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Assessment of salt tolerance at all growth stages is crucial to determine the overall tolerance of a crop. Salt tolerance of five tolerantILL 5845, ILL 6451, ILL 6788, ILL 6793 andILL 6796, three moderately tolerant ILL 6431. ILL 6770 andILL 6784, and three sensitiveILL 6210, ILL 6439 andILL 6778 accessions selected at the germination and seedling stages was assessed at the adult stage using sand culture sahnized with 0, 30, or 60 mol m?3 NaCl. A positive correlation was observed between degrees of salt tolerance at different growth stages in three tolerant accessionsILL 6451, ILL 6788 andILL 6793 which produced significantly higher seed yield than the other accessions. This was also affirmed in three sensitive and two moderately tolerant accessions (ILL 6770 andILL 6784) whose salt sensitivity was conferred consistently at all growth stages. In contrastILL 5845, andILL 6796 which were highly salt tolerant andILL 6431 which was moderately tolerant at the early growth stages had relatively low seed yield, hence showing a negative correlation between tolerances at different growth stages. High yielding accessionsILL 6451, ILL 6788 andILL 6793 in general, accumulated higher Na+ and higher or moderate Cl? in their shoots compared with the other accessions, thus showing a typical halophytic mechanism of salt inclusion. K/Na ratios of all the tolerant, moderately tolerant and sensitive accessions exceptILL 6784 andILL 6778 were less than 1, a suggested minimum level for normal functioning of many metabolic processes in plants. The present study shows that salt tolerance observed previously at the early growth stages is conferred at the adult stage in most of the accessions of lentil examined here; but for others in which no positive correlation was observed between different growth stages suggests that a combination of certain characters can be used as selection criterion for improving salinity tolerance in lentil through exploitation of inter- and intra-cultivar/line variation.  相似文献   

春小麦田间盐胁迫下的农艺性状表现研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐害是制约小麦生产的主要因素,为研究小麦重组自交系后代在田间盐环境的耐盐性。本研究以2个小麦品种‘宁春27号’、‘宁春4号’以及2个亲本杂交后代中8个小麦品系‘R9’、‘R32’、‘R39’、‘R75’、‘R88’、‘R89’、‘R103’、‘R108’、‘R117’、‘R129’、‘R130’为研究对象,在田间盐环境下通过对全生育期的农艺性状进行调查分析对其耐盐性进行评价。试验结果表明:在全盐含量为0.35%的田间盐环境下,通过对试验材料进行株高、穗长、穗重、穗粒数、小区产量进行调查分析,‘R32’株高最高,明显高于亲本,‘R75’的穗长、穗重、穗粒数都明显高于其亲本,‘R88’、‘R108’的小区产量最高,明显高于其亲本。因此,通过田间表现及农艺性状比较,‘R75’、‘R88’、‘R108’田间耐盐性较强。  相似文献   

Four bread wheat genotypes differing in salt tolerance were selected to evaluate ion distribution and growth responses with increasing salinity. Salinity was applied when the leaf 4 was fully expanded. Sodium (Na+), potassium (K+) concentrations and K+/Na+ ratio in different tissues including root, leaf‐3 blade, flag leaf sheath and flag leaf blade at three salinity levels (0, 100 and 200 mm NaCl), and also the effects of salinity on growth rate, shoot biomass and grain yield were evaluated. Salt‐tolerant genotypes (Karchia‐65 and Roshan) showed higher growth rate, grain yield and shoot biomass than salt‐sensitive ones (Qods and Shiraz). Growth rate was reduced severely in the first period (1–10 days) after salt commencements. It seems after 20 days, the major effect of salinity on shoot biomass and grain yield was due to the osmotic effect of salt, not due to Na+‐specific effects within the plant. Grain yield loss in salt‐tolerant genotypes was due to the decline in grain size, but the grain yield loss in salt‐sensitive ones was due to decline in grain number. Salt‐tolerant genotypes sequestered higher amounts of Na+ concentration in root and flag leaf sheath and maintained lower Na+ concentration with higher K+/Na+ ratios in flag leaf blade. This ion partitioning may be contributing to the improved salt tolerance of genotypes.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对不同耐盐类型小麦花后光合特性及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究盐胁迫对不同耐盐类型小麦花后光合特性及产量的影响,以‘青麦6号’、‘济麦22’为材料,以普通土壤为对照,研究了不同梯度NaCl胁迫对小麦旗叶光合特性和产量的影响。结果表明,不同耐盐类型小麦品种对盐胁迫的响应不同,‘济麦22’叶绿素含量、叶面积指数、净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率下降幅度大,而‘青麦6号’的这五项指标下降较为缓慢,胞间CO2浓度升高幅度与‘济麦22’相比也较低;与对照比较,盐胁迫下2个品种公顷穗数、穗粒数、千粒重均减少,且降幅随盐浓度的增加而加大,但‘青麦6号’产量相对‘济麦22’下降幅度较小。盐胁迫仍能保持较高的光合特性的‘青麦6号’,获得高产稳产的关键因素是具有较高的公顷穗数。本研究为小麦在不同盐渍程度的盐碱地上种植提供理论参考。  相似文献   

