these objectives.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood leucocytes from a pony previously exposed to equine influenza virus (H3, N8) and vaccinated with killed virus (H3, N8 and H7, N7 subtypes) were cultured in vitro with live A/equine/Prague/56 (H7, N7). On the sixth day of culture, cells were harvested and fused with mouse myeloma cells (X63-Ag8.653). From this fusion, one hemagglutinin specific, equine IgG monoclonal antibody secreting hybridoma was identified and cloned twice by limiting dilution. The antibody inhibited hemagglutination by nine H7 equine influenza virus isolates obtained over a 21-year period, but did not inhibit A/equine/Miami/63 (H3, N8), or A/PR/8/34 (H1, N1). The neutralizing titer of hybridoma induced, nude mouse ascitic fluid was 10(-4.5) when tested in eggs against 100 egg infective doses (EID50) A/equine/Prague/1/56. The hybridoma continued to synthesize antibody during more than 4 months in continuous culture.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine if naturally occurring acute infectious upper respiratory disease (IRD) caused by equine influenza virus is associated with ultrasonographically detectable pleural and pulmonary abnormalities in horses. Standardbred racehorses were evaluated for signs of IRD, defined as acute coughing or mucopurulent nasal discharge. For every horse with IRD (n = 16), 1 or 2 horses with no signs of IRD and the same owner or trainer (n = 30) were included. Thoracic ultrasonography was performed within 5-10 days of the onset of clinical disease in horses with IRD. Horses without IRD were examined at the same time as the horses with IRD with which they were enrolled. The rank of the ultrasound scores of horses with IRD was compared to that of horses without IRD. Equine influenza virus was identified as the primary etiologic agent associated with IRD in this study. Mild lung consolidation and peripheral pulmonary irregularities were found in 11 (69%) of 16 of the horses with IRD and 11 (37%) of 30 of control horses. Lung consolidation (median score = 1) and peripheral irregularities scores (median score = 1) were greater in horses with IRD compared to horses without IRD (median score = 0; P < .05). Pleural effusion was not observed. Equine influenza virus infection can result in abnormalities of the equine lower respiratory tract. Despite the mild nature of IRD observed in this study, lung consolidation and peripheral pulmonary irregularities were more commonly observed in horses with clinical signs of IRD. Further work is needed to determine the clinical significance of these ultrasonographic abnormalities.  相似文献   

It has been recommended that modern equine influenza vaccines should contain an A/equi-1 strain and A/equi-2 strains of the American and European-like subtype. We describe here the efficacy of a modern updated inactivated equine influenza-herpesvirus combination vaccine against challenge with a recent American-like isolate of equine influenza (A/equine-2/Kentucky/95 (H3N8). The vaccine contains inactivated Influenza strains A-equine-1/Prague'56, A-equine-2/Newmarket-1/'93 (American lineage) and A-equine-2/ Newmarket-2/93 (Eurasian lineage) and inactivated EHV-1 strain RacH and EHV-4 strain V2252. It is adjuvanted with alhydrogel and an immunostim. Horses were vaccinated at the start of the study and 4 weeks later. Four, six and eight weeks after the first vaccination high anti-influenza antibody titres were found in vaccinated horses, whereas at the start of the study all horses were seronegative. After the challenge, carried out at 8 weeks after the first vaccination, nasal swabs were taken, rectal temperatures were measured and clinical signs were monitored for 14 days. In contrast to unvaccinated control horses, vaccinated animals shed hardly any virus after challenge, and the appearance of clinical signs of influenza such as nasal discharge, coughing and fever were reduced in the vaccinated animals. Based on these observations, it was concluded that the vaccine protected against clinical signs of influenza and, more importantly, against virus excretion induced by an American-like challenge virus strain. In a second experiment the duration of the immunity induced by this vaccine was assessed serologically. Horses were vaccinated at the start of the study and 6 and 32 weeks later. Anti-influenza antibody titres were determined in bloodsamples taken at the first vaccination, and 2, 6, 8, 14, 19, 28, 32, 37, 41, 45 and 58 weeks after the first vaccination. Vaccinated horses had high anti-influenza antibody titres, above the level for clinical protection against influenza, against all strains present in the vaccine until 26 weeks after the third vaccination.  相似文献   

ESK cells, a stable cell line derived from a swine embryo kidney, were found to be a good medium for plaque formation of the Prague and Miami strains of equine influenza virus. Factors influencing the plaque formation were investigated and a plaque assay for these viruses was worked out. The method is not only simple enough for routine use, but also is as sensitive as the egg inoculation method. The method was readily adapted for a neutralization test.  相似文献   

A novel strain of equine influenza virus, influenza A/equine/Jilin (China)/1/89, has emerged which is genetically distinct from all earlier strains of equine influenza. It is therefore possible that the vaccines against equine influenza may be unable to protect horses against disease caused by this virus strain. In vitro serological assays established that there were low levels of immunological cross-reactivity between the new virus, the current vaccine strains and the strains of equine-2 influenza virus now in circulation.  相似文献   

