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African catfish, Clarias gariepinus were exposed to total darkness (group D) or continuous light (L) during endogenous feeding. During external feeding some of the fish continued to be reared in darkness (DD) and some in light (LL), whereas two groups were exposed to reversed light conditions (groups DL and LD). Survival to the end of yolk absorption was 22% greater in fish exposed to darkness; during subsequent rearing survival decreased in the sequence DD>LD>DL>LL. The onset of external feeding was delayed by a few hours in the L-group as compared with the D-group. Fish reared in dark were larger than those reared in light; the size difference increased with age. In dark, the ratio of total metabolism to body growth (the Rtot/P ratio, both in terms of energy) was depressed, hence in the dark, energy used for locomotor activity may have been low, leading to increased investment in growth. We hypothesised that in juveniles light exerts an indirect effect by increasing locomotor activity which in turn promotes multiple encounters between individuals and enhances cannibalistic behaviour. During the fifth and sixth weeks post-fertilization the biomass of fish reared in the dark was about 175% of that in fish reared in light. Light restriction may be recommended as a simple, low-cost technique for intensification of production of C. gariepinus stocking material.  相似文献   

The effects of stocking density, light and shelter on the growth and survival of Clarias gariepinus fingerings was evaluated. In this experiment African catfish with initial individual mean weight 0.79±0.1 g were reared at two different stocking densities—5 fish l−1 and 10 fish l−1 in either sheltered or unsheltered tanks with reduced and normal light condition. In all conditions growth rate was significantly affected by stocking density. The growth rate was significantly higher at low densities and in reduced light conditions where shelter was provided. Survival rate was in excess of 79% in all treatments and was not affected by treatment.  相似文献   

Mature winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) (cultivar Tpt26) seeds were roasted or autoclaved and their meals evaluated as a dietary protein source for the African catfish. Five dry practical diets (400 g protein/kg and 17.5 kJ gross energy/g dry diet) containing menhaden fish meal or each of the heat-processed winged bean meals as partial replacement (80%), (with or without 5 g -methionine/kg diet supplementation) for menhaden fish meal, were prepared and fed to triplicate groups of catfish fingerlings (5.8±1.2 g) to satiation for 70 days. No mortality occurred throughout the study and satisfactory diet acceptance was observed when the heat-processed winged bean meals replaced menhaden fish meal. Differences were found in weight gain, specific growth rate, feed and protein efficiency ratios, but were not significant (P>0.05). Digestibility of crude protein and gross energy content of the diets were high (>85%) and comparable to that of menhaden fish meal. Carcass composition of catfish did not vary significantly (P>0.05) between diet treatments. Results indicate that both autoclaved and roasted winged bean meals were acceptable as protein sources and can replace 80% of menhaden fish meal in catfish diets.  相似文献   

The Thai walking catfish, Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864, is economically important to Thailand. It occupies marshes and swamps that are severely endangered due to population expansion and natural populations are thought to be suffering from massive back-crossing with the C. macrocephalus×C. gariepinus hybrids. Therefore, a study on genetic diversity of this species is required to enable efficient conservation and management plans. In this study, 25 natural populations were collected throughout the country, 12 populations from provinces locate in the Chaophraya river basin in the center of the country, 5 from the Mekong river basin, 1 from the east and 7 from the south. One population of hatchery origin was obtained from the Department of Aquaculture, Kasetsart University in Bangkok.

Twelve isozymes and one protein system were analyzed. Among 18 loci resolved, 8 were polymorphic. The number of alleles per locus, average polymorphism and individual polymorphism were significantly higher in collections from the Chaophraya river basin than from the Mekong, east and south. The hatchery population also had relative high genetic variation. Six out of twenty-six populations differed significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium after Bonferroni correction. None of loci pairs showed significant linkage disequilibrium after Bonferroni correction. The Fst value across loci was highly significant from zero. A neighbor-joining tree reveals that populations from the south were genetically distinct from the remaining populations.