A salt-tolerant line, S24, of spring wheat was compared with a salt-sensitive line, Yecora Rojo, in sand cultures at four different growth stages, i.e. germination, seedling, tillering and booting, under greenhouse conditions. The NaCl treatments used were 0 or 125 mol m−3 in full strength Hoagland's nutrient solution. S24 exceeded Yecora Rojo in biomass or grain yield at the tillering and booting stages, but these lines did not differ at the initial growth stages, i.e. germination and seedling. The growth performance of the two lines at different growth stages was positively related to the pattern of accumulation of cations and anions. The superiority of S24 to Yecora Rojo at the two later growth stages was related to its relatively low accumulation of Na+ or Cl and high accumulation of K+ in leaves. The former line also maintained higher leaf K/Na ratios, Ca/Na ratios, K versus Na selectivities and Ca versus Na selectivities than the latter particularly at the tillering and booting stages. Salt tolerance in spring wheat, in this study, is found to be age-dependent. The booting stage has been found as one of the most appropriate growth stages where maximum differentiation in salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive lines occurred. As is evident from previous studies with spring wheat, in the present study there is a positive correlation between partial exclusion of Na+ or Cl−1 from the tissues and maintenance of high tissue K/Na and Ca/Na ratios, and K versus Na and Ca versus Na selectivities, and salt tolerance of this crop.  相似文献   

为了研究玉米在盐胁迫下体内离子变化以及功能基因的响应,为今后培育耐盐玉米品种奠定基础。本研究以4份玉米自交系为研究对象,在200 mmol/L的NaCl溶液胁迫14天后,对玉米地下、地上部分中的Na+、K+、Ca2+含量进行测定并分析;同时,进行了转录组分析,研究玉米在盐胁迫下功能基因的表达情况。结果显示,4个自交系中叶片和根中Na+含量和Na+累积量最低的是S388,同时发现S388的Ca2+:Na+比在4个材料中表现出最高;转录组分析显示,S388参与了离子转运途径、逆境信号以及离子跨膜运输等代谢途径。研究表明,4份玉米自交系中S388对盐的耐受性最高,表型出叶片和根中积累了较少的Na+含量,这为今后耐盐品种培育提供了材料基础。  相似文献   

粒用高粱耐盐种质资源的鉴选与综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旨在为高粱耐盐种质资源的开发利用及耐盐新种质的创新提供一定的理论依据。选用20 份高粱种质作为试验材料,采用150 mmol/L NaCl 溶液进行处理,置于人工气候培养室,测定发芽率、发芽势等相关指标;将20 份材料置于25℃恒温培养箱中进行催芽,用150 mmol/L NaCl 溶液浇灌,以等量的浇水为对照,调查并比较幼苗成活率、生长速率及枯萎指数。采用隶属函数进行相关性分析,并进行聚类分析。结果表明,在150 mmol/L盐胁迫下,‘3438’、‘航天育种SP42’、‘09305R’、‘3560R’品种的发芽率高于对照,其他指标均小于对照。20 份材料中,在芽期鉴选出耐盐材料4 份,苗期筛选出3 份;相关性大小顺序为相对芽长>相对根长>相对植株鲜重>发芽势;20 份材料分成高度耐盐型、耐盐型、中等耐盐型、盐敏感型和高度盐敏感型品种5 类。确定150 mmol/L NaCl选定为高粱品种萌发期耐盐性鉴定的标准盐浓度,确定发芽率、发芽势、根长、叶长、植株鲜重可用于高粱耐盐性的鉴定指标。  相似文献   