In horses, equine influenza virus (EIV) is a leading cause of respiratory disease. Conventional inactivated vaccines induce a short-lived immune response. By comparison, natural infection confers a long-term immunity to re-infection. An aim of new equine influenza vaccines is to more closely mimic natural infection in order to achieve a better quality of immunity. A new live recombinant vaccine derived from the canarypox virus vector and expressing haemagglutinin genes of EIV (subtype H3N8) has been developed. Stimulation of the immune system was studied after immunisation with this canarypox-based vaccine and challenge infection by exposure to a nebulised aerosol of EIV. The humoral immune response was evaluated by measuring serum antibody levels using the single radial haemolysis (SRH) assay. The cellular immune response was assessed by the measurement of interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) synthesis in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Clinical signs of the disease (temperature, coughing, nasal discharge, dyspnoea, depression and anorexia) and virus excretion were monitored after challenge infection. Clinical signs and virus shedding were significantly reduced in vaccinates compared with unvaccinated controls. EIV-specific immunity was stimulated by vaccination with a recombinant vaccine as serological responses were detected after immunisation. This study also provided the first evidence for increased IFN-gamma protein synthesis in vaccinated ponies following challenge infection with EIV compared with control ponies.  相似文献   

During 2007, large outbreaks of equine influenza (EI) caused by Florida sublineage Clade 1 viruses affected horse populations in Japan and Australia. The likely protection that would be provided by two modern vaccines commercially available in the European Union (an ISCOM-based and a canarypox-based vaccine) at the time of the outbreaks was determined. Vaccinated ponies were challenged with a representative outbreak isolate (A/eq/Sydney/2888-8/07) and levels of protection were compared. A group of ponies infected 18 months previously with a phylogenetically-related isolate from 2003 (A/eq/South Africa/4/03) was also challenged with the 2007 outbreak virus. After experimental infection with A/eq/Sydney/2888-8/07, unvaccinated control ponies all showed clinical signs of infection together with virus shedding. Protection achieved by both vaccination or long-term immunity induced by previous exposure to equine influenza virus (EIV) was characterised by minor signs of disease and reduced virus shedding when compared with unvaccinated control ponies. The three different methods of virus titration in embryonated hens’ eggs, EIV NP-ELISA and quantitative RT-PCR were used to monitor EIV shedding and results were compared. Though the majority of previously infected ponies had low antibody levels at the time of challenge, they demonstrated good clinical protection and limited virus shedding. In summary, we demonstrate that vaccination with current EIV vaccines would partially protect against infection with A/eq/Sydney/2888-8/07-like strains and would help to limit the spread of disease in our vaccinated horse population.  相似文献   

Serum antibody concentrations against influenza A-equi-1 virus and A-equi-2 virus were measured in a group of 18 foals from birth to 4 months of age. More than 50% of the foals were seronegative to A-equi-1 virus infection by 4 weeks of age, with titers of less than or equal to 1:16. For A-equi-2 virus, more than 50% of the foals were seronegative by 2 weeks of age, with titers of less than or equal to 1:8. Passively derived antibodies against influenza A-equi-1 virus and A-equi-2 virus in foals obtained from recently vaccinated mares and from mares not vaccinated within 6 months before foaling were low in titer. The duration of passively derived antibodies was also short-lived.  相似文献   

Antibody in serum, uterine and vaginal secretions was measured following local immunisation and experimental infection with the organism of contagious equine metritis (Taylorella equigenitalis). Intrauterine immunisation with killed T equigenitalis stimulated a systemic IgG titre and a uterine IgA and IgM response. Subsequent challenge with the organism, however, resulted in a characteristic metritis in both control and vaccinated mares. Antibody in serum and secretions was increased following challenge infection, dwarfing the response to immunisation. The local response was restricted to the IgA and IgM classes in both uterine and vaginal secretions. There was no elevation in local IgG antibody, although there was an increase in serum IgG in response to challenge infection. A second experimental challenge, following natural resolution of the initial infection and a period of reimmunisation, resulted in reduced clinical signs and bacterial isolation rates from both control and vaccinated mares, but no absolute protection from infection.  相似文献   

新疆地区一株马流感病毒的分离及鉴定   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
2007年10月,我国新疆维吾尔自治区阿勒泰地区富蕴县发现马匹出现呼吸道疾病,发病马表现出典型的流行性感冒症状。经过临床诊断、病原分离、电镜观察以及病毒基因序列分析,确定病原为马流行性感冒病毒,属于H3N8亚型,该株病毒与近年来马流行性感冒病毒北美洲流行株的同源性较高,命名为A/equine/xinjiangFuyun/3/2007(H3N8)。  相似文献   

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