Alleles peculiar to the African catfish [C. gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)] genome were observed in 12 of the natural populations and the hatchery population. This is evidence of genetic introgression which has probably persisted for several generations, since there was no significant genotype disequilibrium between the macrocephalus and gariepinus alleles at three diagnostic loci.  相似文献   

Growth and water quality for growing-out of juvenile spotted Babylon, Babylonia areolata, were determined at three water-exchange regimes of 7-, 15- and 30-day intervals in large-scale operation of earthen ponds over a 5-month period. Results showed that growth was significantly different among the water-exchange treatments (P < 0.05). The higher body weight gains and shell length increments were observed in snails held at water exchange of 7- and 15-day intervals when compared with those held at water exchange of 30-day intervals. At the end of the experiment, average body weight gains were 4.22, 3.73 and 2.77 g for snails held in water-exchange treatments of 7-, 15- and 30-day intervals, respectively, and 16.63, 15.04 and 13.78 mm for those of shell length increments, respectively, The average final survivals were 83.60, 80.90 and 74.20% for snails held in water-exchange treatments of 7-, 15- and 30-day intervals, respectively. Seawater temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrite–nitrogen and ammonia–nitrogen had gradually changed throughout the culture period for all water-exchange treatments. With one exception, the total alkalinity showed the greatest changes during the culture period for all water-exchange treatments ranging from 58.67–97.50 mg/l.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the rearing performance of different larval stages for optimum growth and survival during fingerling production of Clarias batrachus with an aim to reduce the rearing time of the catfish larvae in a hatchery system. The larvae were reared for 5, 10 and 15 days before stocking them in the nursery tanks. No significant (< 0.05) difference could be found in length increment at the end of first week of rearing. But the total length was reduced during rest three weeks in five days old larvae compared to that of other two higher age groups. In 5 days old larvae the reduced weight (< 0.05) was observed during the entire rearing period. However, the specific growth rate (SGR) did not vary among the groups. The survival rate as well as total biomass was decreased while stocking five days old larvae for rearing, compared to that of other two age groups.  相似文献   

为探讨广西南宁市、浦北县和玉林市暴发性死亡胡子鲶的病原菌及其所携带6种毒力基因对其致病力的影响,用常规方法从病鱼的心脏、肝脏等部位分离细菌,人工感染实验确定病原菌的致病性,以API 20NE生化鉴定和16S r RNA分子鉴定相结合的方法对病原菌进行鉴定,采用PCR扩增法检测病原菌的6种毒力基因携带情况。结果显示,从患病鱼中共分离到5株病原菌,其中嗜水气单胞菌3株,温和气单胞菌2株。3株嗜水气单胞菌与标准菌株Aeromonas hydrophila ATCC 7966(CP000462)的亲缘关系最近,相似性均为99.8%,2株温和气单胞菌与标准菌株Aeromonas sobria NO.106(AB472903.1)的亲缘关系最近,相似性均达99.9%。6种毒力基因在5株病原菌中的阳性检出率分别为Act和Aer基因100%,ahal、hly和Alt基因均为80%,ahp基因仅20%;毒力基因型共3种,在5株气单胞菌中分布情况为Act+ahal+hly+Alt+ahp-Aer+3株,占实验菌株的60%,为主要的毒力基因,Act+ahal+hly+Alt+ahp+Aer+和Act+ahal-hly-Alt-ahp-Aer+各1株,各占20%。携带全部所检6种毒力基因的菌株致病力最强,只携带Act和Aer 2种毒力基因的菌株致病力最弱。ahp基因在菌株的致病力中起重要作用,病原菌的致病力是多种毒力基因协同作用的结果。  相似文献   

A double-tagging experiment is presented that estimates tag retention by plastic dart and T-bar anchor tags in a wild population of Clarias gariepinus. It is shown that plastic dart tags are the most suitable tag as there was 100% initial retention and long-term loss of 2% per annum. T-bar anchor tags had an initial tag retention rate of 81% and no measurable long-term loss. A combination of tag design is attributed to the poor performance of T-bar anchor tags as the T-piece of the tag does not properly anchor behind the pterygiophores.  相似文献   