为了研究四个刺槐品种(豫刺1号、豫引1号、豫引2号、3-I)在不同浓度NaCl胁迫处理下的生理响应并对其耐盐性进行评价排序。本研究采用不同浓度(0nmol/L、200nmol/L、400nmol/L)NaCl胁迫处理,研究四个一年生刺槐品种的生理响应水平变化情况,并根据十项生理指标的统计结果,利用隶属函数法对刺槐的耐盐性进行综合评价。结果表明,不同刺槐品种在不同浓度NaCl胁迫下的生理指标响应水平各不相同。四个刺槐品种的耐盐性依次为豫引1号>豫刺1号>豫引2号>3-I。  相似文献   

不同盐度胁迫对芦荟生长和离子吸收分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
马艳萍 《中国农学通报》2012,28(25):172-178
为探索芦荟对微咸水灌溉栽培的适应性,研究了不同盐浓度对其生长和离子吸收分配的影响。结果表明,长期(120天)以含盐溶液灌溉栽培,盐浓度达200 mmol/L NaCl显著抑制芦荟生长,100 mmol/L NaCl对芦荟生长的抑制作用显著减轻,50 mmol/L NaCl不抑制芦荟生长。同时,以50 mmol/L NaCl溶液灌溉对芦荟盐分离子吸收分配影响轻微,但盐浓度达100 mmol/L NaCl对芦荟影响显著:根、茎、叶中K+含量显著下降,Na+ 、Cl-含量显著增大,K+/Na+大幅减小。X-射线能谱分析结果进一步表明,叶片贮水组织是芦荟积累盐分离子的重要部位,但100 mmol/L NaCl胁迫下芦荟根尖和叶片细胞中的离子平衡受到显著干扰。结果说明,芦荟适于用微咸水灌溉栽培,叶片贮水组织在缓解其盐胁迫中可起重要作用。  相似文献   

文冠果幼苗对盐胁迫的生长策略响应和耐盐性阈值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨盐胁迫对文冠果幼苗生长影响,对不同浓度配比(0%、0.2%、0.5%、0.8%) 盐分(NaCl:Na2SO4=9:1)胁迫处理下一年生文冠果幼苗的存活率、苗高、地径、生物量、根冠比、茎叶比进行测定。结果表明:随着盐浓度的增加,幼苗生长指标呈现逐渐下降趋势,生长明显受到抑制,在轻度盐胁迫(0.2%)处理下,地径、根系干重、根冠比高于对照;而中度(0.5%)和重度(0.8%)胁迫处理幼苗各生长指标均显著低于对照。对照、轻度和中度胁迫幼苗存活率为100%,重度胁迫幼苗存活率下降明显。试验表明在盐胁迫条件下,轻度胁迫对幼苗存活和抑制作用弱于中度和重度胁迫,当幼苗受轻度胁迫后通过增粗茎干,增加根系的生长发育,来维持幼苗的正常生长;将总生物量抑制率为50%的盐浓度定义为该幼苗的耐盐性阈值,文冠果幼苗的耐受阈值的盐浓度为0.8%。  相似文献   

为揭示盐渍土壤中大果沙枣(Elaeagnus angustifolia Linn.)树体矿质离子分布规律,保障大果沙枣高效种植和丰产栽培,以不同盐度土壤中生长的成年大果沙枣树为材料,测定并分析了其根、枝、叶中Na+、K+、Mg2+和Ca2+的吸收、运输和分配特征。结果表明:盐土土壤环境中,大果沙枣叶片对Ca2+和Mg2+具有较强的选择吸收能力,低盐(I~II级)土壤环境中,叶内Na+含量明显上升,而至高盐(III~IV级)中,根部对Na+的吸收量明显高于枝和叶。随着林地土壤盐度的升高,K+、Ca2+、Mg2+在枝部和叶部的积累量明显增大,矿质离子由根部向枝、叶部运输的能力在I~III级盐度土壤环境中逐渐增大,并在IV级盐度土壤环境中受抑。同时,根和枝中K+/Na+和Mg2+/Na+值均是先增大后减小,叶中K+/Na+、Mg2+/Na+变幅较小,根和叶中Ca2+/Na+变幅较大。大果沙枣成年树的盐适应机制主要是通过根对Na+的聚积作用,叶对K+、Mg2+和Ca2+的选择性吸收能力增强来实现的,同时也与枝中相对稳定的K+、Na+、Mg2+和Ca2+的选择性运输能力有关。  相似文献   

探明不同盐逆境水平对耐盐水稻穗部性状及产量构成因素的影响,旨在为沿海滩涂水稻种植和耐盐水稻高产育种提供科学依据.以'扬农稻1号'(V1)、'南粳5055'(V2)和'通海粳18-2'(V3)为试材,利用盐池设施设置O g/kg(S0)、1.5 g/kg(S1)、3 g/kg(S2)3个不同盐分水平,采用裂区试验,测定分...  相似文献   