通过检测刺参养殖池塘底泥的6项理化指标和8类细菌数量,研究了山东省莱州刺参养殖池塘底质的周年变化规律。实验结果显示,底泥的pH值和氧化还原电位变化趋势相同,变化范围分别为(7.15±0.40)~(7.80±0.21)和(42.8±85.5)~(-351.0±61.5)mV。硫化物的变化趋势与pH值和氧化还原电位相反,其含量变化范围为(47.66±47.01)~(496.12±418.57)μg/g(干重)。总氮、总磷和有机碳含量变化范围分别为(457.42±103.40)~(865.83±187.85)、(166.83±17.12)~(241.32±27.21)μg/g和0.27%±0.08%~0.37%±0.10%。异养细菌、弧菌和芽孢杆菌数量的变化范围分别为(3.27±5.55)×105~(6.41±8.48)×106、(5.39±4.32)×103~(1.62±2.01)×105和(1.31±1.57)×104~(7.57±1.66)×104 CFU/g。氨化细菌、反硝化细菌和亚硝化细菌数量的变化范围分别为(6.80±1.16)×105~(1.31±1.64)×107个/g、(2.67±2.48)×103~(5.11±5.88)×104个/g和(8.08±8.99)×10~(1.45±1.73)×103个/g,氨化细菌和反硝化细菌在1年内的变化趋势相同。硫还原细菌和硫氧化细菌数量的变化范围分别为(5.62±5.53)×102~(7.22±5.52)×104个/g和(6.50±5.17)×101~(1.00±1.16)×104个/g,两种细菌数量在一年内的变化趋势相反。研究表明,底泥的氧化还原电位与硫氧化细菌数量呈显著正相关(P0.05),硫化物含量分别与芽孢杆菌、反硝化细菌、氨化细菌及硫还原细菌的数量呈极显著正相关(P0.01),有机碳含量与硫还原细菌的数量呈显著正相关(P0.05)。刺参养殖池塘底泥的多项理化指标和细菌数量之间显著相关,关系复杂。  相似文献   

As part of a project to develop least‐cost diets with low levels of fish meal, silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus Mitchell) fingerlings (mean weight, 11.8 g) were stocked at a density of 7500 fish ha−1 into 0.1‐ha earthen ponds and fed one of two diets containing 33% digestible protein, 13 MJ kg−1 digestible energy, similar nutrient specifications, but with different levels of fish meal and plant proteins. The reference diet SP35 had 27% fish meal, 28% wheat, 20% soybean and 11% sorghum, while the diet silver perch least‐cost (SPLC) had 10% fish meal, 20% peanut meal, 19% wheat, 17% lupins, 16% canola, 8% soybean and 5% blood meal; there were three replicate ponds for each diet. Fish were fed a restricted ration up to 5% body weight day−1 and cultured for 10 months. Survival ranged from 85.9% to 94.3% and was not affected by diet. The mean weight (550 g), specific growth rate (SGR; 1.28% day−1), absolute growth rate (AGR; 1.9 g fish−1 day−1) and production rate (4.5 tonnes ha−1 year−1) were significantly higher (P<0.05) and feed conversion ratio (FCR=1.8) was significantly lower for fish fed SP35 compared with fish fed SPLC (413 g, 1.18% day−1, 1.4 g fish−1 day−1, 3.3 tonnes ha−1 year−1, 2.4). From October (spring) to March (autumn), turbidity was significantly lower (P<0.05) in SPLC ponds than in SP35 ponds, and fish were observed avoiding or ingesting and then expelling SPLC pellets. In February and March, infestations of the ectoparasitic copepod Ergasilus sp. were found on silver perch fed SPLC, and there was 5% post‐harvest mortality of these fish. The high inclusion levels of plant proteins, particularly peanut meal and canola in SPLC, may have provided anti‐nutritional factors and/or reduced the palatability and intake of the diet, adversely affecting the performance and health of silver perch, and water quality in the ponds. Our study demonstrates the value of evaluating new aquaculture diets under practical conditions over a complete growing period.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of juvenile spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata , were determined at five stocking densities (100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 snails m−2) and three water exchange regimes (7-, 15- and 21-day intervals) in experimental earthen ponds over a 6-month experimental period. The results showed that the growth of spotted babylons was not significantly different among any density treatments ( P <0.05). At the end of the experiment, the average growth rates in body weights were 0.59, 0.59, 0.58, 0.42 and 0.41 g month−1 respectively. Growth was significantly different among the different water-exchange treatments ( P <0.05). The higher body-weight gains were observed in snails held at water exchanges of 7- and 15-day intervals, when compared with those held at water exchange of 30-day intervals. At the end of the experiment, average body-weight gains were 4.22, 3.67 and 2.68 g for snails held in water-exchange treatments of 7-, 15- and 30-day intervals respectively. This study recommended that stocking densities ≤300 snails m−2 and water exchange of 7–15-day intervals are suitable for cultured B. areolata juveniles in earthen pond.  相似文献   

Production trials of threatened snakehead fish (Channa striatus) were carried out under different stocking densities in earthen ponds of Bangladesh. The average weight and length of the fingerlings during stocking was 17.63 ± 1.23 g and 13.21 ± 0.52 cm. Fingerlings were stocked at 5000 ha?1 in treatment‐1 (T1), 6250 ha?1 in treatment‐2 (T2) and 7500 ha?1 in treatment‐3 (T3) respectively. Fish in all the experimental ponds were fed with supplementary feed comprising of fish meal (30%) and mustard oilcake (70%) at the rate of 3–6% of estimated body weight two times per day. In addition, trash fish were supplied at the rate of 2–3% of the estimated biomass on each alternate day. In situ water quality parameters of the pond were within the suitable range for fish culture. The growth and survival of fingerlings were significantly higher in T1 than in T2 and T3. The food conversion ratio was significantly lower (P<0.05) in T1 than in T2 and T3. The estimated gross and net production of fish was higher in T1, followed by T2 and T3. Overall, the highest growth, survival and production were obtained from T1. Therefore, it could be concluded that of 5000 fingerlings ha?1 is the most suitable stocking density for culturing C. striatus under a monoculture system in the earthen ponds for better production.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations can affect the concentration of trace elements, and the change in their concentrations can affect the natural productivity of freshwater aquaculture ponds. Hence, we studied the seasonal variations of the 12 pre‐selected trace elements (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Se, Ca, Mg, P, S, Al, Si) and their relationships with primary and secondary productivity in two aged ponds, stocked with three different life stages of marron (Cherax cainii), for a period of 1 year. Trace element analysis was performed by using (Agilent, ICP‐OES). Except Co and Se, all trace elements, and primary and secondary productivity were influenced by seasonal variation. The pond age significantly influenced the concentrations of some trace elements. On a seasonal basis, trace elements were positively correlated with the plankton abundance, species diversity, and wet and dry plankton weights. Seasonal variations and pond age affected the dissolved concentrations of trace elements and plankton productivity.  相似文献   

Successive exposure to aquaculture‐related stressors may compromise the allostatic capacity of African catfish and lead to allostatic overload and poor welfare. Therefore, we tested the effect of (i) feeding during the light or dark phase, (ii) density (51 fish per 140 L versus 51 fish per 43 L) and (iii) altered available resting space/shelter on stress handling were studied in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Available resting space/shelter was manipulated by providing PVC‐tubes in the tanks. Growth, baseline stress load (cortisol and osmolality), metabolism (glucose, lactate and non‐esterified fatty acids) and aggression (measured by skin scar incidence) were assessed. Upon completion of the experimental period, we determined the adaptive capacity of the fish by the response to air exposure. We show that night‐feeding enhances growth and lowers feed conversion ratio compared to day‐feeding. No effects of density were found for baseline stress hormones, basal metabolism or aggression. Low density seems to stimulate aggressive behaviour after air exposure. Unexpectedly, providing PVC‐tubes under high‐density conditions increased aggression, raised baseline cortisol levels and decreased basal metabolism as well as growth; also the endocrine response to air exposure was stronger. We argue that these effects relate to a reduction in available space, i.e. a further increase in density, or to an increased competition for shelter. Overall, our data suggest that night‐feeding optimizes growth and that care should be taken in using objects as shelter/enrichment for African catfish.  相似文献   