为了筛选出耐盐性较强的藜麦品种并为苗期耐盐性鉴定提供参考,以3个不同的藜麦品种为试验材料,在盐胁迫下用测量法测定其相关生长指标,紫外分光光度计法测定叶绿素含量,电导法测定相对离子渗透率,并利用实时荧光定量PCR法比较了耐盐基因CqNHX1的相对表达量。结果表明,NaCl胁迫下SQ1株高降幅较小,生物量有所增加,相对离子渗透率几乎不变,且CqNHX1aCqNHX1b表达量均极显著升高,说明SQ1在高盐环境下能正常生长;SQ34的株高和叶绿素含量均显著降低,生物量保持不变,而CqNHX1aCqNHX1b表达量均显著升高;QQ61的根冠比和叶绿素含量极显著下降,相对离子渗透率极显著升高,CqNHX1aCqNHX1b呈下调表达,说明该品种耐盐性较弱。藜麦品种间耐盐性存在显著差异,耐盐性强弱为:SQ1 > SQ34 > QQ61,SQ1作为高耐盐品种,可在盐碱地进一步推广种植。  相似文献   

为筛选金花菜和紫花苜蓿的耐盐基因,本研究以盐胁迫下的金花菜(JHC)和紫花苜蓿(ZHMX)试管苗为试验材料进行转录组分析。结果表明:金花菜组和紫花苜蓿组差异基因数为26722,金花菜组vs紫花苜蓿组有15850个基因下调,有10872个基因上调。金花菜组和紫花苜蓿组差异基因KEGG富集显著的Pathways有核糖体、光合作用天线蛋白、糖酵解/糖异生、光合作用、苯丙烷生物合成等。金花菜组耐盐基因有碱性亮氨酸拉链43、NAC转录因子47、ABC转运A家族成员7、晚期胚胎发生丰富蛋白2、乙烯反应转录因子ERF110等基因;紫花苜蓿组耐盐基因有WRKY转录因子、蛋白TIFY 8、转录因子MYB13、核运输因子2A、低温盐响应蛋白等基因。本试验结果可为了解金花菜和紫花苜蓿的耐盐分子机制及选育金花菜和紫花苜蓿耐盐新品种提供理论依据。  相似文献   

盐胁迫下棉花K~+和Na~+离子转运的耐盐性生理机制   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了探究棉花的耐盐机制,以中棉所49、中棉所35和中51504为材料,研究了盐胁迫对棉花幼苗的生长及K+/Na+平衡生理的影响。结果表明,150 mmol·L-1 Na Cl处理对幼苗的生长具有明显抑制作用,降低了叶片的光合速率(Pn)、PSⅡ实际光量子产额(ΦPSII)和电子传递速率(ETR),增加了非光化学荧光猝灭系数(q N)。与中棉所49和中棉所35相比,中51504的干物质累积受盐胁迫影响最小,且保持较高的Pn、ΦPSII、ETR和q N值及较低的ETR/Pn值。盐胁迫提高了棉花组织中Na+的浓度,降低了K+的浓度;但中51504组织中保持了相对较低的Na+浓度和较高的K+浓度,维持了较高的K+/Na+比;通过非损伤微测技术(NMT)测定的离子流结果也表明,中51504的根系对Na+有较强的外排能力,而对K+有较强的保留和向地上部转运能力。能够有效地调节Na+和K+的跨膜转运进而维持K+/Na+平衡是棉花耐盐的重要生理机制之一。  相似文献   