The growth potential of wild juvenile Penaeus stylirostris was analyzed in experimental trials using chemical and organic fertilizers and pelleted feed in 0·25 ha earthen ponds. Shrimp were stocked at a low density (1·6 ind/m2). After 103 days, final weight ranged from 9·5 to 26·0 g. The significance of differences in growth response was determined using a reparameterization of the von Bertalanffy growth curve. Maximum growth rates observed in the trials ranged from 0·06 to 0·33 g/day, averaging 0·22 g/day. Maximum rates were related to weight by the equation:
(dw/dt)max=0·034w0·69 r2=0·9,P<0·05

Pelleted feed produced best growth, chemical fertilizers were acceptable, and organic fertilizers gave poor results. The high growth potential of the species stimulates future research in order to adapt a culture technology to the semi-arid conditions of northwest México, where the species is indigenous.  相似文献   

The present study was based on a 2 × 4 factorial design with two levels of dietary protein (33% or 37% CP) and four phytase levels (0.0, 750, 1,000, and 1,250 FTU/kg diet). African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (B.) (10.7 ± 0.4 g), were distributed into earthen ponds (100 m2 surface area per each) at a density of 4.5 fish per m2. Fish were fed on the experimental diets up to satiation twice a day for 3 months. Another experiment with the same treatments was conducted in 45-L tanks for 2 months to evaluate nutrient retention and digestibility. The growth and production of African catfish fed phytase-enriched diets were higher than those fed the control diet. The highest fish performance and production was observed with fish fed 37% CP enriched with a 1,200 FTU/kg diet of phytase. Feed intake was significantly affected by supplemental phytase alone, where it increased significantly as dietary phytase increased at both protein levels, resulting in similar FCR values (1.31–1.46). Additionally, the maximum values of protein efficiency ratio, protein retention, and phosphorus retention were obtained at 33% CP with phytase levels of 750–1,000 FTU/kg diet. It is also noticed that organic matter, protein, and phosphorus were more digestible in fish fed a 37% CP diet with high phytase levels. These results suggest that the optimum performance and production of African catfish were observed at a 37.0% CP diet enriched with a phytase level of 1,200 FTU/kg diet.  相似文献   

Assemblages of zooplankton and epibenthic invertebrates were collected from a commercial Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) pond at fortnightly intervals over an entire grow‐out season. The pond inlet and outlet water were also sampled intensively over three 1‐week periods throughout the season. Before stocking the ponds with shrimp postlarvae, copepods dominated the zooplankton. Immediately after the ponds were stocked, there was a rapid decline in zooplankton numbers, particularly the dominant larger copepods, suggesting heavy predation by shrimp postlarvae. For the rest of the season, barnacle nauplii were the dominant zooplankton component in the pond. Pond water exchanges had little detectable influence on the composition or density of the zooplankton assemblage. Instead, the dominance of barnacle nauplii appeared to have been maintained by steady recruitment due to barnacle reproduction in the pond. While changes in the biomass of pond zooplankton were not correlated with physico‐chemical characteristics, changes in density were positively correlated with temperature, and negatively correlated with pH, dissolved oxygen and secchi disc readings. Epibenthic faunal density peaked at the end of the season, while the biomass peaked during the middle part of the season. Sergestids (Acetes sibogae Hansen) were the most abundant epibenthic taxa. No correlations were found between physico‐chemical parameters and epibenthic fauna biomass or density. Abundances of epibenthic fauna were not related to zooplankton densities, suggesting that trophic interactions between these assemblages is not important. No Acetes were captured in samples of outlet water, and only on a single occasion were large numbers captured in the inlet water; after this, there was a notable increase in the number of Acetes in the pond. This evidence, together with the lack of an increase in the size of Acetes during the season, suggests that water exchange is an important but unpredictable source of recruitment of epibenthic fauna into the pond. The results emphasize the benefits of ensuring that appropriate zooplankton assemblages have been introduced into the ponds, when they are filled, to support the shrimp immediately after stocking. This will depend on the initial inoculum and may be difficult to manipulate with water exchanges once established. Assemblages of epibenthic fauna appear more likely to change with exchanges and may need to be monitored across the season, particularly if their presence reduces production through adverse impacts such as competition with postlarvae, introduction of disease or deteriorated water quality.  相似文献   

Silver perch fingerlings (mean weight 15.3 g) were stocked at densities of 21 000 and 7000 fish/ha in six 0.1-ha earthen ponds and cultured for 10 months. There were three replicate ponds for each density. Ponds were aerated for at least 11 h a day and water was added every 4 weeks to replace that lost by evaporation and seepage. Fish were fed a formulated diet containing 35% crude protein at 4% body weight per day for the first 4 weeks and at rates up to 3% thereafter. The mean annual production rate of 9819 kg/ha of fish stocked at 21 000/ha was significantly higher (P < 0.01) than the annual rate of 3699 kg/ha of fish stocked at 7000/ha. The maximum daily production and growth rates achieved in any pond over a 1-month period during summer were 97.7 kg/ha and 5.1 g/fish, respectively. Stocking density did not significantly (P > 0.05) affect survival rate (treatment means for 21 000 and 7000 fish/ha: 92.8 and 94.7%), daily growth rate (0.2–3.3 and 0.3–3.4 g/fish), weight at harvest (434.9 and 473.2 g), food conversion ratio (1.9:1 and 1.8:1) and cost of feeding ($A1.55 and $A1.47/kg), suggesting that higher stocking densities and production rates are possible. Water temperatures ranged from 11.1 to 30.0 °C. Significantly (P < 0.05) slower growth during December was associated with concentrations of NH3-N up to 0.65 mg/l. The results demonstrate that silver perch is an excellent species for semi-intensive culture in static earthen ponds with the potential to form the basis of a large industry in Australia, based on high-volume, relatively low-cost production.  相似文献   

This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of the probiotic, Lactobacillus acidophilus , on the growth performance, haematology parameters and immunoglobulin concentration in African catfish Clarias gariepinus fingerling. Two experimental diets were formulated to contain 35 g kg−1 crude protein and 10 g kg−1 lipids accordingly and fed three times daily for 12 weeks to 25 C. gariepinus fingerlings per fibreglass tank in 12 replicates each. The control diet was prepared with no probiotic supplementation whereas the second diet was prepared supplemented with a probiotic, L. acidophilus , containing about 3.01 × 107 colonies/g of diet. The results show that growth performance [specific growth rate (SGR) and relative growth rate (RGR)], nutrient utilization [protein efficiency ratio (PER) and feed conversion ratio (FCR)] and survival were significantly ( P <0.05) higher in fish maintained on the probiotic-supplemented diet compared with those on the control diet. Haematology parameters (packed cell volume, haemoglobin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, red blood cell and white blood cell, total serum protein, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl, glucose and cholesterol) and total immunoglobulin concentrations were also significantly better in fish fed the probiotic-supplemented diet than in the control. Although the water quality parameters monitored were better in the fish fed the probiotic-supplemented diet than in the control, the parameters were not significantly different ( P >0.05). From the results of this experiment, we conclude that L. acidophilus can be used as a probiotic agent in African catfish culture, to enhance fish health, survival and better feed efficiency and growth performance.  相似文献   

The “Summer Syndrome”, a septicemic vibriosis caused by Vibrio nigripulchritudo, is responsible for one of the two main seasonal mortalities which affect shrimp aquaculture in New Caledonia. It was identified for the first time in December 1997 in an intensive shrimp farm (called farm DF) and has been enzootic ever since. The “Summer syndrome” affects shrimp during warm-season growout. Although the geographic area concerned is limited, it is a potential threat for the industry in that the disease could spread. Analysis of grow out data from 1991 to 2002 in this farm was carried out in order to characterize the disease and the environmental conditions in relation to mortality. Results of farm DF were compared to data from farms not affected by the disease (called farms HC). The “Summer syndrome” occurs during the warm season which is characterized by an increase in water temperature and sunny duration. This disease is characterized by simultaneously highest densities and weakest drying duration between crops in the farms studied. Between 1991 and 2002, the increase of feed input and nitrogen rate in feed has led to a significant increase of the growth rate over the years in farm DF. At the same time, water management has not changed and has induced an increase in environmental waste production. In consequence, an early eutrophication of water is observed, which is concomitant with the beginning of the mortality outbreaks. This could play a role by inducing directly or indirectly a stress for shrimp and/or a growth and/or virulence factors of the pathogen.  相似文献   

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