为揭示国槐无性系对盐渍环境的适应能力,筛选出耐盐速生的优良无性系,以5个国槐无性系盆栽2年生植株为试材,研究不同浓度NaCl(0‰、2‰、4‰、6‰)胁迫对其生长及生理生化指标的影响。采用盆栽方法进行盐胁迫实验,运用主成分分析法对不同处理下各无性系生理指标进行综合评价。结果表明,随NaCl胁迫的增加,5个国槐无性系生长指标(苗高、地径、生物量)均受到了明显抑制,‘华夏’和‘华硕’分别在6‰和4‰处理下表现出相对较强的适应性;叶绿素含量随胁迫的增加而下降,其中下降幅度最小的为‘华夏’和‘华硕’;叶片脯氨酸含量随NaCl胁迫的增加而增加,其中‘华夏’和‘华硕’显著高于其他胁迫条件下的无性系;NaCl胁迫导致叶片细胞膜透性和丙二醛(MDA)含量提高,在4‰NaCl处理下‘华夏’、‘华硕’和卷叶无性系‘嫣红3号’MDA含量低于其他无性系,在6‰NaCl处理下‘华夏’和‘嫣红3号’含量最低;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)均呈先增大后减小的变化趋势,SOD活性在盐浓度2‰时达到最大值,CAT活性和POD活性在盐浓度4‰时达到最大值,其中‘华夏’的CAT酶活性和POD酶活性在盐浓度6‰时始终高于其他无性系;在6‰NaCl处理下,苗高增长量与生物量、叶绿素、脯氨酸、丙二醛之间,MDA与电导率、SOD、POD之间的相关性达到显著或者极显著相关,表明在对无性系进行耐盐性评价时,综合利用生长指标和生理指标能更好地反映植物受NaCl胁迫的响应。利用主成分分析对5个国槐无性系生长及生理代谢指标进行综合评价,各无性系耐盐性由强到弱为‘华夏’>‘华硕’>‘鲁槐1号’>‘嫣红3号’>无性系564。因此,认为‘华夏’和‘华硕’具有显著耐盐性和速生性,可作为盐碱地造林品种或抗逆育种材料应用。  相似文献   

Activities of enzymes nitrate reductase (NR) and nitrite reductase (NiR) were determined in rice seedlings differing in salt tolerance raised under increasing levels of NaCl salinity. Salinity caused marked increase in in vivo NR activity in roots and shoots of salt tolerant cvs. CSR-1 and CSR-3 whereas in salt sensitive cvs. Ratna and Jaya a marked inhibition in in vivo NR activity was observed under salimzation. Under both controls as well as salt treatments in all cultivars roots always maintained higher level of in vivo NR activity than shoots. In vitro NR activity increased in both roots and shoots of all cultivars during early days of growth with maximum at 10–15 days and decreased thereafter. In salt tolerant cultivars salinity caused an increase in in vitro NR activity in shoots but not in roots whereas in salt sensitives activity of the enzyme was always more in salt stressed seedlings compared to controls. Salinity increased NiR activity in seedlings of sensitive cultivars whereas in tolerants suppression in root NiR activity was observed due to salinity. Like NR the activity of NiR was also higher in roots than shoots. 1 M NaCl in the enzyme assay medium suppressed in vivo NR activity in roots of 15 days old nonsalinized seedlings with more suppression in sensitive cultivars than tolerants. Results suggest possible different behaviours of nitrogen assimilatory enzymes in rice cultivars differing in salt tolerance and that salt tolerance ability is associated with high in vivo NR activity in seedlings and its further activation under salinization.  相似文献   

Water stress might limit grain yields of cereals under humid conditions. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of a temporary water shortage at three different stages after anthesis on the grain yield and yield components of different tiller categories in two spring wheat varieties. A pot experiment with controlled water supply and rain shelters was conducted in 1984 and 1985 in Kiel, N. W. Germany. The water stress (pF 2.9 to 3.4) was imposed either between anthesis to early milk development of the caryopsis (WS1) (EC 65 to EC 72 according to Z adoks scale), early milk development to late milk development of the caryopsis (WS2) (EC 72 to EC 77) and late milk development to maturity (WS3) (EC 77 to EC 92). The control had a constant water supply throughout the growing season of between pF 2.2 to 2.5.
The water stress treatment WS1 significantly reduced the single plant yield by 10 % (1984) and 15 % (1985) in one variety (Selpek), whereas the other variety was unaffected. The response of both varieties to the two later treatments was smaller and insignificant.
In the first year the yield decrease in the variety Selpek after the WS1 treatment was mainly caused by a lower number of ears per plant compared with the untreated control (WS0). In the second year (1985) additionally a lower grain weight of the second category shoots caused by a reduction of the number of kernels per ear contributed to the decrease of the single plant yield. The yield component thousand grain weight could not compensate for the reduction in the number of kernels per ear.  相似文献   

冬小麦基因型离体叶片失水与产量结构和植株性状的关系   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
根据4年的研究结果,分析了在冬小麦基因型产量和株高变异较大时,离体叶片失水速率(RWL)与产量构成和植株性状的关系,研究表明,RWL基因型间存在显著差异。在多数情况下RWL与产量和千粒重呈负相关,与株高呈正相关。研究还发现基因型位次随失水时间的变化,有低失水,先快后慢,先慢后快和高失水4种类型。RWL与产量负相关随失水时间延长而减弱。基因型差异以失水2-3h最为明显,且更具有较大生理意义,因此提出  相似文献   

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